Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process(self, image, seeds=None):
        self.objects = None
        self.labelImage = None
        duplicator = Duplicator()
        spots = duplicator.run(image)
        IJ.setMinAndMax(spots, 0, 1)
        IJ.run(spots, "16-bit", "")
        spot3DImage = ImageHandler.wrap(spots)
        if seeds != None:
            seed3DImage = ImageHandler.wrap(seeds)
            seed3DImage = self.__computeSeeds(spots)

        algorithm = Segment3DSpots(spot3DImage, seed3DImage)
        algorithm.show = False
        self.objects = algorithm.getObjects()
        self.labelImage = ImagePlus("OM_" + spots.getTitle(), algorithm.getLabelImage().getImageStack())

        return self.labelImage
Ejemplo n.º 2
def find_maxima(cs, rad, thresh):
    # type: (CellStack, int, float) -> list
Find maxima in the entire stack with given radius. Exclude peaks below thresh

    :param cs: CellStack

    :param rad: Maxima search radius

    :param thresh: Intensity threshold

    :return: List of maxima 3D coordinates

    imh = ImageHandler.wrap(cs.duplicate())
    radXY = rad
    radZ = rad * cs.scaleZ

    # in MaximaFinder thresh is the noise tolerance value
    mf = MaximaFinder(imh, radXY, radZ, thresh)
    peaks_array = mf.getListPeaks()
    peaks = []
    # check toArray() call functioning
    for p in peaks_array.toArray():
        if p.getValue() >= thresh:
            point = p.getPosition()
            peaks.append([l for l in point.getArray()])

    peaks_list = list(map(lambda x: [int(i) for i in x], peaks))
    return peaks_list
Ejemplo n.º 3
def neighborhood_mean(cs, r1, r0=0):
    # type: (CellStack, int, int) -> float
Returns the mean of the values inside a sphere (or sphere cap if r0 != 0 provided) around the center
Reference at: https://github.com/mcib3d/mcib3d-core/blob/master/src/main/java/mcib3d/image3d/ImageHandler.java

    :param r1: external radius

    :param r0: internal radius (if sphere cap it must be gt 0)
    imh = ImageHandler.wrap(cs)

    if r0 == 0:
        neigh = imh.getNeighborhoodSphere(cs.center[0], cs.center[1],
                                          cs.center[2], r1, r1, r1 * cs.scaleZ)
        mean = neigh.getMean()
        neigh = imh.getNeighborhoodLayer(cs.center[0], cs.center[1],
                                         cs.center[2], r0, r1)
        mean = neigh.getMean()

    return mean
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __computeSeeds(self, spots):
        seeds = FastFilters3D.filterIntImageStack(
            spots.getImageStack(), FastFilters3D.MAXLOCAL, self.seedRadius, self.seedRadius, self.seedRadius, 0, False

        return ImageHandler.wrap(seeds)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mean_shift(cs, radius, peaks, sigma, thresh):
    # type: (CellStack, int, list, float, float) -> list
Perform mean shift algorithm starting from the peaks to determine the centroid of the cell
This implementation is slightly different from the naive algorithm since mean shift values are also weighted by
voxel intensity (mass of the points).
The kernel used is Gaussian Kernel.

    :param cs: CellStack containing voxels

    :param radius: Look-distance for mean shift seeds neighbors selection

    :param peaks:  Seeds of the algorithm

    :param sigma: Gaussian kernel parameter

    :param thresh: Voxel which intensity is below thresh are not considered

    :return: Shifted seeds

    imh = ImageHandler.wrap(cs)

    # copy peaks list
    X = list(peaks)

    past_X = []
    n_iterations = 15
    for it in range(n_iterations):
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            point_x = Point3D(x[0], x[1], x[2])

            # for each point x in X, find the neighboring points N(x) of x.
            neighbors = imh.getNeighborhoodLayerList(x[0], x[1], x[2], 0,

            # for each point x in X, calculate the mean shift m(x).
            numerator = [0] * 3
            denominator = 0
            neigh_arr = neighbors.toArray()

            for neighbor in neigh_arr:
                # discard neighbors below certain thresh
                if neighbor.getValue() >= thresh:

                    # neighbor is a Voxel3D Object, getPosition is a Point3D. For reference,
                    # see https://github.com/mcib3d/mcib3d-core/blob/master/src/main/java/mcib3d/geom/Voxel3D.java

                    neigh_pos = [p for p in neighbor.getPosition().getArray()]
                    distance = point_x.distance(neighbor, 1, cs.scaleZ)
                    weight = gaussian_kernel(distance, sigma)
                    inc = list(
                        map(lambda n: n * (weight * neighbor.getValue()),
                    numerator = list(map(lambda a, b: a + b, numerator, inc))
                    denominator += weight * neighbor.getValue()

            # print("Denominator: " + str(denominator))
            new_x = list(map(lambda n: int(n / denominator), numerator))

            # for each point x in X, update x = m(x).
            X[i] = new_x


    return X