Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     # this config switch is optional as scale is by default 6
     if OFF_TARGET:
         self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 4, scale=5)
         self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 4)
     self.alive = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
class drawer():
    controls what is being drawn

    def __init__(self):
        # this config switch is optional as scale is by default 6
        if OFF_TARGET:
            self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 4, scale=5)
            self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 4)
        self.alive = True

    def run(self):
        if OFF_TARGET:
            self.matrix.start(self.main, self.kill)

    def main(self):
        self.image = Image.new('RGB', (64, 32))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
            while self.alive:
                self.matrix.Fill((0, 255, 0))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # hook in to make sure any future deconstructors are called

    def updateMatrix(self, image):
        self.matrix.SetImage(image if OFF_TARGET else
                             image.im.id, 0, 0)

    def kill(self):
        self.alive = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
class drawer():
    handles controls what is being drawn

    def __init__(self, conf):
        self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 4)
        self.conf = conf
        self.alive = True

    def run(self):
        if conf.off_target():
            self.matrix.start(self.main, self.kill)

    def main(self):
        self.image = Image.new('RGB', (128, 32))
        image = Image.open('resources/invertocat.png')
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        font = ImageFont.load(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
        g = Github(self.conf.get_github_user(), password=self.conf.get_github_password())
        s = [slideLeft(repos(g), font), slideLeft(commits(g), font)]
            while self.alive:
                img = s[0].draw()
                if img is not None:
                    temp = s.pop(0)
                    s.insert(len(s), temp)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

    def updateMatrix(self, image):
        self.matrix.SetImage(image if self.conf.off_target() else
                             image.im.id, 0, 0)

    def kill(self):
        self.alive = False
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, conf):
     self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 4)
     self.conf = conf
     self.alive = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 2)
     self.matrix.start(self.run, self.kill)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class test():

    def __init__(self):
        self.matrix = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 2)
        self.matrix.start(self.run, self.kill)

    def kill(self):

    def run(self):
        # Configurable stuff ---------------------------------------------------------

        # List of bus lines/stops to predict.  Use routefinder.py to look up
        # lines/stops for your location, copy & paste results here.  The 4th
        # string on each line can then be edited for brevity if desired.
        stops = [
          ( 'actransit', '210', '0702640', 'Ohlone College' ),
          ( 'actransit', '232', '0704440', 'Fremont BART'   ),
          ( 'actransit', '210', '0702630', 'Union Landing'  ),
          ( 'actransit', '232', '0704430', 'NewPark Mall'   ) ]

        maxPredictions = 3   # NextBus shows up to 5; limit to 3 for simpler display
        minTime        = 0   # Drop predictions below this threshold (minutes)
        shortTime      = 5   # Times less than this are displayed in red
        midTime        = 10  # Times less than this are displayed yellow

        width          = 64  # Matrix size (pixels) -- change for different matrix
        height         = 32  # types (incl. tiling).  Other code may need tweaks.
        # matrix         = Adafruit_RGBmatrix(32, 2) # rows, chain length
        fps            = 20  # Scrolling speed (ish)

        routeColor     = (255, 255, 255) # Color for route labels (usu. numbers)
        descColor      = (110, 110, 110) # " for route direction/description
        longTimeColor  = (  0, 255,   0) # Ample arrival time = green
        midTimeColor   = (255, 255,   0) # Medium arrival time = yellow
        shortTimeColor = (255,   0,   0) # Short arrival time = red
        minsColor      = (110, 110, 110) # Commans and 'minutes' labels
        noTimesColor   = (  0,   0, 255) # No predictions = blue

        # TrueType fonts are a bit too much for the Pi to handle -- slow updates and
        # it's hard to get them looking good at small sizes.  A small bitmap version
        # of Helvetica Regular taken from X11R6 standard distribution works well:
        font           = ImageFont.load(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
                           + '/helvR08.pil')
        fontYoffset    = -2  # Scoot up a couple lines so descenders aren't cropped

        # Main application -----------------------------------------------------------

        # Drawing takes place in offscreen buffer to prevent flicker
        image       = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
        draw        = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        currentTime = 0.0
        prevTime    = 0.0

        # Clear matrix on exit.  Otherwise it's annoying if you need to break and
        # fiddle with some code while LEDs are blinding you.
        def clearOnExit():


        # Populate a list of predict objects (from predict.py) from stops[].
        # While at it, also determine the widest tile width -- the labels
        # accompanying each prediction.  The way this is written, they're all the
        # same width, whatever the maximum is we figure here.
        tileWidth = font.getsize(
          '88' *  maxPredictions    +          # 2 digits for minutes
          ', ' * (maxPredictions-1) +          # comma+space between times
          ' minutes')[0]                       # 1 space + 'minutes' at end
        w = font.getsize('No Predictions')[0]  # Label when no times are available
        if w > tileWidth:                      # If that's wider than the route
            tileWidth = w                  # description, use as tile width.
        predictList = []                       # Clear list
        for s in stops:                        # For each item in stops[] list...
            predictList.append(predict(s)) # Create object, add to predictList[]
            w = font.getsize(s[1] + ' ' + s[3])[0] # Route label
            if(w > tileWidth):                     # If widest yet,
                tileWidth = w                  # keep it
        tileWidth += 6                         # Allow extra space between tiles

        class tile:
            def __init__(self, x, y, p):
                self.x = x
                self.y = y
                self.p = p  # Corresponding predictList[] object

            def draw(self):
                x     = self.x
                label = self.p.data[1] + ' ' # Route number or code
                draw.text((x, self.y + fontYoffset), label, font=font,
                x    += font.getsize(label)[0]
                label = self.p.data[3]       # Route direction/desc
                draw.text((x, self.y + fontYoffset), label, font=font,
                x     = self.x
                if self.p.predictions == []: # No predictions to display
                    draw.text((x, self.y + fontYoffset + 8),
                      'No Predictions', font=font, fill=noTimesColor)
                    isFirstShown = True
                    count        = 0
                    for p in self.p.predictions:
                        t = p - (currentTime - self.p.lastQueryTime)
                        m = int(t / 60)
                        if   m <= minTime:   continue
                        elif m <= shortTime: fill=shortTimeColor
                        elif m <= midTime:   fill=midTimeColor
                        else:                fill=longTimeColor
                        if isFirstShown:
                            isFirstShown = False
                            label = ', '
                            # The comma between times needs to
                            # be drawn in a goofball position
                            # so it's not cropped off bottom.
                            draw.text((x + 1,
                              self.y + fontYoffset + 8 - 2),
                              label, font=font, fill=minsColor)
                            x += font.getsize(label)[0]
                        label  = str(m)
                        draw.text((x, self.y + fontYoffset + 8),
                          label, font=font, fill=fill)
                        x     += font.getsize(label)[0]
                        count += 1
                        if count >= maxPredictions:
                    if count > 0:
                        draw.text((x, self.y + fontYoffset + 8),
                          ' minutes', font=font, fill=minsColor)

        # Allocate list of tile objects, enough to cover screen while scrolling
        tileList = []
        if tileWidth >= width: tilesAcross = 2
        else:                  tilesAcross = int(math.ceil(width / tileWidth)) + 1

        nextPrediction = 0  # Index of predictList item to attach to tile
        for x in xrange(tilesAcross):
            for y in xrange(0, 2):
                tileList.append(tile(x * tileWidth + y * tileWidth / 2, 
                  y * 17, predictList[nextPrediction]))
                nextPrediction += 1
                if nextPrediction >= len(predictList):
                    nextPrediction = 0

        # Initialization done; loop forever ------------------------------------------
        while True:

            # Clear background
            draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, height), fill=(0, 0, 0))

            for t in tileList:
                if t.x < width:        # Draw tile if onscreen
                t.x -= 1               # Move left 1 pixel
                if(t.x <= -tileWidth): # Off left edge?
                    t.x += tileWidth * tilesAcross     # Move off right &
                    t.p  = predictList[nextPrediction] # assign prediction
                    nextPrediction += 1                # Cycle predictions
                    if nextPrediction >= len(predictList):
                        nextPrediction = 0

            # Try to keep timing uniform-ish; rather than sleeping a fixed time,
            # interval since last frame is calculated, the gap time between this
            # and desired frames/sec determines sleep time...occasionally if busy
            # (e.g. polling server) there'll be no sleep at all.
            currentTime = time.time()
            timeDelta   = (1.0 / fps) - (currentTime - prevTime)
            if(timeDelta > 0.0):
            prevTime = currentTime

            # Offscreen buffer is copied to screen
            # matrix.SetImage(image.im.id, 0, 0)