Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_pan():
    """Test mouse panning using the middle mouse button."""
    def convert_lim(dmin, dmax):
        """Convert min/max limits to center and range."""
        center = (dmin + dmax) / 2
        range_ = dmax - dmin
        return center, range_

    ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(0, 0, 0)

    x_center0, x_range0 = convert_lim(*ax.get_xlim3d())
    y_center0, y_range0 = convert_lim(*ax.get_ylim3d())
    z_center0, z_range0 = convert_lim(*ax.get_zlim3d())

    # move mouse diagonally to pan along all axis.
        mock_event(ax, button=MouseButton.MIDDLE, xdata=0, ydata=0))
    ax._on_move(mock_event(ax, button=MouseButton.MIDDLE, xdata=1, ydata=1))

    x_center, x_range = convert_lim(*ax.get_xlim3d())
    y_center, y_range = convert_lim(*ax.get_ylim3d())
    z_center, z_range = convert_lim(*ax.get_zlim3d())

    # Ranges have not changed
    assert x_range == pytest.approx(x_range0)
    assert y_range == pytest.approx(y_range0)
    assert z_range == pytest.approx(z_range0)

    # But center positions have
    assert x_center != pytest.approx(x_center0)
    assert y_center != pytest.approx(y_center0)
    assert z_center != pytest.approx(z_center0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_MultiCursor(horizOn, vertOn):
    fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)

    # useblit=false to avoid having to draw the figure to cache the renderer
    multi = widgets.MultiCursor(fig.canvas, (ax1, ax2),

    # Only two of the axes should have a line drawn on them.
    if vertOn:
        assert len(multi.vlines) == 2
    if horizOn:
        assert len(multi.hlines) == 2

    # mock a motion_notify_event
    # Can't use `do_event` as that helper requires the widget
    # to have a single .ax attribute.
    event = mock_event(ax1, xdata=.5, ydata=.25)

    # the lines in the first two ax should both move
    for l in multi.vlines:
        assert l.get_xdata() == (.5, .5)
    for l in multi.hlines:
        assert l.get_ydata() == (.25, .25)

    # test a move event in an axes not part of the MultiCursor
    # the lines in ax1 and ax2 should not have moved.
    event = mock_event(ax3, xdata=.75, ydata=.75)
    for l in multi.vlines:
        assert l.get_xdata() == (.5, .5)
    for l in multi.hlines:
        assert l.get_ydata() == (.25, .25)