def EnhanceContrast(g, r=3, op_kernel=15, silence=True): kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(op_kernel,op_kernel)) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(g, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) g_copy = np.asarray(np.copy(g), dtype=np.float) m_f = np.mean(opening) u_max = 245; u_min = 10; t_min = np.min(g); t_max = np.max(g) idx_gt_mf = np.where(g_copy > m_f) idx_lt_mf = np.where(g_copy <= m_f) g_copy[idx_gt_mf] = -0.5 * ((u_max-u_min) / (m_f-t_max)**r) * (g_copy[idx_gt_mf]-t_max)**r + u_max g_copy[idx_lt_mf] = 0.5 * ((u_max-u_min) / (m_f-t_min)**r) * (g_copy[idx_lt_mf]-t_min)**r + u_min if silence == False: plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(g, cmap='gray') plt.title('Original image') plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(g_copy, cmap='gray') plt.title('Enhanced image') return g_copy
def plot_bernoulli_matrix(self, show_npfs=False): """ Plot the heatmap of the Bernoulli matrix @self @show_npfs - Highlight NPFS detections [Boolean] """ matrix = self.Bernoulli_matrix if show_npfs == False: plot = plt.imshow(matrix) plot.set_cmap('hot') plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel("Bootstraps") plt.ylabel("Feature") else: for i in self.selected_features: for k in range(len(matrix[i])): matrix[i,k] = .5 plot = plt.imshow(matrix) plot.set_cmap('hot') plt.xlabel("Bootstraps") plt.ylabel("Feature") plt.colorbar() return None
def plot_ohlc(df, maDay=5, maType='simple', **kwarg): """ df: pandas DataFrame generated from yahoo_finance or it need to have these five columns: 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume' maDay: int number of days to do moving average maType: string 'simple' or "exp" """ # set default and unpack kwarg opt = { "title" : "Historical data", "xlabel" : "", "ylabel" : "Price", "lowerVolume" : 0, 'colorup' : 'r', 'colordown' : 'g' } opt.update(kwarg) # filter days when the market is not open. df = df[df['Volume']>opt['lowerVolume']].copy() # initialise figures fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(8,8)) # adjust plot sizes l1, b1, w1, h1 = 0.10, 0.30, 0.85, 0.60 # top plot l2, b2, w2, h2 = 0.10, 0.10, 0.85, 0.20 # bottom plot ax1.set_position([l1, b1, w1, h1]) ax2.set_position([l2, b2, w2, h2]) # convert to mdates and plot volumes df['mdates'] = map(lambda date: mdates.date2num(date), df.index.to_pydatetime()) df.plot(x='mdates', y='Volume', ax=ax2, legend=False, ls='steps') ax2.set_yscale("log") ax2.set_ylabel("Volume") ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%d\n%h\n%Y')) # plot candlesticks sticks = candlestick_ohlc( ax1, df[['mdates', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']].values, colorup=opt['colorup'], colordown=opt['colordown'], width=0.8, alpha=0.7) # create medium price df['median'] = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']].median(axis=1) df.plot(x='mdates', y='median', ax=ax1, kind='scatter', c='k', marker='_') # moving average maLabel = "{:d}D Moving Average".format(maDay) df['MA'] = moving_average(df['median'], maDay, maType) # true MA df[maLabel] = df['MA']+df['median'].mean()*0.05 df.plot(x='mdates', y=maLabel, ax=ax1, c='m') # set title and other stuff ax1.set_title(opt["title"]) ax1.set_ylabel(opt["ylabel"]) ax2.set_xlabel(opt["xlabel"])
def plot_cone(): ''' ''' from base import plot as pf c = cone_hc() stimulus, response = c.simulate() fig = plt.figure() fig.set_tight_layout(True) #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111) pf.AxisFormat() #pf.TufteAxis(ax1, ['left'], [5, 5]) pf.TufteAxis(ax2, ['left', 'bottom'], [5, 5]) #ax1.semilogy(stimulus, 'k') ax2.plot(response, 'k') ax2.plot((stimulus / np.max(stimulus)) * 31, 'k') #ax1.set_xlim([0, 2000]) ax2.set_xlim([0, 3000]) ax2.set_ylim([30, 40]) #ax1.set_ylabel('luminance (td)') ax2.set_ylabel('normalized response') ax2.set_xlabel('time')
def display_grid(grid, **kwargs): fig = plt.figure() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') if kwargs.get('mark_core_cells', True): core_cell_coords = grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, 1:-1] cellx, celly = core_cell_coords[:, :, 0], core_cell_coords[:, :, 1] plt.plot(cellx, celly, '-o', np.transpose(cellx), np.transpose(celly), '-o', color='red') if kwargs.get('mark_boundary_cells', True): boundary_cell_coords = grid._cell_nodes[0, :], \ grid._cell_nodes[-1, :], \ grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, 0], \ grid._cell_nodes[1:-1, -1] for coords in boundary_cell_coords: plt.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], '-x', color='blue') if kwargs.get('show', False): f = BytesIO() plt.savefig(f) return f
def __init__(self, frames, z, zeta, sweep): from scitbx import simplex from scitbx.array_family import flex import numpy self.L = Likelihood(FractionOfObservedIntensity(frames, z, zeta, sweep.get_scan())) x = 0.1 + numpy.arange(1000) / 2000.0 l = [self.L(xx) for xx in x] from matplotlib import pylab pylab.plot(x, l) # print 1/0 startA = 0.3 startB = 0.4 # startA = 0.2*3.14159 / 180 # startB = 0.3*3.14159 / 180 print "Start: ", startA, startB starting_simplex=[flex.double([startA]), flex.double([startB])] # for ii in range(2): # starting_simplex.append(flex.double([start]))#flex.random_double(1)) self.optimizer = simplex.simplex_opt( 1, matrix=starting_simplex, evaluator=self, tolerance=1e-7)
def bo_(x_obs, y_obs): kernel = kernels.Matern() + kernels.WhiteKernel() gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=16), y_obs) xs = list(repeat(np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 128)).T, 2)) x = cartesian_product(*xs) a = a_EI(gp, x_obs=x_obs, y_obs=y_obs) argmin_a_x = x[np.argmax(a(x))] # heavy evaluation print("f({})".format(argmin_a_x)) f_argmin_a_x = f2d(np.atleast_2d(argmin_a_x)) plot_2d(gp, x_obs, y_obs, argmin_a_x, a, xs) bo_( x_obs=np.vstack((x_obs, argmin_a_x)), y_obs=np.hstack((y_obs, f_argmin_a_x)), )
def compareFrequencies(): times = generateTimes(sampleFreq, numSamples) signal = (80.0, 0.1) coherent = (60.0, 1.0) incoherent = (60.1, 1.0) highFNoise = (500.0, 0.01) timeData = generateTimeDomain(times, [signal, coherent, highFNoise]) timeData2 = generateTimeDomain(times, [signal, incoherent, highFNoise]) #timeData3 = generateTimeDomain(times, [signal, highFNoise]) #timeData = generateTimeDomain(times, [(60.0, 1.0)]) #timeData2 = generateTimeDomain(times, [(61.0, 1.0)]) roi = (0, 20) freqData = map(toDb, map(dtype, map(absolute, fourier(timeData))))[roi[0]:roi[1]] freqData2 = map(toDb, map(dtype, map(absolute, fourier(timeData2))))[roi[0]:roi[1]] #freqData3 = map(toDb, map(dtype, map(absolute, fourier(timeData3))))[roi[0]:roi[1]] frequencies = generateFFTFrequencies(sampleFreq, numSamples)[roi[0]:roi[1]] #pylab.subplot(111) pylab.plot(frequencies, freqData) #pylab.subplot(112) pylab.plot(frequencies, freqData2) #pylab.plot(frequencies, freqData3) pylab.grid(True)
def plot_values(self, TITLE, SAVE): plot(self.list_of_densities, self.list_of_pressures) title(TITLE) xlabel("Densities") ylabel("Pressure") savefig(SAVE) show()
def plotConfusionLines(deficit='tritan', clip=True): '''add confusion lines ''' space = colorSpace(fundamental='neitz', LMSpeaks=[559, 530, 417]) space.plotColorSpace() space.find_copunctuals() print deficit, ': ', space.copunctuals[deficit] if deficit.lower() == 'deutan' or deficit.lower() == 'protan': lambdas = [420, 460, 470, 480, 490, 500, 515,] elif deficit.lower() == 'tritan': lambdas = [420, 460, 480, 500, 520, 535, 545, 555, 570, 585, 600, 625, 700] space.cs_ax.plot(space.copunctuals[deficit][0], space.copunctuals[deficit][1], 'ko', markersize=8) for lam in lambdas: space.cs_ax.plot([space.find_testLightMatch(lam)[0], space.copunctuals[deficit][0]], [space.find_testLightMatch(lam)[1], space.copunctuals[deficit][1]], 'k-', linewidth=1) space.cs_ax.text(0.7, 1, deficit, fontsize=18) if clip is True: space.cs_ax.set_xlim([-0.4, 1.2]) space.cs_ax.set_ylim([-0.2, 1.2])
def plotConeSpace(): ''' ''' space = colorSpace(fundamental='neitz', LMSpeaks=[559.0, 530.0, 421.0]) space.plotColorSpace(space.Lnorm, space.Mnorm, space.spectrum)
def viz_docwordfreq_sidebyside(P1, P2, title1='', title2='', vmax=None, aspect=None, block=False): from matplotlib import pylab pylab.figure() if vmax is None: vmax = 1.0 P1limit = np.percentile(P1.flatten(), 97) if P2 is not None: P2limit = np.percentile(P2.flatten(), 97) else: P2limit = P1limit while vmax > P1limit and vmax > P2limit: vmax = 0.8 * vmax if aspect is None: aspect = float(P1.shape[1])/P1.shape[0] pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1) pylab.imshow(P1, aspect=aspect, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=vmax) if len(title1) > 0: pylab.title(title1) if P2 is not None: pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2) pylab.imshow(P2, aspect=aspect, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=vmax) if len(title2) > 0: pylab.title(title2)
def plot_dichromatic_system(hybrid='ls', clip=True): ''' ''' space = colorSpace(fundamental='neitz', LMSpeaks=[559, 530, 421]) space.plotColorSpace() for x in np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1): if hybrid.lower() == 'ls' or hybrid.lower() == 'sl': s = x m = 0 l = -(1.0 - x) elif hybrid.lower() == 'lm' or hybrid.lower() == 'ml': s = 0 m = x l = -(1.0 - x) elif hybrid.lower() == 'ms' or hybrid.lower() == 'sm': s = x m = -(1.0 - x) l = 0 else: raise InputError('hybrid must be ls, lm or ms') copunct = space.lms_to_rgb([l, m, s]) neutral_points = space.find_spect_neutral(copunct) for neut in neutral_points: space.cs_ax.plot([neut[0], copunct[0]], [neut[1], copunct[1]], '-o', c=(np.abs(l), np.abs(m), np.abs(s)), markersize=8, linewidth=2) if clip is True: space.cs_ax.set_xlim([-0.4, 1.2]) space.cs_ax.set_ylim([-0.2, 1.2])
def plotGetRetangle(): """ Area selection from selected pen. """ selRect = [] if len(ds.EpmDatasetAnalysisPens.SelectedPens) != 1: sr.msgBox('EPM Python Plugin - Demo Tools', 'Please select a single pen before applying this function!', 'Warning') return 0 epmData = ds.EpmDatasetAnalysisPens.SelectedPens[0].values y = epmData['Value'].copy() x = np.arange(len(y)) fig, current_ax = pl.subplots() pl.plot(x, y, lw=2, c='g', alpha=.3) def line_select_callback(eclick, erelease): 'eclick and erelease are the press and release events' x1, y1 = eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata x2, y2 = erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata print ("\n(%3.2f, %3.2f) --> (%3.2f, %3.2f)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)) selRect.append((int(x1), y1, int(x2), y2)) def toggle_selector(event): if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and toggle_selector.RS.set_active(False) if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not toggle_selector.RS.set_active(True) toggle_selector.RS = RectangleSelector(current_ax, line_select_callback, drawtype='box', useblit=True, button=[1,3], minspanx=5, minspany=5, spancoords='pixels') pl.connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector) return selRect
def plot_grid_experiment_results(grid_results, params, metrics): global plt params = sorted(params) grid_params = grid_results.grid_params plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) for metric in metrics: grid_params_shape = [len(grid_params[k]) for k in sorted(grid_params.keys())] params_max_out = [(1 if k in params else 0) for k in sorted(grid_params.keys())] results = np.array([e.results.get(metric, 0) for e in grid_results.experiments]) results = results.reshape(*grid_params_shape) for axis, included_in_params in enumerate(params_max_out): if not included_in_params: results = np.apply_along_axis(np.max, axis, results) print results params_shape = [len(grid_params[k]) for k in sorted(params)] results = results.reshape(*params_shape) if len(results.shape) == 1: results = results.reshape(-1,1) import matplotlib.pylab as plt #f.subplots_adjust(left=.2, right=0.95, bottom=0.15, top=0.95) plt.imshow(results, interpolation='nearest', plt.title(str( + " " + metric) if len(params) == 2: plt.xticks(np.arange(len(grid_params[params[1]])), grid_params[params[1]], rotation=45) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(grid_params[params[0]])), grid_params[params[0]]) plt.colorbar()
def plot(self, bit_stream): if self.previous_bit_stream != bit_stream.to_list(): self.previous_bit_stream = bit_stream x = [] y = [] bit = None for bit_time in bit_stream.to_list(): if bit is None: x.append(bit_time) y.append(0) bit = 0 elif bit == 0: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([0, 1]) bit = 1 elif bit == 1: x.extend([bit_time, bit_time]) y.extend([1, 0]) bit = 0 plt.clf() plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlim([0, 10000]) plt.ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) plt.pause(0.005)
def plotGetSelection(): """ Get data range from selected pen. """ selData = [] if len(ds.EpmDatasetAnalysisPens.SelectedPens) != 1: sr.msgBox('EPM Python Plugin - Demo Tools', 'Please select a single pen before applying this function!', 'Warning') return 0 epmData = ds.EpmDatasetAnalysisPens.SelectedPens[0].values y = epmData['Value'].copy() x = np.arange(len(y)) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(8,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211, axisbg='#FFFFCC') ax.plot(x, y, '-') ax.set_title('Press left mouse button and drag to test') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, axisbg='#FFFFCC') line2, = ax2.plot(x, y, '-') def onselect(xmin, xmax): selData.append([xmin, xmax]) indmin, indmax = np.searchsorted(x, (xmin, xmax)) indmax = min(len(x)-1, indmax) thisx = x[indmin:indmax] thisy = y[indmin:indmax] line2.set_data(thisx, thisy) ax2.set_xlim(thisx[0], thisx[-1]) ax2.set_ylim(thisy.min(), thisy.max()) fig.canvas.draw() span = SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal', useblit=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='red') ) return selData
def plot_cell(self,cell_number=0,label='insert_label'): current_cell = self.cell_list[cell_number] temp = current_cell.temp cd_signal = current_cell.cd_signal cd_calc = current_cell.cd_calc() ax = pylab.gca() pylab.plot(temp,cd_signal,'o',color='black') pylab.plot(temp,cd_calc,color='black') pylab.xlabel(r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)') pylab.ylabel('mdeg') pylab.ylim([-25,-4]) dH = numpy.round(current_cell.dH, decimals=1) Tm = numpy.round(current_cell.Tm-273.15, decimals=1) nf = nu = textstr_dH = '${\Delta}H_{m}$ = %.1f kcal/mol' %dH textstr_Tm ='$T_{m}$ = %.1f $^{\circ}$C' %Tm textstr_nf ='$N_{folded}$ = %d' %nf textstr_nu ='$N_{unfolded}$ = %d'%nu ax.text(8,-6,textstr_dH, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') ax.text(8,-7.5,textstr_Tm, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') ax.text(8,-9,textstr_nf, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') ax.text(8,-10.5,textstr_nu, fontsize=16,ha='left',va='top') pylab.title(label) return
def plotSpecSens(plot_norm=False, log=True): ''' ''' Lnorm, Mnorm, Snorm = genLMS(spectrum, filters, fundamental='neitz', LMSpeaks=[559, 530, 419]) L, M, S = genLMS(spectrum, filters, remove_filters=False, fundamental='neitz', LMSpeaks=[559, 530, 419]) fig = plt.figure() fig.set_tight_layout(True) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) pf.AxisFormat() pf.TufteAxis(ax, ['left', 'bottom'], Nticks=[5, 5]) if not log: ax.plot(spectrum, L, 'r-') ax.plot(spectrum, M, 'g-') ax.plot(spectrum, S, 'b-') ax.set_ylim([-0.01, 1.01]) else: ax.semilogy(spectrum, L, 'r-') ax.semilogy(spectrum, M, 'g-') ax.semilogy(spectrum, S, 'b-') ax.set_ylim([10 ** -4, 10 ** -0]) if plot_norm: ax.plot(spectrum, Snorm, 'b', linewidth=2) ax.plot(spectrum, Mnorm, 'g', linewidth=2) ax.plot(spectrum, Lnorm, 'r', linewidth=2) ax.set_xlim([380, 781]) ax.set_xlabel('wavelength (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('sensitivity')
def viz_birth_proposal_2D(curModel, newModel, ktarget, freshCompIDs, title1='Before Birth', title2='After Birth'): ''' Create before/after visualization of a birth move (in 2D) ''' from ..viz import GaussViz, BarsViz from matplotlib import pylab fig = pylab.figure() h1 = pylab.subplot(1,2,1) if curModel.obsModel.__class__.__name__.count('Gauss'): GaussViz.plotGauss2DFromHModel(curModel, compsToHighlight=ktarget) else: BarsViz.plotBarsFromHModel(curModel, compsToHighlight=ktarget, figH=h1) pylab.title(title1) h2 = pylab.subplot(1,2,2) if curModel.obsModel.__class__.__name__.count('Gauss'): GaussViz.plotGauss2DFromHModel(newModel, compsToHighlight=freshCompIDs) else: BarsViz.plotBarsFromHModel(newModel, compsToHighlight=freshCompIDs, figH=h2) pylab.title(title2) try: x = raw_input('Press any key to continue >>') except KeyboardInterrupt: import sys sys.exit(-1) pylab.close()
def plot_fft(self,b): a = len(self.fullfft_dft_py_fc_0.output) for i in range(0,b): self.frq.append(i) plt.plot(self.frq,self.fullfft_dft_py_fc_0.output)
def _fig_density(sweight, surweight, pval, nlm): """ Plot the histogram of sweight across the image and the thresholds implied by the surrogate model (surweight) """ import matplotlib.pylab as mp # compute some thresholds nlm = nlm.astype('d') srweight = np.sum(surweight,1) srw = np.sort(srweight) nitem = np.size(srweight) thf = srw[int((1-min(pval,1))*nitem)] mnlm = max(1,nlm.mean()) imin = min(nitem-1,int((1.-pval/mnlm)*nitem)) thcf = srw[imin] h,c = np.histogram(sweight,100) I = h.sum()*(c[1]-c[0]) h = h/I h0,c0 = np.histogram(srweight,100) I0 = h0.sum()*(c0[1]-c0[0]) h0 = h0/I0 mp.figure(1) mp.plot(c,h) mp.plot(c0,h0) mp.legend(('true histogram','surrogate histogram')) mp.plot([thf,thf],[0,0.8*h0.max()]) mp.text(thf,0.8*h0.max(),'p<0.2, uncorrected') mp.plot([thcf,thcf],[0,0.5*h0.max()]) mp.text(thcf,0.5*h0.max(),'p<0.05, corrected') mp.savefig('/tmp/histo_density.eps')
def item_nbr_tendency(store_nbr): ''' input : store_nbr output : graph representing units groupped by each year, each month ''' store = df_1[df_1['store_nbr'] == store_nbr] pivot = store.pivot_table(index=['year','month'],columns='item_nbr',values='units',aggfunc=np.sum) zero_index = pivot==0 pivot = pivot[pivot!=0].dropna(axis=1,how='all') pivot[zero_index]=0 pivot_2012 = pivot.loc[2012] pivot_2013 = pivot.loc[2013] pivot_2014 = pivot.loc[2014] plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) plt.subplot(131) sns.heatmap(pivot_2012,cmap="YlGnBu", annot = True, fmt = '.0f') plt.subplot(132) sns.heatmap(pivot_2013,cmap="YlGnBu", annot = True, fmt = '.0f') plt.subplot(133) sns.heatmap(pivot_2014,cmap="YlGnBu", annot = True, fmt = '.0f')
def plot_q(model='cem', r_min=0.0, r_max=6371.0, dr=1.0): """ Plot a radiallysymmetric Q model. plot_q(model='cem', r_min=0.0, r_max=6371.0, dr=1.0): r_min=minimum radius [km], r_max=maximum radius [km], dr=radius increment [km] Currently available models (model): cem, prem, ql6 """ import matplotlib.pylab as plt r = np.arange(r_min, r_max + dr, dr) q = np.zeros(len(r)) for k in range(len(r)): if model == 'cem': q[k] = q_cem(r[k]) elif model == 'ql6': q[k] = q_ql6(r[k]) elif model == 'prem': q[k] = q_prem(r[k]) plt.plot(r, q, 'k') plt.xlim((0.0, r_max)) plt.xlabel('radius [km]') plt.ylabel('Q')
def item_nbr_tendency_finely(store_nbr, year, month_start=-1, month_end=-1, graph=True): ''' input 1. store_nbr = 스토어 번호 2. year = 연도 3. month_start = 시작달 4. month_start = 끝달 5. graph = 위의 정보에 대한 item_nbr 그래프 출력여부 output 1. store_nbr, year, month로 filtering한 item_nbr의 pivot 테이블 ''' store = df_1[(df_1['store_nbr'] == store_nbr) & (df_1['year'] == year)] if month_start != -1: if month_end == -1: month_end = month_start + 1 store = store[(month_start <= store['month']) & (store['month'] < month_end)] pivot = store.pivot_table(index='item_nbr', columns='date', values='units', aggfunc=np.sum) zero_index = pivot == 0 pivot = pivot[pivot != 0].dropna(axis=0, how='all') pivot[zero_index] = 0 if graph: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) sns.heatmap(pivot, cmap="YlGnBu", annot=True, fmt='.0f') return pivot
def flipPlot(minExp, maxExp): """假定minEXPy和maxExp是正整数且minExp<maxExp 绘制出2**minExp到2**maxExp次抛硬币的结果 """ ratios = [] diffs = [] aAxis = [] for i in range(minExp, maxExp+1): aAxis.append(2**i) for numFlips in aAxis: numHeads = 0 for n in range(numFlips): if random.random() < 0.5: numHeads += 1 numTails = numFlips - numHeads ratios.append(numHeads/numFlips) diffs.append(abs(numHeads-numTails)) plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Difference Between Heads and Tails") plt.xlabel('Number of Flips') plt.ylabel('Abs(#Heads - #Tails)') ax1.semilogx(aAxis, diffs, 'bo') ax2 = plt.subplot(122) plt.title("Heads/Tails Ratios") plt.xlabel('Number of Flips') plt.ylabel("#Heads/#Tails") ax2.semilogx(aAxis, ratios, 'bo')
def plotting(): # plt.ion() countries = ['France', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'Germany', 'Finland', 'Poland', 'Italy', 'United Kingdom', 'Romania', 'Greece', 'Bulgaria', 'Hungary', 'Portugal', 'Austria', 'Czech Republic', 'Ireland', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia', 'Croatia', 'Slovakia', 'Estonia', 'Denmark', 'Netherlands', 'Belgium'] extensions = [547030, 504782, 450295, 357022, 338145, 312685, 301340, 243610, 238391, 131940, 110879, 93028, 92090, 83871, 78867, 70273, 65300, 64589, 56594, 49035, 45228, 43094, 41543, 30528] populations = [63.8, 47, 9.55, 81.8, 5.42, 38.3, 61.1, 63.2, 21.3, 11.4, 7.35, 9.93, 10.7, 8.44, 10.6, 4.63, 3.28, 2.23, 4.38, 5.49, 1.34, 5.61, 16.8, 10.8] life_expectancies = [81.8, 82.1, 81.8, 80.7, 80.5, 76.4, 82.4, 80.5, 73.8, 80.8, 73.5, 74.6, 79.9, 81.1, 77.7, 80.7, 72.1, 72.2, 77, 75.4, 74.4, 79.4, 81, 80.5] data = {'extension': pd.Series(extensions, index=countries), 'population': pd.Series(populations, index=countries), 'life expectancy': pd.Series(life_expectancies, index=countries)} df = pd.DataFrame(data) print(df) df = df.sort('life expectancy') fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1) for i, c in enumerate(df.columns): df[c].plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[i], figsize=(12, 10), title=c)
def test_params(): #x = np.linspace(.8, 1.2, 1e2) x = np.linspace(-.2, .2, 1e2) num = 5 range_a = np.linspace(1, 2, num) range_b = np.linspace(1., 1.1, num) range_p = np.linspace(.1, .4, num) range_q = np.linspace(.1, .4, num) range_T = np.linspace(30, 365, num) / 365 args_def = {'a' : range_a.mean(), 'b' : range_b.mean(), 'p' : range_p.mean(), 'q' : range_q.mean(), 'T' : range_T.mean()} ranges = {'a' : range_a, 'b' : range_b, 'p' : range_p, 'q' : range_q, 'T' : range_T} fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = len(ranges), figsize = (6,12)) for name, a in zip(sorted(ranges.keys()), axes): args = args_def.copy() for pi in ranges[name]: args[name] = pi f = GB2(**args).density(x) a.plot(x, f, label = pi) a.legend(title = name)
def test_likelihood_evaluator3(): tr = template.TemplateRenderCircleBorder() tr.set_params(14, 6, 4) t1 = tr.render(0, np.pi/2) img = np.zeros((240, 320), dtype=np.uint8) env = util.Environmentz((1.5, 2.0), (240, 320)) le2 = likelihood.LikelihoodEvaluator3(env, tr) img[(120-t1.shape[0]/2):(120+t1.shape[0]/2), (160-t1.shape[1]/2):(160+t1.shape[1]/2)] += t1 *255 pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1) pylab.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', state = np.zeros(1, dtype=util.DTYPE_STATE) xvals = np.linspace(0, 2., 100) yvals = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 100) res = np.zeros((len(yvals), len(xvals)), dtype=np.float32) for yi, y in enumerate(yvals): for xi, x in enumerate(xvals): state[0]['x'] = x state[0]['y'] = y state[0]['theta'] = np.pi / 2. res[yi, xi] = le2.score_state(state, img) pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2) pylab.imshow(res) pylab.colorbar()
def check_isometry(G, chart, nseeds=100, verbose = 0): """ A simple check of the Isometry: look whether the output distance match the intput distances for nseeds points Returns ------- a scaling factor between the proposed and the true metrics """ nseeds = np.minimum(nseeds, G.V) aux = np.argsort(nr.rand(nseeds)) seeds = aux[:nseeds] dY = Euclidian_distance(chart[seeds],chart) dx = G.floyd(seeds) dY = np.reshape(dY,np.size(dY)) dx = np.reshape(dx,np.size(dx)) if verbose: import matplotlib.pylab as mp mp.figure() mp.plot(dx,dY,'.') scale =,dY)/,dx) return scale
def test_balde(): # path = r'E:\Project\EIS\FEwork\Data\FASTV8_demo_a\demo_a\Test11_AD.ipt' path = r'E:\Project\EIS\FEwork\Data\FASTV8_WP1.5\WP_Baseline\Test11_AD.ipt' ad = ADipt(path) ad.plotfoils()
x_opt = optimize.fsolve(funcv, x_guess.copy()) print 'optimal x:', x_opt print 'optimal f(x):', funcv(x_opt) # Make some pretty plots to show the function space as well # as the solver starting point and the solution. # Create 2D arrays x and y and evaluate them so that we # can get the results for f0 and f1 in the system of equations. x, y = mgrid[-100:100:.5, -100:100:.5] f0, f1 = funcv((x, y)) # Set up a plot of f0 and f1 vs. x and y and show the # starting and ending point of the solver on each plot. pylab.figure(figsize=(14, 5)) pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1) pylab.imshow(f0, extent=(-100, 100, -100, 100), pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot([x_guess[0]], [x_guess[1]], 'go') pylab.plot([x_opt[0]], [x_opt[1]], 'ro') pylab.colorbar() pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2) pylab.imshow(f1, extent=(-100, 100, -100, 100), pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot([x_guess[0]], [x_guess[1]], 'go') pylab.plot([x_opt[0]], [x_opt[1]], 'ro') pylab.colorbar()
def plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, ylim=None, n_jobs=1, train_sizes=[100, 300, 600, 1000, 1886], cv=10, verbose=0, plot=True): """ 画出data在某模型上的learning curve. 参数解释 ---------- estimator : 你用的分类器。 title : 表格的标题。 X : 输入的feature,numpy类型 y : 输入的target vector ylim : tuple格式的(ymin, ymax), 设定图像中纵坐标的最低点和最高点 cv : 做cross-validation的时候,数据分成的份数,其中一份作为cv集,其余n-1份作为training(默认为3份) n_jobs : 并行的的任务数(默认1) """ train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs, train_sizes=train_sizes, verbose=verbose) train_scores_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_scores_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) test_scores_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_scores_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1) if plot: plt.figure() plt.title(title) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(*ylim) plt.xlabel(u"train_sample") plt.ylabel(u"score") plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid() plt.fill_between(train_sizes, train_scores_mean - train_scores_std, train_scores_mean + train_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="b") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, test_scores_mean - test_scores_std, test_scores_mean + test_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="r") plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores_mean, 'o-', color="b", label=u"train_score") plt.plot(train_sizes, test_scores_mean, 'o-', color="r", label=u"cross_validation_score") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.draw() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig("learn_curve.jpg") midpoint = ((train_scores_mean[-1] + train_scores_std[-1]) + (test_scores_mean[-1] - test_scores_std[-1])) / 2 diff = (train_scores_mean[-1] + train_scores_std[-1]) - ( test_scores_mean[-1] - test_scores_std[-1]) return midpoint, diff
if __name__ == "__main__": import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('../pycwt/sample/circ_hard.csv') bclass = Bioluminescence(data.x, data.y, period_guess=24.) bclass.detrend() bclass.continuous_wavelet_transform() import matplotlib.pylab as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) bclass.plot_cwt(ax) # # PlotOptions() # # from MelanopsinData import xn, yn # # est_period = estimate_period(xn, yn) # # x, y_even = even_resample(xn, yn, res=300) # # # Add additional noise # baseline = 0.5*(1 + np.sin(x*2*np.pi/160)) # y_even += baseline # y_even += 0.1*np.random.rand(y_even.size) #
exp = np.vectorize(lambda x: sympy.exp(sympy.S(x))) x = np.arange(100) mu = 50 ps = [0.1, 0.5, 0.9] styles = ['r:', 'k-.', 'g--'] fs = [1 + (1-p)/p * mu for p in ps] labels = ['NB({:.2f}, {:.1f})'.format(f,p) for f,p in zip(fs,ps)] pl.plot(x, binom.pmf(x, 100, .5), 'b-', label='binom(100, 0.5)') for i,p in enumerate(ps): log_probabilities = logNegBinom(x, fs[i], p) pl.plot(x, exp(log_probabilities), styles[i], label=labels[i]) pl.legend() pl.savefig('negBinomDemo_1.png') fs = [1, 10, 30, 50] styles = ['b-', 'r:', 'k-.', 'g--'] labels = ['NB({:.1f}, 0.5)'.format(n) for n in fs] for i,n in enumerate(fs): log_probabilities = logNegBinom(x, fs[i], 0.5) pl.plot(x, exp(log_probabilities), styles[i], label=labels[i]) pl.axis([0, 100, 0, 0.25]) pl.legend() pl.savefig('negBinomDemo_2.png')
def onpick(event): ind = event.ind #print('onpick scatter event number:', ind) #print('Shown index', ind[0]) #print('length of index', len(ind)) #print('area of event', ds_child["area_um"][ind[0]]) #plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) samples = ds.config["fluorescence"]["samples per event"] sample_rate = ds.config["fluorescence"]["sample rate"] t = np.arange(samples) / sample_rate * 1e6 figure, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, sharex=False, sharey=False) axes[0] = plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (0, 0), colspan=5) axes[1] = plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (1, 0), colspan=5) axes[2] = plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (2, 1)) axes[3] = plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (3, 1)) axes[4] = plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (4, 1)) axes[0].imshow(ds_child["image"][ind[0]], cmap="gray") axes[1].imshow(ds_child["mask"][ind[0]]) axes[2].plot(t, ds_child["trace"]["fl1_median"][ind[0]], color="#16A422", label=ds.config["fluorescence"]["channel 1 name"]) axes[3].plot(t, ds_child["trace"]["fl2_median"][ind[0]], color="#CE9720", label=ds.config["fluorescence"]["channel 2 name"]) axes[4].plot(t, ds_child["trace"]["fl3_median"][ind[0]], color="#CE2026", label=ds.config["fluorescence"]["channel 3 name"]) axes[2].set_xlim(0, 570) #(200, 350) axes[2].grid() axes[3].set_xlim(0, 570) #(200, 350) axes[3].grid() axes[4].set_xlim(0, 570) #(200, 350) axes[4].grid() axes[2].axvline(ds_child["fl1_pos"][ind[0]] + ds_child["fl1_width"][ind[0]] / 2, color="gray") axes[2].axvline(ds_child["fl1_pos"][ind[0]] - ds_child["fl1_width"][ind[0]] / 2, color="gray") #axes[2].axvline(350, color="black") #axes[2].axvline(200, color="black") axes[3].axvline(ds_child["fl2_pos"][ind[0]] + ds_child["fl2_width"][ind[0]] / 2, color="gray") axes[3].axvline(ds_child["fl2_pos"][ind[0]] - ds_child["fl2_width"][ind[0]] / 2, color="gray") #axes[3].axvline(350, color="black") #axes[3].axvline(200, color="black") axes[4].axvline(ds_child["fl3_pos"][ind[0]] + ds_child["fl3_width"][ind[0]] / 2, color="gray") axes[4].axvline(ds_child["fl3_pos"][ind[0]] - ds_child["fl3_width"][ind[0]] / 2, color="gray") #axes[4].axvline(350, color="black") #axes[4].axvline(200, color="black") print(ds_child["trace"][ind[0]])
def PlotPolyDrivetrainMotions(drivetrain_params): vdrivetrain = VelocityDrivetrain(drivetrain_params) vl_plot = [] vr_plot = [] ul_plot = [] ur_plot = [] radius_plot = [] t_plot = [] left_gear_plot = [] right_gear_plot = [] vdrivetrain.left_shifter_position = 0.0 vdrivetrain.right_shifter_position = 0.0 vdrivetrain.left_gear = VelocityDrivetrain.LOW vdrivetrain.right_gear = VelocityDrivetrain.LOW glog.debug('K is %s', str(vdrivetrain.CurrentDrivetrain().K)) if vdrivetrain.left_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH: glog.debug('Left is high') else: glog.debug('Left is low') if vdrivetrain.right_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH: glog.debug('Right is high') else: glog.debug('Right is low') for t in numpy.arange(0, 1.7, vdrivetrain.dt): if t < 0.5: vdrivetrain.Update(throttle=0.00, steering=1.0) elif t < 1.2: vdrivetrain.Update(throttle=0.5, steering=1.0) else: vdrivetrain.Update(throttle=0.00, steering=1.0) t_plot.append(t) vl_plot.append(vdrivetrain.X[0, 0]) vr_plot.append(vdrivetrain.X[1, 0]) ul_plot.append(vdrivetrain.U[0, 0]) ur_plot.append(vdrivetrain.U[1, 0]) left_gear_plot.append( (vdrivetrain.left_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH) * 2.0 - 10.0) right_gear_plot.append( (vdrivetrain.right_gear is VelocityDrivetrain.HIGH) * 2.0 - 10.0) fwd_velocity = (vdrivetrain.X[1, 0] + vdrivetrain.X[0, 0]) / 2 turn_velocity = (vdrivetrain.X[1, 0] - vdrivetrain.X[0, 0]) if abs(fwd_velocity) < 0.0000001: radius_plot.append(turn_velocity) else: radius_plot.append(turn_velocity / fwd_velocity) # TODO(austin): # Shifting compensation. # Tighten the turn. # Closed loop drive. pylab.plot(t_plot, vl_plot, label='left velocity') pylab.plot(t_plot, vr_plot, label='right velocity') pylab.plot(t_plot, ul_plot, label='left voltage') pylab.plot(t_plot, ur_plot, label='right voltage') pylab.plot(t_plot, radius_plot, label='radius') pylab.plot(t_plot, left_gear_plot, label='left gear high') pylab.plot(t_plot, right_gear_plot, label='right gear high') pylab.legend()
bp = boxplot(I, positions=[8.8, 9.2], widths=0.38) setBoxColors(bp, True) # set axes limits and labels ax.set_xticklabels(['', '1.', '2.', '3.', '4.', '5.', '6.', '7.', '8.', '9.']) ax.set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) plt.axvline(x=0.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=1.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=2.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=3.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=4.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=5.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=6.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=7.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) plt.axvline(x=8.5, color="black", linewidth=0.5) # draw temporary red and blue lines and use them to create a legend #hB, = plot([1,1],'b-') #hR, = plot([1,1],'r-') #hB.set_visible(False) #R.set_visible(False) ax.legend([bp["boxes"][0], bp["boxes"][1]], ["PI", "OP_40"], loc="upper left", prop={'size': 8}) plt.ylabel("AUC") plt.xlabel("iterace") plt.tight_layout() savefig('boxcompare4.png', dpi=1000) show()
else: def click(event): print [event.key] if event.key == 'm': mode = raw_input('Enter new mode: ') for k in plots: try: d = data_mode(plt_data[k], mode) plots[k].set_data(d) except(ValueError): print 'Unrecognized plot mode' p.draw() elif event.key == 'd': max = raw_input('Enter new max: ') try: max = float(max) except(ValueError): max = None drng = raw_input('Enter new drng: ') try: drng = float(drng) except(ValueError): drng = None for k in plots: _max,_drng = max, drng if _max is None or _drng is None: d = plots[k].get_array() if _max is None: _max = d.max() if _drng is None: _drng = _max - d.min() plots[k].set_clim(vmin=_max-_drng, vmax=_max) print 'Replotting...' p.draw() p.connect('key_press_event', click)
def testVisilibity(): # Define an epsilon value (should be != 0.0) epsilon = 0.0000001 # Define the points which will be the outer boundary of the environment # Must be COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE(ccw) p1 = vis.Point(0, 0) p2 = vis.Point(700, 0) p3 = vis.Point(700, 900) p4 = vis.Point(0, 900) # Load the values of the outer boundary polygon in order to draw it later wall_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()] wall_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()] # Outer boundary polygon must be COUNTER-CLOCK-WISE(ccw) # Create the outer boundary polygon walls = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]) # Define the point of the "observer" observer = vis.Point(235, 400) # Uncomment the following line in order to create a cone polygon # walls = create_cone((observer.x(), observer.y()), 500, 270, 30, quality= 3) # Walls should be in standard form print('Walls in standard form : ', walls.is_in_standard_form()) # Now we define some holes for our environment. The holes must be inside # our outer boundary polygon. A hole blocks the observer vision, it works as # an obstacle in his vision sensor. # We define some point for a hole. You can add more points in order to get # the shape you want. # The smalles point should be first p2 = vis.Point(100, 300) p3 = vis.Point(100, 500) p4 = vis.Point(150, 500) p1 = vis.Point(150, 300) # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later hole_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()] hole_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()] # Note: The point of a hole must be in CLOCK-WISE(cw) order. # Create the hole polygon hole = vis.Polygon([p2, p3, p4, p1]) # Check if the hole is in standard form print('Hole in standard form: ', hole.is_in_standard_form()) # Define another point of a hole polygon # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw) p1 = vis.Point(300, 300) p2 = vis.Point(300, 500) p3 = vis.Point(400, 550) p4 = vis.Point(400, 300) # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later hole1_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()] hole1_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()] # Create the hole polygon hole1 = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]) # Check if the hole is in standard form print('Hole in standard form: ', hole1.is_in_standard_form()) # Define another point of a hole polygon # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw) p2 = vis.Point(90, 700) p3 = vis.Point(250, 750) p4 = vis.Point(220, 600) p1 = vis.Point(150, 600) # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later hole2_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()] hole2_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()] # Create the hole polygon hole2 = vis.Polygon([p2, p3, p4, p1]) # Check if the hole is in standard form print('Hole in standard form: ', hole2.is_in_standard_form()) # Define another point of a hole polygon # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw) p1 = vis.Point(330, 700) p2 = vis.Point(330, 800) p3 = vis.Point(530, 850) p4 = vis.Point(530, 790) # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later hole3_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()] hole3_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()] # Create the hole polygon hole3 = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]) # Check if the hole is in standard form print('Hole in standard form: ', hole3.is_in_standard_form()) # Define another point of a hole polygon # Remember: the list of points must be CLOCK-WISE(cw) p1 = vis.Point(230, 50) p2 = vis.Point(250, 90) p3 = vis.Point(390, 90) p4 = vis.Point(390, 50) # Load the values of the hole polygon in order to draw it later hole4_x = [p1.x(), p2.x(), p3.x(), p4.x(), p1.x()] hole4_y = [p1.y(), p2.y(), p3.y(), p4.y(), p1.y()] # Create the hole polygon hole4 = vis.Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]) # Check if the hole is in standard form print('Hole in standard form: ', hole4.is_in_standard_form()) # Create environment, wall will be the outer boundary because # is the first polygon in the list. The other polygons will be holes env = vis.Environment([walls, hole, hole2, hole1, hole3, hole4]) # Check if the environment is valid print('Environment is valid : ', env.is_valid(epsilon)) # Define another point, could be used to check if the observer see it, to # check the shortest path from one point to the other, etc. end = vis.Point(330, 525) # Define another point that the 'observer' will see end_visible = vis.Point(415, 45) # Necessary to generate the visibility polygon observer.snap_to_boundary_of(env, epsilon) observer.snap_to_vertices_of(env, epsilon) # Obtain the visibility polygon of the 'observer' in the environmente # previously define isovist = vis.Visibility_Polygon(observer, env, epsilon) # Uncomment the following line to obtein the visibility polygon # of 'end' in the environmente previously define # polygon_vis = vis.Visibility_Polygon(end, env, epsilon) # Obtein the shortest path from 'observer' to 'end' and 'end_visible' # in the environment previously define shortest_path = env.shortest_path(observer, end, epsilon) shortest_path1 = env.shortest_path(observer, end_visible, epsilon) # Print the length of the path print("Shortest Path length from observer to end: ", shortest_path.length()) print("Shortest Path length from observer to end_visible: ", shortest_path1.length()) # Check if 'observer' can see 'end', i.e., check if 'end' point is in # the visibility polygon of 'observer' print("Can observer see end? ", end._in(isovist, epsilon)) print("Can observer see end_visible? ", end_visible._in(isovist, epsilon)) # Print the point of the visibility polygon of 'observer' and save them # in two arrays in order to draw the polygon later point_x, point_y = save_print(isovist) # Add the first point again because the function to draw, draw a line from # one point to the next one and to close the figure we need the last line # from the last point to the first one point_x.append(isovist[0].x()) point_y.append(isovist[0].y()) # Set the title p.title('VisiLibity Test') # Set the labels for the axis p.xlabel('X Position') p.ylabel('Y Position') # Plot the outer boundary with black color p.plot(wall_x, wall_y, 'black') # Plot the position of the observer with a green dot ('go') p.plot([observer.x()], [observer.y()], 'go') # Plot the position of 'end' with a green dot ('go') p.plot([end.x()], [end.y()], 'go') # Plot the position of 'end_visible' with a green dot ('go') p.plot([end_visible.x()], [end_visible.y()], 'go') # Plot the visibility polygon of 'observer' p.plot(point_x, point_y) # Plot the hole polygon with red color p.plot(hole_x, hole_y, 'r') # Plot the hole polygon with red color p.plot(hole1_x, hole1_y, 'r') # Plot the hole polygon with red color p.plot(hole2_x, hole2_y, 'r') # Plot the hole polygon with red color p.plot(hole3_x, hole3_y, 'r') # Plot the hole polygon with red color p.plot(hole4_x, hole4_y, 'r') # Example of a cone-shape polygon cone_point = vis.Point(440, 420) cone = create_cone([cone_point.x(), cone_point.y()], 150, 0, 45, 3) cone_x, cone_y = save_print(cone) cone_x.append(cone_x[0]) cone_y.append(cone_y[0]) p.plot([cone_point.x()], [cone_point.y()], 'go') p.plot(cone_x, cone_y) # Show the plot
# -- main ---------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pylab as plt; print " TEST1: intersection of two circles " AP = STEM_onaxis(0,0,0); intersecting_circles = AP._STEM_onaxis__intersecting_circles; ## private function plt.figure(); plt.title("TEST1: Intersection of two circles with radius 1 and 2"); d = np.arange(0,4,0.1); A = [intersecting_circles(1,2,_d) for _d in d]; plt.plot(d,A); plt.axhline(np.pi, color='k'); plt.xlabel("distance d between circles"); plt.ylabel("Intersection area"); print " TEST2: statistics for contributing momentum transfers" alpha=30; E=20; E0=60; fig=plt.figure(); ax=fig.add_subplot((111)); plt.title("Contributions of different momentum transfers to STEM-EELS signal"); q = np.arange(0.001,0.5,0.001)*conv.bohr; # [a.u.] for beta in (15,35,48,76): AP = STEM_onaxis(alpha,beta,E0); w = AP.weight_q(q,E); ax.plot( q / conv.bohr, w, label="beta=%d"%beta ); plt.xlabel("Momentum transfer q [1/A]"); plt.ylabel("Weight in EELS signal"); plt.legend(loc=0);;
def perform_solvability_training(initializing, netname, numlayers=6, epochs=3, training_sets=2, batch_size=32, learning_rate=.001): """ Parameters ---------- initializing : boolean Is True if the net already exists and we want to continue training and False if we want to make a new net. netname : string The name of the network in the file system. numlayers: int, optional Number of layers to use in the network. The default is 6. epochs: int, optional Number of epochs to do per training set. The default is 3. training_sets: int, optional Number of training sets to sample from all possible data points. The default is 5. learning_rate: float, optional Learning rate of the Adam optimizer. Default is .001. Returns ------- The trained model """ # Set up training and test data. Inputs are positions, # outputs are (x,y,direction) tuples encoded to integers # and then to one-hot vectors, representing # either a push or a win. x_test, y_test = utils.load_solvability_data(constants.TEST_LEVELS) # This line implicitly assumes that all levels have the same size. # Therefore, small levels are padded with unmovables. img_x, img_y, img_z = x_test[0].shape input_shape = (img_x, img_y, img_z) x_test = x_test.astype('float32') print(x_test.shape[0], 'test samples') dconst = 0.3 # Dropout between hidden layers model = None # To give the variable global scope if initializing: # Create a convolutional network with numlayers layers of 3 by 3 # convolutions and a dense layer at the end. # Use batch normalization and regularization. model = Sequential() model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add( Conv2D( 64, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape, #padding = 'same')) kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(.5), padding='same')) model.add(Dropout(dconst)) for i in range(numlayers - 1): model.add(BatchNormalization()) model.add( Conv2D( 64, (3, 3), activation='relu', #padding = 'same')) kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(.5), padding='same')) model.add(Dropout(dconst)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')) else: # Load the model and its weights json_file = open("networks/policy_" + netname + ".json", "r") loaded_model_json = json_file.close() model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) model.load_weights("networks/policy_" + netname + ".h5") print("Loaded model from disk") model.compile(loss=tensorflow.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy, optimizer=tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam( learning_rate=learning_rate), metrics=['accuracy']) # Keep track of the model's accuracy class AccuracyHistory(tensorflow.keras.callbacks.Callback): def on_train_begin(self, logs={}): self.acc = [] def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.acc.append(logs.get('acc')) history = AccuracyHistory() # Use different training datasets by getting different random # samples from the shifts of the input data for i in range(training_sets): print("training set", i) levels_to_train = constants.TRAIN_LEVELS x_train, y_train = utils.load_solvability_data(levels_to_train, shifts=True) utils.shuffle_in_unison(x_train, y_train) x_train = x_train.astype('float32') # Train the network track =, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=1, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), callbacks=[history]) score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) print('Test loss:', score[0]) print('Test accuracy:', score[1]) plt.plot(range(1, epochs + 1), track.history['val_accuracy']) plt.plot(range(1, epochs + 1), track.history['accuracy']) plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') # Save the trained network model_json = model.to_json() directory = os.getcwd() + '/networks' if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) with open("networks/solvability_" + netname + ".json", "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) model.save_weights("networks/solvability_" + netname + ".h5") print("Saved model to disk") return model
def fit(self, Xtrain, Ytrain, Xtest, Ytest, epoch=50, learning_rate=0.001, batchsz=100): N, D = Xtrain.shape M1 = 1000 M2 = 500 tf_X = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) tf_Y = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) tf_W1 = tf.Variable(dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=(D, M1), mean=0, stddev=tf.math.sqrt(1 / D))) tf_b1 = tf.Variable(dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=np.zeros(shape=(M1))) tf_W2 = tf.Variable(dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=(M1, M2), mean=0, stddev=tf.math.sqrt(1 / M1))) tf_b2 = tf.Variable(dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=np.zeros(shape=(M2))) tf_W3 = tf.Variable(dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=(M2, self.NUM_CLASSES), mean=0, stddev=tf.math.sqrt(1 / M2))) tf_b3 = tf.Variable(dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=np.zeros(shape=(self.NUM_CLASSES))) tf_Z1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(tf_X, tf_W1) + tf_b1) tf_Z2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(tf_Z1, tf_W2) + tf_b2) tf_Yhat = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(tf_Z2, tf_W3) + tf_b3) tf_cost = tf.reduce_sum(-1 * tf_Y * tf.math.log(tf_Yhat)) tf_train = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize( tf_cost) training_accuracies = [] test_accuracies = [] epoches = [] with tf.Session() as session: nBatches = np.math.ceil(N / batchsz) for i in range(epoch): epoches.append(i) # Xtrain, Ytrain = sklearn.utils.shuffle(Xtrain, Ytrain) for j in range(nBatches): lower = j * batchsz upper = np.min([(j + 1) * batchsz, N]), feed_dict={tf_X: Xtrain[lower:upper], tf_Y: Ytrain[lower: upper]}) test_error, Yhat =[tf_cost, tf_Yhat], feed_dict={tf_X: Xtest, tf_Y: Ytest}) test_accuracy = self.score(Ytest, Yhat) test_accuracies.append(test_accuracy) Yhat =, feed_dict={tf_X: Xtrain, tf_Y: Ytrain}) training_accuracy = self.score(Ytrain, Yhat) training_accuracies.append(training_accuracy) print('Epoch ' + str(i) + ' / test error = ' + str(test_error / Xtest.shape[0]) + ' / training_accuracy = ' + str(training_accuracy) + ' / test_accuracy = ' + str(test_accuracy)) # plot print(training_accuracies) print(test_accuracies) plt.plot(epoches, training_accuracies) plt.plot(epoches, test_accuracies) plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.grid(True) plt.title('Accuracy') plt.legend()
be_long_count = valData['beLong'].value_counts() print(be_long_count) print("out of ", nrows) valData = valData.drop( ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Symbol', 'percReturn'], axis=1) if pleasePlot: plotTitle = issue + ", " + str(modelStartDate) + " to " + str( modelEndDate) plotIt.plot_v2x(valData['Pri'], valData['beLong'], plotTitle) plotIt.histogram(valData['beLong'], x_label="beLong signal", y_label="Frequency", title="beLong distribution for " + issue) valModelData = valData.drop(['Pri', 'beLong', 'gainAhead'], axis=1) valRows = valModelData.shape[0] print("There are %i data points" % valRows) # test the validation data y_validate = [] y_validate = model.predict(valModelData) # Create best estimate of trades bestEstimate = np.zeros(valRows) # You may need to adjust for the first and / or final entry for i in range(valRows - 1):
def draw(graph, title=None, layout=None, filename=None, return_ax=False, pos=None, font_size=9, alpha=1.0, label_shift=(0, 0), truncate_labels=10): """Graph drawing made a bit easier Parameters: :graph (Graph): input graph, has to be generated via kegg_link_graph() :layout (str): layout type, choose from 'bipartite_layout',\ 'circular_layout','kamada_kawai_layout','random_layout',\ 'shell_layout',\ 'spring_layout','spectral_layout' :filename (str): if a filename is selected saves the plot as filename.png :title (str): title for the graph :return_ax: if True returns ax for plot Returns: :ax (list): optional ax for the plot """ default_layout = "spring_layout" if layout is None: layout = default_layout node_groups = {} graph_nodetypes = get_unique_nodetypes(graph) base_colors = list(mplcolors.BASE_COLORS.keys()) for i, nodetype in enumerate(graph_nodetypes): node_group = (get_nodes_by_nodetype(graph, nodetype, return_dict=True).keys()) node_groups.update({nodetype: (node_group, base_colors[i])}) if title is None: if len(graph_nodetypes) == 1: title = "{} graph".format(graph_nodetypes[0]) if len(graph_nodetypes) == 2: title = "{} > {} graph".format(graph_nodetypes[1], graph_nodetypes[0]) else: title = "Graph plot" layouts = { "circular_layout": nx.circular_layout, "kamada_kawai_layout": nx.kamada_kawai_layout, "random_layout": nx.random_layout, "shell_layout": nx.shell_layout, "spring_layout": nx.spring_layout, "spectral_layout": nx.spectral_layout, } if layout not in layouts: logging.warning( "layout {} not valid: using {} layout\nusing default layout". format(layout, default_layout)) layout = default_layout plt.figure() if pos is None: output_layout = layouts[layout](graph) pos = {} for key, value in output_layout.items(): pos[key] = tuple(value) for nodetype, node_group in node_groups.items(): nx.draw_networkx(graph, nodelist=node_group[0], pos=pos, node_color=node_group[1], with_labels=False, label=nodetype) nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos) pos_labels = shift_pos(pos, label_shift) candidate_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, "label") if candidate_labels != {}: if truncate_labels != False: labels = shorten_labels(candidate_labels, truncate_labels) else: labels = candidate_labels else: # labels = None nodelist = list(graph.nodes) labels = dict(zip(nodelist, nodelist)) nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos_labels, labels=labels, font_size=font_size, alpha=alpha) plt.legend() if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.axis("off") if filename is not None: plt.savefig("output.png") if return_ax: ax = plt.gca() return ax
def ensemble_plot_all_roc_curve(fprs, tprs, model_name): """Plot the Receiver Operating Characteristic from a list of true positive rates and false positive rates.""" # Initialize useful lists + the plot axes. tprs_interp = [] aucs = [] mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7)) # (14, 10) # Plot ROC for each K-Fold + compute AUC scores. for i, (fpr, tpr) in enumerate(zip(fprs, tprs)): tprs_interp.append(np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr)) tprs_interp[-1][0] = 0.0 roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) aucs.append(roc_auc) ax.plot(fpr, tpr, lw=1, alpha=0.5, label='ROC fold %d (AUC = %0.2f)' % (i, roc_auc)) # Plot the luck line. plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--', lw=2, color='r', label='Random Case', alpha=.8) # Plot the mean ROC. mean_tpr = np.mean(tprs_interp, axis=0) mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 mean_auc = auc(mean_fpr, mean_tpr) std_auc = np.std(aucs) ax.plot(mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color='green', label=r'Mean ROC (AUC = %0.2f $\pm$ %0.2f)' % (mean_auc, std_auc), lw=2, alpha=.9) # Plot the standard deviation around the mean ROC. std_tpr = np.std(tprs_interp, axis=0) tprs_upper = np.minimum(mean_tpr + std_tpr, 1) tprs_lower = np.maximum(mean_tpr - std_tpr, 0) ax.fill_between(mean_fpr, tprs_lower, tprs_upper, color='grey', alpha=.3, label=r'$\pm$ 1 std. dev.') # Fine tune and show the plot. ax.set_xlim([-0.05, 1.05]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05, 1.05]) ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate') ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate') ax.set_title('Receiver Operating Characteristic: ' + r"$\bf{" + model_name + "}$") ax.legend(loc="lower right") return f, ax
def main(): f = open("PDBbind2015_refined-core.dat") line = f.readline() x = [] y = [] datalist = [] while 1: line = f.readline().strip("\n").split(" ") if line == ['']: break y.append(float(line[0])) x.append(float(line[1])) datalist.append([float(line[2]), float(line[3]), float(line[4]), float(line[5]), float(line[6])]) data = np.array(datalist) #sdata = preprocessing.scale(data) data = preprocessing.normalize(data) X = data Y = np.array(y) x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state=4) # Fit regression models # Linear Regression m_lr = linear_model.LinearRegression() kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=21) cv_result = cross_val_score(m_lr, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') print('Linear Regression CVE = ',cv_result.mean(),',',cv_result.std()) # Ridge Regression m_rg = linear_model.Ridge() kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=21) cv_result = cross_val_score(m_rg, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') print('Ridge Regression CVE = ',cv_result.mean(),',',cv_result.std()) # Lasso m_lasso = linear_model.Lasso() kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=21) cv_result = cross_val_score(m_lasso, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') print('Lasso Regression CVE = ',cv_result.mean(),',',cv_result.std()) # Elastic Net m_net = linear_model.ElasticNet() kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=21) cv_result = cross_val_score(m_net, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') print('Elastic Net CVE = ',cv_result.mean(),',',cv_result.std()) # Polynomial Fit svr_poly = SVR(kernel='poly' , C=1e3, degree=2) kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=21) cv_result = cross_val_score(svr_poly, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') print('Poly CVE = ',cv_result.mean(),',',cv_result.std()) # Exponential Fit svr_rbf = SVR(kernel='rbf' , C=1e3, gamma=0.1) kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=21) cv_result = cross_val_score(svr_rbf, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') print('RBF CVE = ',cv_result.mean(),',',cv_result.std()) #for correlation plot x_train = pd.DataFrame(x_train) corr_df = x_train.corr(method='pearson') mask = np.zeros_like(corr_df) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True seaborn.heatmap(corr_df, cmap='RdYlGn_r', vmax=1.0, vmin=-1.0, mask=mask, linewidths=2.5) plt.yticks(rotation=0) plt.xticks(rotation=90)
def imshow(im): # im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Image.fromarray(im).show() plt.figure() plt.imshow(im,
import matplotlib.pylab as pyl import numpy as np #子图 #第一个图 pyl.subplot(2, 2, 1) #(行,列,当前区域) x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] pyl.plot(x, y) #第二个图 pyl.subplot(2, 2, 2) #第三个图 pyl.subplot(2, 1, 2)
def add_calibration(data, imagestretch='linear'): """ add calibration results to website """ ### produce calibration plot for each frame for idx, cat in enumerate(data['catalogs']): if not data['zeropoints'][idx]['success']: continue ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ax1.set_title('%s: %s-band from %s' % (cat.catalogname, data['filtername'], data['ref_cat'].catalogname)) ax1.set_xlabel('Number of Reference Stars') ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude Zeropoint', fontdict={'color':'red'}) #ax1.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(-5,5)) zp_idx = data['zeropoints'][idx]['zp_idx'] clipping_steps = data['zeropoints'][idx]['clipping_steps'] x = [len(clipping_steps[i][3]) for i in range(len(clipping_steps))] ax1.errorbar(x, [clipping_steps[i][0] for i in range(len(clipping_steps))], yerr=[clipping_steps[i][1] for i in range(len(clipping_steps))], color='red') ax1.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()[::-1]) # reverse y axis ax1.plot([len(clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]), len(clipping_steps[zp_idx][3])], ax1.get_ylim(), color='black') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x, [clipping_steps[i][2] for i in range(len(clipping_steps))], color='blue') ax2.set_ylabel(r'reduced $\chi^2$', fontdict={'color':'blue'}) ax2.set_yscale('log') # residual plot ax3 = plt.subplot(212) ax3.set_xlabel('Reference Star Magnitude') ax3.set_ylabel('Calibration-Reference (mag)') match = data['zeropoints'][idx]['match'] x = match[0][0][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]] residuals = match[1][0][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]] \ + clipping_steps[zp_idx][0] \ - match[0][0][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]] residuals_sig = numpy.sqrt(match[1][1][clipping_steps[zp_idx][3]]**2\ + clipping_steps[zp_idx][1]**2) ax3.errorbar(x, residuals, yerr=residuals_sig, color='black', linestyle='') ax3.plot(ax3.get_xlim(), [0,0], color='black', linestyle='--') ax3.set_ylim(ax3.get_ylim()[::-1]) # reverse y axis plt.grid() plt.savefig(('.diagnostics/%s_photcal.png') % cat.catalogname, format='png') data['zeropoints'][idx]['plotfilename'] = \ ('.diagnostics/%s_photcal.png') % \ cat.catalogname plt.close() ### create zeropoint overview plot times = [dat['obstime'][0] for dat in data['zeropoints']] zp = [dat['zp'] for dat in data['zeropoints']] zperr = [dat['zp_sig'] for dat in data['zeropoints']] plt.subplot() plt.errorbar(times, zp, yerr=zperr, linestyle='') plt.xlabel('Observation Midtime (JD)') plt.ylabel('Magnitude Zeropoints (mag)') plt.ylim([plt.ylim()[1], plt.ylim()[0]]) plt.grid() plt.savefig('.diagnostics/zeropoints.png', format='png') plt.close() data['zpplot'] = 'zeropoints.png' ### create calibration website html = "<H2>Calibration Results</H2>\n" html += ("<P>Calibration input: minimum number/fraction of reference " \ + "stars %.2f, reference catalog: %s, filter name: %s\n") % \ (data['minstars'], data['ref_cat'].catalogname, data['filtername']) html += "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n<TR>\n" html += "<TH>Filename</TH><TH>Zeropoint (mag)</TH><TH>ZP_sigma (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>N_stars</TH><TH>N_matched</TH>\n</TR>\n" for dat in data['zeropoints']: if 'plotfilename' in list(dat.keys()): html += ("<TR><TD><A HREF=\"#%s\">%s</A></TD>" \ + "<TD>%7.4f</TD><TD>%7.4f</TD><TD>%d</TD>" \ + "<TD>%d</TD>\n</TR>" ) % \ (dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], dat['filename'], dat['zp'], dat['zp_sig'], dat['zp_nstars'], len(dat['match'][0][0])) html += "</TABLE>\n" html += "<P><IMG SRC=\"%s\">" % data['zpplot'] for dat in data['zeropoints']: if not dat['success']: continue catframe = '.diagnostics/'+ \ dat['filename'][:dat['filename'].find('.ldac')] + \ '.fits_reference_stars.png' html += ("<H3>%s</H3>" \ + "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\">\n" \ + "<TR><TD><A HREF=\"%s\">" \ + "<IMG ID=\"%s\" SRC=\"%s\" HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=400>" \ + "</A></TD><TD><A HREF=\"%s\">" \ + "<IMG ID=\"%s\" SRC=\"%s\" HEIGHT=400 WIDTH=400>" \ + "</A></TD>\n") % \ (dat['filename'], dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], dat['plotfilename'].split('.diagnostics/')[1], catframe.split('.diagnostics/')[1], catframe.split('.diagnostics/')[1], catframe.split('.diagnostics/')[1]) html += "<TD><TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n<TR>\n" html += "<TH>Idx</TH><TH>Name</TH><TH>RA</TH><TH>Dec</TH>" \ + "<TH>Catalog (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>Instrumental (mag)</TH><TH>Calibrated (mag)</TH>" \ + "<TH>Residual (mag</TH>\n</TR>\n" for i, idx in enumerate(dat['zp_usedstars']): name = dat['match'][0][2][idx] if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode('utf8') html += ("<TR><TD>%d</TD><TD>%s</TD><TD>%12.8f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%12.8f</TD><TD>%.3f+-%.3f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%.3f+-%.3f</TD>" \ + "<TD>%.3f+-%.3f</TD><TD>%.3f</TD></TR>") % \ (i+1, name, dat['match'][0][3][idx], dat['match'][0][4][idx], dat['match'][0][0][idx], dat['match'][0][1][idx], dat['match'][1][0][idx], dat['match'][1][1][idx], dat['zp']+dat['match'][1][0][idx], numpy.sqrt(dat['zp_sig']**2 + dat['match'][1][1][idx]**2), (dat['zp']+dat['match'][1][0][idx])-dat['match'][0][0][idx]) html += "</TABLE><P>derived zeropoint: %7.4f+-%6.4f mag\n" % \ (dat['zp'], dat['zp_sig']) html += "</TR></TD></TR></TABLE>\n" ### create catalog frame fits_filename = dat['filename'][:dat['filename'].find('.ldac')] + \ '.fits' imgdat =, ignore_missing_end=True)[0].data resize_factor = min(1., 1000./numpy.max(imgdat.shape)) # clip extreme values to prevent crash of imresize imgdat = numpy.clip(imgdat, numpy.percentile(imgdat, 1), numpy.percentile(imgdat, 99)) imgdat = imresize(imgdat, resize_factor, interp='nearest') header =, ignore_missing_end=True)[0].header norm = ImageNormalize(imgdat, interval=ZScaleInterval(), stretch={'linear': LinearStretch(), 'log': LogStretch()}[imagestretch]) # turn relevant header keys into floats # bug for key, val in list(header.items()): if 'CD1_' in key or 'CD2_' in key or \ 'CRVAL' in key or 'CRPIX' in key or \ 'EQUINOX' in key: header[key] = float(val) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) img = plt.imshow(imgdat, cmap='gray', norm=norm, origin='lower') # remove axes plt.axis('off') img.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) img.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # plot reference sources if len(dat['match'][0][3]) > 0 and len(dat['match'][0][4]) > 0: try: w = wcs.WCS(header) world_coo = [[dat['match'][0][3][idx], dat['match'][0][4][idx]] \ for idx in dat['zp_usedstars']] img_coo = w.wcs_world2pix(world_coo, True ) plt.scatter([c[0]*resize_factor for c in img_coo], [c[1]*resize_factor for c in img_coo], s=10, marker='o', edgecolors='red', linewidth=0.1, facecolor='none') for i in range(len(dat['zp_usedstars'])): plt.annotate(str(i+1), xy=((img_coo[i][0]*resize_factor)+15, img_coo[i][1]*resize_factor), color='red', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center') except astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError: logging.error('could not plot reference sources due to ' 'astropy.wcs._wcs.InvalidTransformError; ' 'most likely unknown distortion parameters.') plt.savefig(catframe, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=200) plt.close() create_website(_pp_conf.cal_filename, content=html) ### update index.html html = "<H2>Photometric Calibration - Zeropoints</H2>\n" html += "match image data with %s (%s);\n" % \ (data['ref_cat'].catalogname, data['ref_cat'].history) html += "see <A HREF=\"%s\">calibration</A> website for details\n" % \ _pp_conf.cal_filename html += "<P><IMG SRC=\"%s\">\n" % ('.diagnostics/' + data['zpplot']) append_website(_pp_conf.index_filename, html, replace_below=("<H2>Photometric Calibration " "- Zeropoints</H2>\n")) return None
def plti(im,**kwargs): plt.imshow(im,interpolation='none',**kwargs) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('d:/new.jpeg')
def GraphicInterface(category, num): s_date = '10/1/2008' e_date = '11/15/2018' # Retrieve Auto industry: 'GM' , 'F' , 'TM' , 'TSLA’ ,'HMC' gm = web.DataReader('GM', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) f = web.DataReader('F', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) tm = web.DataReader('TM', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) tsla = web.DataReader('TSLA', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) hmc = web.DataReader('HMC', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) # Retrieve Bank industry: 'JPM' , 'BAC' , 'HSBC' , 'C’ (Citi group) 'GS’ (Goldman Sach) jpm = web.DataReader('JPM', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) bac = web.DataReader('BAC', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) hsbc = web.DataReader('HSBC', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) c = web.DataReader('C', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) gs = web.DataReader('GS', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) # Retrieve Retail industry: ‘WMT’, ‘TGT’, ‘JCP’, ‘HD’,'COST' wmt = web.DataReader('WMT', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) tgt = web.DataReader('TGT', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) jcp = web.DataReader('JCP', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) hd = web.DataReader('HD', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) cost = web.DataReader('COST', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) # Retrieve IT industry: 'AAPL','MSFT','AMZN','GOOG','FB','intc' aapl = web.DataReader('AAPL', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) msft = web.DataReader('MSFT', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) amzn = web.DataReader('AMZN', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) goog = web.DataReader('GOOG', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) fb = web.DataReader('FB', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) intc = web.DataReader('INTC', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) # Fashion FASHION industry: 'tpr', 'hmb', 'ges', 'mc', 'tif' tpr = web.DataReader('TPR', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) hmb = web.DataReader('HM-B.ST', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) ges = web.DataReader('GES', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) mc = web.DataReader('MC', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) tif = web.DataReader('TIF', data_source='yahoo', start=s_date, end=e_date) AUTO_name = ['GM', 'F', 'TM', 'TSLA', 'HMC'] BANK_name = ['JPM', 'BAC', 'HSBC', 'C', 'GS'] RETAIL_name = ['WMT', 'TGT', 'JCP', 'HD', 'COST'] IT_name = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'intc'] FASHION_name = ['tpr', 'hmb', 'ges', 'mc', 'tif'] AUTO = [gm, f, tm, tsla, hmc] BANK = [jpm, bac, hsbc, c, gs] RETAIL = [wmt, tgt, jcp, hd, cost] IT = [aapl, msft, amzn, goog, intc] FASHION = [tpr, hmb, ges, mc, tif] stocks = [] stocks_name = [] for i in category: for d in range(num): if str(i) == 'A': random.shuffle(AUTO) stocks.append(AUTO[d]) stocks_name.append((AUTO_name[d])) if str(i) == 'B': random.shuffle(BANK) stocks.append(BANK[d]) stocks_name.append((BANK_name[d])) if str(i) == 'I': random.shuffle(IT) stocks.append(IT[d]) stocks_name.append((IT_name[d])) if str(i) == 'R': random.shuffle(RETAIL) stocks.append(RETAIL[d]) stocks_name.append((IT_name[d])) if str(i) == 'F': random.shuffle(FASHION) stocks.append(FASHION[d]) stocks_name.append((IT_name[d])) # colors = ['y-', 'b-', 'g-', 'k-','r-','c-','m-'] # fig = pylab.figure(figsize = (10,8)) for i in range(len(stocks)): pylab.plot(stocks[i]['Adj Close'], linewidth=1.5) pylab.legend(stocks_name, loc='upper right', shadow=True) pylab.ylabel('Adjusted Close Price') pylab.title('Adjusted Close Price from 2008 to 2018') pylab.grid('on')
def clean_data_BDC(df, lalo, d, mean_std, IQR, titlelabel): df.loc[:, 'flag_spike'] = 1 df_2 = df[df['temp_logged'] > -3] # second filter # plot_BDC(df,df_2,lalo,d,titlelabel,'Plot after second filter',IQR) print(mean_std, IQR.mean(), IQR.max()) if IQR.std() > 1: df_3 = df_2[(df_2['IQR'] < 5) & (df_2['stdday'] < 1)] # third filter # plot_BDC(df,df_3,lalo,d,titlelabel,'Plot after third filter',IQR) df_3['std'] = df_3['temp_logged'].rolling(5, center=True, min_periods=1).std() df_4 = df_3[df_3[ 'std'] < 0.8] # fourth filter rolls again 5 consecutives rows with cleaned data from the previousL filters # plot_BDC(df,df_4,lalo,d,titlelabel,'Plot after fourth filter',IQR) else: df_4 = df_2[df_2['std'] < 1] # third filter # plot_BDC(df,df_4,lalo,d,titlelabel,'Plot after third filter',IQR) idx_clean = df_4.index df.loc[~df.index.isin(idx_clean), 'flag_spike'] = 4 df_4['std'] = df_4['temp_logged'].rolling(5, center=True, min_periods=1).std() # df_5 = df_4[df_4['std'] < df_4['std'].quantile(0.98)] # fourth filter to smooth the data even more # plot_BDC(df,df_5,lalo,d,titlelabel,'Plot after fifth filter',IQR) if IQR.std() > 1: df_5 = df_4[df_4['std'] < df_4['std'].quantile(0.98)] # fourth filter to smooth the data even more # plot_BDC(df,df_5,lalo,d,titlelabel,'Plot after fifth filter',IQR) df_5.loc[:, 'gap_time'] = df_5.index # - df_5.index.shift(1) df_5['first_time'] = (df_5['gap_time'].shift(-1) - df_5['gap_time']).dt.total_seconds() / 3600 / 24 df_5['last_time'] = (df_5['gap_time'] - df_5['gap_time'].shift(1)).dt.total_seconds() / 3600 / 24 # display(df_5[df_5['first_time'] > 1]) first_date = df_5[df_5['first_time'] > 1.8].index[0] last_date = df_5[df_5['last_time'] > 1.8].index[-1] + timedelta(hours=10) df_5 = df_5[(df_5.index <= first_date) | (last_date <= df_5.index)] else: df['temp_med'] = abs(df_4['temp_logged'] - df_4['temp_logged'].rolling(5, center=True, min_periods=1).median()) df_4['temp_med'] = abs( df_4['temp_logged'] - df_4['temp_logged'].rolling(5, center=True, min_periods=1).median()) # df_4['std_med'] = df_4['temp_med'].rolling(5, center=True, min_periods=1).std() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 9)) ax.plot(df_4.index, df_4['temp_logged'], color='b', alpha=0.5, label="std data") # plots degF on right hand side # ax.plot(FFC_final.index,FFC_final['std'].rolling(5, center=True, min_periods=1).median(),color='black', label="data")# plots degF on right hand side ax.plot(df_4.index, df_4['temp_med'], color='r', label="IQR data", zorder=10) # plots degF on right hand side ax.set_ylabel('std') ax.set_xlabel('Time') # display(df_4['temp_med'].describe()) print('Value to consider:', df_4['temp_med'].max() - (df_4['temp_med'].max() - df_4['temp_med'].quantile(0.98)) / 2) if df_4['temp_med'].max() - (df_4['temp_med'].max() - df_4['temp_med'].quantile(0.98)) / 2 > 1: df_4 = df_4[df_4['temp_med'] < 1] else: df_4 = df_4[df_4['temp_med'] < ( df_4['temp_med'].max() - (df_4['temp_med'].max() - df_4['temp_med'].quantile(0.98)) / 2)] df_5 = df_4.copy() idx_clean = df_5.index df.loc[(~df.index.isin(idx_clean)) & (df['flag_spike'] != 4), 'flag_spike'] = 3 return df
def run_agent(par_list, trials=trials, T=T, L=L, ns=ns, na=na): #set parameters: #obs_unc: observation uncertainty condition #state_unc: state transition uncertainty condition #goal_pol: evaluate only policies that lead to the goal #utility: goal prior, preference p(o) obs_unc, state_unc, goal_pol, avg, utility, = par_list """ create matrices """ vals = np.array([1., 2 / 3., 1 / 2., 1. / 2.]) #generating probability of observations in each state A = np.eye(ns) #generate horizontal gradient for observation uncertainty condition if obs_unc: condition = 'obs' for s in range(ns): x = s // L y = s % L c = vals[L - y - 1] # look for neighbors neighbors = [] if (s - 4) >= 0 and (s - 4) != 11: neighbors.append(s - 4) if (s % 4) != 0 and (s - 1) != 11: neighbors.append(s - 1) if (s + 4) <= (ns - 1) and (s + 4) != 11: neighbors.append(s + 4) if ((s + 1) % 4) != 0 and (s + 1) != 11: neighbors.append(s + 1) A[s, s] = c for n in neighbors: A[n, s] = (1 - c) / len(neighbors) #state transition generative probability (matrix) B = np.zeros((ns, ns, na)) cert_arr = np.zeros(ns) for s in range(ns): x = s // L y = s % L #state uncertainty condition if state_unc: if (x == 0) or (y == 3): c = vals[0] elif (x == 1) or (y == 2): c = vals[1] elif (x == 2) or (y == 1): c = vals[2] else: c = vals[3] condition = 'state' else: c = 1. cert_arr[s] = c for u in range(na): x = s // L + actions[u][0] y = s % L + actions[u][1] #check if state goes over boundary if x < 0: x = 0 elif x == L: x = L - 1 if y < 0: y = 0 elif y == L: y = L - 1 s_new = L * x + y if s_new == s: B[s, s, u] = 1 else: B[s, s, u] = 1 - c B[s_new, s, u] = c """ create environment (grid world) """ environment = env.GridWorld(A, B, trials=trials, T=T) """ create policies """ if goal_pol: pol = [] su = 3 for p in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=T - 1): if (np.array(p)[0:6].sum() == su) and (np.array(p)[-1] != 1): pol.append(list(p)) pol = np.array(pol) + 2 else: pol = np.array(list(itertools.product(list(range(na)), repeat=T - 1))) npi = pol.shape[0] """ set state prior (where agent thinks it starts) """ state_prior = np.zeros((ns)) state_prior[0] = 1. / 4. state_prior[1] = 1. / 4. state_prior[4] = 1. / 4. state_prior[5] = 1. / 4. """ set action selection method """ if avg: sel = 'avg' ac_sel = asl.AveragedSelector(trials=trials, T=T, number_of_actions=na) else: sel = 'max' ac_sel = asl.MaxSelector(trials=trials, T=T, number_of_actions=na) # ac_sel = asl.AveragedPolicySelector(trials = trials, T = T, # number_of_policies = npi, # number_of_actions = na) """ set up agent """ #bethe agent if agent == 'bethe': agnt = 'bethe' # perception and planning bayes_prc = prc.BethePerception(A, B, state_prior, utility) bayes_pln = agt.BayesianPlanner(bayes_prc, ac_sel, trials=trials, T=T, prior_states=state_prior, policies=pol, number_of_states=ns, number_of_policies=npi) #MF agent else: agnt = 'mf' # perception and planning bayes_prc = prc.MFPerception(A, B, state_prior, utility, T=T) bayes_pln = agt.BayesianMFPlanner(bayes_prc, [], ac_sel, trials=trials, T=T, prior_states=state_prior, policies=pol, number_of_states=ns, number_of_policies=npi) """ create world """ w = world.World(environment, bayes_pln, trials=trials, T=T) """ simulate experiment """ w.simulate_experiment() """ plot and evaluate results """ #find successful and unsuccessful runs goal = np.argmax(utility) successfull = np.where(environment.hidden_states[:, -1] == goal)[0] unsuccessfull = np.where(environment.hidden_states[:, -1] != goal)[0] total = len(successfull) #set up figure factor = 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[factor * 5, factor * 5]) ax = fig.gca() #plot start and goal state start_goal = np.zeros((L, L)) start_goal[0, 1] = 1. start_goal[-2, -1] = -1. u = sns.heatmap(start_goal, vmin=-1, vmax=1, zorder=2, ax=ax, linewidths=2, alpha=0.7, cmap="RdBu_r", xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False, cbar=False) ax.invert_yaxis() #find paths and count them n = np.zeros((ns, na)) for i in successfull: for j in range(T - 1): d = environment.hidden_states[i, j + 1] - environment.hidden_states[i, j] if d not in [1, -1, 4, -4, 0]: print("ERROR: beaming") if d == 1: n[environment.hidden_states[i, j], 0] += 1 if d == -1: n[environment.hidden_states[i, j] - 1, 0] += 1 if d == 4: n[environment.hidden_states[i, j], 1] += 1 if d == -4: n[environment.hidden_states[i, j] - 4, 1] += 1 un = np.zeros((ns, na)) for i in unsuccessfull: for j in range(T - 1): d = environment.hidden_states[i, j + 1] - environment.hidden_states[i, j] if d not in [1, -1, L, -L, 0]: print("ERROR: beaming") if d == 1: un[environment.hidden_states[i, j], 0] += 1 if d == -1: un[environment.hidden_states[i, j] - 1, 0] += 1 if d == 4: un[environment.hidden_states[i, j], 1] += 1 if d == -4: un[environment.hidden_states[i, j] - 4, 1] += 1 total_num = n.sum() + un.sum() if np.any(n > 0): n /= total_num if np.any(un > 0): un /= total_num #plotting for i in range(ns): x = [i % L + .5] y = [i // L + .5] #plot uncertainties if obs_unc: plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color=(219 / 256, 122 / 256, 147 / 256), markersize=factor * 12 / (A[i, i])**2, alpha=1.) if state_unc: plt.plot(x, y, 'o', color=(100 / 256, 149 / 256, 237 / 256), markersize=factor * 12 / (cert_arr[i])**2, alpha=1.) #plot unsuccessful paths for j in range(2): if un[i, j] > 0.0: if j == 0: xp = x + [x[0] + 1] yp = y + [y[0] + 0] if j == 1: xp = x + [x[0] + 0] yp = y + [y[0] + 1] plt.plot(xp, yp, '-', color='r', linewidth=factor * 30 * un[i, j], zorder=9, alpha=0.6) #set plot title plt.title("Planning: successful " + str(round(100 * total / trials)) + "%", fontsize=factor * 9) #plot successful paths on top for i in range(ns): x = [i % L + .5] y = [i // L + .5] for j in range(2): if n[i, j] > 0.0: if j == 0: xp = x + [x[0] + 1] yp = y + [y[0]] if j == 1: xp = x + [x[0] + 0] yp = y + [y[0] + 1] plt.plot(xp, yp, '-', color='c', linewidth=factor * 30 * n[i, j], zorder=10, alpha=0.6) print("percent won", total / trials, "state prior", np.amax(utility)) """ save data """ if save_data: jsonpickle_numpy.register_handlers() ut = np.amax(utility) p_o = '{:02d}'.format(round(ut * 10).astype(int)) fname = agnt + '_' + condition + '_' + sel + '_initUnc_' + p_o + '.json' fname = os.path.join(data_folder, fname) pickled = pickle.encode(w) with open(fname, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(pickled, outfile)
help="types allowed: css, eigencss, [default: %default]") parser.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="scss_name", help="Name for saving scss image", metavar="NAME") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) if len(args) != 1: print len(args), args print options parser.error('Incorrect number of arguiments, path and method needed') else: if options.cpath and options.csstype: if options.csstype == 'css': css = exp_simple_css(options.cpath, 400, 0.1, 5) plt.plot(css) else: css = exp_eigen_css(options.cpath, 400, 0.1, False) plt.plot(css) if options.dpath and options.csstype and options.scss_name: print 'scss will be saved as: {0}.npy'.format(options.scss_name) scss, maxs = exp_gen_scss(options.dpath, 300, .5, 10), scss) + '_maxs'), maxs) # cpath = '../../../../../mThesis/code/branches/expdata/bunny_side/slice145.txt' # css1 = exp_simple_css(cpath, 400, 0.1, 5) # css2 = exp_simple_css(cpath, 400, 0.01, 3)
def plot(self, fig_number=322): """plot the stored data in figure `fig_number`. Dependencies: `matlabplotlib.pylab` """ from matplotlib import pylab from matplotlib.pylab import (gca, figure, plot, xlabel, grid, semilogy, text, draw, show, subplot, tight_layout, rcParamsDefault, xlim, ylim) def title_(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('size', rcParamsDefault['axes.labelsize']) pylab.title(*args, **kwargs) def subtitle(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('horizontalalignment', 'center') text(0.5 * (xlim()[1] - xlim()[0]), 0.9 * ylim()[1], *args, **kwargs) def legend_(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('framealpha', 0.3) kwargs.setdefault('fancybox', True) kwargs.setdefault('fontsize', rcParamsDefault['font.size'] - 2) pylab.legend(*args, **kwargs) figure(fig_number) dat = self._data # dictionary with entries as given in __init__ if not dat: return try: # a hack to get the presumable population size lambda strpopsize = ' (evaluations / %s)' % str(dat['eval'][-2] - dat['eval'][-3]) except IndexError: strpopsize = '' # plot fit, Delta fit, sigma subplot(221) gca().clear() if dat['fit'][0] is None: # plot is fine with None, but comput- dat['fit'][0] = dat['fit'][1] # tations need numbers # should be reverted later, but let's be lazy assert dat['fit'].count(None) == 0 fmin = min(dat['fit']) imin = dat['fit'].index(fmin) dat['fit'][imin] = max(dat['fit']) + 1 fmin2 = min(dat['fit']) dat['fit'][imin] = fmin semilogy(dat['iter'], [f - fmin if f - fmin > 1e-19 else None for f in dat['fit']], 'c', linewidth=1, label='f-min(f)') semilogy(dat['iter'], [ max((fmin2 - fmin, 1e-19)) if f - fmin <= 1e-19 else None for f in dat['fit'] ], 'C1*') semilogy(dat['iter'], [abs(f) for f in dat['fit']], 'b', label='abs(f-value)') semilogy(dat['iter'], dat['sigma'], 'g', label='sigma') semilogy(dat['iter'][imin], abs(fmin), 'r*', label='abs(min(f))') if dat['more_data']: gca().twinx() plot(dat['iter'], dat['more_data']) grid(True) legend_(*[ [v[i] for i in [1, 0, 2, 3]] # just a reordering for v in gca().get_legend_handles_labels() ]) # plot xmean subplot(222) gca().clear() plot(dat['iter'], dat['xmean']) for i in range(len(dat['xmean'][-1])): text(dat['iter'][0], dat['xmean'][0][i], str(i)) text(dat['iter'][-1], dat['xmean'][-1][i], str(i)) subtitle('mean solution') grid(True) # plot squareroot of eigenvalues subplot(223) gca().clear() semilogy(dat['iter'], dat['D'], 'm') xlabel('iterations' + strpopsize) title_('Axis lengths') grid(True) # plot stds subplot(224) # if len(gcf().axes) > 1: # sca(pylab.gcf().axes[1]) # else: # twinx() gca().clear() semilogy(dat['iter'], dat['stds']) for i in range(len(dat['stds'][-1])): text(dat['iter'][-1], dat['stds'][-1][i], str(i)) title_('Coordinate-wise STDs w/o sigma') grid(True) xlabel('iterations' + strpopsize) _stdout.flush() tight_layout() draw() show() CMAESDataLogger.plotted += 1
def plot_example_psds(example, rate): """ This function creates a figure with 4 lines to show the overall psd for the four sleep examples. (Recall row 0 is REM, rows 1-3 are NREM stages 1, 2 and 3/4) """ pxx_max_1 = [] pxx_max_2 = [] pxx_max_3 = [] example_1_max = [] example_2_max = [] example_3_max = [] example_1_min = [] example_2_min = [] example_3_min = [] pxx0, freq0 = m.psd(example[0], 256, srate) pxx1, freq1 = m.psd(example[1], 256, srate) pxx2, freq2 = m.psd(example[2], 256, srate) pxx3, freq3 = m.psd(example[3], 256, srate) pxx0_normalized = pxx0 / sum(pxx0) pxx1_normalized = pxx1 / sum(pxx1) pxx2_normalized = pxx2 / sum(pxx2) pxx3_normalized = pxx3 / sum(pxx3) plt.figure() plt.plot(freq0, pxx0_normalized, color='k', label='REM sleep') plt.plot(freq1, pxx1_normalized, color='r', label='st1 NREM sleep') plt.plot(freq2, pxx2_normalized, color='b', label='st2 NREM sleep') plt.plot(freq3, pxx3_normalized, color='c', label='st3 NREM sleep') plt.xlim(0, 30) plt.xlabel('frequency in (HZ)') plt.ylabel('Power Spectal Denisty (db/HZ) ') plt.title('Psds for 4 stages') plt.legend(loc=0) for i in range(10): start = i * 3840 end = (i + 1) * 3840 pxx, freq = m.psd(example[1][start:end], rate) pxx_normalized = pxx / sum(pxx) pxx_max_1 = np.append(pxx_max_1, max(pxx_normalized)) example_1_max = np.append(example_1_max, max(example[1][start:end])) example_1_min = np.append(example_1_min, min(example[1][start:end])) print[ max(example_1_min), min(example_1_min), max(example_1_max), min(example_1_max), max(pxx_max_1), min(pxx_max_1) ] for i in range(10): start = i * 3840 end = (i + 1) * 3840 pxx, freq = m.psd(example[2][start:end], rate) pxx_normalized = pxx / sum(pxx) pxx_max_2 = np.append(pxx_max_2, max(pxx_normalized)) example_2_max = np.append(example_2_max, max(example[2][start:end])) example_2_min = np.append(example_2_min, min(example[2][start:end])) print[ max(example_2_min), min(example_2_min), max(example_2_max), min(example_2_max), max(pxx_max_2), min(pxx_max_2) ] for i in range(10): start = i * 3840 end = (i + 1) * 3840 pxx, freq = m.psd(example[3][start:end], rate) pxx_normalized = pxx / sum(pxx) pxx_max_3 = np.append(pxx_max_3, max(pxx_normalized)) example_3_max = np.append(example_3_max, max(example[3][start:end])) example_3_min = np.append(example_3_min, min(example[3][start:end])) print[ max(example_3_min), min(example_3_min), max(example_3_max), min(example_3_max), max(pxx_max_3), min(pxx_max_3) ]
def plot_BDC(FFC, FFC_clean, lalo, d, title1, title2, IQR): def c2f(temp): """ Returns temperature in Celsius. """ return 1.8 * temp + 32 def convert_ax_f_to_fahrenheit(ax_c): """ Update second axis according with first axis. """ y1, y2 = ax_c.get_ylim() ax_f.set_ylim(c2f(y1), c2f(y2)) ax_f.figure.canvas.draw() # plots the original, the cleaned FFC (assumes temperature degC) and returns degF # "d" is the previously calculated movement of trap # puts the title (assumes fisherman's name) raw_data = FFC[FFC[ 'temp_logged'].notnull()] # pd.read_csv(asc_file,skiprows=skipr,parse_dates={'datet':[0,1]},index_col='datet',date_parser=parse,names=['Date','Time','temp_logged'],encoding= 'unicode_escape') fig, ax_c = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 9)) ax_f = ax_c.twinx() # atuomatically update ylim of ax2 when ylim of ax1 changes ax_c.callbacks.connect("ylim_changed", convert_ax_f_to_fahrenheit) ax_c.plot(raw_data.index, raw_data['temp_logged'], '-', color='r', label="raw data", zorder=0) ax_c.set_ylabel('celsius') ax_c.set_xlabel('Time') ax_c.set_xlim(min(raw_data.index) - timedelta(hours=5), max(raw_data.index) + timedelta(hours=5)) # limit the plot to logged data ax_c.set_ylim(min(raw_data['temp_logged']) - 2, max(raw_data['temp_logged']) + 2) # display(FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_spike'] == 3]) try: ax_c.plot(FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_spike'] == 1].index, FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_spike'] == 1]['temp_logged'], color='b', label="clean data") # plots degF on right hand side ax_c.scatter(FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_logged_location'] != 1].index, FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_logged_location'] != 1]['temp_logged'], s=10, c='darkred', alpha=0.5, cmap='Wistia', label='flag location not recorded', zorder=100) # ,zorder=10) # plots flag depth ax_c.plot(lalo.index, lalo['temp'], 'c*', label='logged data', zorder=101) # plots logged data from LatLong file ax_c.scatter(FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_spike'] != 1].index, FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_spike'] != 1]['temp_logged'], c='red', s=10, cmap='Wistia', label="filtered data", zorder=502) # ax_c.scatter(FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_bathymetry'] != 1].index,FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_bathymetry'] != 1]['temp_logged'] ,c='cyan', alpha=0.1, s=10, cmap='Wistia',label="flag bathymetry",zorder=102) except: print('No good plot') ax_c.plot(FFC_clean.index, FFC_clean['temp_logged'], color='b', label="clean data") # plots degF on right hand side ax_c.plot(lalo.index, lalo['temp'], 'c*', label='logged data', zorder=101) # plots logged data from LatLong file ax_c.scatter(FFC.index, FFC['temp_logged'], c='red', s=10, cmap='Wistia', label="filtered data", zorder=102) FT = [FFC_clean['temp_logged']] LT = [np.array(lalo['temp'].values)] # logged temp in degC moveid = list(where(array(d) > 1.0)[0]) # movements logged greater than 1km dist = 3 tip = 0.5 c_move = 0 for kk in moveid: ax_c.annotate('%s' % float('%6.1f' % d[kk]) + ' kms', xy=(lalo.index[kk], LT[0][kk] + tip), xycoords='data', xytext=(lalo.index[kk], LT[0][kk] + dist), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom') dist *= -1.2 tip *= -1 if c_move > 2: if dist > 0: dist = 3 else: dist = -3 c_move = 0 c_move += 1 # per_good = len(FFC_clean[(FFC_clean['flag_spike'] == 1) & (FFC_clean['flag_change_location'] == 1) & (FFC_clean['flag_change_depth'] == 1)])/len(FFC_clean) * 100 per_good = len(FFC_clean[(FFC_clean['flag_spike'] == 1)]) / len(FFC_clean) * 100 per_model = len(FFC_clean[FFC_clean['flag_bathy'] == 1]) / len(FFC_clean) * 100 savefig = True if per_good >= 99 and per_model > 50 and FFC_clean['gebco'].mean() > 0 else False plt.suptitle(title1) plt.title(title2 + ' and %s' % float('%6.1f' % per_good) + '% of clean data respect to raw data') ax_f.set_ylabel('fahrenheit') fig.autofmt_xdate() ax_c.legend() if savefig: plt.savefig(path_save + 'Passed/' + year + '_FS' + LFAzone + '_' + str( int(FFC_final['gauge'].iloc[0])) + '_' + fisherman.replace(' ', '_') + '.png') else: plt.savefig( path_save + year + '_FS' + LFAzone + '_' + str(int(FFC_clean['gauge'].iloc[0])) + '_' + fisherman.replace( ' ', '_') + '.png') # Bathymetry plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 9)) ax.plot(FFC_final.index, -FFC_final['depth'], color='b', label="logged data") # plots degF on right hand side ax.plot(FFC_final.index, -FFC_final['gebco'], color='r', label="gebco data") # plots degF on right hand side # ax.plot(FFC_final.index,FFC_final['ngdc'],color='green',label="ngdc data")# plots degF on right hand side ax.set_ylabel('depth (m)') ax.set_xlabel('Time') # ax.set_xlim(min(imgtoup.index) - timedelta(hours=5),max(imgtoup.index) + timedelta(hours=5)) # limit the plot to logged data min_gebco = -FFC_final['gebco'].max() min_depth = -FFC_final['depth'].max() ax.set_ylim(min_gebco - 10, 20) if min_gebco < min_depth else ax.set_ylim( min_depth - 10, 20) plt.legend() if savefig: plt.savefig(path_save + 'Passed/' + year + '_FS' + LFAzone + '_' + str( int(FFC_final['gauge'].iloc[0])) + '_' + fisherman.replace(' ', '_') + '_bathymetry.png') else: plt.savefig( path_save + year + '_FS' + LFAzone + '_' + str(int(FFC_clean['gauge'].iloc[0])) + '_' + fisherman.replace( ' ', '_') + '_bathymetry.png') return savefig
pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('so') pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2) pylab.pcolor(soInterpEsmfInterface - soInterpESMP, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('[%d] EsmfInterface - ESMP' % mype) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3) pylab.pcolor(soInterpEsmfInterface, vmin=20.0, vmax=40.0) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('[%d] ESMFInterface' % mype) pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4) pylab.pcolor(soInterpESMP, vmin=20, vmax=40) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title('[%d] ESMP' % mype) # clean up ESMP.ESMP_FieldRegridRelease(regrid1) ESMP.ESMP_FieldDestroy(dstFld) ESMP.ESMP_GridDestroy(dstGrid) ESMP.ESMP_FieldDestroy(srcFld) ESMP.ESMP_GridDestroy(srcGrid) if __name__ == '__main__': print "" suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite) if PLOT:
a2 = u[i+2,1] + 2.*u[i-1,1] - 2.*u[i+1,1] - u[i-2,1] else: a2 = u[i-1, 1] - u[i+1, 1] a3 = u[i+1, 1] - u[i-1, 1] u[i, 2] = u[i,0] - a1*a3 - 2.*fac*a2/3. if j%100 == 0: # Plot every 100 time steps for i in range (1, mx - 2): spl[i, m] = u[i, 2] print(m) m = m + 1 for k in range(0, mx): # Recycle array saves memory u[k, 0] = u[k, 1] u[k, 1] = u[k, 2] x = list(range(0, mx, 2)) # Plot every other point y = list(range(0, 21)) # Plot 21 lines every 100 t steps X, Y = p.meshgrid(x, y) def functz(spl): z = spl[X, Y] return z fig = p.figure() # create figure ax = Axes3D(fig) # plot axes ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, spl[X, Y], color = 'r') # red wireframe ax.set_xlabel('Positon') # label axes ax.set_ylabel('Time') ax.set_zlabel('Disturbance') # Show figure, close Python shell print("That's all folks!") #三次元の解