Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_rmsd_atom_indices():
    native = md.load(get_fn('native.pdb'))
    t1 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'))

    atom_indices = np.arange(10)
    dist1 = md.rmsd(t1, native, atom_indices=atom_indices)

    t2 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'))
    dist2 = md.rmsd(t2, native)
    eq(dist1, dist2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='custom featurization of clc fah trjs')
    parser.add_argument('--ref', type=str, help='homology model pdb file')
    parser.add_argument('--trj', type=str, help='trajectory file')
    parser.add_argument('--mol2', type=str, help='homology model mol2 file (charges needed for dipole calc)')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # load system data
    trj = mdtraj.load(args.trj, top=args.ref)
    hmodel = mdtraj.load(args.ref)
    ### feature 0: protein RMSD from hmodel ###
    pi_noh = [atom.index for atom in trj.top.atoms if ((atom.residue.is_protein) and (atom.element.symbol != 'H'))]
    p_rmsd = mdtraj.rmsd(trj, hmodel, atom_indices=pi_noh)

    ### feature 1: GLU128 RMSD from hmodel ###
    e128 = res_ndxs(hmodel, vs_ri['glu128'])
    e128_rmsd = mdtraj.rmsd(trj, hmodel, atom_indices=e128)
    ### feature 2: LYS317 and GLU318 RMSD from hmodel ###
    tl = np.concatenate((res_ndxs(hmodel, vs_ri['lys317']), res_ndxs(hmodel, vs_ri['glu318'])))
    tl_rmsd = mdtraj.rmsd(trj, hmodel, atom_indices=tl)

    ### feature 2: distance between ASP32 and LYS127 ###
    a32 = ele_ndxs(hmodel, vs_ri['asp32'], ['OD1', 'OD2'])
    l127 = ele_ndxs(hmodel, vs_ri['lys127'], ['NZ'])
    al_pairs = cartesian([a32, l127])
    # i think the asp oxygens are degenerate, so i'll look at the min here
    al_dist = np.amin(al_pairs, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calc_obs(traj):
    arg_cz_id = 2442
    glu_cd_id = 862
    lys_nz_id = 634
    tyr_oh_id = 2019
    inactive = mdt.load("./topologies/inactive.pdb")
    active = mdt.load("./topologies/active.pdb")

    aloop_atoms_list = [i.index for residue in np.arange(147, 168) for i in inactive.topology.residue(residue).atoms]
    all_heavy = [i.index for i in inactive.topology.atoms if i.residue.is_protein and i.element.name != "hydrogen"]
    print("Processing %s" % traj)
    # load the trajectory
    trj = mdt.load(traj, atom_indices=np.arange(inactive.n_atoms))

    inactive_rms = mdt.rmsd(trj, inactive, atom_indices=all_heavy)
    active_rms = mdt.rmsd(trj, active, atom_indices=all_heavy)
    aloop_rms = mdt.rmsd(trj, inactive, frame=0, atom_indices=aloop_atoms_list)
    distances = mdt.compute_distances(trj, np.vstack(([arg_cz_id, glu_cd_id], [lys_nz_id, glu_cd_id])))
    return dict(
        glu_arg=distances[:, 0],
        gly_lys=distances[:, 1],
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pairwise_distances(X, Y=None, index=None, metric="euclidean"):
    Compute the distance matrix from a vector array X and optional Y.
    This method takes either a vector array or a distance matrix,
    and returns a distance matrix. If the input is a vector array,
    the distances are computed. If the input is a distances matrix,
    it is returned instead.
    This method provides a safe way to take a distance matrix as input,
    while preserving compatibility with many other algorithms that take
    a vector array.

    :param X:  array [n_samples_a, n_samples_a]
        Array of pairwise distances between samples, or a feature array.
    :param Y:   array [n_samples_b, n_features]
        A second feature array only if X has shape [n_samples_a, n_features].
    :param index:  int, the index of element in X array
    :param metric: The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array.
        If metric ='rmsd', it should be computed by MDTraj
    :return: The distances
    if metric == "rmsd":
        if Y is None:
            distances_ = md.rmsd(X, X, index, parallel=True, precentered=True)
            #distances_ = np.empty((len(X), len(Y)), dtype=np.float32)
           # for i in xrange(len(Y)):
            distances_ = md.rmsd(X, Y, index, parallel=True, precentered=True)
        return distances_
        if Y is None:
            print "if Y is None"
            return sp.pairwise_distances(X, X[index], metric=metric)
        if index is None:
            print "if index is None, pairwise XX"
            return sp.pairwise_distances(X, X, metric=metric)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_ComparetoMDtraj(self):
        import mdtraj as md
        traj = pt.load(filename="./data/Tc5b.x",
        m_top = md.load_prmtop("./data/Tc5b.top")
        m_traj = md.load_mdcrd("./data/Tc5b.x", m_top)
        m_traj.xyz = m_traj.xyz * 10  # convert `nm` to `Angstrom` unit

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=0)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, )
        a_md0 = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 0)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr2)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md0)

        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1)
        aa_eq(arr0, arr1)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)

        mask = ":3-18@CA,C"
        atm = traj.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(traj, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(traj, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=-1, mask=mask)
        arr1 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=atm.indices, ref=-1)
        arr2 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=list(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        arr3 = pt.rmsd(fa, mask=tuple(atm.indices), ref=-1)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, -1, atm.indices)
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr1, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr2, a_md)
        aa_eq(arr3, a_md)

        fa = Trajectory(traj)
        mask = "!@H="
        atm = fa.top(mask)
        arr0 = pt.rmsd(fa, ref=4, mask=mask)
        a_md = md.rmsd(m_traj, m_traj, 4, atm.indices)

        # exclude 0-th frame for ref
        aa_eq(arr0, a_md)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_rmsd_ref_ainds():
    native = md.load(get_fn('native.pdb'))
    t1 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'))

    atom_indices = np.arange(10)
    dist1 = md.rmsd(t1, native, atom_indices=atom_indices,

    bad_atom_indices = np.arange(10, 20)
    t2 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'))
    dist2 = md.rmsd(t2, native, atom_indices=atom_indices,

    assert np.all(dist2 > dist1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def one_to_many(self, prepared_traj1, prepared_traj2, index1, indices2):
        """Calculate a vector of distances from one frame of the first trajectory
        to many frames of the second trajectory

        The distances calculated are from the `index1`th frame of `prepared_traj1`
        to the frames in `prepared_traj2` with indices `indices2`

        prepared_traj1 : rmsd.TheoData
            First prepared trajectory
        prepared_traj2 : rmsd.TheoData
            Second prepared trajectory
        index1 : int
            index in `prepared_trajectory`
        indices2 : ndarray
            list of indices in `prepared_traj2` to calculate the distances to

        Vector of distances of length len(indices2)

        If the omp_parallel optional argument is True, we use shared-memory
        parallelization in C to do this faster. Using omp_parallel = False is
        advised if indices2 is a short list and you are paralellizing your
        algorithm (say via mpi) at a different
        return md.rmsd(prepared_traj1, prepared_traj2, index1, parallel=self.omp_parallel, precentered=True)[indices2]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def one_to_all(self, prepared_traj1, prepared_traj2, index1):
        """Calculate a vector of distances from one frame of the first trajectory
        to all of the frames in the second trajectory

        The distances calculated are from the `index1`th frame of `prepared_traj1`
        to the frames in `prepared_traj2`

        prepared_traj1 : rmsd.TheoData
            First prepared trajectory
        prepared_traj2 : rmsd.TheoData
            Second prepared trajectory
        index1 : int
            index in `prepared_trajectory`

        Vector of distances of length len(prepared_traj2)

        If the omp_parallel optional argument is True, we use shared-memory
        parallelization in C to do this faster.
        return md.rmsd(prepared_traj2, prepared_traj1, index1, parallel=self.omp_parallel, precentered=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rmsd_connector(traj, inactive, residues_map = None):
	residues = [121, 282]
	if residues_map is not None:
		residues = map_residues(residues_map, residues)

	nonsymmetric = ["CG2", "CG1", "CD1", "CD2", "CE1", "CE2"]	
	connector_atoms = [(a.index, str(a)) for a in traj.topology.atoms if a.residue.resSeq in [121, 282] and "hydrogen" not in a.element and not any(substring in str(a) for substring in nonsymmetric)]
	#print connector_atoms
	connector_atoms = sorted(connector_atoms, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
	connector_atoms = [a[0] for a in connector_atoms]
	traj_stripped = traj.atom_slice(connector_atoms)

	connector_atoms_target = [(a.index,str(a)) for a in inactive.topology.atoms if a.residue.resSeq in [121, 282] and "hydrogen" not in a.element and not any(substring in str(a) for substring in nonsymmetric)]
	#connector_atom_names = [(a, a.element, a.index, a.residue) for a in inactive.topology.atoms if a.residue.resSeq in [121, 282] and "hydrogen" not in a.element]
	#print connector_atoms_target
	connector_atoms_target = sorted(connector_atoms_target, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
	connector_atoms_target = [a[0] for a in connector_atoms_target]
	inactive_stripped = inactive.atom_slice(connector_atoms_target)

	traj_stripped_aligned = traj_stripped.superpose(inactive_stripped)
	rmsds = md.rmsd(traj_stripped, inactive_stripped) * 10.0
	return rmsds
Ejemplo n.º 10
def calculate_rmsd(trajectory, topology, reference):
    import mdtraj
    traj = mdtraj.load(trajectory, top=topology)
    ref = mdtraj.load(reference)
    rmsd = mdtraj.rmsd(traj, ref)
    data = {"step": str(traj.n_frames), "rmsd": str(rmsd[-1])}
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_lprmsd_5(get_fn):
    t = md.load(get_fn('frame0.h5'))
    t1 = md.load(get_fn('frame0.h5'))

    r = md.rmsd(t, t1, 0)
    a = md.lprmsd(t, t1, 0, permute_groups=[[]], superpose=True)
    eq(a, r, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _deprecated_models_regular_spatial_clustering(templateids, traj, atom_indices=None, cutoff=0.06):
    Superseded by models_regular_spatial_clustering
    mdtraj_rmsd_args = {}
    if atom_indices:
        mdtraj_rmsd_args['atom_indices'] = atom_indices

    unique_templateids = []
    min_rmsd = []
    # Iterate through models
    for (t, templateid) in enumerate(templateids):
        # Add the first templateid to the list of uniques
        if t==0:

        # Calculate rmsds of models up to t against the model t.
        rmsds = mdtraj.rmsd(traj[0:t], traj[t], parallel=False, **mdtraj_rmsd_args)

        # If any rmsd is less than cutoff, discard; otherwise add to list of uniques
        if min_rmsd[-1] < cutoff:

    return unique_templateids
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def partial_transform(self, traj):
        """Featurize an MD trajectory into a vector space by calculating
        the RMSD to each frame in a reference trajectory.

        traj : mdtraj.Trajectory
            A molecular dynamics trajectory to featurize.

        features : np.ndarray, dtype=float, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            A featurized trajectory is a 2D array of shape
            `(length_of_trajectory x n_features)` where each `features[i]`
            vector is computed by applying the featurization function
            to the `i`th snapshot of the input trajectory.

        See Also
        transform : simultaneously featurize a collection of MD trajectories
        X = np.zeros((traj.n_frames, self.n_features))

        for frame in range(self.n_features):
            X[:, frame] = md.rmsd(traj, self.trj0, atom_indices=self.atom_indices, frame=frame)
        return X
Ejemplo n.º 14
def plot_rmsd_distribution(cells, topol, atom_indices, bins=50):
    assert type(topol) is mdtraj.Trajectory, 'Expected Trajectory but got {}'.format(type(topotl))

    trajs = []
    for state in cells.L:
        t = copy.deepcopy(topol)
        t.xyz = state.x

    traj = trajs[0]
    traj = traj.join(trajs[1:])

    rmsds = []
    for frame in xrange(len(traj)):
        r = mdtraj.rmsd(traj, traj, frame=frame, atom_indices=atom_indices)
    rmsds = np.vstack(rmsds)

    triu = np.triu_indices(len(rmsds))
    rmsds[triu] = -1
    np.fill_diagonal(rmsds, -1)
    rmsds = rmsds[np.where(rmsds >= 0)]

    plt.hist(rmsds, bins=bins)
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: Assign.py Proyecto: badi/wasq
def main(opts):
    print 'Loading atom indices file for trajectories', opts.ndx
    ndx = np.loadtxt(opts.ndx, dtype=np.int)

    print 'Loading cells from', opts.cells
    cells = mdtraj.load(opts.topol, atom_indices=ndx)
    cells.xyz = load_cells_gps(opts.cells)

    print 'Loading trajectories', ' '.join(opts.trajs)
    traj = mdtraj.load(opts.trajs, top=opts.topol, atom_indices=ndx)

    print 'Assigning to {} cells'.format(len(cells))
    rmsds = -np.ones((len(cells), len(traj)))
    for i in xrange(len(cells)):
        rmsds[i] = mdtraj.rmsd(traj, cells, frame=i)
    rmsds = rmsds.T
    A = -np.ones((len(traj),), dtype=np.int)
    for f in xrange(len(traj)):
        A[f] = rmsds[f].argmin()

    np.savetxt(opts.assignments, A, fmt='%d')

    print 'Computing populations'
    P = np.bincount(A)
    np.savetxt(opts.populations, P, fmt='%d')
def shukla_coords(trajectories,KER,Aloop,SRC2):

    difference = []
    rmsd = []

    for traj in trajectories:

        # append difference
        k295e310 = md.compute_contacts(traj, [KER[0]])
        e310r409 = md.compute_contacts(traj, [KER[1]])
        difference.append(10*(e310r409[0] - k295e310[0])) # 10x because mdtraj is naturally in nm

        # append rmsd
        Activation_Loop_SRC2 = SRC2.top.select("backbone and (resid %s to %s)" %(140,160))
        Activation_Loop_kinase = traj.top.select("backbone and (resid %s to %s)" %(Aloop[0],Aloop[1]))

        SRC2_cut = SRC2.atom_slice(Activation_Loop_SRC2)
        traj_cut = traj.atom_slice(Activation_Loop_kinase)

        rmsd.append(10*(md.rmsd(traj_cut,SRC2_cut,frame=0))) # 10x because mdtraj is naturaly in nm

    # flatten list of arrays
    flattened_difference = np.asarray([val for sublist in difference for val in sublist])
    flattened_rmsd = np.asarray([val for sublist in rmsd for val in sublist])

    return [flattened_rmsd, flattened_difference]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def compute_rmsd(fname, topname, sel="name CA", step=1):
    rmsd = []
    atom_indices = md.load(topname).topology.select(sel)
    top = md.load(topname)
    for chunk in md.iterload(fname, top=top, stride=step):
        rmsd.append(md.rmsd(chunk, top, 0, atom_indices=atom_indices))
    rmsd = np.concatenate(rmsd)
    return rmsd
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_pdist_rmsd_2():
    got = pdist(X_rmsd, "rmsd", X_indices)
    all2all = np.array([md.rmsd(X_rmsd, X_rmsd[i], precentered=True)
                        for i in range(len(X_rmsd))]).astype(np.double)
    submatrix = all2all[np.ix_(X_indices, X_indices)]

    ref = submatrix[np.triu_indices(5, k=1)]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(got, ref, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_mdtraj_equivalence():
    traj, ref = _random_trajs()
    feat = LigandRMSDFeaturizer(reference_frame=ref, align_by='custom',
                    calculate_for='custom', align_indices=range(ref.n_atoms),
    multi_chain = feat.transform([traj])
    md_traj = md.rmsd(traj,ref,frame=0)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(multi_chain[0][:, 0], md_traj, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_trajectory_rmsd():
    t = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'))
    for parallel in [True, False]:
        calculated = md.rmsd(t, t, 0, parallel=parallel)    
        reference = np.zeros(t.n_frames)
        for i in range(t.n_frames):
            reference[i] = rmsd_qcp(t.xyz[0], t.xyz[i])

        eq(calculated, reference, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def rmsd(self):
        has_model_indices = self.df[self.df.has_model == True].index
        ca_atoms = [a.index for a in self.traj.topology.atoms if a.name == 'CA']
        rmsds = mdtraj.rmsd(self.traj, self.ref_model_traj, atom_indices=ca_atoms, parallel=False)
        template_rmsds = [None] * len(self.templateids)
        for m,t in enumerate(has_model_indices):
            template_rmsds[t] = rmsds[m]

        self.df['rmsd'] = template_rmsds
def run(dir,top,ext,err,idx):
    ref = md.load(top)
    atoms= getIndices(idx,ref.n_atoms)
    for i in glob.glob(dir+'/*.'+ext):
        traj= md.load(i,top=top)
        r=md.rmsd(target=traj, reference=ref,atom_indices=atoms)
        if True in p:
            print i
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_2():
    # https://github.com/rmcgibbo/mdtraj/issues/438
        traj = md.load(get_fn('frame0.h5'))
        # precenter the coordinates
        traces = traj._rmsd_traces
        np.save('temp.npy', traj.xyz)
        traj.xyz = np.load('temp.npy', mmap_mode='r')
        traj._rmsd_traces = traces

        # this should work, since we don't need to modify the
        # coordinates inplace
        md.rmsd(traj, traj, 0, precentered=True)

        del traj
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def check_imaging(self):
        if self.t.n_frames > 2:

            r = md.rmsd(target=self.t, reference=self.t[0])
            percent_change = np.divide(np.abs(r[2:] - r[1:-1]), r[1:-1]) * 100.0
            if np.any(percent_change > self.rmsd_tolerance):
                self.log("Potential imaging issue: %s" % self.fn)
                self.log("No imaging issue detected")
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_2():
    # https://github.com/mdtraj/mdtraj/issues/438
        dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        fn = os.path.join(dir, 'temp.npy')
        traj = md.load(get_fn('frame0.h5'))
        # precenter the coordinates
        traces = traj._rmsd_traces
        np.save(fn, traj.xyz)
        traj.xyz = np.load(fn, mmap_mode='r')
        traj._rmsd_traces = traces

        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            md.rmsd(traj, traj, 0, precentered=True)

        del traj
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_superpose_0():
    t1 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'))
    reference_rmsd = md.rmsd(t1, t1, 0)

    t1.superpose(t1, 0)
    displ_rmsd = np.zeros(t1.n_frames)
    for i in range(t1.n_frames):
        delta = t1.xyz[i] - t1.xyz[0]
        displ_rmsd[i] = (delta ** 2.0).sum(1).mean() ** 0.5

    eq(reference_rmsd, displ_rmsd, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_precentered_1():
    # test rmsd against the numpy version, using the same trajectory
    # as target and reference
    t1 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'), stride=10)
    t2 = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'), stride=10)
    # don't center t1, and use it without precentered
    # explicitly center t2, and use *with* precentered

    for parallel in [True, False]:
        eq(t1.n_frames, t2.n_frames)
        for i in range(t1.n_frames):
            ref = np.zeros(t1.n_frames)
            for j in range(t1.n_frames):
                ref[j] = rmsd_qcp(t1.xyz[j], t1.xyz[i])
            val1 = md.rmsd(t1, t1, i, parallel=parallel, precentered=False)
            val2 = md.rmsd(t2, t2, i, parallel=parallel, precentered=True)

            eq(ref, val1, decimal=3)
            eq(val1, val2)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_lprmsd_4(get_fn):
    t1 = md.load(get_fn('1bpi.pdb'))
    t1.xyz += 0.05 * random.randn(t1.n_frames, t1.n_atoms, 3)
    t2 = md.load(get_fn('1bpi.pdb'))
    # some random indices
    indices = random.permutation(t1.n_atoms)[:t1.n_atoms - 5]

    got = md.lprmsd(t2, t1, atom_indices=indices, permute_groups=[[]])
    ref = md.rmsd(t2, t1, atom_indices=indices)

    eq(got, ref, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def shukla_coords_byrun(files,KER,Aloop,SRC2):

    difference = []
    rmsd = []

    difference_combinetrajs = []
    rmsd_combinetrajs = []

    path_base = files.split('*')[0]
    clone0_files = "%s/*clone0.h5" % path_base
    globfiles = glob(clone0_files)

    runs_list = []

    for filename in globfiles:
        run_string = re.search('run([^-]+)',filename).group(1)
        run = int(run_string)
        if run not in runs_list:

    for run in runs_list:

        trajectories = dataset.MDTrajDataset("%s/run%d-clone*1.h5" % (path_base,run))
        print "Run %s has %s trajectories." % (run,len(trajectories))

        for traj in trajectories:

            # append difference
            k295e310 = md.compute_contacts(traj, [KER[0]])
            e310r409 = md.compute_contacts(traj, [KER[1]])
            difference_combinetrajs.append(10*(e310r409[0] - k295e310[0])) # 10x because mdtraj is naturally in nm

            # append rmsd
            Activation_Loop_SRC2 = SRC2.top.select("backbone and (resid %s to %s)" %(Aloop[0],Aloop[1]))
            Activation_Loop_kinase = traj.top.select("backbone and (resid %s to %s)" %(Aloop[0],Aloop[1]))

            SRC2_cut = SRC2.atom_slice(Activation_Loop_SRC2)
            traj_cut = traj.atom_slice(Activation_Loop_kinase)

            rmsd_combinetrajs.append(10*(md.rmsd(traj_cut,SRC2_cut,frame=0))) # 10x because mdtraj is naturaly in nm

        # flatten list of arrays
        difference_combinetrajs = np.asarray([val for sublist in difference_combinetrajs for val in sublist])
        rmsd_combinetrajs = np.asarray([val for sublist in rmsd_combinetrajs for val in sublist])

        difference_combinetrajs = []

        rmsd_combinetrajs = []

    return [rmsd, difference]
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_1():
    # https://github.com/rmcgibbo/mdtraj/issues/438
        traj = md.load(get_fn('frame0.h5'))
        np.save('temp.npy', traj.xyz)

        traj.xyz = np.load('temp.npy', mmap_mode='r')

        # since traj isn't precentered, this requires centering
        # the coordinates which is done inplace. but that's not possible
        # with mmap_mode = 'r'
        assert_raises(ValueError, md.rmsd, traj, traj, 0)

        # this should work
        traj.xyz = np.load('temp.npy', mmap_mode='c')
        md.rmsd(traj, traj, 0)

        del traj
Ejemplo n.º 31
def plot_rmsd(target, reference, atom_list=[], fig_name='rmsd'):
    print('Calculating RMSD')
    rmsd = md.rmsd(target, reference, atom_indices=atom_list)

    print('Plotting RMSD to ' + fig_name + '.png')

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    #    plt.show()
    fig.savefig(fig_name + '.png')
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_precentered_2(get_fn):
    # test rmsd against the numpy version, using the difference
    # trajectories as target and reference
    t1_a = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'), stride=10)
    t2_a = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'), stride=10)
    t1_b = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'), stride=10)
    t2_b = md.load(get_fn('traj.h5'), stride=10)
    # don't center t1, and use it without precentered
    # explicitly center t2, and use *with* precentered


    for parallel in [True, False]:
        for i in range(t1_b.n_frames):
            ref = np.zeros(t1_a.n_frames)
            for j in range(t1_a.n_frames):
                ref[j] = rmsd_qcp(t1_a.xyz[j], t1_b.xyz[i])
            val1 = md.rmsd(t1_a, t1_b, i, parallel=parallel, precentered=False)
            val2 = md.rmsd(t2_a, t2_b, i, parallel=parallel, precentered=True)

            eq(ref, val1, decimal=3)
            eq(val1, val2, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def calc_rms_vectors(trajectory, args):
    Calculates RMSD of all frames vs. referenece.
        trajectory (mdtraj.Trajectory): trajectory object to analyze.
        args (argparse.Namespace): user input parameters parsed by argparse.
        rmsd_ (list): list containing the RMSD of all frames vs. reference.
    reference = args.reference
    rmsd_ = md.rmsd(trajectory, trajectory, reference, precentered=True)
    return rmsd_
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_1():
    # https://github.com/rmcgibbo/mdtraj/issues/438
        dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        fn = os.path.join(dir, 'temp.npy')
        traj = md.load(get_fn('frame0.h5'))
        np.save(fn, traj.xyz)

        traj.xyz = np.load(fn, mmap_mode='r')

        # since traj isn't precentered, this requires centering
        # the coordinates which is done inplace. but that's not possible
        # with mmap_mode = 'r'
        assert_raises(ValueError, md.rmsd, traj, traj, 0)

        # this should work
        traj.xyz = np.load(fn, mmap_mode='c')
        md.rmsd(traj, traj, 0)

        del traj
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_alanine_dipeptide_basic():
    # This test takes the rmsd of the 0th set of alanine dipeptide
    # trajectories relative to the 0th frame of the dataset.
    # The test asserts that all rmsd's calculated will be equal
    # to the ones that would be calculated straight from mdtraj.

    dataset = fetch_alanine_dipeptide()
    trajectories = dataset["trajectories"]
    featurizer = RMSDFeaturizer(trajectories[0][0])
    data = featurizer.transform(trajectories[0:1])

    true_rmsd = md.rmsd(trajectories[0], trajectories[0][0])

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(data[0][:, 0], true_rmsd, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def func(arg):
    xtcf, topf, reffs, p, sel = arg
    toppdb = md.load_pdb(topf)
    atm0 = toppdb.top.select(sel)
    xtc = md.load_xtc(xtcf, topf)
    xtc = xtc.atom_slice(atm0)

    rmsd = []
    for reff in reffs:
        refpdb = md.load_pdb(reff)
        atm1 = refpdb.top.select(sel)
        ref = refpdb.atom_slice(atm1)
        rmsd.append(md.rmsd(xtc, ref))
    rmsd.append([p] * len(xtc))
    return np.array(rmsd).T
Ejemplo n.º 37
def rmsd_to_structure(clusters_dir, ref_dir, text):
    pdbs = get_trajectory_files(clusters_dir)

    ref = md.load_frame(ref_dir, index=0)
    rmsds = np.zeros(shape=(len(pdbs), 2))

    for i in range(0, len(pdbs)):
        pdb_file = pdbs[i]
        pdb = md.load_frame(pdb_file, index=0)
        rmsd = md.rmsd(pdb, ref, 0)
        rmsds[i, 0] = i
        rmsds[i, 1] = rmsd[0]

    rmsd_file = "%s/%s_rmsds.csv" % (clusters_dir, text)
    np.savetxt(rmsd_file, rmsds, delimiter=",")
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def test_MinRmsd_with_atom_indices(self):
     # Test the Trajectory-input variant
     # and the file-input variant
     test_Y = self.feat.transform(self.traj).squeeze()
     # now the reference
     ref_Y = mdtraj.rmsd(self.traj,
     verbose_assertion_minrmsd(ref_Y, test_Y, self)
     assert self.feat.dimension() == 2
     assert len(self.feat.describe()) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 39
def func(args):
    traj, top, reffs, sel = args
    if not isinstance(traj, md.core.trajectory.Trajectory):
        traj = md.load(traj, top=top)
    atm_ndx = traj.top.select(sel)
    traj = traj.atom_slice(atm_ndx)
    rmsds = []
    for reff in reffs:
        ref = md.load_pdb(reff)
        atm_ndx = ref.top.select(sel)
        ref = ref.atom_slice(atm_ndx)
        traj = traj.superpose(ref)
        rmsd = md.rmsd(traj, ref)

    return np.array(rmsds)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def test_against_mdtraj_diff_xy(sess, traj):
    inds = [5, 19, 234]
    target = np.array(traj.xyz[inds])

    frames = tf.constant(traj.xyz)
    target = tf.constant(target)
    prmsd = tftraj.rmsd.pairwise_msd(frames, target)
    result = sess.run(prmsd)

    md_result = [
        md.rmsd(traj, traj, i) ** 2
        for i in inds
    md_result = np.array(md_result).T

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, md_result, decimal=5)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def slice_list_of_geoms_to_closest_to_ref(geom_list, ref):
    For a list of md.Trajectory objects, reduce md.Trajectory in the list
    to the frame closest to a reference
    :param geom_list: list of md.Trajectories
    :param ref: md.Trajectory
    :return: md.Trajectory of n_frames = len(geom_list), oriented wrt to ref
    out_geoms = None
    for cand_geoms in geom_list:
        igeom = cand_geoms[_np.argmin(_md.rmsd(cand_geoms, ref))]
        if out_geoms is None:
            out_geoms = igeom
            out_geoms = out_geoms.join(igeom)

    return out_geoms.superpose(ref)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def test_assign_nearest_rmsd_1():
    # rmsd assign nearest without X_indices
    assignments, inertia = assign_nearest(X_rmsd, Y_rmsd, "rmsd")
    assert isinstance(assignments, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(inertia, float)

    cdist = np.array([
        md.rmsd(X_rmsd, Y_rmsd[i], precentered=True)
        for i in range(len(Y_rmsd))
    assert cdist.shape == (10, 3)

    np.testing.assert_array_equal(assignments, cdist.argmin(axis=1))

                                   cdist[np.arange(10), assignments].sum(),
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def get_properties(self,
        if mdp is None:
            mdp = self.mdp

        if mindist:
                          dt=float(mdp.nstenergy) * float(mdp.dt) * stride)
            with open(f'{cwd}/{deffnm}.mindist.xvg') as f:
                data = np.array([[float(s) for s in l.split()] for l in f
                                 if l[0] not in '#@']).T
        df = edr_to_df(f'{cwd}/{deffnm}.edr')[::stride]
        traj = self.load_xtc(f'{cwd}/{deffnm}.vis.xtc', stride=stride)

        if mindist:
            minlen = min(data.shape[1], len(df), len(traj))
            minlen = min(len(df), len(traj))

        df = df.head(minlen)
        if mindist:
            data = data[..., :minlen]
        traj = traj[:minlen]
        if not (((not mindist) or np.array_equal(df['Time'], data[0]))
                and np.array_equal(df['Time'], traj.time)):
            raise ValueError("Could not match times across different inputs")

        calpha_atom_indices = traj.top.select_atom_indices('alpha')
        rmsd = md.rmsd(traj, self.traj, atom_indices=calpha_atom_indices)

        if mindist:
            df['Min. PI dist'] = data[1]
            df['Max. int dist'] = data[2]
        df['RMSD'] = rmsd

        return (traj, df)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def test_assign_to_nearest_center_few_centers():

    # assign_to_nearest_center takes two code paths, one for
    # n_centers > n_frames and one for n_frames > n_centers. This tests
    # the latter.
    trj = md.load(get_fn('frame0.xtc'), top=get_fn('native.pdb'))
    center_frames = [0, int(len(trj) / 3), int(len(trj) / 2)]

    assigns, distances = util.assign_to_nearest_center(trj, trj[center_frames],

    alldists = np.zeros((len(center_frames), len(trj)))
    for i, center_frame in enumerate(trj[center_frames]):
        alldists[i] = md.rmsd(trj, center_frame)

    assert_allclose(np.min(alldists, axis=0), distances, atol=1e-3)
    assert_array_equal(np.argmin(alldists, axis=0), assigns)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def calc_pcoord(refpath, toppath, mobpath, FORM):
    """ Calculate pcoord (RMSD) using MDTraj and save results to file specified
    in get_pcoord.sh/runseg.sh. Here the filename is rmsd.dat, but if you were
    calculating somebody else like a simple distance you could change the filename
    to distance.dat instead. Just make sure to change the filename both in this
    script and in get_pcoord.sh/runseg.sh.

        refpath (str): path to initial state coordinate file.
        toppath (str): path to topology file.
        mobpath (str): path to trajectory file.
        FORM (str): indicates whether we're evaluating a basis/initial state or not.
            If we are evaluating an initial/basis state (ie. if the script is
            called from get_pcoord.sh) then FORM = 'RESTRT', and we check to
            make sure our pcoord is a numpy array with shape (1,). Otherwise,
            the pcoord is a numpy array with shape = (pcoord_len, pcoord_ndim)
            as specified in west.cfg.

    # Load the reference crystal and the trajectory
    # Use the load_netcdf() function so MDtraj knows it is a netcdf file.
    crystal = md.load_netcdf(refpath, top=toppath)
    traj = md.load_netcdf(mobpath, top=toppath)

    # Get a list of CA indices from the topology file.
    CA_indices = crystal.topology.select("name == CA")

    # Calculate the rmsd of the trajectory relative to the crystal, using only
    # the C-Alpha atoms for the calculation (we must specify this as there is
    # explicit solvent present in the simulation.)
    # The rmsd() function takes an optional third int argument which refers to
    # the frame in the reference to measure distances to. By default, the frame
    # is set to 0. A general form of the function is:
    # MDTraj.rmsd(target, reference, frame=0) which returns a numpy array
    rmsd = md.rmsd(traj, crystal, atom_indices=CA_indices)

    # Write RMSD to output file.
    if FORM == "RESTRT":
	    # We only need the last value in the array.
	    rmsd = numpy.array(rmsd[-1])
	    # WESTPA expects a 1x1 array, so we must correct the shape if needed.
        if rmsd.ndim == 0:
	    rmsd.shape = (1,)
        numpy.savetxt("rmsd.dat", rmsd)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def find_best(target, reference, atom_indices=None):
    target and reference are both of type mdtraj.Trajectory
    reference is of length 1, target of arbitrary length

    returns a Structure object and the index within the trajectory


    >>> import chisurf.settings as mfm
    >>> times = times = mfm.TrajectoryFile('./test/data/structure/2807_8_9_b.h5', reading_routine='r', stride=1)
    >>> find_best(times.mdtraj, times.mdtraj[2])
    (2, <mdtraj.Trajectory with 1 frames, 2495 atoms, 164 residues, without unitcells at 0x13570b30>)
    rmsds = md.rmsd(target, reference, atom_indices=atom_indices)
    iMin = np.argmin(rmsds)
    return iMin, target[iMin]
Ejemplo n.º 47
def sort_trajectory(traj):

    Given a trajectory, find the frame with the minimum mean RMSD to all other
    frames in the trajectory, and sort all remaining frames by their distance to that frame

    traj : mdtraj.Trajectory

    sorted_traj : mdtraj.Trajectory

    rmsds = [md.rmsd(traj, traj[i]) for i in range(len(traj))]
    min_mean_rmsd = np.argmin([np.mean(r) for r in rmsds])
    return traj[np.argsort(rmsds[min_mean_rmsd])]
def ca_interfacial_rmsd_angstroms(traj, native, group1, group2, ca_cutoff_angstroms=10., verbose=True):
    native = native[0]  # ensure only a single frame is passed

    res_group1, res_group2 = [np.array(sorted(set([native.topology.atom(i).residue.index for i in g])))
            for g in (group1,group2)]

    contact_pairs = np.array([(i,j) for i in res_group1 for j in res_group2])
    is_contact = (10.*md.compute_contacts(native,scheme='ca', contacts=contact_pairs)[0]<ca_cutoff_angstroms)[0]
    contacts = contact_pairs[is_contact]
    interface_residues = sorted(set(contacts[:,0]).union(set(contacts[:,1])))
    if verbose:
        print '%i interface residues (%i,%i)' % (
                len(interface_residues), len(set(contacts[:,0])), len(set(contacts[:,1])))
    interface_atom_indices = np.array([a.index for a in native.topology.atoms
                                               if  a.residue.index in interface_residues])

    return 10.*md.rmsd(traj.atom_slice(interface_atom_indices), native.atom_slice(interface_atom_indices))
Ejemplo n.º 49
def test_two_refs_basic():
    # This test uses the 0th and 1st frames of the 0th set of
    # adp trajectories as the two reference trajectories and
    # ensures that the rmsd of the 0th frame of the dataset with
    # the 0th reference are identical and the 1st frame of the
    # dataset with the 1st reference are identical.

    trajectories = AlanineDipeptide().get_cached().trajectories
    featurizer = RMSDFeaturizer(trajectories[0][0:2])
    data = featurizer.transform(trajectories[0:1])

    true_rmsd = np.zeros((trajectories[0].n_frames, 2))
    for frame in range(2):
        true_rmsd[:, frame] = md.rmsd(trajectories[0], trajectories[0][frame])

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[0][0, 0], data[0][1, 1], decimal=3)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(data[0][1, 0], data[0][0, 1], decimal=3)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(data[0], true_rmsd, decimal=4)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def test_rmsd_kcenters_mpi_subsample():

    TRJFILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'frame0.xtc')
    TOPFILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'native.pdb')
    SELECTION = '(name N or name C or name CA or name H or name O)'

    expected_size = (5, np.ceil(501 / SUBSAMPLE_FACTOR))

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdname:

        tdname = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(tdname, root=0)

        for i in range(expected_size[0]):
            shutil.copy(TRJFILE, os.path.join(tdname, 'frame%s.xtc' % i))

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            a, d, inds, s = runhelper([
                os.path.join(tdname, 'frame?.xtc'), '--topology', TOPFILE,
                '--cluster-number', '4', '--subsample',
                str(SUBSAMPLE_FACTOR), '--atoms', SELECTION, '--algorithm',

    trj = md.load(TRJFILE, top=TOPFILE)
    trj_sele = trj.atom_slice(trj.top.select(SELECTION))

    result = kcenters.kcenters(trj_sele[::SUBSAMPLE_FACTOR],

    expected_indices = [
        np.argmin(md.rmsd(trj_sele, c)) for c in result.centers
    assert_array_equal(expected_indices, inds[:, 1])

    expected_s = md.join([trj[i[1]] for i in inds])
    assert_array_equal(expected_s.xyz, md.join(s).xyz)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def ligands_rmsd_calculator(pdb_target, pdb_reference, resname="GRW"):

    :param pdb_target: problem pdb file
    :param pdb_reference: reference pdb file
    :param write2report: if True export results in a file
    :param write2pdb: pdb file with the result of the superposition between "pdb_target" and "pdb_reference"
    :param ligand_chain: name of the chain of the ligand
    :return: superpose the backbone of the pdb_target to the pdb_reference and computes the RMSD of the ligand
    # Reparation of PDB files if it is needed
    # Load the data to mdtraj
    target = mdtraj.load(pdb_target)
    reference = mdtraj.load(pdb_reference)
    # Get the indexes of heavy atoms of the ligands
    ligand = reference.topology.select('resname "{}"'.format(resname))
    rmsd = mdtraj.rmsd(target, reference=reference, atom_indices=ligand)
    return rmsd
Ejemplo n.º 52
def rmsd_connector(traj, inactive, residues=[], residues_map=None):
    if residues_map is not None:
        residues = map_residues(residues_map, residues)

    nonsymmetric = ["CG2", "CG1", "CD1", "CD2", "CE1", "CE2"]

    connector_atoms = []
    for residue in residues:
        connector_atoms += [
            (a.index, str(a)) for a in traj.topology.atoms
            if residue.is_mdtraj_res_equivalent(a.residue) and "hydrogen"
            not in a.element and not any(substring in str(a)
                                         for substring in nonsymmetric)

    connector_atoms = sorted(connector_atoms,
    connector_atoms = [a[0] for a in connector_atoms]
    traj_stripped = traj.atom_slice(connector_atoms)

    connector_atoms_target = []
    for residue in residues:
        connector_atoms_target += [
            (a.index, str(a)) for a in inactive.topology.atoms
            if residue.is_mdtraj_res_equivalent(a.residue) and "hydrogen"
            not in a.element and not any(substring in str(a)
                                         for substring in nonsymmetric)

    connector_atoms_target = sorted(connector_atoms_target,
    connector_atoms_target = [a[0] for a in connector_atoms_target]
    inactive_stripped = inactive.atom_slice(connector_atoms_target)

        traj_stripped_aligned = traj_stripped.superpose(inactive_stripped)
        rmsds = md.rmsd(traj_stripped, inactive_stripped) * 10.0
        rmsds = np.empty(traj_stripped.n_frames)

    return rmsds
Ejemplo n.º 53
def calculate_dist_matrix(t):
    #aij = half dist squared
    #t = md.load('output2.dcd', top = 'ala-dipeptide.pdb')
    a = np.zeros((t.n_frames, t.n_frames))
    print('calculating dist matrix s')
    sys.stdout.write("calculating dist matrix : ")
    for i in range(np.shape(a)[0]):
        msg = "item %i of %i" % (i, t.n_frames)
        sys.stdout.write(msg + chr(8) * len(msg))
        for j in range(i + 1):
            a[i][j] = md.rmsd(t[i], t[j])  ######## ||t1 - t2||
            a[j][i] = a[i][j]
    sys.stdout.write(str(t.n_frames) + "  DONE" + " " * len(msg) + "\n")
    return a  # aij*episilon
Ejemplo n.º 54
def plot_rsmd(traj_list, fout=None):
    rmsd_list = [mdtraj.rmsd(traj, traj, 0) * 10 for traj in traj_list]

    ax, side_ax = msme.plot_trace(rmsd_list[0], ylabel='RMSD (Å)', xlabel='Time (ns)',
    formatter = FuncFormatter(to_ns)
    if len(rmsd_list) > 1:
        for i, rmsd in enumerate(rmsd_list[1:]):
            msme.plot_trace(rmsd, ylabel='RMSD (Å)', xlabel='Time (ns)', ax=ax,
                            label=args.Trajectories[i + 1][:-3],

    if len(rmsd_list) > 5:
    f = plt.gcf()
Ejemplo n.º 55
def plot_rmsd(args):
    if not args.figure_fl and not args.output_tsv:
        raise Exception("No output specified.")

    print "reading trajectory"
    traj = md.load(args.input_traj, top=args.pdb_file)

    print "aligning frames"
    if args.align_atom_select in ["all", "alpha", "minimal", "heavy", "water"]:
        align_atoms = traj.topology.select_atom_indices(args.align_atom_select)
        align_atoms = traj.topology.select(args.align_atom_select)

    traj.superpose(traj, atom_indices=align_atoms)

    print "computing RMSD"
    if args.rmsd_atom_select in ["all", "alpha", "minimal", "heavy", "water"]:
        rmsd_atoms = traj.topology.select_atom_indices(args.rmsd_atom_select)
        rmsd_atoms = traj.topology.select(args.rmsd_atom_select)

    rmsds = md.rmsd(traj,

    frame_time = np.arange(1, traj.n_frames + 1) * args.timestep
    if args.figure_fl:
        plt.plot(frame_time, rmsds)
        plt.xlabel("Time (ns)", fontsize=16)
        plt.ylabel("RMSD (nm)", fontsize=16)
        plt.xlim([frame_time[0], frame_time[-1]])
        plt.savefig(args.figure_fl, DPI=300)

    if args.output_tsv:
        with open(args.output_tsv, "w") as fl:
            fl.write("Time (ns)\tRMSD (nm)\n")
            for t, r in zip(frame_time, rmsds):
                fl.write("%s\t%s\n" % (t, r))
Ejemplo n.º 56
def rmsd_traj(trajfiles, topfile=None, **kwargs):
    # TODO  look at timing of with/without precentering and eliminate
    #       option if it doesn't decrease the calculation time
    RMSD of frames in trajfile to reference structure in topfile.
    They (currently) need to have identical topology as topfile is
    both the reference structure and topology source. The logic here
    requiresd that `topfile` is a PDB filepath, not trajectory.

    - `precenter` to this function is an operation to be done, which
    will result in `precentered` to the MDTraj function as True.
    - centering and RMSD calculation, not loading, timed if `timeit=True`
    - see MDTraj notes on centering
    ref         = mdtraj.load(topfile)
    traj        = md_traj(trajfiles, topfile)
    kwargs_rmsd = prep_rmsd_calc(traj, **kwargs)
    rmsds       = mdtraj.rmsd(traj, ref, **kwargs_rmsd)
    return rmsds
Ejemplo n.º 57
def clustering(traj, maxClusters, thresh_R):
    distances = np.empty((traj.n_frames, traj.n_frames))
    for i in range(traj.n_frames):
        for j in range(traj.n_frames):
            if md.rmsd(traj[i], traj[j], 0) <= 0.001:
                distances[i, j] = 0.0
                distances[i, j] = km.kuhn_munkres(traj[i], traj[j])
    mean_rmsd = np.mean(distances[np.nonzero(distances)])
    min_rmsd = np.min(distances[np.nonzero(distances)])
    max_rmsd = np.max(distances[np.nonzero(distances)])
    print('Min pairwise rmsd: %f nm' % np.min(min_rmsd))
    print('Max pairwise rmsd: %f nm' % np.max(max_rmsd))
    print('Mean pairwise rmsd: %f nm' % np.max(mean_rmsd))
    reduced_distances = squareform(distances, checks=False)
    linkage = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(reduced_distances,
    flat_cluster = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster(linkage,
    return flat_cluster
Ejemplo n.º 58
def make_clusters(native, traj):
    distances = compute_rmsd_matrix(traj)

    #clustering set up
    clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=MIN_SAMPLES)
    cluster_indices = clusterer.fit_predict(distances)

    min_index = 0
    max_index = np.max(cluster_indices) + 1

    clusters = [
        traj[np.where(cluster_indices == index)]
        for index in range(min_index, max_index)
    clusters = sorted(clusters, key=lambda x: x.n_frames, reverse=True)

    #now add the unclustered frames to last cluster
    clusters.append(traj[np.where(cluster_indices == -1)])

    cluster_sizes = [c.n_frames for c in clusters]
    total_frames = traj.n_frames

    print('Found {} total clusters.'.format(len(clusters)))

    #calculates important values and outputs to files
    for i, c in enumerate(clusters):
        rmsds_to_native = md.rmsd(c, native) * 10
        mean = np.mean(rmsds_to_native)
        median = np.median(rmsds_to_native)
        min_ = np.min(rmsds_to_native)
        max_ = np.max(rmsds_to_native)
        std_ = np.std(rmsds_to_native)
        np.savetxt("clusters_0" + str(i) + ".dat", rmsds_to_native, fmt="%f")
            'Cluster {:02d} has population {:.1f}; RMSD: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}'
            .format(i, 100 * cluster_sizes[i] / float(total_frames), mean,
                    median, min_, max_, std_))
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def calculate_RMSD(self, ref_struct=None, atom_desc=None, save=True):
	Calculates RMSD from the reference of ref_struct

	    ref_struct: The reference structure file (default None: Uses the structure 
			file from the first trajectory)
 	    atom_desc: Description of atom indices (default None)
	    save: Saves data to RMSD_data.npy if save is True (default True)	    

	    RMSD_list: List of all RMSD values calculated for the gen

	gro_ref = md.load(self.gro_file)
	indice_pairs = self.get_indices(atom_desc)
	print('Calculating RMSD...')
	RMSD = md.rmsd(self.traj, gro_ref)
	if save:
	    load_and_save(self, RMSD)
	    print('Saved RMSD to index [%d][%d][%d]' % (self.run_num, self.clone_num, self.gen_num))
	return RMSD
Ejemplo n.º 60
def RMSD1to1(traj1, traj2):
    The function calculate rmsd for each pair of frames

    traj1 and traj2 must have the same number of frames.
    traj1 is a trajectory for which rmsd is calculated.
    traj2 is a reference trajectory.
    The function returns 1D numpy array, which contains
    one real rmsd value for each frame

    traj1_nframes = traj1.n_frames
    traj2_nframes = traj2.n_frames
    print("trajectory 1 contains %i  frames." % traj1_nframes)
    print("trajectory 2 contains %i  frames." % traj2_nframes)
    if traj1_nframes != traj2_nframes:
        raise IOError("Input trajectories contain different number of frames")

    rmsd = np.empty(traj1_nframes)
    for i in range(0, traj1_nframes):
        rmsd[i] = md.rmsd(traj2[i], traj1[i])
    return (rmsd)