Ejemplo n.º 1
def loadPD(filename, maxTime = 1650):
  import meaRecording
  import numpy as np
  # load the PD
  header = meaRecording.getRecordingHeader(filename)
  fileLength = header['nscans']/header['scanRate']
  pd_array = meaRecording.getChannel(0, maxTime, filename)
  return pd_array
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getChannel(chan,length, filename):
    load a channel form an igor generated binary experimental file
    chan: channel number to be loaded
    0, photodiode
    length: amount of time to load in seconds
    filename: the file to load from
    channel: 1D ndarray
  from numpy import fromfile
  from numpy import zeros
  import meaRecording as mea
  header = mea.getRecordingHeader(filename)
  blockSize = header['blockSize']
  outputLength = int(length*header['scanRate'])
  samplesNeeded = min(outputLength, header['nscans'])
  outputLength = samplesNeeded

  # Generate output, an ndarray of blockTime  = []
  output = zeros(outputLength)
  f = open(filename)
  block = 0
  while samplesNeeded>0:
    # get ready to read next block corresponding to channel in question
    # figure out if we are going to pull down the whole block or just a fraction
    samplesAdded = min(samplesNeeded, blockSize)

    currentSamples = fromfile(f, '>f2', samplesAdded)
    output[block*blockSize:block*blockSize+len(currentSamples)] = currentSamples

    samplesNeeded -= samplesAdded
    block += 1

  return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
def loadAllWhiteFrames(wildcard, whiteThresholdFactor):
    For all files in current directory that match wildcard, open one at a time and extract all the scans corresponding to PD
    where whiteThreshold is crossed. For each file, load PD, compute the maximum value in the PD and define as threshold anything that
    crosses that value * whiteThresholdFactor
    VERY IMPORTANT, this will produce random white frames if there are absolutely no white frames in the PD recording
    whildcard:      a string matching all files to be analyzed, see fnmatch for syntax but (* and ? are accepted)
    whiteThresholdFactor:  a number between 0 and 1, although the code is not checking for it and any number will work
    whiteFrameScans:     ndarray with the scans corresponding to the white frames
    scansperframe:       estimated number of scans per frame
    scanRate:            from the file's header, how many samples per second are we recording.
  import os
  import fnmatch
  from numpy import append
  # init the ndarray to hold all white frames detected across all files.
  allWhiteScans = np.arange(0)
  accumulatedScans = 0
  # init a ndarray to hold the average number of scans per frame, will have one item per file loaded
  scansperframe = np.arange(0)
  for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
    if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, wildcard):
      print 'Working on file', file
      header = meaRecording.getRecordingHeader(file)
      nscans = header['nscans']
      scanRate = header['scanRate']
      # load PD, each item corresponds to 1/scanrate seconds
      pd = loadPD(file)
      # Get the number of scans per frame
      scansperframe = np.append(scansperframe, getScansPerFrame(pd))
      # detect the maximum value in pd_array
      pd_max = np.max(pd)
      # define threshold that has to be crossed to define a white pd.
      whiteThreshold = pd_max*whiteThresholdFactor
      # detect crossings of threshold
      # all crossings are detected, if stimulus is apdating every n frames, each white frame will be detected n times
      whiteFrameScans = findThresholdCrossing(pd, whiteThreshold)    # this is ndarray
      # shift the scans to take into account that we are not loading the 1st file
      whiteFrameScans += accumulatedScans
      # update accumulatedScans
      accumulatedScans += nscans
      # append white frames for current file to list with all white frames
      allWhiteScans = np.append(allWhiteScans, whiteFrameScans)
  return allWhiteScans, scansperframe, scanRate