def __init__(self, config): self.config = config _check_valid_config(self.config) config['param_str'] = '_'.join( ['{}_{}'.format(filesafe(k), v) for k, v in self.config['mc_opts'].items()]) config['param_str'] += '_' + '_'.join( ['{}_{}'.format(filesafe(k), v) for k, v in self.config['dgp_opts'].items()]) config['param_str'] += '_' + '_'.join( ['{}_{}'.format(filesafe(k), v) for k, v in self.config['method_opts'].items()]) return
def plot_metric_comparisons(param_estimates, metric_results, config): for dgp_name, mdgp in metric_results.items(): n_methods = len(list(mdgp.keys())) for metric_name in next(iter(mdgp.values())).keys(): plt.figure(figsize=(1.5 * n_methods, 2.5)) plt.violinplot([ mdgp[method_name][metric_name] - mdgp[config['proposed_method']][metric_name] for method_name in mdgp.keys() if method_name != config['proposed_method'] ], showmedians=True) plt.xticks(np.arange(1, n_methods), [ method_name for method_name in mdgp.keys() if method_name != config['proposed_method'] ]) plt.ylabel('decrease in {}'.format(metric_name)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join( config['target_dir'], '{}_decrease_dgp_{}_{}.png'.format(filesafe(metric_name), dgp_name, config['param_str'])), dpi=300) plt.close() return
def instance_plot(plot_name, param_estimates, metric_results, config, plot_config): methods = plot_config['methods'] if 'methods' in plot_config else list( config['methods'].keys()) metrics = plot_config['metrics'] if 'metrics' in plot_config else list( config['metrics'].keys()) dgps = plot_config['dgps'] if 'dgps' in plot_config else list( config['dgps'].keys()) metric_transforms = plot_config[ 'metric_transforms'] if 'metric_transforms' in plot_config else { '': mcpy.metrics.transform_identity } for tr_name, tr_fn in metric_transforms.items(): for dgp_name in dgps: for metric_name in metrics: plt.figure(figsize=(1.5 * len(methods), 2.5)) plt.violinplot([ tr_fn(metric_results, dgp_name, method_name, metric_name, config) for method_name in methods ], showmedians=True) plt.xticks(np.arange(1, len(methods) + 1), methods) plt.ylabel('{}({})'.format(tr_name, metric_name)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join( config['target_dir'], '{}_{}_{}_dgp_{}_{}.png'.format(plot_name, filesafe(metric_name), tr_name, dgp_name, config['param_str'])), dpi=300) plt.close() return
def plot_raw(param_estimates, metric_results, config): for dgp_name, mdgp in metric_results.items(): metric_name = 'raw' plt.figure() for it, method_name in enumerate(mdgp.keys()): if it == 0: true_params = np.array(mdgp[method_name][metric_name][0, :, 1]) plt.plot(np.arange(true_params.shape[0]), true_params, '--', label='true') res = np.array(mdgp[method_name][metric_name][:, :, 0]) med_res = np.median(res, axis=0) lb_res = np.percentile(res, 5, axis=0) ub_res = np.percentile(res, 95, axis=0) line = plt.plot(np.arange(med_res.shape[0]), med_res, label=method_name) plt.fill_between(np.arange(med_res.shape[0]), lb_res, ub_res, alpha=.4, color=line[0].get_color()) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join( config['target_dir'], 'raw_{}_dgp_{}_{}.png'.format(filesafe(metric_name), dgp_name, config['param_str'])), dpi=300) plt.close() return
def sweep_plot_marginal_transformed_metric(transform_fn, transform_name, dgps, methods, metrics, plot_name, sweep_keys, sweep_params, sweep_metrics, config, param_subset={}, select_vals={}, filter_vals={}): sweeps = {} for dgp_key, dgp_val in config['dgp_opts'].items(): if hasattr(dgp_val, "__len__"): sweeps[dgp_key] = dgp_val mask = _select_config_keys(sweep_keys, select_vals, filter_vals) if np.sum(mask) == 0: print("Filtering resulted in no valid configurations!") return for dgp in dgps: for metric in metrics: for param, param_vals in sweeps.items(): if param_subset is not None and param not in param_subset: continue plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) for method in methods: medians = [] mins = [] maxs = [] for val in param_vals: subset = [ transform_fn(metrics, dgp, method, metric, config) for key, metrics, ms in zip( sweep_keys, sweep_metrics, mask) if (param, val) in key and ms ] if len(subset) > 0: grouped_results = np.concatenate(subset) medians.append(np.median(grouped_results)) mins.append(np.percentile(grouped_results, 5)) maxs.append(np.percentile(grouped_results, 95)) line = plt.plot(param_vals, medians, label=method) plt.fill_between(param_vals, maxs, mins, alpha=0.3, color=line[0].get_color()) plt.legend() plt.xlabel(param) plt.ylabel('{}({})'.format(transform_name, metric)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join( config['target_dir'], '{}_{}_{}_dgp_{}_growing_{}_{}.png'.format( plot_name, filesafe(metric), transform_name, dgp, filesafe(param), config['param_str'])), dpi=300) plt.close() for param1, param2 in itertools.combinations(sweeps.keys(), 2): if param_subset is not None and ( param1, param2) not in param_subset and ( param2, param1) not in param_subset: continue x, y, z = [], [], [] for method_it, method in enumerate(methods): x.append([]), y.append([]), z.append([]) for val1, val2 in itertools.product( *[sweeps[param1], sweeps[param2]]): subset = [ transform_fn(metrics, dgp, method, metric, config) for key, metrics, ms in zip( sweep_keys, sweep_metrics, mask) if (param1, val1) in key and (param2, val2) in key and ms ] if len(subset) > 0: grouped_results = np.concatenate(subset) x[method_it].append(val1) y[method_it].append(val2) z[method_it].append(np.median(grouped_results)) vmin = np.min(z) vmax = np.max(z) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(methods), figsize=(4 * len(methods), 3)) if not hasattr(axes, '__len__'): axes = [axes] for method_it, (method, ax) in enumerate(zip(methods, axes)): xi = np.linspace(np.min(x[method_it]), np.max(x[method_it]), 5 * len(x[method_it])) yi = np.linspace(np.min(y[method_it]), np.max(y[method_it]), 5 * len(y[method_it])) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) zi = griddata( (np.array(x[method_it]), np.array(y[method_it])), np.array(z[method_it]), (xi, yi), method='linear') ax.contour(xi, yi, zi, 15, linewidths=0.2, colors='k') im = ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, 15,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.scatter(np.array(x[method_it]), np.array(y[method_it]), alpha=0.5, s=3, c='b') ax.set_xlabel(param1) ax.set_ylabel(param2) ax.set_title(method) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.81, 0.15, 0.02, 0.72]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)'median {}({})'.format( transform_name, metric)) plt.savefig(os.path.join( config['target_dir'], '{}_{}_{}_dgp_{}_growing_{}_and_{}_{}.png'.format( plot_name, filesafe(metric), transform_name, dgp, filesafe(param1), filesafe(param2), config['param_str'])), dpi=300) plt.close()