Ejemplo n.º 1
def memory(request, memory_id):
	outDict = {}
	# Get the AG connection
	ag = manage_sessions.check_ag_conn()
	# Create a URI from the memory ID
	outDict['memory'] = view_helpers.fetch_memory_description(ag, memory_id)
	return HttpResponse(json.dumps(outDict), content_type='application/json')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def accept(request):
	# Get the mcpid
	if not request.user.is_anonymous():
		mcpid = request.user.userprofile.mcpid
		mcpid = 'anonymous'
	# Get our graph_db connection
	ag = manage_sessions.check_ag_conn()

	# Now we need to add the memory report to AllegroGraph
	# A bit of an issue is that the model in AllegroGraph differs from the model in the client. In reality, we should be serving all of the views out of Django templates so that we could more easily ensure uniformity in naming schemes when the views are created and thereby not have to create the translator here or in other places.  The other place to have the translator is in the AG.Memory object.  One could also just dump stuff into the repository and then add equivalences, but that seems a bit messy to me.
	# initialize a memory report instance
	memoryReport = ag_models.Memory()
	# Create the personURI
	personURI = ag.conn.createURI(ag.contextStrs['person'] + mcpid)
	# Add information about the stimulus
	memoryReport.addMeta(stimulus_id = request.POST.get('songid'))
	memoryReport.addMeta(personURI = personURI)
	# List of variables to digest
	digestVars = ['personType','memoryYear','eventType','placeType', 'emotionType', 'memory', 'sharing[sharedGlobally]']
	# pdb.set_trace()
	for var in digestVars:
		vardata = request.POST.get(var)
		if vardata and var in ['personType', 'eventType','placeType','emotionType']:
			# capitalize first letter of the variable so we can find it in the ontology
			ontoVar = var.replace(var[0],var[0].upper(),1)
			propertyVar = "has"+ontoVar
			# Add the details to the Memory instance
			memoryReport.addTypeDetail(**{propertyVar: vardata})

		if vardata and var in ['memory']:
			memoryReport.addDetail(generalDescription = vardata)
		if vardata and var == 'memoryYear':
			memoryReport.addTypeDetail(hasYear = vardata)
		if vardata and var == 'sharing[sharedGlobally]':
			memoryReport.addTypeDetail(sharedGlobally = vardata)
	# Now try submitting the memory
	status = memoryReport.submit(ag)
	return HttpResponse(status, content_type='text/html')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def category(request):
	# Fetches category info for memory reporting
	outDict = {}
	# Get the AG connection
	ag = manage_sessions.check_ag_conn()
	for category in ['PersonType','EventType','PlaceType','EmotionType']:
		keys = ag.onto[category].keys()
		# replace underscores
		tmp = [(re.sub('_',' ',k)) for k in keys]
		# replace leading whitespace 
		outDict[category] = [re.sub('^\s*','',k) for k in tmp]
	return HttpResponse(json.dumps(outDict), content_type='application/json')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def song(request, song_id='511'):
	max_links = 100
	subgraph = {"keys":[], "values":[]}
	outDict = {}
	params = {}
	sorted_graph = {}
	use_random = False
	createSongSongLinks = True
	# 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality'
	# 'ego_group_w_attribs'
	defaultMethod = 'ego_group_w_attribs'
	songmeminfo = {}
	## The basic organization for this function should be:
	# 1. Parse the GET request parameters
	# 2. Get a graph of song nodes
	# 3. Calculate the starting positions of song nodes
	# 4. Fetch memories associated with some set of the song nodes in the graph
	# 5. Create the structure expected by the force-directed layout of d3 consisting of arrays of nodes and links
	# Get our graph_db connection
	graph_db = manage_sessions.check_ag_conn()
	# Get the GET request - this gives us access to a QueryDict
#	if isinstance(request,dict):
#		queryParams = request
	inputParams = {}
	if request.method == 'GET':
		inputParams = dict(request.GET)
	# Set defaults if the values were not passed in
	# Get the starting node	
	# if queryParams.get('startNode'):
	# 	inputParams['startNode'] = queryParams.get('startNode')
	# else:
	# 	# In order to handle the startup condition of a user accessing meamcentral, the start node selection should be based on the birth year that the user is requested to provide when first entering MEAM Central
	# 	inputParams['startNode'] = 511
	inputParams['startNode'] = song_id

	if 'graphConstructionMethod' not in inputParams.keys():
		inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'] = defaultMethod
	elif isinstance(inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'],list):
		inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'] = inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'][0]
	if 'userid' not in inputParams.keys():
		inputParams['userid'] = 'anonymous';
	elif isinstance(inputParams['userid'],list):
		inputParams['userid'] = inputParams['userid'][0]
	if 'memNodeDistFromSongNode' not in inputParams.keys():
		memNodeDistFromSongNode = 25
	if 'year' in inputParams.keys() and isinstance(inputParams['year'],list):
		inputParams['year'] = inputParams['year'][0]
	# Get a graph structure for songs, based on some criteria
	# We are trying out various methods, each associated with a name and a particular function
	method = inputParams['graphConstructionMethod']
	if method in ['userSongs','ego_group_w_year_seed']:
		# Check to see if the requested userid matches the username
		useridMatchesSessionID = False
		if inputParams['userid'] == request.user.username:
			useridMatchesSessionID = True
		# If the username is not anonymous and the userid matches the session ID, get the mcpid from the user profile
		if not request.user.is_anonymous() and useridMatchesSessionID:
			inputParams['mcpid'] =  request.user.userprofile.mcpid
			inputParams['mcpid'] = manage_sessions.lookup_mcpid(inputParams['userid'])
		if method == 'userSongs':
			graphData = song_structure.songs_for_userid(graph_db,inputParams)
		elif method == 'ego_group_w_year_seed':
			graphData = song_structure.ego_group_w_year_seed(graph_db, inputParams)
		if not graphData:
			return HttpResponse(json.dumps({}), content_type='application/json')
	elif method == 'ego_group_w_attribs':
		graphData = song_structure.ego_group_w_attribs(graph_db,inputParams)
	elif method == 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality':
		graph_centrality = song_structure.sna_ego_group_and_centrality(graph_db)
		songIDs = graph_centrality.keys()
	elif method == 'original':
		params['readfromfile'] = True
		params['writetofile'] = True
		params['fname'] = './song_graph.txt'
		graph = song_structure.song_graph_by_common_song_set(graph_db, params)
		# Select a subset of those songs
		if use_random:
			subgraph["keys"] = random.sample(graph,max_links)  # this returns only the song id pairs
			subgraph["values"] = [graph[a] for a in subgraph["keys"]]
			# Extract the list of unique songIDs in this set
			songIDs = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subgraph["keys"])))
			# Sort the list by the number of times a pair of songs was encountered
			tmp = sorted(graph.iteritems(),key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True)
			for pair in tmp[0:max_links]:
				songIDs = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subgraph["keys"])))
	# Get the positioning information of the songs
	# We really shouldn't have to fetch the memory information associated with songs for this particular view
	if method in ['jp_ego_group_and_centrality','original']:
		songmeminfo = view_helpers.fetch_all_song_memories(graph_db, songIDs)
		# PJ - 15Aug2015 - I think we should be passing subgraph in rather than tmp, as this contains the information necessary to construct the feature matrix
		if method == 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality':
			songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songmeminfo, xmethod='year',ymethod='centrality',centrality_dict=graph_centrality)
			songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songmeminfo, xmethod='svd',ymethod='svd',cooccurence_dict=tmp)
	elif method in ['ego_group_w_attribs', 'ego_group_w_year_seed']:
		# only worry about unique songs for positioning
		useFields = ['song','year','centrality']
		songinfoMtx = np.unique(graphData['songinfo'])
		songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songinfoMtx[useFields], xmethod='year', ymethod='centrality', viewParams = {'startNode': inputParams['startNode'], 'height':500, 'width':750})
		songmeminfo = graphData['songmeminfo']
	elif method == 'userSongs':
		songinfoMtx = np.unique(graphData['songinfo'])
		songmeminfo = graphData['songmeminfo']
		useFields = ['song','year']
		songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songinfoMtx[useFields], xmethod='year', ymethod='random', viewParams = {'height':500, 'width':750})
	# Do the heavy lifting for the d3 layout, creating the node and link objects that we need. We have two types of nodes: song nodes and memory nodes.  Memory nodes only link to song nodes. Song nodes are linked both to memory nodes and other song nodes.
	nodes = []
	links = []
	outDict["nodes"] = nodes
	outDict["links"] = links
	# Loop over the meminfo entries, adding nodes both for songs and memories, and links between songs and memories
	if method in ['jp_ego_group_and_centrality','original']:
		songmemkeys = songmeminfo.keys()
		songID2Idx = {}
		for idx,currEntry in enumerate(sorted(songmemkeys)):
			currSongInfo = songmeminfo[currEntry]["songinfo"]
			# Get the location for this particular song
			if not usePreviewURL:
				currSongLocation = Stimulus.objects.filter(stimulus_id = currSongInfo["id"])[0].location
				# Strip off everything but the filename
				sep = '/'
				# sname = currSongLocation.rsplit(sep).pop()
				sname = currSongLocation
				currSongInfo["location"] = baseMusicLocation + sep + sname
				currSongInfo["location"] = currSongInfo["songURL"]
			songDict = {"songNodeID": currEntry, "class": "song", "songmeta": currSongInfo}
			# Get the locations for the display in d3
			if not method == 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality':
				songDict.update({"x": songnodeLoc[idx,0], "y": songnodeLoc[idx,1]})
				songDict.update({"x": songnodeLoc[currEntry]['x'],

			songIdx = len(nodes)-1
			songID2Idx[currEntry] = songIdx
			nodes[songIdx]["children"] = []
			for memory in songmeminfo[currEntry]["memories"]:
				nodeDict = memory
				nodeDict["class"] = "memory"
				memIdx = len(nodes)-1
				linkDict = {"source": songIdx, "target": memIdx}
				linkDict["class"] = "songmemory"
		# Loop over the subgraph to create links between song nodes
		if createSongSongLinks:
			for songPair in subgraph["keys"]:
				linkDict = {"source": songID2Idx[songPair[0]], 
					"target": songID2Idx[songPair[1]], 
					"strength": subgraph["values"][subgraph["keys"].index(songPair)]}
				linkDict["class"] = "songsong"
	elif method in ['ego_group_w_attribs','userSongs','ego_group_w_year_seed']:
		# Convert the array of song information into dicts that we can feed into songmeta fields
		songinfoVars = ['title','album','artist','year','previewURL']

		names = songinfoMtx[songinfoVars].dtype.names 
		# The map() function converts the years to strings
		songmetaMtx = [dict(zip(names, map(str,record))) for record in songinfoMtx[songinfoVars]] 
		# Create the song nodes
		songID2Idx = {}
		sidx = 0
		songmeminfoKeys = songmeminfo.keys()
		for currSongID in songinfoMtx['song']:
			# Create our dictionary to be associated with this song node
			songDict = {"songNodeID": str(currSongID), "class": "song", "songmeta": songmetaMtx[sidx]}
			# Update the dictionary with the position info
			songDict.update({"x": float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['x']), "px": float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['x']), "y":float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['y']), "py":float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['y'])})
			# Get the source of the audio file
			if not usePreviewURL:
				currSongLocation = Stimulus.objects.filter(stimulus_id = currSongID)[0].location
				# Strip off everything but the filename
				sep = '/'
				# sname = currSongLocation.rsplit(sep).pop()
				sname = currSongLocation
				songDict["songmeta"]["location"] = baseMusicLocation + sep + sname
				songDict["songmeta"]["location"] = str(songinfoMtx[sidx]["previewURL"]).encode('utf-8')
			# Append the dictionary to the list of nodes
			songIdx = len(nodes)-1

			# If we have them, handle the memories associated with this song
			nodes[songIdx]["children"] = []
			if songmeminfo:
				if str(currSongID) in songmeminfoKeys:
					currMemList = songmeminfo[str(currSongID)] 
					currMemList = []
				# If we are dealing with the startNode, fetch the associated memory descriptions
				if currMemList and currSongID == inputParams['startNode']:
					currMemList = view_helpers.fetch_memories_for_song(graph_db, currSongID)
				numMem = len(currMemList)
				if numMem:
					radPerMem = 2*math.pi/numMem  # number of radians per memory for positioning
					radPerMem = 0
				currTheta = 0
				for memory in currMemList:
					nodeDict = memory
					nodeDict["class"] = "memory"
					# Figure out positions for the memory nodes
					# Have to cast the numbers as regular floats so that the json encoder doesn't choke
					nodeDict["x"] = float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['x'] + memNodeDistFromSongNode * np.cos(currTheta))
					nodeDict["px"] = nodeDict["x"]
					nodeDict["y"] = float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['y'] + memNodeDistFromSongNode * np.sin(currTheta))
					nodeDict["py"] = nodeDict["y"]
					currTheta += radPerMem
					# Add the node to the list and to the list of the song node's children
					memIdx = len(nodes)-1
					# Create the link between the song node and memory node
					linkDict = {"source": songIdx, "target": memIdx}
					linkDict["class"] = "songmemory"
			sidx += 1  # Increment our song counter
	# Return information to server
	return HttpResponse(json.dumps(outDict), content_type='application/json')