def get_axes_extent(ax: Axes, ax_crs: CRS, crs: CRS=SphericalEarth): """ Get the extent of an Axes in geographical (or other) coordinates. """ xl, xr = ax.get_xlim() yb, yt = ax.get_ylim() ll = ax_crs.transform(crs, xl, yb) lr = ax_crs.transform(crs, xr, yb) ur = ax_crs.transform(crs, xr, yt) ul = ax_crs.transform(crs, xl, yt) return Polygon([ll, lr, ur, ul], crs=crs)
def plot2axes(self, axes: plt.Axes, width: NumberLike=1, color: str='w'): """Plot the line to an axes. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes An MPL axes to plot to. color : str The color of the line. """ axes.plot((self.point1.x, self.point2.x), (self.point1.y, self.point2.y), linewidth=width, color=color)
def _plot_flatness(self, direction: str, axis: plt.Axes=None): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() data = self.flatness[direction.lower()] axis.set_title(direction.capitalize() + " Flatness") axis.plot(data['profile'].values) _remove_ticklabels(axis) axis.axhline(data['profile max'], color='r') axis.axhline(data['profile min'], color='r') axis.axvline(data['profile left'], color='g', linestyle='-.') axis.axvline(data['profile right'], color='g', linestyle='-.')
def show_spiral(data): from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow,show,figure,Axes,set_cmap #this is to remove plat axes fig = figure() fig.set_size_inches(6, 6) ax = Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) set_cmap('binary') #display plot ax.imshow(data, interpolation='nearest') show()
def show_Ulam_spiral(Ulam_data): """ Plots the Ulam spiral and saves it. Depends on matplotlib.pyplot """ from matplotlib.pyplot import set_cmap,savefig,figure,Axes,show fig = figure() fig.set_size_inches(6, 6) ax = Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) set_cmap('jet') ax.imshow(Ulam_data, interpolation='nearest') show()
def plot_polygon(geom: Union[Polygon, Iterable[Polygon]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Polygon geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("facecolor", "none") kwargs.setdefault("edgecolor", "black") x, y = geom.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) return ax.fill(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def plot_multipoint(geom: Union[Multipoint, Iterable[Multipoint]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Line geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("linestyle", "none") kwargs.setdefault("marker", ".") x, y = geom.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) return ax.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def _plot_image(self, axis: plt.Axes=None, title: str=''): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() axis.imshow(self.array, cmap=get_dicom_cmap()) axis.axhline(self.positions['vertical']*self.array.shape[0], color='r') # y axis.axvline(self.positions['horizontal']*self.array.shape[1], color='r') # x _remove_ticklabels(axis) axis.set_title(title)
def plot_multiline(geom: Union[Multiline, Iterable[Multiline]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Line geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ out = [] for line in geom: x, y = line.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) out.append(ax.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs)) return out
def plot_multipolygon(geom: Union[Multipolygon, Iterable[Multipolygon]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Line geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("facecolor", "none") kwargs.setdefault("edgecolor", "black") out = [] for polygon in geom: x, y = polygon.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) out.append(ax.fill(x, y, *args, **kwargs)) return out
def plot2axes(self, axes: plt.Axes=None, edgecolor: str='black', fill: bool=False, plot_peaks: bool=True): """Add 2 circles to the axes: one at the maximum and minimum radius of the ROI. See Also -------- :meth:`~pylinac.core.profile.CircleProfile.plot2axes` : Further parameter info. """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.imshow(self.image_array) axes.add_patch(mpl_Circle((,, edgecolor=edgecolor, radius=self.radius*(1+self.width_ratio), fill=fill)) axes.add_patch(mpl_Circle((,, edgecolor=edgecolor, radius=self.radius*(1-self.width_ratio), fill=fill)) if plot_peaks: x_locs = [peak.x for peak in self.peaks] y_locs = [peak.y for peak in self.peaks] axes.autoscale(enable=False) axes.scatter(x_locs, y_locs, s=20, marker='x', c=edgecolor)
def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes=None, show: bool=True, clear_fig: bool=False, **kwargs): """Plot the image. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes instance The axis to plot the image to. If None, creates a new figure. show : bool Whether to actually show the image. Set to false when plotting multiple items. clear_fig : bool Whether to clear the prior items on the figure before plotting. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if clear_fig: plt.clf() ax.imshow(self.array, cmap=get_dicom_cmap(), **kwargs) if show: return ax
def plot_grid(grid: RegularGrid, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, band: Union[int, tuple]=-1, **kwargs): """ Plot a grid instance Parameters ---------- grid : RegularGrid raster data to plot ax : Axes, optional Axes to plot to [default plt.gca()] crs : CRS, optional Currently not supported band : int or tuple, optional Band(s) to plot. If *grid* has three bands, by default the three are plotted in false colour as RGB channels. Otherwise, the first band is plotted by default. If *band* is a tuple, it must have three integer elements. Notes ----- Additional arguments are passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` """ kwargs.setdefault("origin", "bottom") kwargs.setdefault("extent", grid.get_extent(crs=crs)) kwargs.setdefault("cmap", cm.binary_r) if crs is not None and crs != raise NotImplementedError("RegularGrid reprojection not supported") # compute the pixels that can actually be displayed # be slightly generous by using a factor of 0.75 to avoid choosing too low # of a resolution _, _, width, height = ax.bbox.bounds ny, nx = grid.size r = (max(int(0.75*ny//height), 1), max(int(0.75*nx//width), 1)) if band == -1: if len(grid.bands) == 3 and (band == -1): band = (0, 1, 2) else: band = 0 if isinstance(band, int): arr = grid[::r[0],::r[1],band] arr =, grid.nodata) else: if len(band) not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("bands must be RGB or RGBA (length 3 or 4)") arr = np.dstack([grid[::r[0],::r[1],i] for i in band]).astype(np.float32) arr =, grid.nodata) arr[:,:,:3] /= arr[:,:,:3].max() im = ax.imshow(arr, **kwargs) if ax == gca(): sci(im) return im
def get_axes_limits(ax: Axes, ax_crs: CRS, crs: CRS=SphericalEarth): """ Get the limits of the window covered by an Axes in another coordinate system. """ xl, xr = ax.get_xlim() yb, yt = ax.get_ylim() # Minimize bottom spine x_ = scipy.optimize.fminbound(lambda x: ax_crs.transform(crs, x, yb)[1], xl, xr) ymin = ax_crs.transform(crs, x_, yb)[1] # Maximize top spine x_ = scipy.optimize.fminbound(lambda x: -ax_crs.transform(crs, x, yt)[1], xl, xr) ymax = ax_crs.transform(crs, x_, yt)[1] # Minimize left spine y_ = scipy.optimize.fminbound(lambda y: ax_crs.transform(crs, xl, y)[0], yb, yt) xmin = ax_crs.transform(crs, xl, y_)[0] # Maximize right spine y_ = scipy.optimize.fminbound(lambda y: -ax_crs.transform(crs, xr, y)[0], yb, yt) xmax = ax_crs.transform(crs, xr, y_)[0] return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
def _plot_analyzed_subimage(self, subimage: str, show: bool=True, ax: plt.Axes=None): """Plot an individual piece of the VMAT analysis. Parameters ---------- subimage : str Specifies which image to plot. show : bool Whether to actually plot the image. ax : matplotlib Axes, None If None (default), creates a new figure to plot to, otherwise plots to the given axes. """ plt.ioff() if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plot DMLC or OPEN image if subimage in (DMLC, OPEN): if subimage == DMLC: img = self.dmlc_image elif subimage == OPEN: img = self.open_image ax.imshow(img, cmap=get_dicom_cmap()) self._draw_segments(ax) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() # plot profile elif subimage == PROFILE: dmlc_prof, open_prof = self._median_profiles((self.dmlc_image, self.open_image)) ax.plot(dmlc_prof.values, label='DMLC') ax.plot(open_prof.values, label='Open') ax.autoscale(axis='x', tight=True) ax.legend(loc=8, fontsize='large') ax.grid() if show:
def add_guards_to_axes(self, axis: plt.Axes, color: str='g'): """Plot guard rails to the axis.""" if self.settings.orientation == UP_DOWN: length = self.image.shape[0] else: length = self.image.shape[1] x_data = np.arange(length) left_y_data = self.left_guard(x_data) right_y_data = self.right_guard(x_data) if self.settings.orientation == UP_DOWN: axis.plot(left_y_data, x_data, color=color) axis.plot(right_y_data, x_data, color=color) else: axis.plot(x_data, left_y_data, color=color) axis.plot(x_data, right_y_data, color=color)
def plot_axis_images(self, axis: str=GANTRY, show: bool=True, ax: plt.Axes=None): """Plot all CAX/BB/EPID positions for the images of a given axis. For example, axis='Couch' plots a reference image, and all the BB points of the other images where the couch was moving. Parameters ---------- axis : {'Gantry', 'Collimator', 'Couch', 'Combo'} The images/markers from which accelerator axis to plot. show : bool Whether to actually show the images. ax : None, matplotlib.Axes The axis to plot to. If None, creates a new plot. """ images = [image for image in self.images if image.variable_axis in (axis, REFERENCE)] ax = images[0].plot(show=False, ax=ax) # plots the first marker; plot the rest of the markers below if axis != COUCH: # plot EPID epid_xs = [img.epid.x for img in images[1:]] epid_ys = [img.epid.y for img in images[1:]] ax.plot(epid_xs, epid_ys, 'b+', ms=8) # get CAX positions xs = [img.field_cax.x for img in images[1:]] ys = [img.field_cax.y for img in images[1:]] marker = 'gs' else: # get BB positions xs = [ for img in images[1:]] ys = [ for img in images[1:]] marker = 'ro' ax.plot(xs, ys, marker, ms=8) # set labels ax.set_title(axis + ' wobble') ax.set_xlabel(axis + ' positions superimposed') ax.set_ylabel(axis + f" iso size: {getattr(self, axis.lower() + '_iso_size'):3.2f}mm") if show:
def plot2axes(self, axes: plt.Axes, edgecolor: str='black', angle: float=0.0, fill: bool=False, alpha: float=1, facecolor: str='g'): """Plot the Rectangle to the axes. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes An MPL axes to plot to. edgecolor : str The color of the circle. angle : float Angle of the rectangle. fill : bool Whether to fill the rectangle with color or leave hollow. """ axes.add_patch(mpl_Rectangle((self.bl_corner.x, self.bl_corner.y), width=self.width, height=self.height, angle=angle, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, facecolor=facecolor, fill=fill))
def annotate(artist: Artist, label: str, where: str="over", ax: Axes=None, **kwargs): """ Add a Text object near *artist*. """ if where == "over": x, y = _position_over(artist) kwargs.setdefault("va", "center") elif where == "below": x, y = _position_below(artist) kwargs.setdefault("va", "top") elif where == "above": x, y = _position_above(artist) kwargs.setdefault("va", "bottom") else: raise ValueError("invalid value for 'where'") return ax.text(x, y, label, **kwargs)
def plot_at_coordinates(images: np.ndarray, coordinates: np.ndarray, zoom: float, ax: plt.Axes = None): assert images.ndim == 3 and coordinates.ndim == 2 assert images.shape[0] == coordinates.shape[0] and coordinates.shape[1] == 2 if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() artists = [] for (x, y), to_plot in zip(coordinates, images): im = OffsetImage(to_plot, zoom=zoom, cmap='coolwarm') box = AnnotationBbox(im, (x, y), frameon=False) artists.append(ax.add_artist(box)) return artists
def plot_attribute_reconstruction_from_svd( self, attribute_name, number_of_principal_components='all', axes: plt.Axes = None, marker_size=3): original_data = self.get_attribute(attribute_name) reconstruction = self.reconstruction_from_principal_components( number_of_principal_components=number_of_principal_components, attribute_names=[attribute_name]) if axes is None: figure = plt.figure() axes = plt.axes() figure.set_facecolor('white') axes.set_facecolor('white') axes.set_title(attribute_name + f", {number_of_principal_components} principal " f"components") axes.set_xlabel('Original data') axes.set_ylabel('Reconstructed data') axes.scatter(original_data, reconstruction, s=marker_size)
def _radar(df: pd.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes, label: Text, all_tags: Sequence[Text], color: Text, alpha: float = 0.2, edge_alpha: float = 0.85, zorder: int = 2, edge_style: Text = '-'): """Plot utility for generating the underlying radar plot.""" tmp = df.groupby('tag').mean().reset_index() values = [] for curr_tag in all_tags: score = 0. selected = tmp[tmp['tag'] == curr_tag] if len(selected) == 1: score = float(selected['score']) else: print('{} bsuite scores found for tag {!r} with setting {!r}. ' 'Replacing with zero.'.format(len(selected), curr_tag, label)) values.append(score) values = np.maximum(values, 0.05) # don't let radar collapse to 0. values = np.concatenate((values, [values[0]])) angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(all_tags), endpoint=False) angles = np.concatenate((angles, [angles[0]])) ax.plot(angles, values, '-', linewidth=5, label=label, c=color, alpha=edge_alpha, zorder=zorder, linestyle=edge_style) ax.fill(angles, values, alpha=alpha, color=color, zorder=zorder) ax.set_thetagrids(angles * 180 / np.pi, map(_tag_pretify, all_tags), fontsize=18) # To avoid text on top of gridlines, we flip horizontalalignment # based on label location text_angles = np.rad2deg(angles) for label, angle in zip(ax.get_xticklabels()[:-1], text_angles[:-1]): if 90 <= angle <= 270: label.set_horizontalalignment('right') else: label.set_horizontalalignment('left')
def generate_gsr_range_correct_means_plot(axes: plt.Axes, stimulus_data: pd.DataFrame): """ Plots range corrected means over two minute windows. :param axes: the axes to plot on :param stimulus_data: the raw stimulus data :return: None """ windowed_data = stimulus_data.resample("2min").mean()[:15] time = convert_date_to_time(windowed_data.index) axes.set_title("Range-Corrected GSR Means Over Two-Minute Windows") axes.set_xlabel("Time (minutes)", fontsize="large") axes.set_ylabel("Range-Corrected GSR (dimensionless)") axes.set_ylim(0, 1) set_windowed_x_axis(axes), windowed_data[RANGE_CORRECT_EDA], width=2, align="edge", edgecolor="black")
def plot(self, ax: plt.Axes = None, show: bool = True, clear_fig: bool = False, **kwargs): """Plot the image. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes instance The axis to plot the image to. If None, creates a new figure. show : bool Whether to actually show the image. Set to false when plotting multiple items. clear_fig : bool Whether to clear the prior items on the figure before plotting. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if clear_fig: plt.clf() ax.imshow(self.array, cmap=get_dicom_cmap(), **kwargs) if show: return ax
def draw_box( pyplot_axis: plt.Axes, vertices: np.ndarray, axes: Optional[Any] = None, color: Union[str, Tuple[float, float, float]] = "red", ) -> None: axes = _get_axes_or_default(axes) vertices = vertices[axes, :] connections = [ [0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 0], # Lower plane parallel to Z=0 plane [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 4], # Upper plane parallel to Z=0 plane [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7], # Connections between upper and lower planes ] for connection in connections: pyplot_axis.plot(*vertices[:, connection], c=color, lw=0.5)
def show_contour(self, ax: plt.Axes = None): """Plot contours on image. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes Axes to use for plotting. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.Axes """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('Contours') self.contour.plot_mpl(ax=ax) ax.imshow(self.image) ax.axis('image') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return ax
def visualize_frequent_words(vectors_2d: np.ndarray, dataset: DataSet, k: int, ax: plt.Axes = None) -> None: word_ids, counts = np.unique(, return_counts=True) indices = np.argpartition(-counts, k)[:k] frequent_word_ids = word_ids[indices] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 13)) else: fig = None vectors_2d = vectors_2d[frequent_word_ids] ax.scatter(vectors_2d[:, 0], vectors_2d[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.25) for i, id in enumerate(frequent_word_ids): ax.annotate(dataset.vocabulary.to_word(id), (vectors_2d[i, 0], vectors_2d[i, 1])) if fig is not None: fig.tight_layout()
def plot_curve(axes: plt.Axes, filename: str, label: str, mask: Sequence[float] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> List[lines.Line2D]: """ Plot a curve in the axes object with the values in the given file. The file can include single line comments which start with #. Each line should contain two floats which are the x and the y value, respectively. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The axes object. filename : str The filename. label : str The label of the plot. mask : Sequence[float] The range of the x-axis within data is plotted. kwargs : Any Additional kwargs which will be passed to the axes.plot method. Returns ------- matplotlib.lines.Line2D A list of objects representing the plotted data. """ try: if mask is None: mask = [-float('inf'), float('inf')] data = [] with open(filename, 'r') as file: for line in file: if line.startswith('#'): continue split_str = line.split() x_value, y_value = float(split_str[0]), float(split_str[1]) if mask[0] <= x_value <= mask[1]: data.append((x_value, y_value)) sorted(data) x_values = [a[0] for a in data] y_values = [a[1] for a in data] return axes.plot(x_values, y_values, label=label, **kwargs) except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn("Could not open the file {}.".format(filename)) return []
def center_axis(axes: plt.Axes, which='y'): if which == 'y': max_abs = np.max(np.abs(axes.get_ylim())) axes.set_ylim(-max_abs, max_abs) elif which == 'x': max_abs = np.max(np.abs(axes.get_xlim())) axes.set_xlim(-max_abs, max_abs) elif which == 'both': pass return
def _default_after_subplot(self, ax: plt.Axes, group_name: str, x_label: str): """Add title xlabel and legend to single chart Args: ax: matplotlib Axes group_name: name of metrics group (eg. Accuracy, Recall) x_label: label of x axis (eg. epoch, iteration, batch) """ ax.set_title(group_name) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.legend(loc='center right')
def __init__( self, ax: plt.Axes, ): """ :param ax: xxx """ canvas = ax.get_figure().canvas canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self._on_press) canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", self._on_release) canvas.mpl_connect("scroll_event", self._on_scroll_event) = ax self.canvas = canvas self.last_point: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None self.motion_handler: Optional[Callable] = None
def _plot_ax_outliers(axes: plt.Axes, ax_data: pd.Series, extents: np.ndarray): if plotter == sns.kdeplot: group = .5 * np.diff(axes.get_ylim()) ax_data = ax_data.values outlier_data = ax_data[np.logical_or(cutoff_lo > ax_data, ax_data > cutoff_hi)] _plot_outliers(axes, outlier_data, orient=orient, group=group, padding=padding, plot_extents=extents, fmt=fmt) return axes if not group_names or len(group_names) == 1: _plot_group_outliers(ax_data, extents, axes=axes) return for group_idx, group_name in enumerate(group_names): _plot_group_outliers(ax_data, extents, group_idx=group_idx, group_name=group_name, axes=axes)
def graph_frame(hist: history.DB, db_res_case: int, contour_key: history.ContourKey, ax: plt.Axes): row_skeleton = history.ColumnResult._all_nones()._replace( result_case_num=db_res_case) column_data = list(hist.get_all_matching(row_skeleton)) col_data_graph = [ cd for cd in column_data if cd.contour_key == contour_key ] ax.clear() graphed_something = False for yielded, base_col in ( (False, 'tab:blue'), (True, 'tab:orange'), ): # Fall back to NaNs, only override with the real data. x_to_cd = { cd.x: history.ColumnResult._nans_at(cd.x) for cd in col_data_graph } # Override with the real thing for cd in col_data_graph: if cd.yielded == yielded: x_to_cd[cd.x] = cd graphed_something = True res_to_plot = [cd for x, cd in sorted(x_to_cd.items())] x = [cd.x for cd in res_to_plot] y_min = [cd.minimum for cd in res_to_plot] y_mean = [cd.mean for cd in res_to_plot] y_max = [cd.maximum for cd in res_to_plot] ax.fill_between(x, y_min, y_max, color=base_col, alpha=0.2) yield_text = "Dilated" if yielded else "Undilated" ax.plot(x, y_mean, color=base_col, label=f"{} ({yield_text})") ax.legend() return graphed_something
def attach_probability_current_to_axis( self, axis: plt.Axes, plot_limit: Optional[float] = None, distance_unit: u.Unit = "bohr_radius", rate_unit="per_asec", ): distance_unit_value, _ = u.get_unit_value_and_latex(distance_unit) rate_unit_value, _ = u.get_unit_value_and_latex(rate_unit) ( current_mesh_z, current_mesh_rho, ) = (self.mesh.get_probability_current_density_vector_field() ) # actually densities here current_mesh_z *= self.mesh.delta_z current_mesh_rho *= self.mesh.delta_rho skip_count = ( int(self.mesh.z_mesh.shape[0] / 50), int(self.mesh.z_mesh.shape[1] / 50), ) skip = (slice(None, None, skip_count[0]), slice(None, None, skip_count[1])) normalization = np.nanmax( np.sqrt((current_mesh_z**2) + (current_mesh_rho**2))[skip]) if normalization == 0: normalization = 1 sli = self.mesh.get_mesh_slicer(plot_limit) quiv = axis.quiver( self.mesh.z_mesh[sli][skip] / distance_unit_value, self.mesh.rho_mesh[sli][skip] / distance_unit_value, current_mesh_z[sli][skip] / normalization, current_mesh_rho[sli][skip] / normalization, pivot="middle", scale=10, units="width", scale_units="width", alpha=0.5, color="white", ) return quiv
def get_bar_data( plot_axis: plt.Axes ) -> Tuple[str, List[str], List[float], List[str], List[float], List[float], List[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]]: """ Extracts plot's title, x-axis name and range and y-axis name and range. Parameters ---------- plot_axis : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes A matplotlib axis from which all of the aforementioned information will be extracted. Returns ------- plot_title : string Plot's title. plot_x_tick_names : List[string] Tick labels of the plot's x-axis. plot_x_range : List[Number] Range of the plot's x-axis. plot_y_tick_names : List[string] Tick labels of the plot's y-axis. plot_y_range : List[Number] Range of the plot's y-axis. plot_bar_width : List[Number] Bar width of every bar in the plot. plot_bar_colours : List[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] Bar colour of every bar in the plot. This is represented as an (r, g, b, alpha) tuple. """ assert isinstance(plot_axis, plt.Axes), 'Must be a matplotlib axis.' plot_title = plot_axis.get_title() plot_x_tick_names = [ x.get_text() for x in plot_axis.xaxis.get_ticklabels() ] plot_x_range = plot_axis.xaxis.get_view_interval() plot_y_tick_names = [ y.get_text() for y in plot_axis.yaxis.get_ticklabels() ] plot_y_range = plot_axis.yaxis.get_view_interval() plot_bar_width = [ybar.get_width() for ybar in plot_axis.patches] plot_bar_colours = [ybar.get_facecolor() for ybar in plot_axis.patches] return (plot_title, plot_x_tick_names, plot_x_range, plot_y_tick_names, plot_y_range, plot_bar_width, plot_bar_colours)
def volcano_plot(filename: str, *, ax: plt.Axes = None, lfc_col: str = DESEQ2_LOG2_CHANGE, pad_col: str = DESEQ2_PADJ, threshold: float = 0.05, use_threshold: bool = True, color_col: str = None, normal_color: Union[str, tuple] = Palette().blue(), sign_color: Union[str, tuple] = Palette().red(), scatter_options: dict = None, add_labels: bool = True): d = pd.read_csv(filename) # Sanity check try: t = d[lfc_col], d[pad_col] # Temporary variable to check except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Please check your input data. Your input data " f"should have columns for log fold change " f"'{DESEQ2_LOG2_CHANGE}' " f"and adjusted p value '{DESEQ2_PADJ}' column. If " f"your column names are different, please provide " f"them with argument 'lfc_col' and 'pad_col'" f"") from e d = d.fillna(0) # type: pd.DataFrame # Generate temporary column name temp = f"temp_col{np.random.randint(1000, 9000)}" colors = f"temp_color{np.random.randint(1000, 8000)}" d[temp] = d[pad_col].map(lambda x: -np.log10(x)) d[colors] = normal_color # Use different color for values below threshold if use_threshold: d.loc[d[pad_col] < threshold, colors] = sign_color # If explicit color column is given, use those colors if color_col is not None: colors = color_col # If no axes is given, generate default one if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() opts = {"marker": "."} if scatter_options is not None: opts = {**opts, **scatter_options} ax.scatter(d[lfc_col], d[temp], color=d[colors], **opts) if add_labels: ax.set_ylabel("-Log$_{10}$ Adj P value") ax.set_xlabel("Log$_2$ Fold change")
def image( data: SWIFTDataset, ax: plt.Axes, radial_bins: np.array, center: np.array ) -> None: """ Creates the image of the gas density. """ delta = image_bounds[1] - image_bounds[0] # Need to re-scale our x, y to 0:1 x = data.gas.coordinates[:, 0] y = data.gas.coordinates[:, 1] left = center[0] + image_bounds[0] bottom = center[1] + image_bounds[0] x = x - left x = x / delta y = y - bottom y = y / delta h = data.gas.smoothing_lengths h = h / delta m = data.gas.masses image = scatter_parallel(y, x, m, h, image_res) ax.imshow(image, cmap=image_cmap, norm=LogNorm(), origin="lower") ax.text( 0.025, 0.975, "Gas Density", color=image_textcolor, transform=ax.transAxes, ha="left", va="top", ) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return
def traj_colormap(ax: plt.Axes, traj: trajectory.PosePath3D, array: ListOrArray, plot_mode: PlotMode, min_map: float, max_map: float, title: str = "") -> None: """ color map a path/trajectory in xyz coordinates according to an array of values :param ax: plot axis :param traj: trajectory.PosePath3D or trajectory.PoseTrajectory3D object :param array: Nx1 array of values used for color mapping :param plot_mode: PlotMode :param min_map: lower bound value for color mapping :param max_map: upper bound value for color mapping :param title: plot title """ pos = traj.positions_xyz norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_map, vmax=max_map, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable( norm=norm, cmap=SETTINGS.plot_trajectory_cmap) # cm.*_r is reversed cmap mapper.set_array(array) colors = [mapper.to_rgba(a) for a in array] line_collection = colored_line_collection(pos, colors, plot_mode) ax.add_collection(line_collection) ax.autoscale_view(True, True, True) if plot_mode == ax.set_zlim(np.amin(traj.positions_xyz[:, 2]), np.amax(traj.positions_xyz[:, 2])) if SETTINGS.plot_xyz_realistic: set_aspect_equal_3d(ax) fig = plt.gcf() cbar = fig.colorbar( mapper, ticks=[min_map, (max_map - (max_map - min_map) / 2), max_map])[ "{0:0.3f}".format(min_map), "{0:0.3f}".format(max_map - (max_map - min_map) / 2), "{0:0.3f}".format(max_map) ]) if title: ax.legend(frameon=True) plt.title(title)
def plot_text(axes: plt.Axes, text: str): """Plot text on an axes Args: axes (plt.Axes): an axes object text (str): the text """ axes.axis('off') axes.grid('off') axes.text(x=0, y=0, s=text, horizontalalignment='left', fontdict=FONT)
def plot_grid(grid: RegularGrid, ax: Axes = None, crs: CRS = None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("origin", "bottom") kwargs.setdefault("extent", grid.get_extent(crs=crs)) kwargs.setdefault("cmap", cm.binary_r) # compute the pixels that can actually be displayed _, _, width, height = ax.bbox.bounds ny, nx = grid.size r = (max(int(0.75 * ny // height), 1), max(int(0.75 * nx // width), 1)) arr = grid[::r[0], ::r[1]] if not np.isnan(grid.nodata): arr[arr == grid.nodata] = np.nan im = ax.imshow(arr, **kwargs) if ax == gca(): sci(im) return im
def scatter(self, ax: plt.Axes) -> PathCollection: """Draw an x/y scatter plot :param ax: Plot Axes. :returns: the result of ax.scatter """ return ax.scatter( self.x, self.y, label=self.label, # edgecolors=self.edge, # facecolor=self.face, alpha=self.alpha, marker=self.marker, s=np.ones_like(self.x) * (self.size * 10), # ??? )
def line(self, ax: plt.Axes, show_markers: bool) -> List: """Draw an x/y line plot :param ax: Plot Axes. :param show_markers: Whether to show markers :returns: the result of ax.plot """ return ax.plot( self.x, self.y, label=self.label, # color=self.color, alpha=self.alpha, marker=self.marker if show_markers else "", markersize=self.size, )
def plot_2B(ax: plt.Axes): cm = np.zeros((len(Exp1.structures), len(Exp1.structures))) for pid in DataExp1.pids: data = DataExp1(pid) cm += data.plot_confusion_matrix() cm /= len(DataExp1.pids) ticklabels = list(map(lambda s: f'${s}$', Exp1.structures)) plot_confusion_matrix(cm, ticklabels, ticklabels, ax) ax.set_title('Human avg.') ax.set_xlabel('Choice') ax.set_ylabel('True Structure') plt.tight_layout()
def p_bones( axes_: Axes, xy_pt1: np.ndarray, xy_pt2: np.ndarray, dxy: np.ndarray, p_f: float = 0.9, color_: str = blue_, n_bones: int = 5, do_primary: bool = True, ) -> None: alpha_ = 0.7 p_dashing = [1, 0] # [4, 4] p_lw = 3 axes_.plot( [xy_pt1[0], xy_pt2[0]], [xy_pt1[1], xy_pt2[1]], dashes=p_dashing, lw=p_lw, color=color_, alpha=1 if do_primary else alpha_, ) bones = np.linspace(1, 0, n_bones, endpoint=False) for i_, f in enumerate(bones): x = xy_pt1[0] * f + xy_pt2[0] * (1 - f) y = xy_pt1[1] * f + xy_pt2[1] * (1 - f) sf = 4 if do_primary else 3 dx = dxy[0] * sf dy = dxy[1] * sf x_pair = [x - dx, x + dx] y_pair = [y - dy, y + dy] axes_.plot( x_pair, y_pair, lw=5 if i_ == 0 else 2.5, color=color_, alpha=1 if do_primary else alpha_, ) f = p_f p_xy = ( xy_pt1[0] * f + xy_pt2[0] * (1 - f) - 0.1, xy_pt1[1] * f + xy_pt2[1] * (1 - f) - 0.1, ) if do_primary: axes_.text( *p_xy, r"$\mathbf{\widetilde{p}}$", color=color_, fontsize=18, rotation=0, transform=axes_.transAxes, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="bottom", )
def set_aspect_equal_3d(ax: plt.Axes) -> None: """ kudos to :param ax: matplotlib 3D axes object """ xlim = ax.get_xlim3d() ylim = ax.get_ylim3d() zlim = ax.get_zlim3d() from numpy import mean xmean = mean(xlim) ymean = mean(ylim) zmean = mean(zlim) plot_radius = max([ abs(lim - mean_) for lims, mean_ in ((xlim, xmean), (ylim, ymean), (zlim, zmean)) for lim in lims ]) ax.set_xlim3d([xmean - plot_radius, xmean + plot_radius]) ax.set_ylim3d([ymean - plot_radius, ymean + plot_radius]) ax.set_zlim3d([zmean - plot_radius, zmean + plot_radius])
def render_poly(poly: shapely.geometry.Polygon, ax: plt.Axes, kw=None): """Render an individual shapely shapely.geometry.Polygon. Args: poly (shapely.geometry.Polygon): Poly or multipoly to render. ax (plt.Axes): Matplotlib axis to render to. kw (dict): Dictionary of kwargs for the plotting. Defaults to None. Returns: patch: ax.add_patch result """ # TODO: maybe if done in batch we can speed this up? kw = kw or {} return ax.add_patch( descartes.PolygonPatch(poly, **{ **style_config.poly, **kw }))
def hexplot( ax: plt.Axes, grid: np.ndarray, data: np.ndarray, hex_size: float=11.5, cmap: str='viridis' ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot grid and data on a hexagon grid. Useful for SOMs. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes to plot on. grid : Array of (x, y) tuples. data : Array of len(grid) with datapoint. hex_size : Radius in points determining the hexagon size. cmap : Colormap to use for colouring. Returns ------- ax : Axes with hexagon plot. """ # Create hexagons collection = RegularPolyCollection( numsides=6, sizes=(2 * np.pi * hex_size ** 2,), edgecolors=(0, 0, 0, 0), transOffset=ax.transData, offsets=grid, array=data, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap) ) # Scale the plot properly ax.add_collection(collection, autolim=True) ax.set_xlim(grid[:, 0].min() - 0.75, grid[:, 0].max() + 0.75) ax.set_ylim(grid[:, 1].min() - 0.75, grid[:, 1].max() + 0.75) ax.axis('off') return ax
def __draw_track__(self, rhythm_track: Track, axes: plt.Axes, **kw): ioi_vector = self.get_feature_extractor("ioi_vector").process( rhythm_track) onset_positions = self.get_feature_extractor( "onset_positions").process(rhythm_track) # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection styles = { 'edgecolor': kw['color'], 'facecolor': colors.to_rgba(kw['color'], 0.18), 'linewidth': 2.0 } return, ioi_vector, width=ioi_vector, align="edge", **styles)
def attach_mesh_to_axis( self, axis: plt.Axes, mesh: "meshes.ScalarMesh", distance_unit: u.Unit = "bohr_radius", norm=si.vis.AbsoluteRenormalize(), plot_limit=None, slicer="get_mesh_slicer", **kwargs, ): unit_value, _ = u.get_unit_value_and_latex(distance_unit) _slice = getattr(self.mesh, slicer)(plot_limit) (line, ) = axis.plot(self.mesh.z_mesh[_slice] / unit_value, norm(mesh[_slice]), **kwargs) return line
def make_plot( self, axes: pyplot.Axes = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, show: bool = False, title: str = None, # figsize=rcParams["figure.figsize"], extent: (float, float, float, float) = None, cbar_label: str = None, **kwargs ): if vmin is None: vmin = np.min(self.values) if vmax is None: vmax = np.max(self.values) kwargs.update(**fig.get_topobathy_kwargs(self.values, vmin, vmax)) kwargs.pop('col_val') levels = kwargs.pop('levels') if vmin != vmax: self.tricontourf( axes=axes, levels=levels, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs ) else: self.tripcolor(axes=axes, **kwargs) self.quadface(axes=axes, **kwargs) axes.axis('scaled') if extent is not None: axes.axis(extent) if title is not None: axes.set_title(title) mappable = ScalarMappable(cmap=kwargs['cmap']) mappable.set_array([]) mappable.set_clim(vmin, vmax) divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="2%", pad=0.5) cbar = plt.colorbar( mappable, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal' ) cbar.set_ticks([vmin, vmax]) cbar.set_ticklabels([np.around(vmin, 2), np.around(vmax, 2)]) if cbar_label is not None: cbar.set_label(cbar_label) if show: return axes
def make_dual_axis(ax: plt.Axes = None, axis='x', unit='nm', minor_ticks=True): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if axis == 'x': pseudo_ax = ax.twiny() limits = ax.get_xlim() u, l = 1e7 / np.array(limits) pseudo_ax.set_xlim(limits) sub_axis = pseudo_ax.xaxis elif axis == 'y': pseudo_ax = ax.twinx() limits = ax.get_ylim() u, l = 1e7 / np.array(limits) pseudo_ax.set_ylim(limits) sub_axis = pseudo_ax.yaxis else: raise ValueError('axis must be either x or y.') def conv(x, y): return '%.0f' % (1e7 / x) ff = plt.FuncFormatter(conv) sub_axis.set_major_formatter(ff) major = [1000, 500, 200, 100, 50] minor = [200, 100, 50, 25, 10] for x, m in zip(major, minor): a, b = math.ceil(u / x), math.ceil(l / x) n = abs(b - a) if n > 4: ticks = np.arange(a * x, b * x, x, ) a, b = math.floor(u / m), math.floor(l / m) min_ticks = np.arange(a * m, b * m, m) break sub_axis.set_ticks(1e7 / ticks) sub_axis.set_ticks(1e7 / min_ticks, minor=True) if minor_ticks: ax.minorticks_on() # pseudo_ax.minorticks_on() if unit is 'nm': sub_axis.set_label('Wavelengths [nm]') elif unit is 'cm': sub_axis.set_label('Wavenumber [1/cm]')
def plot2axes(self, axes: plt.Axes=None, edgecolor: str='black', fill: bool=False, plot_peaks: bool=True): """Plot the circle to an axes. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.Axes, None The axes to plot on. If None, will create a new figure of the image array. edgecolor : str Color of the Circle; must be a valid matplotlib color. fill : bool Whether to fill the circle. matplotlib keyword. plot_peaks : bool If True, plots the found peaks as well. """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.imshow(self.image_array) axes.add_patch( mpl_Circle((,, edgecolor=edgecolor, radius=self.radius, fill=fill)) if plot_peaks: x_locs = [peak.x for peak in self.peaks] y_locs = [peak.y for peak in self.peaks] axes.autoscale(enable=False) axes.scatter(x_locs, y_locs, s=40, marker='x', c=edgecolor)
def _plot_symmetry(self, direction: str, axis: plt.Axes=None): plt.ioff() if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() data = self.symmetry[direction.lower()] axis.set_title(direction.capitalize() + " Symmetry") axis.plot(data['profile'].values) # plot lines cax_idx = data['profile'].fwxm_center() axis.axvline(data['profile left'], color='g', linestyle='-.') axis.axvline(data['profile right'], color='g', linestyle='-.') axis.axvline(cax_idx, color='m', linestyle='-.') # plot symmetry array if not data['array'] == 0: twin_axis = axis.twinx() twin_axis.plot(range(cax_idx, data['profile right']), data['array'][int(round(len(data['array'])/2)):]) twin_axis.set_ylabel("Symmetry (%)") _remove_ticklabels(axis) # plot profile mirror central_idx = int(round(data['profile'].values.size / 2)) offset = cax_idx - central_idx mirror_vals = data['profile'].values[::-1] axis.plot(data['profile']._indices + 2 * offset, mirror_vals)
def plot_heatmap( dataset: netCDF4.Dataset, ax: plt.Axes = None, color: str = "charge", residues: list = None, zerobased: bool = False, ): """Plot the states, or the charges as colored blocks Parameters ---------- dataset - netCDF$.Dataset containing Protons information. ax - matplotlib Axes object color - 'charge', 'state', 'taut' , color by charge, by state, or charge and shade by tautomer residues - list, residues to plot zerobased - bool default False - use zero based labeling for states. Returns ------- ax - plt.Axes """ # Convert to array, and make sure types are int if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if zerobased: label_offset = 0 else: label_offset = 1 if color == "charge": vmin = -2 vmax = 2 center = 0 cmap = sns.diverging_palette( 25, 244, l=60, s=95, sep=80, center="light", as_cmap=True ) ticks = np.arange(vmin, vmax + 1) boundaries = np.arange(vmin - 0.5, vmax + 1.5) cbar_kws = {"ticks": ticks, "boundaries": boundaries, "label": color.title()} elif color == "state": vmin = 0 + label_offset vmax = label_offset + np.amax(dataset["Protons/Titration/state"][:, :]) ticks = np.arange(vmin, vmax + 1) boundaries = np.arange(vmin - 0.5, vmax + 1.5) cbar_kws = {"ticks": ticks, "boundaries": boundaries, "label": color.title()} center = None cmap = "Accent" else: raise ValueError("color argument should be 'charge', or 'state'.") to_plot = None if residues is None: if color == "charge": to_plot = charge_taut_trace(dataset)[0][:, :] elif color == "state": titration_states = dataset["Protons/Titration/state"][:, :] to_plot = titration_states + label_offset else: if isinstance(residues, int): residues = [residues] residues = np.asarray(residues).astype( if color == "charge": to_plot = charge_taut_trace(dataset)[0][:, residues] elif color == "state": to_plot = dataset["Protons/Titration/state"][:, residues] + label_offset ax = sns.heatmap( to_plot.T, ax=ax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, center=center, xticklabels=int(np.floor(to_plot.shape[0] / 7)) - 1, yticklabels=int(np.floor(to_plot.shape[1] / 4)) - 1, cmap=cmap, cbar_kws=cbar_kws, edgecolor="None", snap=True, ) for residue in range(to_plot.T.shape[1]): ax.axhline(residue, lw=0.4, c="w") ax.set_ylabel("Residue") ax.set_xlabel("Update") return ax
def plot_tautomer_heatmap( dataset: netCDF4.Dataset, ax: plt.Axes = None, residues: list = None, zerobased: bool = False, ): """Plot the charge of residues on a blue-red (negative-positive) scale, and add different shades for different tautomers. Parameters ---------- dataset - netCDF4 dataset containing protons data ax - matplotlib Axes object residues - list, residues to plot zerobased - bool default False - use zero based labeling for states. Returns ------- plt.Axes """ # Convert to array, and make sure types are int if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if zerobased: label_offset = 0 else: label_offset = 1 # color charges, and add shade for tautomers vmin = -2 vmax = 2 center = 0 cmap = sns.diverging_palette( 25, 244, l=60, s=95, sep=80, center="light", as_cmap=True ) ticks = np.arange(vmin, vmax + 1) boundaries = np.arange(vmin - 0.5, vmax + 1.5) cbar_kws = {"ticks": ticks, "boundaries": boundaries, "label": "Charge"} taut_vmin = 0 + label_offset taut_vmax = label_offset + np.amax(dataset["Protons/Titration/state"][:, :]) taut_ticks = np.arange(taut_vmin, taut_vmax + 1) taut_boundaries = np.arange(taut_vmin - 0.5, taut_vmax + 1.5) taut_cbar_kws = {"boundaries": taut_boundaries} taut_center = None taut_cmap = "Greys" to_plot = None if residues is None: to_plot, taut_to_plot = charge_taut_trace(dataset) else: if isinstance(residues, int): residues = [residues] residues = np.asarray(residues).astype( charges, tauts = charge_taut_trace(dataset) to_plot = charges[:, residues] taut_to_plot = tauts[:, residues] mesh = ax.pcolor(to_plot.T, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, snap=True, alpha=1.0) plt.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax, **cbar_kws) taut_mesh = ax.pcolor( taut_to_plot.T, cmap=taut_cmap, vmin=taut_vmin, vmax=taut_vmax, alpha=0.1, snap=True, ) for residue in range(to_plot.T.shape[0]): ax.axhline(residue, lw=0.4, c="w") ax.set_ylabel("Residue") ax.set_xlabel("Update") return ax
def plot_line(geom: Union[Line, Iterable[Line]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Line geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ x, y = geom.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) return ax.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def plot_point(geom: Union[Point, Iterable[Point]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Point geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("marker", ".") x, y = geom.get_vertex(crs=crs) return ax.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def _remove_ticklabels(axis: plt.Axes): axis.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) axis.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([])
def label_ticks(xs: Iterable[float], ys: Iterable[float], ax: Axes=None, map_crs: CRS=Cartesian, graticule_crs: CRS=SphericalEarth, textargs=None, tickargs=None, xformatter=None, yformatter=None): """ Label graticule lines, returning a list if Text objects. Parameters ---------- xs : Iterable[float], ys : Iterable[float] Easting and northing componenets of labels, in `graticule_crs` ax : Axes, optional Axes to draw to (default current Axes) map_crs :, optional CRS giving the display projection (default Cartesian) graticule_crs :, optional CRS giving the graticule/label projection (default SphericalEarth) textargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to plt.text tickargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to plt.plot xformatter : callable, optional function that given an easting/longitude returns a label yformatter : callable, optional function that given a northing/latitude returns a label """ if textargs is None: textargs = dict() if tickargs is None: tickargs = dict(marker="+", mew=2, ms=14, mfc="k", mec="k", ls="none") if xformatter is None: xformatter = lambda x: "{0} E".format(x) if yformatter is None: yformatter = lambda y: "{0} N".format(y) # Find tick locations bbox = get_axes_extent(ax, map_crs, graticule_crs) # bottom, right, top, left ticks = dict(xticks=[], yticks=[]) xmin, xmax = sorted(ax.get_xlim()) ymin, ymax = sorted(ax.get_ylim()) # bottom spine for x in xs: if isbetween(x, bbox[0][0], bbox[1][0]): ticks["xticks"].append((froot(lambda xt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xt, ymin)[0]-x, xmin, xmax), ymin, xformatter(x))) for y in ys: if isbetween(y, bbox[0][1], bbox[1][1]): ticks["yticks"].append((froot(lambda xt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xt, ymin)[1]-y, xmin, xmax), ymin, yformatter(y))) # top spine for x in xs: if isbetween(x, bbox[2][0], bbox[3][0]): ticks["xticks"].append((froot(lambda xt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xt, ymax)[0]-x, xmin, xmax), ymax, xformatter(x))) for y in ys: if isbetween(y, bbox[2][1], bbox[3][1]): ticks["yticks"].append((froot(lambda xt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xt, ymax)[1]-y, xmin, xmax), ymax, yformatter(y))) # left spine for x in xs: if isbetween(x, bbox[0][0], bbox[3][0]): ticks["xticks"].append((xmin, froot(lambda yt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xmin, yt)[0]-x, ymin, ymax), xformatter(x))) for y in ys: if isbetween(y, bbox[0][1], bbox[3][1]): ticks["yticks"].append((xmin, froot(lambda yt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xmin, yt)[1]-y, ymin, ymax), yformatter(y))) # right spine for x in xs: if isbetween(x, bbox[1][0], bbox[2][0]): ticks["xticks"].append((xmax, froot(lambda yt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xmax, yt)[0]-x, ymin, ymax), xformatter(x))) for y in ys: if isbetween(y, bbox[1][1], bbox[2][1]): ticks["yticks"].append((xmax, froot(lambda yt: map_crs.transform(graticule_crs, xmax, yt)[1]-y, ymin, ymax), yformatter(y))) # Update map txts = [] for pt in ticks["xticks"]: ax.plot(pt[0], pt[1], **tickargs) txts.append(ax.text(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], **textargs)) for pt in ticks["yticks"]: ax.plot(pt[0], pt[1], **tickargs) txts.append(ax.text(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], **textargs)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return txts
def _plot_deviation(self, item: str, ax: plt.Axes=None, show: bool=True): """Helper function: Plot the sag in Cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- item : {'gantry', 'epid', 'collimator', 'couch'} The axis to plot. ax : None, matplotlib.Axes The axis to plot to. If None, creates a new plot. show : bool Whether to show the image. """ title = f'Relative {item} displacement' if item == EPID: attr = 'epid' item = GANTRY else: attr = 'bb' # get axis images, angles, and shifts imgs = [image for image in self.images if image.variable_axis in (item, REFERENCE)] angles = [getattr(image, '{}_angle'.format(item.lower())) for image in imgs] z_sag = np.array([getattr(image, attr + '_z_offset') for image in imgs]) y_sag = np.array([getattr(image, attr + '_y_offset') for image in imgs]) x_sag = np.array([getattr(image, attr + '_x_offset') for image in imgs]) rms = np.sqrt(x_sag**2+y_sag**2+z_sag**2) # plot the axis deviation if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.plot(angles, z_sag, 'bo', label='In/Out', ls='-.') ax.plot(angles, x_sag, 'm^', label='Left/Right', ls='-.') if item not in (COUCH, COLLIMATOR): ax.plot(angles, y_sag, 'r*', label='Up/Down', ls='-.') ax.plot(angles, rms, 'g+', label='RMS', ls='-') ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel('mm') ax.set_xlabel(f"{item} angle") ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 45)) ax.set_xlim([-15, 375]) ax.grid(True) ax.legend(numpoints=1) if show: