Ejemplo n.º 1
def fixCodeExamples(style='maya', force=False):
    """cycle through all examples from the maya docs, replacing maya.cmds with pymel and inserting pymel output.

    NOTE: this can only be run from gui mode
    WARNING: back up your preferences before running

    TODO: auto backup and restore of maya prefs

    manipOptions = cmds.manipOptions( q=1, handleSize=1, scale=1 )
    animOptions = []
    animOptions.append( cmds.animDisplay( q=1, timeCode=True ) )
    animOptions.append( cmds.animDisplay( q=1, timeCodeOffset=True )  )
    animOptions.append( cmds.animDisplay( q=1, modelUpdate=True ) )

    openWindows = cmds.lsUI(windows=True)
    examples = CmdExamplesCache().read()
    processedExamples = CmdProcessedExamplesCache().read()
    processedExamples = {} if processedExamples is None else processedExamples
    allCmds = set(examples.keys())
    # put commands that require manual interaction first
    manualCmds = ['fileBrowserDialog', 'fileDialog', 'fileDialog2', 'fontDialog']
    skipCmds = ['colorEditor', 'emit', 'finder', 'doBlur', 'messageLine', 'renderWindowEditor', 'ogsRender', 'webBrowser']
    sortedCmds = manualCmds + sorted(allCmds)
    for command in sortedCmds:
        example = examples[command]

        if not force and command in processedExamples:
            _logger.info("%s: already completed. skipping." % command)

        _logger.info("Starting command %s", command)

        # change from cmds to pymel
        reg = re.compile(r'\bcmds\.')
        example = reg.sub( 'pm.', example )
        #example = example.replace( 'import maya.cmds as cmds', 'import pymel as pm\npm.newFile(f=1) #fresh scene' )

        lines = example.split('\n')
        if len(lines)==1:
            _logger.info("removing empty example for command %s", command)
            processedExamples[command] = ''
            # write out after each success so that if we crash we don't have to start from scratch

        if style == 'doctest' :
            DOC_TEST_SKIP = ' #doctest: +SKIP'
            DOC_TEST_SKIP = ''

        lines[0] = 'import pymel.core as pm' + DOC_TEST_SKIP
        if command in skipCmds:
            example = '\n'.join( lines )
            processedExamples[command] = example
            # write out after each success so that if we crash we don't have to start from scratch

        #lines.insert(1, 'pm.newFile(f=1) #fresh scene')
        # create a fresh scene. this does not need to be in the docstring unless we plan on using it in doctests, which is probably unrealistic

        newlines = []
        statement = []

        # narrowed down the commands that cause maya to crash to these prefixes
        if re.match( '(dis)|(dyn)|(poly)', command) :
            evaluate = False
        elif command in skipCmds:
            evaluate = False
            evaluate = True

        # gives a little leniency for where spaces are placed in the result line
        resultReg = re.compile('# Result:\s*(.*) #$')
        try: # funky things can happen when executing maya code: some exceptions somehow occur outside the eval/exec
            for i, line in enumerate(lines):
                res = None
                # replace with pymel results  '# Result: 1 #'
                m = resultReg.match(line)
                if m:
                    if evaluate is False:
                        line = m.group(1)
                        newlines.append('    ' + line)
                    if evaluate:
                        if line.strip().endswith(':') or line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'):
                            # evaluate the compiled statement using exec, which can do multi-line if statements and so on
                            if statement:
                                    #_logger.debug("executing %s", statement)
                                    exec( '\n'.join(statement) )
                                    # reset statement
                                    statement = []
                                except Exception, e:
                                    _logger.info("stopping evaluation %s", str(e))# of %s on line %r" % (command, line)
                                    evaluate = False
                                _logger.debug("evaluating: %r" % line)
                                res = eval( line )
                                #if res is not None: _logger.info("result", repr(repr(res)))
                                #else: _logger.info("no result")
                                #_logger.debug("failed evaluating:", str(e))
                                    exec( line )
                                except (Exception, TypeError), e:
                                    _logger.info("stopping evaluation %s", str(e))# of %s on line %r" % (command, line)
                                    evaluate = False
                    if style == 'doctest':
                        if line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'):
                            newlines.append('    ... ' + line  )
                            newlines.append('    >>> ' + line + DOC_TEST_SKIP )

                        if res is not None:
                            newlines.append( '    ' + repr(res) )
                        newlines.append('    ' + line )
                        if res is not None:
                            newlines.append( '    # Result: %r #' % (res,) )

            if evaluate:
                _logger.info("successful evaluation! %s", command)

            example = '\n'.join( newlines )
            processedExamples[command] = example
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fixCodeExamples(style='maya', force=False):
    """cycle through all examples from the maya docs, replacing maya.cmds with pymel and inserting pymel output.

    NOTE: this can only be run from gui mode
    WARNING: back up your preferences before running

    TODO: auto backup and restore of maya prefs

    manipOptions = cmds.manipOptions( q=1, handleSize=1, scale=1 )
    animOptions = []
    animOptions.append( cmds.animDisplay( q=1, timeCode=True ) )
    animOptions.append( cmds.animDisplay( q=1, timeCodeOffset=True )  )
    animOptions.append( cmds.animDisplay( q=1, modelUpdate=True ) )

    openWindows = cmds.lsUI(windows=True)
    examples = CmdExamplesCache().read()
    processedExamples = CmdProcessedExamplesCache().read()
    processedExamples = {} if processedExamples is None else processedExamples
    allCmds = set(examples.keys())
    # put commands that require manual interaction first
    manualCmds = ['fileBrowserDialog', 'fileDialog', 'fileDialog2', 'fontDialog']
    skipCmds = ['colorEditor', 'emit', 'finder', 'doBlur', 'messageLine', 'renderWindowEditor',
                'ogsRender', 'webBrowser', 'deleteAttrPattern', 'grabColor']
    sortedCmds = manualCmds + sorted(allCmds)
    for command in sortedCmds:
        example = examples[command]

        if not force and command in processedExamples:
            _logger.info("%s: already completed. skipping." % command)

        _logger.info("Starting command %s", command)

        if style == 'doctest' :
            DOC_TEST_SKIP = ' #doctest: +SKIP'
            DOC_TEST_SKIP = ''

        # change from cmds to pymel
        reg = re.compile(r'\bcmds\.')
        example = example.replace('import maya.cmds as cmds', 'import pymel.core as pm' + DOC_TEST_SKIP, 1)
        example = reg.sub( 'pm.', example )

        #example = example.replace( 'import maya.cmds as cmds', 'import pymel as pm\npm.newFile(f=1) #fresh scene' )

        lines = example.split('\n')
        if len(lines)==1:
            _logger.info("removing empty example for command %s", command)
            processedExamples[command] = ''
            # write out after each success so that if we crash we don't have to start from scratch

        if command in skipCmds:
            example = '\n'.join( lines )
            processedExamples[command] = example
            # write out after each success so that if we crash we don't have to start from scratch

        #lines.insert(1, 'pm.newFile(f=1) #fresh scene')
        # create a fresh scene. this does not need to be in the docstring unless we plan on using it in doctests, which is probably unrealistic

        newlines = []
        statement = []

        # narrowed down the commands that cause maya to crash to these prefixes
        if re.match( '(dis)|(dyn)|(poly)', command) :
            evaluate = False
        elif command in skipCmds:
            evaluate = False
            evaluate = True

        # gives a little leniency for where spaces are placed in the result line
        resultReg = re.compile('# Result:\s*(.*) #$')
        try: # funky things can happen when executing maya code: some exceptions somehow occur outside the eval/exec
            for i, line in enumerate(lines):
                res = None
                # replace with pymel results  '# Result: 1 #'
                m = resultReg.match(line)
                if m:
                    if evaluate is False:
                        line = m.group(1)
                        newlines.append('    ' + line)
                    if evaluate:
                        if line.strip().endswith(':') or line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'):
                            # evaluate the compiled statement using exec, which can do multi-line if statements and so on
                            if statement:
                                    #_logger.debug("executing %s", statement)
                                    exec( '\n'.join(statement) )
                                    # reset statement
                                    statement = []
                                except Exception, e:
                                    _logger.info("stopping evaluation %s", str(e))# of %s on line %r" % (command, line)
                                    evaluate = False
                                _logger.debug("evaluating: %r" % line)
                                res = eval( line )
                                #if res is not None: _logger.info("result", repr(repr(res)))
                                #else: _logger.info("no result")
                                #_logger.debug("failed evaluating:", str(e))
                                    exec( line )
                                except (Exception, TypeError), e:
                                    _logger.info("stopping evaluation %s", str(e))# of %s on line %r" % (command, line)
                                    evaluate = False
                    if style == 'doctest':
                        if line.startswith(' ') or line.startswith('\t'):
                            newlines.append('    ... ' + line  )
                            newlines.append('    >>> ' + line + DOC_TEST_SKIP )

                        if res is not None:
                            newlines.append( '    ' + repr(res) )
                        newlines.append('    ' + line )
                        if res is not None:
                            newlines.append( '    # Result: %r #' % (res,) )

            if evaluate:
                _logger.info("successful evaluation! %s", command)

            example = '\n'.join( newlines )
            processedExamples[command] = example
Ejemplo n.º 3
            #_logger.info("FAILED: %s: %s" % (command, e) )
            # write out after each success so that if we crash we don't have to start from scratch

        # cleanup opened windows
        for ui in set(cmds.lsUI(windows=True)).difference(openWindows):
            try: cmds.deleteUI(ui, window=True)

    _logger.info("Done Fixing Examples")

    # restore manipulators and anim options
    cmds.manipOptions( handleSize=manipOptions[0], scale=manipOptions[1] )
    cmds.animDisplay( e=1, timeCode=animOptions[0], timeCodeOffset=animOptions[1], modelUpdate=animOptions[2])


def getModuleCommandList( category, version=None ):
    from parsers import CommandModuleDocParser
    parser = CommandModuleDocParser(category, version)
    return parser.parse()

def getCallbackFlags(cmdInfo):
    """used parsed data and naming convention to determine which flags are callbacks"""
    commandFlags = []
        flagDocs = cmdInfo['flags']
    except KeyError:
Ejemplo n.º 4
            # write out after each success so that if we crash we don't have to start from scratch

        # cleanup opened windows
        for ui in set(cmds.lsUI(windows=True)).difference(openWindows):
            try: cmds.deleteUI(ui, window=True)

    _logger.info("Done Fixing Examples")

    # restore manipulators and anim options
    print manipOptions
    cmds.manipOptions( handleSize=manipOptions[0], scale=manipOptions[1] )
    print animOptions
    cmds.animDisplay( e=1, timeCode=animOptions[0], timeCodeOffset=animOptions[1], modelUpdate=animOptions[2])


def getModuleCommandList( category, version=None ):
    from parsers import CommandModuleDocParser
    parser = CommandModuleDocParser(category, version)
    return parser.parse()

def getCallbackFlags(cmdInfo):
    """used parsed data and naming convention to determine which flags are callbacks"""
    commandFlags = []
        flagDocs = cmdInfo['flags']
    except KeyError: