Ejemplo n.º 1
def connect_to_engines(nengines):
    Accept connection(s) from the MDI engine(s) and perform basic validation of the connection.

    nengines : int
        The number of MDI engines to connect to.

    engine_comm : list
        a list of MDI_Comm values
    # Confirm that this code is being used as a driver
    role = mdi.MDI_Get_Role()
    if not role == mdi.MDI_DRIVER:
        raise Exception("Must run driver_py.py as a DRIVER")

    # Connect to the engine
    engine_comm = []
    for iengine in range(nengines):
        comm = mdi.MDI_Accept_Communicator()

    # Verify the engine names
    for iengine in range(nengines):
        comm = engine_comm[iengine]

        # Determine the name of the engine
        mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NAME", comm)
        name = mdi.MDI_Recv(mdi.MDI_NAME_LENGTH, mdi.MDI_CHAR, comm)
        print(f"Engine name: {name}")

        if name[:8] != "NO_EWALD":
            raise Exception("Unrecognized engine name", name)

    return engine_comm
Ejemplo n.º 2
def collect_task(comm, snapshot_coords, snap_num, output):
    mdi.MDI_Recv(3 * npoles * len(probes), mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, comm, buf=dfield)

    # Get the pairwise UFIELD
    ufield = np.zeros((len(probes), npoles, 3))
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<UFIELD", comm)
    mdi.MDI_Recv(3 * npoles * len(probes), mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, comm, buf=ufield)

    # Sum the appropriate values

    columns = ['Probe Atom', 'Probe Coordinates']
    columns += [F'{by_type} {x}' for x in from_fragment]
    dfield_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=range(len(probes)))
    ufield_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=range(len(probes)))
    totfield_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=range(len(probes)))

    # Get sum at each probe from fragment.
    for i in range(len(probes)):
        dfield_df.loc[i, 'Probe Atom'] = probes[i]
        dfield_df.loc[i, 'Probe Coordinates'] = snapshot_coords[probes[i] - 1]
        ufield_df.loc[i, 'Probe Atom'] = probes[i]
        ufield_df.loc[i, 'Probe Coordinates'] = snapshot_coords[probes[i] - 1]
        totfield_df.loc[i, 'Probe Atom'] = probes[i]
                        'Probe Coordinates'] = snapshot_coords[probes[i] - 1]

        for fragment_index, fragment in enumerate(atoms_pole_numbers):
            fragment_string = F'{by_type} {from_fragment[fragment_index]}'
            # This uses a numpy array (fragments) for indexing. The fragments
            # array lists pole indices in that fragment. We subtract 1 because
            # python indexes from zero.
                          fragment_string] = dfield[i,
                                                    fragment - 1].sum(axis=0)
                          fragment_string] = ufield[i,
                                                    fragment - 1].sum(axis=0)
            totfield_df.loc[i, fragment_string] = dfield_df.loc[i, fragment_string] + \
                                                                      ufield_df.loc[i, fragment_string]

    # Pairwise probe calculation - Get avg electric field
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(probes)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(probes)):
            avg_field = (totfield_df.iloc[i, 2:] + totfield_df.iloc[j, 2:]) / 2

            coord1 = totfield_df.loc[i, 'Probe Coordinates']
            coord2 = totfield_df.loc[j, 'Probe Coordinates']
            # Unit vector
            dir_vec = (coord2 - coord1) / np.linalg.norm(coord2 - coord1)


            efield_at_point = []
            label = []
            for column_name, column_value in avg_field.iteritems():
                    np.dot(column_value, dir_vec) * conversion_factor)
                count += 1
            series = pd.Series(efield_at_point, index=label)
            output = pd.concat([output, series], axis=1)
            cols = list(output.columns)
            cols[-1] = F'{probes[i]} and {probes[j]} - frame {snap_num}'
            output.columns = cols

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
    engine_comm = mdi_checks(mdi, nengines)

    # Print the probe atoms
    print(F"Probes: {probes}")

    elapsed = time.time() - start
    print(F'Setup:\t {elapsed}')

    #   Get Information from Tinker

    # Get the number of atoms
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", engine_comm[0])
    natoms_engine = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, engine_comm[0])
    print(F"natoms: {natoms_engine}")

    # Get the number of multipole centers
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NPOLES", engine_comm[0])
    npoles = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, engine_comm[0])
    print("npoles: " + str(npoles))

    # Get the indices of the mulitpole centers per atom
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<IPOLES", engine_comm[0])
    ipoles = mdi.MDI_Recv(natoms_engine, mdi.MDI_INT, engine_comm[0])

    # Get the molecule information
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<MOLECULES", engine_comm[0])
    molecules = np.array(
Ejemplo n.º 4
def collect_task(comm, npoles, snapshot_coords, snap_num, atoms_pole_numbers,
    Receive all data associated with an engine's task.

    comm : MDI_Comm
        The MDI communicator of the engine performing this task.

    npoles : int
        Number of poles involved in this calculation

    snapshot_coords : np.ndarray
        Nuclear coordinates at the snapshot associated with this task.

    snap_num : int
        The snapshot associated with this task.

    atoms_pole_numbers : list
        A multidimensional list where each element gives the pole indices in that fragment.

    output : pd.DataFrame
        The aggregated data from all tasks.

    output : pd.DataFrame
        The aggregated data from all tasks, including the data collected by this function.

    mdi.MDI_Recv(3 * npoles * len(probes), mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, comm, buf=dfield)

    # Get the pairwise UFIELD
    ufield = np.zeros((len(probes), npoles, 3))
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<UFIELD", comm)
    mdi.MDI_Recv(3 * npoles * len(probes), mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, comm, buf=ufield)

    # Sum the appropriate values

    columns = ["Probe Atom", "Probe Coordinates"]
    columns += [f"{by_type} {x}" for x in from_fragment]
    dfield_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=range(len(probes)))
    ufield_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=range(len(probes)))
    totfield_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, index=range(len(probes)))

    # Get sum at each probe from fragment.
    for i in range(len(probes)):
        dfield_df.loc[i, "Probe Atom"] = probes[i]
        dfield_df.loc[i, "Probe Coordinates"] = snapshot_coords[probes[i] - 1]
        ufield_df.loc[i, "Probe Atom"] = probes[i]
        ufield_df.loc[i, "Probe Coordinates"] = snapshot_coords[probes[i] - 1]
        totfield_df.loc[i, "Probe Atom"] = probes[i]
                        "Probe Coordinates"] = snapshot_coords[probes[i] - 1]

        for fragment_index, fragment in enumerate(atoms_pole_numbers):
            fragment_string = f"{by_type} {from_fragment[fragment_index]}"
            # This uses a numpy array (fragments) for indexing. The fragments
            # array lists pole indices in that fragment. We subtract 1 because
            # python indexes from zero.
                          fragment_string] = dfield[i,
                                                    fragment - 1].sum(axis=0)
                          fragment_string] = ufield[i,
                                                    fragment - 1].sum(axis=0)
            totfield_df.loc[i, fragment_string] = (
                dfield_df.loc[i, fragment_string] +
                ufield_df.loc[i, fragment_string])

    # Pairwise probe calculation - Get avg electric field
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(probes)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(probes)):
            avg_field = (totfield_df.iloc[i, 2:] + totfield_df.iloc[j, 2:]) / 2

            coord1 = totfield_df.loc[i, "Probe Coordinates"]
            coord2 = totfield_df.loc[j, "Probe Coordinates"]
            # Unit vector
            dir_vec = (coord2 - coord1) / np.linalg.norm(coord2 - coord1)

            # print(avg_field)

            efield_at_point = []
            label = []
            for column_name, column_value in avg_field.iteritems():
                    np.dot(column_value, dir_vec) * conversion_factor)
                count += 1
            series = pd.Series(efield_at_point, index=label)
            output = pd.concat([output, series], axis=1)
            cols = list(output.columns)
            cols[-1] = f"{probes[i]} and {probes[j]} - frame {snap_num}"
            output.columns = cols

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 5
    lower_restraint = 1.0 * angstrom_to_atomic
    upper_window = 8.0 * angstrom_to_atomic
    lower_window = 2.4 * angstrom_to_atomic
    k_restraint = 10 * kcalmol_per_angstrom_to_atomic
    verbose = False

    s_of_t = []  # value of collective variable at time t'

    # Creat a plot of the results
    my_plot = pl.AnimatedPlot(kcalmol_to_atomic, angstrom_to_atomic)

    # Connect to the engines
    comm = mdi.MDI_Accept_Communicator()

    # Perform the simulation
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NAME", comm)
    name = mdi.MDI_Recv(mdi.MDI_NAME_LENGTH, mdi.MDI_CHAR, comm)
    print("ENGINE NAME: " + str(name))

    # Get the number of atoms
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", comm)
    natoms = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, comm)

    # Get the number of masses
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<MASSES", comm)
    masses = mdi.MDI_Recv(natoms, mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, comm)

    # Initialize an MD simulation
    mdi.MDI_Send_Command("@INIT_MD", comm)

    print("MD Simulation successfully initialized")