def plot_imgs(imgs, ratios=[1, 1]): plt.gray() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, len(imgs), width_ratios=ratios) for i in range(len(imgs)): plt.subplot(gs[i]) plt.imshow(imgs[i]) return gs
def __init__(self,panelName,outBaseDir): print("""Keybindings: x : restart current rectangle n : start next rectangle w : save results and move to next image = : (twice) terminate the program (without saving) """) self.outBaseDir=outBaseDir self.quit=False self.panelName=panelName tif =, mode='r') panel = tif.read_image() if (np.max(panel>255)): dmax=65535.0 else: dmax=255.0 self.panel=np.uint8(255*(panel/dmax)) #16-> 8 bits self.crops=[] self.curCrop=[] self.rects=[] self.curRect=[] self.fig, = plt.subplots() self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', plt.gray() plt.title(basename(panelName))
def plot_from_xml(fn1=None, fnx=None, window=7): """Makes a dot-plot from xml and fasta sequence. :param fn1: Fasta file. :param fnx: XML file. :param window: Threshold, for example (5)' :return: None """ if fn1 is not None and fnx is not None: with open(fn1, 'r') as fh, open(fnx, 'r') as fx: window = int(window) file1 = filex = seq_one = str(file1.seq).upper() seq_two = str(filex.seq).upper() data = [[(seq_one[i:i + window] != seq_two[j:j + 5]) for j in range(len(seq_one) - window)] for i in range(len(seq_two) - window)] pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(data) pylab.xlabel( '{} (length {} bp)'.format(file1.seq, len(file1.seq))) pylab.ylabel( '{} (length {} bp)'.format(filex.seq, len(filex.seq))) pylab.title('Dot plot using window size {}\n(allowing no mis-matches)'.format(window))
def rec_test(file_name, sino_start, sino_end): print "\n#### Processing " + file_name sino_start = sino_start + 200 sino_end = sino_start + 2 print "Test reconstruction of slice [%d]" % sino_start # Read HDF5 file. prj, flat, dark =, sino=(sino_start, sino_end)) # Manage the missing angles: theta = tomopy.angles(prj.shape[0]) prj = np.concatenate((prj[0 : miss_angles[0], :, :], prj[miss_angles[1] + 1 : -1, :, :]), axis=0) theta = np.concatenate((theta[0 : miss_angles[0]], theta[miss_angles[1] + 1 : -1])) # normalize the prj prj = tomopy.normalize(prj, flat, dark) # reconstruct rec = tomopy.recon(prj, theta, center=best_center, algorithm="gridrec", emission=False) # Write data as stack of TIFs., fname=output_name) print "Slice saved as [%s_00000.tiff]" % output_name # show the reconstructed slice pl.gray() pl.axis("off") pl.imshow(rec[0])
def __init__(self, ax, collection, mmc, img): self.colornormalizer = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1, clip=False) self.scat = plt.scatter(img[:, 0], img[:, 1], c=mmc.classvec) plt.gray() plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) self.img = img self.canvas = ax.figure.canvas self.collection = collection #self.alpha_other = alpha_other self.mmc = mmc self.prevnewclazz = None self.xys = collection self.Npts = len(self.xys) self.lockedset = set([]) self.lasso = LassoSelector(ax, onselect=self.onselect)#, lineprops = {:'prism'}) self.lasso.disconnect_events() self.lasso.connect_event('button_press_event', self.lasso.onpress) self.lasso.connect_event('button_release_event', self.onrelease) self.lasso.connect_event('motion_notify_event', self.lasso.onmove) self.lasso.connect_event('draw_event', self.lasso.update_background) self.lasso.connect_event('key_press_event', self.onkeypressed) #self.lasso.connect_event('button_release_event', self.onrelease) self.ind = [] self.slider_axis = plt.axes(slider_coords, visible = False) self.slider_axis2 = plt.axes(obj_fun_display_coords, visible = False) self.in_selection_slider = None newws = list(set(range(len(self.collection))) - self.lockedset) self.mmc.new_working_set(newws) self.lasso.line.set_visible(False)
def show_map(map): num = len(map) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in xrange(num): pylab.subplot(1, num, i + 1) pylab.imshow(squareStack(map[i]))
def show_beta(beta): size, channels = beta.shape beta = beta.T.reshape((channels, int(np.sqrt(size)), int(np.sqrt(size)))) beta = squareStack(beta) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(beta)
def testFaceImg(): read_file=open(imgPath+'olivettifaces.pkl','rb') faces=pickle.load(read_file) read_file.close() img1=faces[1].reshape(57,47) pylab.imshow(img1) pylab.gray()
def plot_harris_points(image, filtered_coords): #绘制Harris检测结果 pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(image) pylab.plot([p[1] for p in filtered_coords], [p[0] for p in filtered_coords], '*') pylab.axis('off')
def contour(image): """ contour plot """ plt.figure() image = image.convert('L') plt.gray() plt.contour(image, origin='image') plt.axis('equal')
def plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_suplot_horizontal, location, filename, label): # let's use this inappropriatly named function [n_inputs, n_neurons, weights] = weights_filename_to_array(filename) representations = weights pylab.subplot(n_subplot_vertical, n_suplot_horizontal, location) pylab.imshow(representations, aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest") pylab.xlabel(label) pylab.gray()
def plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, do_transpose, label): [n_inputs, n_neurons, weights] = weights_filename_to_array(filename) if do_transpose: weights = numpy.transpose(weights) pylab.subplot(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location) pylab.imshow(weights, aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest") pylab.xlabel(label) pylab.gray()
def plot_representation(n_subplot_vertical, n_suplot_horizontal, location, filename, label): # let's use this inappropriatly named function [n_inputs, n_neurons, weights] = weights_filename_to_array(filename) representations = weights pylab.subplot(n_subplot_vertical, n_suplot_horizontal, location) pylab.imshow(representations, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') pylab.xlabel(label) pylab.gray()
def plot_feature_maps(layer, num_features, filename): plt.figure() plt.gray() layer_array = np.array(layer) for i in range(num_features): plt.subplot(num_features / 10, 10, i + 1) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(layer_array[0, :, :, i]) plt.savefig("../Out/" + filename + ".png") plt.close()
def plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, do_transpose, label): [n_inputs, n_neurons, weights] = weights_filename_to_array(filename) if do_transpose: weights = numpy.transpose(weights) pylab.subplot(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location) pylab.imshow(weights, aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest') pylab.xlabel(label) pylab.gray()
def gray(image): """ plot gray image :param image: PIL.Image object :return: """ plt.figure() image = image.convert('L') aimage = np.array(image) print(aimage.shape, aimage.dtype) plt.gray() plt.imshow(np.array(aimage))
def save_energy_map(img): im = rgb2gray(imageio.imread(img)) # RGB image to gray scale plt.gray() plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) plt.subplot(221) plt.imshow(im) plt.title('original', size=10) plt.subplot(222) edges = filters.sobel(im) plt.imshow(edges) plt.title('sobel', size=10) plt.savefig('../energy/energymap.png', dpi = 100, bbox_inches='tight')
def save_D_figs(self, patchsize, dirname='./image/'): from utils.image_patch_utils import gen_patch_image import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.gray() for i in range(len(self._ancestor_history)): D = self._gen_D(i) patch_img = gen_patch_image(D, patchsize, emphasis=True) plt.imshow(patch_img) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(dirname + 'bases_' + str(i) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
def show_image(self): n = 8 # how many digits we will display plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) for i in range(n): # display original ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1) plt.imshow(self.images[i]) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.title.set_text(self.labels[i])
def im_hist_eq_2(image): aimage = np.array(image.convert('L')) ae_image, cdf = histeq(aimage) plt.figure() plt.gray() plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(aimage) plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(ae_image) plt.axis('off')
def save_images(self, n_image, result): pic = np.zeros((n_image * self.n_canvas, n_image * self.n_canvas)) images = np.squeeze(self.__call__(False, n_image)) images = images.reshape((-1, self.n_canvas, self.n_canvas)) for i in six.moves.range(n_image): for j in six.moves.range(n_image): pic[self.n_canvas * i:self.n_canvas * i + self.n_canvas, self.n_canvas * j:self.n_canvas * j + self.n_canvas] = \ images[i * n_image + j] plt.imshow(pic, vmin=-1, vmax=1, interpolation='none') plt.gray() plt.savefig('{}/image_{}.png'.format(result, self.n_saved)) self.n_saved += 1
def test_rect(): im = array('face.bmp').convert('L')) pts = array([[90, 260], [90, 530], [400, 530], [400, 260]]) i0, j0 = pts.min(axis=0) i1, j1 = pts.max(axis=0) plt.figure() plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.gray() plt.imshow(im) add_rect(i0, j0, i1 - i0, j1 - j0) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) box = im[i0:i1, j0:j1] plt.imshow(box)
def save_beta_lrf(beta, dir, name): global img_count save_path = os.path.join('/home', username, 'images', dir) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) pic_path = os.path.join(save_path, str(img_count) + name + '.png') img_count += 1 size, channels = beta.shape beta = beta.T.reshape((channels, int(np.sqrt(size)), int(np.sqrt(size)))) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(squareStack(beta), interpolation=interpolation) pylab.savefig(pic_path) pylab.close()
def save_map_lrf(map, dir, name): global img_count save_path = os.path.join('/home', username, 'images', dir) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) pic_path = os.path.join(save_path, str(img_count) + name + '.png') img_count += 1 num = len(map) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in xrange(num): pylab.subplot(1, num, i + 1) pylab.imshow(squareStack(map[i]), interpolation=interpolation) pylab.savefig(pic_path) pylab.close()
def make_onechannel_movie( image_data_file, outfile_name, lower_threshold = 0 ): ###This function takes a .tif stack as input and makes an .mp4 movie. ###Parameters: ###image_data: numpy array containing images; TxYxX ###outfile_name: output file to write to; should be .mp4 ###lower_threshold: pixel values will be thresholded frame-by-frame at the percentile chosen as 'lower_threshold'. Default is 0. import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pylab as pt import matplotlib.animation as manimation import numpy from skimage import io image_data = io.imread( image_data_file ) ntsteps, nx, ny = image_data.shape figdimx = int(nx/200) figdimy = int(ny/200) FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['ffmpeg'] metadata = dict(title=outfile_name.strip('.mp4'), artist='Matplotlib', comment='Movie support!') writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=15, metadata=metadata) pt.gray() fig = pt.figure(figsize=(figdimx,figdimy)) l = pt.imshow(image_data[0,:,:].T/numpy.max(image_data[0,:,:])) ax = pt.gca() with writer.saving(fig, outfile_name, dpi=400): for t in range(ntsteps): #drift_mask = numpy.nonzero(image_data[t, :, :]) ### frame_min = numpy.percentile(image_data[t, :, :], lower_threshold) frame_max = numpy.max(image_data[t, :, :]) l.set_data( (image_data[t,:,:].T - frame_min)/(frame_max - frame_min)) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks([]) writer.grab_frame()
def save_beta_mch(beta, mch, dir, name): global img_count save_path = os.path.join('/home', username, 'images', dir) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) pic_path = os.path.join(save_path, str(img_count) + name + '.png') img_count += 1 size, channels = beta.shape size /= mch beta = np.split(beta.T, mch, axis=1) beta = np.concatenate(beta, axis=0) beta = beta.reshape((mch * channels, int(np.sqrt(size)), int(np.sqrt(size)))) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() pylab.imshow(squareStack(beta)) pylab.savefig(pic_path) pylab.close()
def save_beta_fc(beta): save_path = os.path.join('/home', username, 'images', time.asctime()) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) n_feature, n_hidden = beta.shape num = int(np.ceil(n_hidden / 100.)) img_side = int(np.sqrt(n_feature)) img = beta.T.reshape((-1, img_side, img_side)) pylab.figure() pylab.gray() for i in xrange(num): one_img = img[:100] img = img[100:] pylab.imshow(squareStack(one_img), interpolation=interpolation) pic_path = os.path.join(save_path, str(i) + '.png') pylab.savefig(pic_path) pylab.close()
def draw_out_put_digit(data, n, ans, recog): """ 学習済みのモデルが判定した画像を描画します. @param data 画像データ @param n 画像の通し番号 @param ans 正解ラベル @param recog 推定した数字 """ plt.subplot(10, 10, n) Z = data.reshape(SIZE, SIZE) Z = Z[::-1, :] plt.xlim(0, 27) plt.ylim(0, 27) plt.pcolor(Z) plt.title('ans=%d, recog=%d' % (ans, recog), size=8) plt.gray() plt.tick_params(labelbottom='off') plt.tick_params(labelleft='off')
def restruct_picture(x_test, decoded_imgs, dim): n = 10 # how many digits we will display plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) for i in range(n): # display original ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1) plt.imshow(x_test[i].reshape(dim, dim)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # display reconstruction ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1 + n) plt.imshow(decoded_imgs[i].reshape(dim, dim)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
def plot_matches(img1, img2, locs1, locs2, matchscores, show_below=True): pylab.figure() pylab.gray() img3 = append_images(img1, img2) if show_below: img3 = np.vstack((img3, img3)) pylab.imshow(img3) clos1 = img1.shape[1] count = 0 for i, m in enumerate(matchscores): if (m > 0): pylab.plot([locs1[i][1], locs2[m][1] + clos1], [locs1[i][0], locs2[m][0]], 'c') if (count > 10): break count += 1 pylab.axis('off')
def _update_image(self): " redraw image " if self.AxesImage is not None: self.AxesImage.remove(); self.AxesImage = self.axis.imshow(self.image.T,cmap=plt.gray(),\ origin='lower',aspect='equal',extent=self.imginfo['extent']); self.axis.set_xlabel("x [%s]" % self.imginfo['xunits']); self.axis.set_ylabel("y [%s]" % self.imginfo['yunits']); self.axis.set_xlim(*self.imginfo['extent'][0:2]); self.axis.set_ylim(*self.imginfo['extent'][2:4]); self._update();
def array_manipulate(image): aimage = np.array(image.convert('L')) ai_image = 255 - aimage # f(x) = 255 - x ac_image = (100.0 / 255) * aimage + 100 # f(x) = (100 / 255)* x + 100 aq_image = 255.0 * (aimage / 255.0)**2 # f(x) = 255 * (x/255) plt.figure() plt.gray() plt.subplot(311) plt.imshow(ai_image) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(312) plt.imshow(ac_image) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(313) plt.imshow(aq_image) plt.axis('off')
def test_ff_on_image(test_image_name): print test_image_name test_image = double(asarray( if len(test_image.shape) == 3: test_image = mean(test_image, 2) radial_ff = FastRadialFeatureFinder() radial_ff.target_kpixels = 3.0 radial_ff.correct_downsampling = True radial_ff.radius_steps = 20 radial_ff.min_radius_fraction = 1. / 200 radial_ff.max_radius_fraction = 1. / 5 starburst_ff = \ CLSubpixelStarburstFeatureFinder() composite_ff = CompositeFeatureFinder(radial_ff, starburst_ff) composite_ff.analyze_image(test_image, {'timestamp': 0}) features = composite_ff.get_result() # do it twice to allow compilation composite_ff.analyze_image(test_image) features = composite_ff.get_result() plt.figure() plt.imshow(test_image, interpolation='nearest') plt.gray() plt.hold(True) cr_position = features['cr_position'] pupil_position = features['pupil_position'] plt.plot([cr_position[1]], [cr_position[0]], 'g+') plt.plot([pupil_position[1]], [pupil_position[0]], 'g+') sb = features['starburst'] cr_bounds = sb['cr_boundary'] pupil_bounds = sb['pupil_boundary'] for b in cr_bounds: plt.plot([b[1]], [b[0]], 'rx') for b in pupil_bounds: plt.plot([b[1]], [b[0]], 'gx')
def test_ff_on_image(test_image_name): print test_image_name test_image = double(asarray( if len(test_image.shape) == 3: test_image = mean(test_image, 2) radial_ff = FastRadialFeatureFinder() radial_ff.target_kpixels = 3.0 radial_ff.correct_downsampling = True radial_ff.radius_steps = 20 radial_ff.min_radius_fraction = 1. / 200 radial_ff.max_radius_fraction = 1. / 5 starburst_ff = \ CLSubpixelStarburstEyeFeatureFinder() composite_ff = CompositeEyeFeatureFinder(radial_ff, starburst_ff) composite_ff.analyze_image(test_image, {'timestamp': 0}) features = composite_ff.get_result() # do it twice to allow compilation composite_ff.analyze_image(test_image) features = composite_ff.get_result() plt.figure() plt.imshow(test_image, interpolation='nearest') plt.gray() plt.hold(True) cr_position = features['cr_position'] pupil_position = features['pupil_position'] plt.plot([cr_position[1]], [cr_position[0]], 'g+') plt.plot([pupil_position[1]], [pupil_position[0]], 'g+') sb = features['starburst'] cr_bounds = sb['cr_boundary'] pupil_bounds = sb['pupil_boundary'] for b in cr_bounds: plt.plot([b[1]], [b[0]], 'rx') for b in pupil_bounds: plt.plot([b[1]], [b[0]], 'gx')
def plot_hidden_space(x_test, encode_func, zoom=0.5): encoded = encode_func(x_test) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 11)) imscatter(encoded[:, 0], encoded[:, 1], x_test.reshape((-1, 28, 28)), zoom=zoom, ax=ax) ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') plt.gray()
def show_images(imnames, titles=None, rows=1, figsize=(30, 8)): images = [plt.imread(imname) for imname in flatten(imnames)] n_images = len(images) if titles is None: titles = ['Image (%d)' % i for i in range(n_images + 1)] elif type(titles) == str: titles = [titles + '(%d)' % i for i in range(n_images + 1)] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for n, (image, title) in enumerate(zip(images, titles)): a = fig.add_subplot(rows, np.ceil(n_images / float(rows)), n + 1) image = np.squeeze(image) if image.ndim == 2: plt.gray() plt.imshow(image) plt.axis('off') a.set_title(title, fontsize=20) # fig.set_size_inches(np.array(fig.get_size_inches()) * n_images)
def plot_from_fasta(fn1=None, fn2=None, window=7): """Makes a dot-plot two fasta files. :param fn1: Fasta file. :param fn2: Fasta file. :param window: Threshold, for example (5) :return: None """ if fn1 is not None and fn2 is not None: with open(fn1, 'r') as fh1, open(fn2, 'r') as fh2: window = int(window) file1 =, format='fasta') file2 =, format='fasta') dict_one = {} dict_two = {} for (seq, section_dict) in [(str(file1.seq).upper(), dict_one), (str(file2.seq).upper(), dict_two)]: for i in range(len(seq) - window): section = seq[i:i + window] try: section_dict[section].append(i) except KeyError: section_dict[section] = [i] matches = set(dict_one).intersection(dict_two) print('{} unique matches'.format(len(matches))) x, y = [], [] for section in matches: for i in dict_one[section]: for j in dict_two[section]: x.append(i) y.append(j) pylab.cla() pylab.gray() pylab.scatter(x, y) pylab.xlim(0, len(file1) - window) pylab.ylim(0, len(file2) - window) pylab.xlabel('{} (length {} bp)'.format(, len(file1.seq))) pylab.ylabel('{} (length {} bp)'.format(, len(file2.seq))) pylab.title('Dot plot using window size {}\n(allowing no mis-matches)'.format(window))
def main(): valve = utils.valve_io.read_valve(sys.argv[1]) image = valve["image"] # extract the patch patch_size = 30 seg, smooth = filters.segmentation.segment_by_valve_patch( image, valve["i1"], float(sys.argv[2]), (patch_size,patch_size)) # display the image fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(1,3) plt.gray() ax1.imshow(image) ax2.imshow(smooth) ax3.imshow(seg)
def _reset_image(self): " redraw image " self.vmin = np.min(self.image); self.vmax = np.max(self.image); self.vmean= np.mean(self.image); self.cmap =; if self.AxesImage is not None: self.AxesImage.remove(); self.AxesImage = self.axis.imshow(self.image,cmap=plt.gray(),\ extent=self.imginfo['extent'],**self.kwargs); self.axis.set_xlabel("%s [%s]" % (self.imginfo['xlabel'], self.imginfo['xunits'])); self.axis.set_ylabel("%s [%s]" % (self.imginfo['ylabel'], self.imginfo['yunits'])); self.axis.set_xlim(*self.imginfo['extent'][0:2]); self.axis.set_ylim(*self.imginfo['extent'][2:4]); self.set_style(self.currentstyle);
#figsize = fig_bmp.size[0]/dpi, fig_bmp.size[1]/dpi #figure(figsize=figsize) #ax2.axis('scaled') #ax2.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]); #ax2.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]); ax3.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]); ax3.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]); #im2 = ax2.imshow(fig_bmp, origin='lower') #im2 = ax2.imshow(fig_bmp, origin='lower', cmap=pylab.gray()) #im2 = ax2.imshow(fig_bmp, cmap=pylab.gray()) im3 = ax3.imshow(fig_tv03, cmap=pylab.gray()) pylab.savefig(filename+'.png',fmt='png',transparent=False,bbox_inches='tight'); pylab.clf() # Merging to make .avi not_found_msg = """ The mencoder command was not found; mencoder is used by this script to make an avi file from a set of pngs. It is typically not installed by default on linux distros because of legal restrictions, but it is widely available. """
#figsize = fig_bmp.size[0]/dpi, fig_bmp.size[1]/dpi #figure(figsize=figsize) #ax2.axis('scaled') ax2.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]); ax2.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]); ax3.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]); ax3.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]); #im2 = ax2.imshow(fig_bmp, origin='lower') #im2 = ax2.imshow(fig_bmp, origin='lower', cmap=pylab.gray()) im2 = ax2.imshow(fig_bmp, cmap=pylab.gray()) im3 = ax3.imshow(fig_tv03) pylab.savefig(filename+'.png',fmt='png',transparent=False,bbox_inches='tight'); pylab.clf() # Merging to make .avi not_found_msg = """ The mencoder command was not found; mencoder is used by this script to make an avi file from a set of pngs. It is typically not installed by default on linux distros because of legal restrictions, but it is widely available. """
def show(im, gray=True): plt.figure() if gray: plt.gray() plt.imshow(im)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- import astra import numpy as np vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(256, 256) proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, 384, np.linspace(0,np.pi,180,False)) # As before, create a sinogram from a phantom import P ='phantom.mat')['phantom256'] proj_id = astra.create_projector('line',proj_geom,vol_geom) sinogram_id, sinogram = astra.create_sino(P, proj_id, gpuIndex=0) import matplotlib.pylab as pylab pylab.gray() pylab.figure(1) pylab.imshow(P) pylab.figure(2) pylab.imshow(sinogram) # Create a data object for the reconstruction rec_id = astra.data2d.create('-vol', vol_geom) # Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU cfg = astra.astra_dict('SIRT_CUDA') cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = rec_id cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = sinogram_id # Available algorithms: # SIRT_CUDA, SART_CUDA, EM_CUDA, FBP_CUDA (see the FBP sample)
import numpy from matplotlib import pylab from PIL import Image from conv import f img ='./3wolfmoon.jpg')) img = numpy.asarray(img, dtype='float64')/256 img_ = img.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(1,2).reshape(1,3,584,487) #img_ = img.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(1,2).reshape(1,3,128,128) filtered_img = f(img_) pylab.subplot(1, 3, 1); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(img) pylab.gray(); pylab.subplot(1, 3, 2); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0,0,:,:]) pylab.subplot(1, 3, 3); pylab.axis('off'); pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0,1,:,:]) #pylab.savefig('lena_conv.jpg') #pylab.savefig('conv.jpg')'./3wolfmoon.jpg')
data2dsmoth = smooth_2d(data2d, n_times) mask2d = find_mask_2d(data2d, data2dsmoth, n_times) # end code that will become production code from matplotlib import pyplot as plt col_from = 0 col_to = 950 row_from = 0 row_to = 550 print "Plotting data2d" data2d = data2d.as_numpy_array() data2d = data2d[row_from:row_to,col_from:col_to] plt.imshow(data2d, interpolation = "nearest") print "Plotting data2dsmoth" np_data2dsmoth = data2dsmoth.as_numpy_array() np_data2dsmoth = np_data2dsmoth[row_from:row_to,col_from:col_to] plt.imshow(np_data2dsmoth, interpolation = "nearest")#, cmap = pylab.gray()) print "Plotting data2d mask" np_data2dmask = mask2d.as_numpy_array() np_data2dmask = np_data2dmask[row_from:row_to,col_from:col_to] plt.imshow(np_data2dmask, interpolation = "nearest", cmap = pylab.gray())#, cmap = pylab.gray())
def set_cmap(self,cmap=None): "Change the colormap" if cmap is None: self.cmap=plt.gray(); else: self.cmap=cmap;
#---------------------------------------------------------- # Programme #on passe en niveau de gris (marche seulement avec des .jpg) img0 = cv2.cvtColor(img0,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) #on passe à un seul channel img1 = mh.colors.rgb2grey(img0) #on supprime les composantes connexes de trop petite taille img12 = binary(img1,200) img1 = areaclose(img12,2000) plt.imshow(img1) plt.gray() #on supprime tout ce qui n'est pas barre horizontal (à quelques degrés près) a = 7 img2 = close(img1,seline(a,90)) img3 = close(img1,seline(a,89)) img4 = close(img1,seline(a,88)) img5 = close(img1,seline(a,87)) img6 = close(img1,seline(a,91)) img7 = close(img1,seline(a,92)) img8 = close(img1,seline(a,93)) img9 = close(img1,seline(a,94)) img = union(img2,img3,img4,img5,img6,img7,img8,img9) plt.imshow(img)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PhloxAR.descriptor import harris from PIL import Image from matplotlib.pylab import gray from numpy import array img = array('../data/empire.jpg').convert('L')) gray() harrisimg = harris.compute_harris_response(img) filtered_coords = harris.get_harris_points(harrisimg, 6) harris.plot_harris_points(img, filtered_coords)
# line plot connecting the first two points pl.plot(x[:2], y[:2]) # add title and show the plot pl.title('Plotting: "empire.jpg"') pl.axis('off') # Image Contours and Histograms gray_im = pl.array( + 'empire.jpg').convert('L')) # figure 2 pl.figure() # don't use clors pl.gray() # show contours with origin upper left corner pl.contour(gray_im, origin='image') pl.axis('equal') pl.axis('off') # Histogram - figure 3 pl.figure() pl.hist(im.flatten(), 128) # Interactive notation # figure 4 pl.figure()
def plot_predictions(self): epoch, batch, data = self.get_next_batch(train=False) # get a test batch num_classes = self.test_data_provider.get_num_classes() NUM_ROWS = 2 NUM_COLS = 4 NUM_IMGS = NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS if not self.save_preds else data[0].shape[1] NUM_TOP_CLASSES = min(num_classes, 5) # show this many top labels NUM_OUTPUTS = self.model_state["layers"][self.softmax_name]["outputs"] PRED_IDX = 1 label_names = [lab.split(",")[0] for lab in self.test_data_provider.batch_meta["label_names"]] if self.only_errors: preds = n.zeros((data[0].shape[1], NUM_OUTPUTS), dtype=n.single) else: preds = n.zeros((NUM_IMGS, NUM_OUTPUTS), dtype=n.single) # rand_idx = nr.permutation(n.r_[n.arange(1), n.where(data[1] == 552)[1], n.where(data[1] == 795)[1], n.where(data[1] == 449)[1], n.where(data[1] == 274)[1]])[:NUM_IMGS] rand_idx = nr.randint(0, data[0].shape[1], NUM_IMGS) if NUM_IMGS < data[0].shape[1]: data = [n.require(d[:, rand_idx], requirements="C") for d in data] # data += [preds] # Run the model print [d.shape for d in data], preds.shape self.libmodel.startFeatureWriter(data, [preds], [self.softmax_name]) IGPUModel.finish_batch(self) print preds data[0] = self.test_data_provider.get_plottable_data(data[0]) if self.save_preds: if not gfile.Exists(self.save_preds): gfile.MakeDirs(self.save_preds) preds_thresh = preds > 0.5 # Binarize predictions data[0] = data[0] * 255.0 data[0][data[0] < 0] = 0 data[0][data[0] > 255] = 255 data[0] = n.require(data[0], dtype=n.uint8) dir_name = "%s_predictions_batch_%d" % (os.path.basename(self.save_file), batch) tar_name = os.path.join(self.save_preds, "%s.tar" % dir_name) tfo = gfile.GFile(tar_name, "w") tf = TarFile(fileobj=tfo, mode="w") for img_idx in xrange(NUM_IMGS): img = data[0][img_idx, :, :, :] imsave = Image.fromarray(img) prefix = ( "CORRECT" if data[1][0, img_idx] == preds_thresh[img_idx, PRED_IDX] else "FALSE_POS" if preds_thresh[img_idx, PRED_IDX] == 1 else "FALSE_NEG" ) file_name = "%s_%.2f_%d_%05d_%d.png" % ( prefix, preds[img_idx, PRED_IDX], batch, img_idx, data[1][0, img_idx], ) # gf = gfile.GFile(file_name, "w") file_string = StringIO(), "PNG") tarinf = TarInfo(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)) tarinf.size = file_string.tell() tf.addfile(tarinf, file_string) tf.close() tfo.close() # gf.close() print "Wrote %d prediction PNGs to %s" % (preds.shape[0], tar_name) else: fig = pl.figure(3, figsize=(12, 9)) fig.text(0.4, 0.95, "%s test samples" % ("Mistaken" if self.only_errors else "Random")) if self.only_errors: # what the net got wrong if NUM_OUTPUTS > 1: err_idx = [i for i, p in enumerate(preds.argmax(axis=1)) if p not in n.where(data[2][:, i] > 0)[0]] else: err_idx = n.where(data[1][0, :] != preds[:, 0].T)[0] print err_idx err_idx = r.sample(err_idx, min(len(err_idx), NUM_IMGS)) data[0], data[1], preds = data[0][:, err_idx], data[1][:, err_idx], preds[err_idx, :] import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.colors as colors cconv = colors.ColorConverter() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(NUM_ROWS * 2, NUM_COLS, width_ratios=[1] * NUM_COLS, height_ratios=[2, 1] * NUM_ROWS) # print data[1] for row in xrange(NUM_ROWS): for col in xrange(NUM_COLS): img_idx = row * NUM_COLS + col if data[0].shape[0] <= img_idx: break pl.subplot(gs[(row * 2) * NUM_COLS + col]) # pl.subplot(NUM_ROWS*2, NUM_COLS, row * 2 * NUM_COLS + col + 1) pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) img = data[0][img_idx, :, :, :] img = img.squeeze() if len(img.shape) > 2: # more than 2 dimensions if img.shape[2] is 2: # if two channels # copy 2nd to 3rd channel for visualization a1 = img a2 = img[:, :, 1] a2 = a2[:, :, n.newaxis] img = n.concatenate((a1, a2), axis=2) pl.imshow(img, interpolation="lanczos") else: pl.imshow(img, interpolation="lanczos", cmap=pl.gray()) show_title = data[1].shape[0] == 1 true_label = [int(data[1][0, img_idx])] if show_title else n.where(data[1][:, img_idx] == 1)[0] # print true_label # print preds[img_idx,:].shape # print preds[img_idx,:].max() true_label_names = [label_names[i] for i in true_label] img_labels = sorted(zip(preds[img_idx, :], label_names), key=lambda x: x[0])[-NUM_TOP_CLASSES:] # print img_labels axes = pl.subplot(gs[(row * 2 + 1) * NUM_COLS + col]) height = 0.5 ylocs = n.array(range(NUM_TOP_CLASSES)) * height pl.barh( ylocs, [l[0] for l in img_labels], height=height, color=["#ffaaaa" if l[1] in true_label_names else "#aaaaff" for l in img_labels], ) # pl.title(", ".join(true_labels)) if show_title: pl.title(", ".join(true_label_names), fontsize=15, fontweight="bold") else: print true_label_names pl.yticks( ylocs + height / 2, [l[1] for l in img_labels], x=1, backgroundcolor=cconv.to_rgba("0.65", alpha=0.5), weight="bold", ) for line in enumerate(axes.get_yticklines()): line[1].set_visible(False) # pl.xticks([width], ['']) # pl.yticks([]) pl.xticks([]) pl.ylim(0, ylocs[-1] + height) pl.xlim(0, 1)
n_times = 1 data2dsmoth_tmp = smooth_2d(, n_times).as_numpy_array() data2dsmoth = numpy.float64(data2dsmoth_tmp) n_times = 5 data2dsmoth_2t_tmp = smooth_2d(, n_times).as_numpy_array() data2dsmoth_2t = numpy.float64(data2dsmoth_2t_tmp) #n = write_2d(flex.double(data2dsmoth)) print "Plotting data2dsmoth" plt.imshow(data2dsmoth, interpolation = "nearest", cmap = pylab.gray()) line = numpy.copy(data2d[230, :]) pylab.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 0), colspan = 3) pylab.plot(line) line1 = numpy.copy(data2dsmoth[230, :]) pylab.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), colspan = 3) pylab.plot(line1) line2 = numpy.copy(data2dsmoth_2t[230, :]) pylab.subplot2grid((3, 3), (2, 0), colspan = 3) pylab.plot(line2)
def C99(masksize=3, startind=1, show_plot=False, sdscale=1.2): logger.debug("C99") if self.vecs == None: logger.error("No vector input") raise SystemExit(1) # nsents = numpy.unique(self.vecs.indices).shape[0] nsents = self.nsents # numpy.unique(self.vecs.indices).shape[0] logger.debug("nsents: %d %d" % (nsents, self.nsents)) ## Similarity matrix: sentence id 1 -> vdist[0,] logger.debug("get pairwise cosine distances") logger.debug(self.vecs.shape) vdist_cond = pdist(self.vecs.toarray()[startind:], "cosine") ## in condensed format vdist = csc_matrix(squareform(vdist_cond)) logger.debug(vdist.shape) ## Ranking: An elements rank is the number of neighbours ## with lower similarity scores in the similarity matrix rankmat = numpy.zeros(vdist.shape) # logger.debug(rankmat) csize = int((masksize - 1) / 2) logger.debug("csize: %d ", csize) logger.debug("nfeats: %d ", self.nfeats) logger.debug("masksize: %d ", masksize) rankmat = generic_filter( numpy.nan_to_num(vdist.toarray()), self.maskrank, footprint=numpy.ones((masksize, masksize)), mode="constant", cval=-1.0, extra_keywords={"masksize": masksize, "csize": csize}, ) # logger.debug(rankmat) # logger.debug(vdist.shape) # logger.debug(rankmat.shape) if show_plot: plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(1 - vdist.toarray(), cmap=plt.gray()) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(rankmat, cmap=plt.gray()) ## Clustering as described in Choi's paper smat = numpy.zeros(rankmat.shape) # logger.debug(smat.shape[0]) n = smat.shape[0] for i in range(n): smat[i, i] = rankmat[i, i] for i in range(n - 1): smat[i + 1, i] = 2 * rankmat[i + 1, i] + smat[i, i] + smat[i + 1, i + 1] smat[i, i + 1] = smat[i + 1, i] for j in range(2, n - 1): for i in range(n - j): smat[i + j, i] = 2 * rankmat[i + j, i] + smat[i + j - 1, i] + smat[i + j, i + 1] - smat[i + j - 1, i + 1] smat[i, i + j] = smat[i + j, i] ## Start doing splits currsplits = [(0, n - 1)] prev_D = smat[0, n - 1] / get_area((0, n - 1)) Ds = [] diff_Ds = [] splits = {} prev_D = smat[i, n - 1] / get_area((i, n - 1)) # logger.debug("prev D: %f", prev_D) for i in range(n): curr_D, currsplits = self.c99_add_boundary(smat=smat, splits=currsplits) Ds.append(curr_D) diff_D = curr_D - prev_D diff_Ds.append(diff_D) prev_D = curr_D splits[i] = currsplits if show_plot: plt.plot(Ds) diff_Ds = numpy.array(diff_Ds) Ds = numpy.array(Ds) mean_diffD = numpy.mean(diff_Ds) sd_diffD = numpy.std(diff_Ds) logger.debug("D: mean %f, sd %f" % (mean_diffD, sd_diffD)) threshhold = mean_diffD + (sdscale * sd_diffD) logger.debug("threshhold %f" % threshhold) pass_thresh = numpy.where(diff_Ds > threshhold)[0] if len(pass_thresh) == 0: # or splits[pass_thresh[-1]] == []: logger.debug("-----> Nothing passes the threshold? Returning") return ([], [], vdist) else: logger.debug("splits") logger.debug(splits[pass_thresh[-1]]) end_inds = [b + 1 for a, b in splits[pass_thresh[-1]]] start_ids = [a + 1 for a, b in splits[pass_thresh[-1]]] logger.debug("start_ids:") logger.debug(start_ids) logger.debug("end_ids:") logger.debug(end_inds) logger.debug("vdist") logger.debug(vdist) logger.debug("C99 returning normally") return end_inds, start_ids, vdist
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2012-6-18 @author: liaoyuhua ''' from PCV import tools as tls from PIL import Image import numpy as np from matplotlib import pylab as ply if __name__ == '__main__': imlist= tls.imtools.get_imlist(r"D:\Python_Computer_Vision\data\fontimages\a_thumbs") im = np.array([0])) m,n = im.shape[0:2] imnbr = len(imlist) immatrix=np.array([np.array( for im in imlist],'f') V,S,immean=tls.pca.pca(immatrix) ply.figure() ply.gray() ply.subplot(2,4,1) ply.imshow(immean.reshape(m,n)) for i in range(7): ply.subplot(2,4,i+2) ply.imshow(V[i].reshape(m,n))
def main(argv): #if len(argv) < 4: # print """Usage: # """ # sys.exit(1) #nlayers = int(argv[1]) # get number of layers f = open(FLAGS.dir+"weights/nlayers.txt") nlayers = int(f.readlines()[0]) f.close() print str(nlayers) + " layer(s) detected." pylab.figure(figsize=(32, 24), dpi=320, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # Make a picture with the filters [n_inputs, n_neurons, weights] = visualizing.weights_filename_to_array(FLAGS.dir+"weights/W0.txt") image_side_length = int(pylab.sqrt(n_inputs)) nsubplot = pylab.ceil(pylab.sqrt(n_neurons)) for i in range(n_neurons): filter = pylab.resize(weights[i], [image_side_length, image_side_length]) pylab.subplot(nsubplot, nsubplot, i+1) pylab.imshow(filter, interpolation='nearest') pylab.gray() pylab.savefig(FLAGS.dir + "filters" + ".png") pylab.clf() # Make a picture with the all weights nsubplot_vertical = nlayers+1 nsubplot_horizontal = 4 for i in range(nlayers): # V location = 1+(nlayers-i)*nsubplot_horizontal+0 filename = FLAGS.dir+"weights/V" + str(i) + ".txt" visualizing.plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, True, "V"+str(i)) # W location = 1+(nlayers-i)*nsubplot_horizontal+1 filename = FLAGS.dir+"weights/W" + str(i) + ".txt" visualizing.plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, False, "W"+str(i)) # F location = 1+(nlayers-i)*nsubplot_horizontal+2 filename = FLAGS.dir+"weights/F" + str(i) + ".txt" visualizing.plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, False, "F"+str(i)) # G location = 1+(nlayers-i)*nsubplot_horizontal+3 filename = FLAGS.dir+"weights/G" + str(i) + ".txt" visualizing.plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, True, "G"+str(i)) # Last layer location = 1+1 filename = FLAGS.dir+"weights/W" + str(nlayers) + ".txt" visualizing.plot_weight_matrix(nsubplot_vertical, nsubplot_horizontal, location, filename, False, "W"+str(nlayers)) pylab.savefig(FLAGS.dir + "weights" + ".png") # Make pictures with examples and representations visualizing.visualize_representations(FLAGS.dir, nlayers)
def plot(input_path,file_name,output_path): #data = np.fromfile('t3/reconstruction_sarlo.rec',dtype='float32',sep='') # modify this to read the file data = np.fromfile(input_path+'/'+file_name,dtype='float32',sep='') data = data.reshape([array_size_z,array_size_y,array_size_x]) # apply a sobel file data = nd.generic_gradient_magnitude(data, nd.sobel) # apply a 3-D sobel filter # plot 1 and title fig1 = plt.figure() fig1.suptitle(file_name) # turn into gray figure plt.gray() subfig1 = fig1.add_subplot(2,2,1) subfig1.imshow(data[:,:,100]) subfig2 = fig1.add_subplot(2,2,2) subfig2.imshow(data[:,:,300]) subfig3 = fig1.add_subplot(2,2,3) subfig3.imshow(data[:,:,500]) subfig4 = fig1.add_subplot(2,2,4) subfig4.imshow(data[:,:,700]) # save image to the output plt.savefig(output_path+'/'+'sobel_X_'+file_name+'.png', bbox_inches=0) # plot 3 and title fig3 = plt.figure() fig3.suptitle(file_name) subfig7 = fig3.add_subplot(3,1,1) subfig7.imshow(data[100,:,:]) subfig8 = fig3.add_subplot(3,1,2) subfig8.imshow(data[200,:,:]) subfig9 = fig3.add_subplot(3,1,3) subfig9.imshow(data[300,:,:]) # save image to the output plt.savefig(output_path+'/'+'sobel_Z_'+file_name+'.png', bbox_inches=0) # plot 2 and title fig2 = plt.figure() fig2.suptitle(file_name) subfig5 = fig2.add_subplot(2,1,1) subfig5.imshow(data[:,100,:]) #subfig5.set_title('100') subfig6 = fig2.add_subplot(2,1,2) subfig6.imshow(data[:,200,:]) # subfig6.set_title('200') # save image to the output plt.savefig(output_path+'/'+'sobel_Y_'+file_name+'.png', bbox_inches=0) # show the fig2 for reference