Ejemplo n.º 1
 def openFile(self):
     filepath, filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=self,
                             caption='Open a PL spectrum file')
     if not filepath:
     dirpath, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
     self.setWindowTitle(u'SimpleFit - {}'.format(filename))
     spectrum = openMeasuredSpectrum(filepath)
     # Check if the system response removed is included.
     # If not, ask user to select a system response file.
     print spectrum.intensity
     if not len(spectrum.intensity):
         sysres_filepath, filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
             parent=self, caption='Open a system response file')
         if not sysres_filepath:
         spectrum = openMeasuredSpectrum(filepath, sysres_filepath)
     # remove the previous measured spectrum
     if self.spectrum:
     # plot the measured spectrum
     self.spectrum = spectrum
     # update the simulated spectrum
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Create main window with grid layout
w = QtGui.QWidget()

layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()

# Load the user's measured spectrum
from simplepl.utils import open_dialog

print 'Select a PL file...'
filepath = open_dialog('*.*')
print 'PL File Path:', filepath
print 'Select the system response file to use (if any)...'
sysres_filepath = open_dialog('*.*')
print 'System Response File Path:', sysres_filepath

measuredSpectrum = openMeasuredSpectrum(filepath, sysres_filepath)
energy = measuredSpectrum.getEnergy()
intensity = measuredSpectrum.getIntensity()

# Create some simulated spectrum
bg = ConstantSpectrum(energy=energy)
peak1 = GaussianSpectrum(energy=energy)
peak2 = GaussianSpectrum(energy=energy)
peak3 = GaussianSpectrum(energy=energy)
sum = SummedSpectrum(bg, peak1, peak2, peak3)
sum.energy = energy
bg.constant.max = peak1.amplitude.max = \
    peak2.amplitude.max = peak3.amplitude.max = intensity.max()
peak1.center.min = peak2.center.min = peak3.center.min = energy.min()
peak1.center.max = peak2.center.max = peak3.center.max = energy.max()
peak1.center.value = peak2.center.value = \