Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _start_encoding(self):
        Best thought of as a ``main()`` method for the Nommer. This is the
        main bit of logic that directs the encoding process.
        logger.info("Starting to encode job %s" % self.job.unique_id)
        fobj = self.download_source_file()

        # Encode the file. The return value is a tempfile with the output.
        out_fobj = self.__run_ffmpeg(fobj)

        if not out_fobj:
            # Failure! We're going nowhere.
            return False

        # Upload the encoding output file to its final destination.

        logger.info("FFmpegNommer: Job %s has been successfully encoded." %

        # Clean these up explicitly, just in case.

        return True
    def spawn_instances(cls, num_instances):
        Spawns the number of instances specified.
        :param int num_instances: The number of instances to spawn.
        :rtype: :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation`
        :returns: A boto Reservation for the started instance(s).
        logger.info("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \
                     "Spawning %d new instances" % num_instances)

        conn = cls._aws_ec2_connection()
            image = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=settings.EC2_AMI_ID)
            image = image[0]
        except EC2ResponseError:
            logger.error("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \
                         "No AMI with ID %s could be found." % settings.EC2_AMI_ID)
        except IndexError:
            logger.error("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \
                         "No AMI with ID %s could be found." % settings.EC2_AMI_ID)

        # The boto Reservation object. Its 'instances' attribute is the
        # important bit.
        return image.run(min_count=num_instances, max_count=num_instances,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _onomnom(self):
        Best thought of as a ``main()`` method for the Nommer. This is the
        main bit of logic that directs the encoding process.
        logger.info("Starting to encode job %s" % self.job.unique_id)
        fobj = self.download_source_file()

        # Encode the file. The return value is a tempfile with the output.
        out_fobj = self.__run_ffmpeg(fobj)

        if not out_fobj:
            # Failure! We're going nowhere.
            return False

        # Upload the encoding output file to its final destination.

        logger.info("FFmpegNommer: Job %s has been successfully encoded." % self.job.unique_id)

        # Clean these up explicitly, just in case.

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def refresh_jobs_with_state_changes(cls):
        Looks at the state SQS queue specified by the
        :py:data:`SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME <media_nommer.conf.settings.SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME>`
        setting and refreshes any jobs that have changed. This simply reloads
        the job's details from SimpleDB_.
        :rtype: ``list`` of :py:class:`EncodingJob <media_nommer.core.job_state_backend.EncodingJob>`
        :returns: A list of changed :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects.
        logger.debug("JobCache.refresh_jobs_with_state_changes(): " \
                     "Checking state change queue.")
        changed_jobs = JobStateBackend.pop_state_changes_from_queue(10)

        if changed_jobs:
            logger.info("Job state changes found: %s" % changed_jobs)
            for job in changed_jobs:
                if cls.is_job_cached(job):
                    current_state = cls.get_job(job).job_state
                    new_state = job.job_state

                    if current_state != new_state:
                        logger.info("* Job state changed %s: %s -> %s" % (
                            # Current job state in cache
                            # New incoming job state
        return changed_jobs
Ejemplo n.º 5
def upload_settings(nomconf_module):
    Given a user-defined nomconf module (already imported), push said file
    to the S3 conf bucket, as defined by settings.CONFIG_S3_BUCKET. 
    This is used by the nommers that require access to the config, like 
    :param module nomconf_module: The user's ``nomconf`` module. This may
        be called something other than ``nomconf``, but the uploaded filename 
        will always be ``nomconf.py``, so the EC2 nodes can find it in your 
    logger.info("Uploading nomconf.py to S3.")
    nomconf_py_path = nomconf_module.__file__
    if nomconf_py_path.endswith('.pyc'):
        # Don't want to upload the .pyc, looking for the .py.
        nomconf_py_path = nomconf_py_path[:-1]

    conn = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,

    bucket = conn.create_bucket(settings.CONFIG_S3_BUCKET)
    key = bucket.new_key('nomconf.py')
    logger.info("nomconf.py uploaded successfully.")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def spawn_instances(cls, num_instances):
        Spawns the number of instances specified.
        :param int num_instances: The number of instances to spawn.
        :rtype: :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation`
        :returns: A boto Reservation for the started instance(s).
        logger.info("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \
                     "Spawning %d new instances" % num_instances)

        conn = cls._aws_ec2_connection()
            image = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=settings.EC2_AMI_ID)
            image = image[0]
        except EC2ResponseError:
            logger.error("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \
                         "No AMI with ID %s could be found." % settings.EC2_AMI_ID)
        except IndexError:
            logger.error("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \
                         "No AMI with ID %s could be found." % settings.EC2_AMI_ID)

        # The boto Reservation object. Its 'instances' attribute is the
        # important bit.
        return image.run(min_count=num_instances,
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def uncache_finished_jobs(cls):
        Clears jobs from the cache after they have been finished.

        TODO: We'll eventually want to clear jobs from the cache that haven't
        been accessed by the web API recently.
        for id, job in cls.CACHE.items():
            if job.is_finished():
                logger.info("Removing job %s from job cache." % id)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def uncache_finished_jobs(cls):
        Clears jobs from the cache after they have been finished.

        TODO: We'll eventually want to clear jobs from the cache that haven't
        been accessed by the web API recently.
        for id, job in cls.CACHE.items():
            if job.is_finished():
                logger.info("Removing job %s from job cache." % id)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def download_settings(nomconf_uri):
    Given the URI to a S3 location with a valid nomconf.py, download it to
    the current user's home directory.
    .. tip:: This is used on the media-nommer EC2 AMIs. This won't run on
        local development machines.
    :param str nomconf_uri: The URI to your setup's ``nomconf.py`` file. Make
        Sure to specify AWS keys and IDs if using the S3 protocol.
    logger.info("Downloading nomconf.py from S3.")
    nomconf_path = os.path.expanduser('~/nomconf.py')
    fobj = open(nomconf_path, 'w')
    S3Backend.download_file(nomconf_uri, fobj)
    logger.info("nomconf.py downloaded from S3 successfully.")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def contemplate_termination(cls, thread_count_mod=0):
        Looks at how long it's been since this worker has done something, and
        decides whether to self-terminate.
        :param int thread_count_mod: Add this to the amount returned by the call
            to :py:meth:`get_num_active_threads`. This is useful when calling
            this method from a non-encoder thread.
        :rtype: bool
        :returns: ``True`` if this instance terminated itself, ``False``
            if not.
        if not cls.is_ec2_instance():
            # Developing locally, don't go here.
            return False

        # This is -1 since this is also a thread doing the contemplation.
        # This would always be 1, even if we had no jobs encoding, if we
        # didn't take into account this thread.
        num_active_threads = cls.get_num_active_threads() + thread_count_mod

        if num_active_threads > 0:
            # Encoding right now, don't terminate.
            return False

        tdelt = datetime.datetime.now() - cls.last_dtime_i_did_something
        # Total seconds of inactivity.
        inactive_secs = total_seconds(tdelt)

        # If we're over the inactivity threshold...
        if inactive_secs > settings.NOMMERD_MAX_INACTIVITY:
            instance_id = cls.get_instance_id()
            conn = cls._aws_ec2_connection()
            # Find this particular EC2 instance via boto.
            reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
            # This should only be one match, but in the interest of
            # playing along...
            for reservation in reservations:
                for instance in reservation.instances:
                    # Here's the instance, terminate it.
                    logger.info("Goodbye, cruel world.")
            # Seeya later!
            return True
        # Continue existence, no termination.
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def contemplate_termination(cls, thread_count_mod=0):
        Looks at how long it's been since this worker has done something, and
        decides whether to self-terminate.
        :param int thread_count_mod: Add this to the amount returned by the call
            to :py:meth:`get_num_active_threads`. This is useful when calling
            this method from a non-encoder thread.
        :rtype: bool
        :returns: ``True`` if this instance terminated itself, ``False``
            if not.
        if not cls.is_ec2_instance():
            # Developing locally, don't go here.
            return False

        # This is -1 since this is also a thread doing the contemplation.
        # This would always be 1, even if we had no jobs encoding, if we
        # didn't take into account this thread.
        num_active_threads = cls.get_num_active_threads() + thread_count_mod

        if num_active_threads > 0:
            # Encoding right now, don't terminate.
            return False

        tdelt = datetime.datetime.now() - cls.last_dtime_i_did_something
        # Total seconds of inactivity.
        inactive_secs = total_seconds(tdelt)

        # If we're over the inactivity threshold...
        if inactive_secs > settings.NOMMERD_MAX_INACTIVITY:
            instance_id = cls.get_instance_id()
            conn = cls._aws_ec2_connection()
            # Find this particular EC2 instance via boto.
            reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id])
            # This should only be one match, but in the interest of
            # playing along...
            for reservation in reservations:
                for instance in reservation.instances:
                    # Here's the instance, terminate it.
                    logger.info("Goodbye, cruel world.")
            # Seeya later!
            return True
        # Continue existence, no termination.
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
def cb_response_received(response, unique_id, req_url):
    This is a callback function that is hit when a response comes back from
    the remote server given in EncodingJob.notify_url. We'll just log it here
    for troubleshooting purposes.

    :param str unique_id: The job's unique ID.
    :param str req_url: The URL that we notified.
    # Shouldn't ever happen in this case, but...
    http_code = getattr(response, 'code', 'N/A')

        'Job state change notification (HTTP %s) Response received for job: %s' % (
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def refresh_jobs_with_state_changes(cls):
        Looks at the state SQS queue specified by the
        :py:data:`SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME <media_nommer.conf.settings.SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME>`
        setting and refreshes any jobs that have changed. This simply reloads
        the job's details from SimpleDB_.

        :rtype: ``list`` of :py:class:`EncodingJob <media_nommer.core.job_state_backend.EncodingJob>`
        :returns: A list of changed :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects.
        logger.debug("JobCache.refresh_jobs_with_state_changes(): " \
                    "Checking state change queue.")
        # Pops up to 10 changed jobs that we think may have changed. There are
        # some false alarms in here, whch brings us to...
        popped_changed_jobs = JobStateBackend.pop_state_changes_from_queue(10)
        # A temporary list that stores the jobs that actually changed. This
        # will be returned at the completion of this method's path.
        changed_jobs = []

        if popped_changed_jobs:
            logger.debug("Potential job state changes found: %s" %
            for job in popped_changed_jobs:
                if cls.is_job_cached(job):
                    current_state = cls.get_job(job).job_state
                    new_state = job.job_state

                    if current_state != new_state:
                        logger.info("* Job state changed %s: %s -> %s" % (
                            # Current job state in cache
                            # New incoming job state
                        # This one actually changed, append this for returning.
                        if new_state == 'ERROR':
                            logger.error('Error trace from ec2nommerd:')
        return changed_jobs
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def refresh_jobs_with_state_changes(cls):
        Looks at the state SQS queue specified by the
        :py:data:`SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME <media_nommer.conf.settings.SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME>`
        setting and refreshes any jobs that have changed. This simply reloads
        the job's details from SimpleDB_.

        :rtype: ``list`` of :py:class:`EncodingJob <media_nommer.core.job_state_backend.EncodingJob>`
        :returns: A list of changed :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects.
        logger.debug("JobCache.refresh_jobs_with_state_changes(): " \
                    "Checking state change queue.")
        # Pops up to 10 changed jobs that we think may have changed. There are
        # some false alarms in here, whch brings us to...
        popped_changed_jobs = JobStateBackend.pop_state_changes_from_queue(10)
        # A temporary list that stores the jobs that actually changed. This
        # will be returned at the completion of this method's path.
        changed_jobs = []

        if popped_changed_jobs:
            logger.debug("Potential job state changes found: %s" % popped_changed_jobs)
            for job in popped_changed_jobs:
                if cls.is_job_cached(job):
                    current_state = cls.get_job(job).job_state
                    new_state = job.job_state

                    if current_state != new_state:
                        logger.info("* Job state changed %s: %s -> %s" % (
                            # Current job state in cache
                            # New incoming job state
                        # This one actually changed, append this for returning.
                        if new_state == 'ERROR':
                            logger.error('Error trace from ec2nommerd:')
        return changed_jobs
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def spawn_if_needed(cls):
        Spawns additional EC2 instances if needed.
        :rtype: :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` or ``None``
        :returns: If instances are spawned, return a boto Reservation
            object. If no instances are spawned, ``None`` is returned.
        instances = cls.get_instances()
        num_instances = len(instances)
        logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                     "Current active instances: %d" % num_instances)

        if num_instances >= settings.MAX_NUM_EC2_INSTANCES:
            # No more instances, no spawning allowed.

        unfinished_jobs = JobStateBackend.get_unfinished_jobs()
        num_unfinished_jobs = len(unfinished_jobs)
        logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                     "Current unfinished jobs: %d" % num_unfinished_jobs)

        if num_unfinished_jobs == 0:
            # No unfinished jobs, no need to go any further.

        job_capacity = num_instances * settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE

        if job_capacity == 0:
            # Don't factor in overflow thresh or anything if we have no
            # instances or capacity.
            cap_plus_thresh = 0
            cap_plus_thresh = job_capacity + settings.JOB_OVERFLOW_THRESH

        logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                     "Job capacity (%d w/ thresh): %d" % (job_capacity,

        is_over_capacity = num_unfinished_jobs >= cap_plus_thresh
        # Disgregard the overflow thresh if there are jobs but no instances.
        if is_over_capacity or num_instances == 0:
            overage = num_unfinished_jobs - job_capacity
            if job_capacity > 0:
                # Only factor overhold threshold in when we have capacity
                # available in some form.
                overage -= settings.JOB_OVERFLOW_THRESH
            logger.info("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                         "Observed labor shortage of: %d" % overage)

            # Raw # of instances needing to be spawned.
            num_new_instances = overage / settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE
            # At this point, we know there's an overage, even with the overflow
            # thresh factored in (if there is at least one EC2 instance
            # already running).
            num_new_instances = max(num_new_instances, 1)
            # Also don't spawn more than the max configured instances.
            num_new_instances = min(num_new_instances, settings.MAX_NUM_EC2_INSTANCES)

            # The boto Reservation object. Its 'instances' attribute is the
            # important bit.
            if num_new_instances > 0:
                return cls.spawn_instances(num_new_instances)
        # No new instances.
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def spawn_if_needed(cls):
        Spawns additional EC2 instances if needed.
        :rtype: :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` or ``None``
        :returns: If instances are spawned, return a boto Reservation
            object. If no instances are spawned, ``None`` is returned.
        instances = cls.get_instances()
        num_instances = len(instances)
        logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                     "Current active instances: %d" % num_instances)

        if num_instances >= settings.MAX_NUM_EC2_INSTANCES:
            # No more instances, no spawning allowed.

        unfinished_jobs = JobStateBackend.get_unfinished_jobs()
        num_unfinished_jobs = len(unfinished_jobs)
        logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                     "Current unfinished jobs: %d" % num_unfinished_jobs)

        if num_unfinished_jobs == 0:
            # No unfinished jobs, no need to go any further.

        job_capacity = num_instances * settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE

        if job_capacity == 0:
            # Don't factor in overflow thresh or anything if we have no
            # instances or capacity.
            cap_plus_thresh = 0
            cap_plus_thresh = job_capacity + settings.JOB_OVERFLOW_THRESH

        logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                     "Job capacity (%d w/ thresh): %d" % (job_capacity,

        is_over_capacity = num_unfinished_jobs >= cap_plus_thresh
        # Disgregard the overflow thresh if there are jobs but no instances.
        if is_over_capacity or num_instances == 0:
            overage = num_unfinished_jobs - job_capacity
            if job_capacity > 0:
                # Only factor overhold threshold in when we have capacity
                # available in some form.
                overage -= settings.JOB_OVERFLOW_THRESH

            if overage <= 0:
                # Adding in the overflow thresh brought this under the
                # overage level. No need for spawning instances.
                return None

            logger.info("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \
                         "Observed labor shortage of: %d" % overage)

            # Raw # of instances needing to be spawned.
            num_new_instances = overage / settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE
            # At this point, we know there's an overage, even with the overflow
            # thresh factored in (if there is at least one EC2 instance
            # already running).
            num_new_instances = max(num_new_instances, 1)
            # Also don't spawn more than the max configured instances.
            num_new_instances = min(num_new_instances,

            # The boto Reservation object. Its 'instances' attribute is the
            # important bit.
            if num_new_instances > 0:
                return cls.spawn_instances(num_new_instances)
        # No new instances.
        return None