Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_json_genre(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        genres = []

        for cluster in result_set['clusters']:
            url = "%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, cluster['contentUrl'])
            genre = MediaItem(cluster['name'], url)
            genre.icon = self.icon
            genre.description = cluster.get('description')
            genre.fanart = cluster.get(
                'backgroundImage') or self.parentItem.fanart
            genre.fanart = self.__get_thumb(genre.fanart,
            genre.thumb = cluster.get('thumbnailImage') or self.noImage
            genre.thumb = self.__get_thumb(genre.thumb)

        return genres
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create_json_tag_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        url = "https://www.svtplay.se/api/cluster_titles_and_episodes?cluster={}".format(

        genre = MediaItem(result_set['name'], url)
        genre.icon = self.icon
        genre.description = result_set.get('description')
        genre.fanart = result_set.get(
            'backgroundImage') or self.parentItem.fanart
        genre.fanart = self.__get_thumb(genre.fanart,
        genre.thumb = result_set.get('thumbnailImage') or self.noImage
        genre.thumb = self.__get_thumb(genre.thumb)
        return genre
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def AddLiveChannel(self, data):
        Logger.Info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        # if self.channelCode != "vtm":
        #     return data, []

        username = AddonSettings.GetSetting("mediaan_username")
        if not username:
            return data, []

        items = []

        if self.channelCode == "vtm":
            item = MediaItem("Live VTM", "#livestream")
            item = MediaItem("Live Q2", "#livestream")
        item.type = "video"
        item.isLive = True
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.thumb = self.noImage
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        item.SetDate(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

        if self.channelCode == "vtm":
            recent = MediaItem("\a.: Recent :.", "https://vtm.be/video/volledige-afleveringen/id")
            item.fanart = self.fanart
            item.thumb = self.noImage
            item.dontGroup = True

        Logger.Debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
    def create_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        url = "%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, result_set["Url"])
        item = MediaItem(result_set["Title"], url)
        item.type = "video"
        item.thumb = result_set["Thumb"]
        item.complete = False
        if self.parentItem is None:
            item.fanart = self.fanart
            item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        return item
    def add_search_and_genres(self, data):
        """ Performs pre-process actions for data processing and adds a search option and genres.

        Accepts an data from the process_folder_list method, BEFORE the items are
        processed. Allows setting of parameters (like title etc) for the channel.
        Inside this method the <data> could be changed and additional items can
        be created.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        if self.parentItem is not None and "genre" in self.parentItem.metaData:
            self.__genre = self.parentItem.metaData["genre"]
            Logger.debug("Parsing a specific genre: %s", self.__genre)
            return data, items

        search_item = MediaItem("\a.: S&ouml;k :.", "searchSite")
        search_item.complete = True
        search_item.thumb = self.noImage
        search_item.dontGroup = True
        search_item.fanart = self.fanart
        # search_item.set_date(2099, 1, 1, text="")
        # -> No items have dates, so adding this will force a date sort in Retrospect

        genres_item = MediaItem("\a.: Genrer :.", "")
        genres_item.complete = True
        genres_item.thumb = self.noImage
        genres_item.dontGroup = True
        genres_item.fanart = self.fanart

        # find the actual genres
        genre_regex = '<li[^>]+genre[^>]*><button[^>]+data-value="(?<genre>[^"]+)"[^>]*>' \
        genre_regex = Regexer.from_expresso(genre_regex)
        genres = Regexer.do_regex(genre_regex, data)
        for genre in genres:
            if genre["genre"] == "all":
            genre_item = MediaItem(genre["title"], self.mainListUri)
            genre_item.complete = True
            genre_item.thumb = self.noImage
            genre_item.fanart = self.fanart
            genre_item.metaData = {"genre": genre["genre"]}

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_categories(self, data):
        """ Adds categories to the main listings.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        if self.parentItem and "code" in self.parentItem.metaData:
            self.__currentChannel = self.parentItem.metaData["code"]
            Logger.info("Only showing items for channel: '%s'",
            return data, items

        cat = MediaItem("\a.: Categori&euml;n :.",
        cat.fanart = self.fanart
        cat.thumb = self.noImage
        cat.icon = self.icon
        cat.dontGroup = True

        live = MediaItem("\a.: Live Streams :.",
        live.fanart = self.fanart
        live.thumb = self.noImage
        live.icon = self.icon
        live.dontGroup = True
        live.isLive = True

        channel_text = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(30010)
        channels = MediaItem("\a.: %s :." % (channel_text, ), "#channels")
        channels.fanart = self.fanart
        channels.thumb = self.noImage
        channels.icon = self.icon
        channels.dontGroup = True

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def create_series_season_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' for a season using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        title = "Sesong {}".format(result_set["name"])
        season_id = result_set["id"]
        if not result_set.get("hasOnDemandRightsEpisodes", True):
            return None

        parent_url, qs = self.parentItem.url.split("?", 1)
        url = "{}/seasons/{}/episodes?apiKey={}".format(
            parent_url, season_id, self.__api_key)
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.type = 'folder'
        item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def create_category_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' for a category using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        title = result_set["displayValue"]
        category_id = result_set["id"]
        url = "https://psapi.nrk.no/medium/tv/categories/{}/indexelements?apiKey={}"\
            .format(category_id, self.__api_key)
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.type = 'folder'
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.thumb = self.__category_thumbs.get(category_id.lower(),
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def create_alpha_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' using the Alpha chars available. It uses
        the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        program_count = result_set.get("availableInternationally", 0)
        if program_count <= 0:
            return None

        title = result_set["title"]
        url_part = title.lower()
        if url_part == "0-9":
            url_part = "$"
        url = "https://psapi.nrk.no/medium/tv/letters/{}/indexelements?onlyOnDemandRights=false&" \
              "apiKey={}".format(url_part, self.__api_key)

        title = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(
            LanguageHelper.StartWith) % (title, )
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.type = 'folder'
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.thumb = self.noImage
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def create_instalment_season_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' for a season using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        title = result_set["title"]
        season_id = result_set["name"]
        if title != season_id:
            title = "{} - {}".format(season_id, title)

        url = "{}{}?apiKey={}".format(self.baseUrl, result_set["href"],

        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.type = 'folder'
        item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def create_json_season_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        # {
        #     "seasonNumber": 3,
        #     "id": "season-3",
        #     "episodesId": "achtergeslotendeuren.net5-season-3-episodes",
        #     "clipsId": "achtergeslotendeuren.net5-season-3-clips",
        #     "title": "Seizoen 3",
        #     "format": "achtergeslotendeuren",
        #     "channel": "net5",
        #     "episodesLink": "https://api.kijk.nl/v1/default/seasons/achtergeslotendeuren.net5/3/episodes",
        #     "clipsLink": "https://api.kijk.nl/v1/default/seasons/achtergeslotendeuren.net5/3/clips"
        # }
        # https://api.kijk.nl/v1/default/seasons/achtergeslotendeuren.net5/2/episodes?limit=100&offset=1

        url = "{}?limit=100&offset=1".format(result_set["episodesLink"])
        item = MediaItem(result_set["title"], url)
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def add_search(self, data):
        """ Adds a search item.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param JsonHelper data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        Logger.info("Performing Pre-Processing")
        items = []

        title = "\a.: %s :." % (self.searchInfo.get(
            self.language, self.searchInfo["se"])[1], )
        Logger.trace("Adding search item: %s", title)
        search_item = MediaItem(title, "searchSite")
        search_item.thumb = self.noImage
        search_item.fanart = self.fanart
        search_item.dontGroup = True

        Logger.debug("Pre-Processing finished")
        return data, items
    def create_trailer(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        url = self.parentItem.url
        item = MediaItem(result_set["caption"], url, "video")
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.thumb = result_set["still"].replace("nocropthumb/[format]/", "")
        item.fanart = item.thumb
        item.complete = True
        item.HttpHeaders = self.httpHeaders
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def create_page_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'page' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'page'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        next_page = result_set["next"]
        if not next_page:
            Logger.debug("No more items available")
            return None

        more = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(LanguageHelper.MorePages)
        url = "%s=%s" % (self.parentItem.url.rsplit("=", 1)[0], next_page)
        item = MediaItem(more, url)
        item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        item.complete = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def list_channels(self, data):
        """ Lists all the available channels.

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        items = []

        for name, meta in self.__channelData.items():
            if "metaCode" not in meta:

            channel = MediaItem(meta["title"], self.mainListUri)
            # noinspection PyArgumentList
            channel.fanart = meta.get("fanart", self.fanart)
            # noinspection PyArgumentList
            channel.thumb = meta.get("icon", self.icon)
            # noinspection PyArgumentList
            channel.icon = meta.get("icon", self.icon)
            channel.dontGroup = True
            channel.metaData["code"] = meta["metaCode"]
        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def create_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        # Logger.Trace(resultSet)

        title = result_set["title"]
        url = "%s/%s" % (self.baseUrl, result_set["url"])
        thumb = "https://assets.ur.se/id/%(id)s/images/1_l.jpg" % result_set
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.type = "video"
        item.thumb = thumb
        item.description = result_set["description"]
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.complete = False

        self.__videoItemFound = True
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def create_single_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param str result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        if self.__hasAlreadyVideoItems:
            # we already have items, so don't show this one, it will be a duplicate
            return None

        result_set = result_set.replace('\\x27', "'")

        json_data = JsonHelper(result_set)
        url = self.parentItem.url
        title = json_data.get_value("name")
        description = HtmlHelper.to_text(json_data.get_value("description"))
        item = MediaItem(title, url, type="video")
        item.description = description
        item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def create_episode_item(self, result_set, append_subtitle=True):
        """ Creates a new MediaItem for an episode.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex
        :param bool append_subtitle:               Should we append a subtitle?

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        url = result_set['href']
        if not url.startswith("http"):
            url = "{}{}".format(self.baseUrl, url)

        title = result_set["title"]
        if title is None:
            title = self.parentItem.name
        elif append_subtitle and "subtitle" in result_set:
            title = "{} - {}".format(title, result_set["subtitle"])

        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.description = result_set.get('synopsis', item.description)

        image_template = result_set.get("imageTemplate")
        item.fanart = image_template.replace("{recipe}", "1920x1080")
        item.thumb = image_template.replace("{recipe}", "608x342")
        return item
    def create_folder_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        if result_set["Type"] == "sport":
            # http://www.foxsports.nl/video/filter/alle/tennis/
            url = "%s/video/filter/fragments/1/alle/%s/" % (self.baseUrl, result_set["Url"])
        elif result_set["Type"] == "meest_bekeken":
            url = "%s/video/filter/fragments/1/meer" % (self.baseUrl, )
            # http://www.foxsports.nl/video/filter/samenvattingen/
            url = "%s/video/filter/fragments/1/%s/" % (self.baseUrl, result_set["Url"])

        title = result_set["Title"]
        if not title[0].isupper():
            title = "%s%s" % (title[0].upper(), title[1:])
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.complete = True
        item.thumb = self.noImage
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def create_page_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'page' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'page'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        Logger.debug("Starting create_page_item")
        total = ''

        for result in result_set:
            total = "%s%s" % (total, result)

        total = HtmlEntityHelper.strip_amp(total)

        if not self.pageNavigationRegexIndex == '':
            item = MediaItem(result_set[self.pageNavigationRegexIndex],
                             parse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, total))
            item = MediaItem("0", "")

        item.type = "page"
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.HttpHeaders = self.httpHeaders

        Logger.debug("Created '%s' for url %s", item.name, item.url)
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def create_episode_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a new MediaItem for an episode.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        title = result_set["title"].replace("-", " ").title()

        # http://www.nickjr.nl/data/propertyStreamPage.json?&urlKey=dora&apiKey=nl_global_Nickjr_web&page=1
        url = "%s/data/propertyStreamPage.json?&urlKey=%s&apiKey=%s&page=1" % (
            self.baseUrl, result_set["seriesKey"], self.__apiKey)
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.complete = True
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.HttpHeaders = self.httpHeaders
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __ShowEmptyInformation(self, items, favs=False):
        """ Adds an empty item to a list or just shows a message.
        @type favs: boolean indicating that we are dealing with favourites
        @param items: the list of items

        @rtype : boolean indicating succes or not


        if self.channelObject:

        if favs:
            title = LanguageHelper.GetLocalizedString(LanguageHelper.NoFavsId)
            title = LanguageHelper.GetLocalizedString(LanguageHelper.ErrorNoEpisodes)

        behaviour = AddonSettings.GetEmptyListBehaviour()

        Logger.Debug("Showing empty info for mode (favs=%s): [%s]", favs, behaviour)
        if behaviour == "error":
            # show error
            ok = False
        elif behaviour == "dummy" and not favs:
            # We should add a dummy items, but not for favs
            emptyListItem = MediaItem("- %s -" % (title.strip("."), ), "", type='video')
            emptyListItem.icon = self.channelObject.icon
            emptyListItem.thumb = self.channelObject.noImage
            emptyListItem.fanart = self.channelObject.fanart
            emptyListItem.dontGroup = True
            emptyListItem.description = "This listing was left empty intentionally."
            emptyListItem.complete = True
            emptyListItem.fanart = self.channelObject.fanart
            # add funny stream here?
            # part = emptyListItem.CreateNewEmptyMediaPart()
            # for s, b in YouTube.GetStreamsFromYouTube("", self.channelObject.proxy):
            #     part.AppendMediaStream(s, b)

            # if we add one, set OK to True
            ok = True
            ok = True

                                     title, XbmcWrapper.Error, 2500)
        return ok
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def add_live_streams(self, data):
        """ Performs pre-process actions for data processing.

        Accepts an data from the process_folder_list method, BEFORE the items are
        processed. Allows setting of parameters (like title etc) for the channel.
        Inside this method the <data> could be changed and additional items can
        be created.

        The return values should always be instantiated in at least ("", []).

        :param str data: The retrieve data that was loaded for the current item and URL.

        :return: A tuple of the data and a list of MediaItems that were generated.
        :rtype: tuple[str|JsonHelper,list[MediaItem]]


        items = []
        if self.parentItem is None:
            live_item = MediaItem(
                "\a.: Live TV :.",
            live_item.icon = self.icon
            live_item.thumb = self.noImage
            live_item.type = 'video'
            live_item.dontGroup = True
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            live_item.set_date(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour,
                               now.minute, now.second)

            live_item = MediaItem(
                "\a.: Live Radio :.",
            live_item.icon = self.icon
            live_item.thumb = self.noImage
            live_item.type = 'video'
            live_item.dontGroup = True
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            live_item.set_date(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour,
                               now.minute, now.second)

        # add "More"
        more = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(LanguageHelper.MorePages)
        current_url = self.parentItem.url if self.parentItem is not None else self.mainListUri
        url, page = current_url.rsplit("=", 1)
        url = "{}={}".format(url, int(page) + 1)

        item = MediaItem(more, url)
        item.thumb = self.noImage
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.complete = True

        return data, items
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def create_instalment_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str|dict] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        title = result_set["titles"]["title"]
        sub_title = result_set["titles"]["subtitle"]

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        if result_set.get("availability", {}).get("status",
                                                  "available") != "available":
            Logger.debug("Found '%s' with a non-available status", title)
            return None

        url = "https://psapi.nrk.no/programs/{}?apiKey={}".format(
            result_set["prfId"], self.__api_key)
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.type = 'video'
        item.thumb = self.__get_image(result_set["image"], "width", "url")
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        item.isGeoLocked = result_set.get("usageRights", {}).get(
            "geoBlock", {}).get("isGeoBlocked", False)
        if sub_title and sub_title.strip():
            item.description = sub_title

        if "firstTransmissionDateDisplayValue" in result_set:
            Logger.trace("Using 'firstTransmissionDateDisplayValue' for date")
            day, month, year = result_set[
            item.set_date(year, month, day)
        elif "usageRights" in result_set and "from" in result_set[
                "usageRights"] and result_set["usageRights"][
                    "from"] is not None:
            Logger.trace("Using 'usageRights.from.date' for date")
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            date_value = result_set["usageRights"]["from"]["date"].split(
            time_stamp = DateHelper.get_date_from_string(
                date_value, date_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def create_json_genre_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder/video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        if "__typename" not in result_set:
            return None

        item_type = result_set["__typename"].lower()
        if item_type not in ("episode", "single", "clip", "tvseries") or "name" not in result_set:
            return None

        Logger.trace("%s->%s", item_type, result_set)
        title = result_set["name"]
        if item_type == 'episode' and "parent" in result_set:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            parent_data = self.__apollo_data[result_set["parent"]["id"]]
            parent_title = parent_data["name"]
            title = "{} - {}".format(parent_title, title)

        if item_type == "clip":
            url = "https://www.svtplay.se/klipp/{}/".format(result_set["id"])
        elif "urls" in result_set:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            url_data = self.__apollo_data[result_set["urls"]["id"]]
            url = url_data["svtplay"]
            url = "{}{}".format(self.baseUrl, url)
            Logger.debug("No url found for: %s", title)
            return None

        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.description = result_set.get("longDescription")
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        item.type = "video" if item_type != "tvseries" else "folder"

        if "image" in result_set:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            image = result_set["image"]["id"]
            image_data = self.__apollo_data[image]
            image_url = "https://www.svtstatic.se/image/medium/520/{id}/{changed}".format(**image_data)
            item.thumb = image_url

        if "restrictions" in result_set:
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            restrictions = self.__apollo_data[result_set["restrictions"]["id"]]
            item.isGeoLocked = restrictions.get('onlyAvailableInSweden', False)

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def create_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param dict[str,str|dict] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        is_serie_title = result_set["seriesTitle"]
        if not is_serie_title:
            return None

        if result_set["mediaType"] == "game":
            return None
        elif result_set["mediaType"] == "episode":
            title = "%(title)s (Episode)" % result_set
            title = result_set["title"]

        video_id = result_set["id"]
        url = "http://media.mtvnservices.com/pmt/e1/access/index.html?uri=mgid:%s:%s&configtype=edge" \
              % (self.__mgid, video_id, )

        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.description = result_set.get("description", None)
        item.type = "video"
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.HttpHeaders = self.httpHeaders
        item.complete = False

        if "datePosted" in result_set:
            date = DateHelper.get_date_from_posix(
                float(result_set["datePosted"]["unixOffset"]) / 1000)
            item.set_date(date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour,
                          date.minute, date.second)

        if "images" in result_set:
            images = result_set.get("images", {})
            thumbs = images.get("thumbnail", {})
            item.thumb = thumbs.get("r16-9", self.noImage)

        return item
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def create_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        # Validate the input and raise errors
        if not isinstance(result_set, dict):
                "No Dictionary as a result_set. Implement a custom create_video_item"
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "No Dictionary as a result_set. Implement a custom create_video_item"

        elif "title" not in result_set or "url" not in result_set:
            Logger.warning("No ?P<title> or ?P<url> in result_set")
            raise LookupError("No ?P<title> or ?P<url> in result_set")

        # The URL
        url = self._prefix_urls(result_set["url"])

        # The title
        if "subtitle" in result_set and result_set["subtitle"]:
            # noinspection PyStringFormat
            title = "%(title)s - %(subtitle)s" % result_set
            title = result_set["title"]
        if title.isupper():
            title = title.title()

        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.thumb = self._prefix_urls(result_set.get("thumburl", ""))
        item.description = result_set.get("description", "")
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.type = 'video'
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.HttpHeaders = self.httpHeaders
        item.complete = False
        return item
    def create_video_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'video' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        If the item is completely processed an no further data needs to be fetched
        the self.complete property should be set to True. If not set to True, the
        self.update_video_item method is called if the item is focussed or selected
        for playback.

        :param dict[str,str|dict] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'video' or 'audio' (despite the method's name).
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        title = result_set["title"]
        if title is None:
            Logger.warning("Found item with all <null> items. Skipping")
            return None

        if "subtitle" in result_set and result_set['subtitle'].lower(
        ) not in title.lower():
            title = "%(title)s - %(subtitle)s" % result_set

        url = "http://m.schooltv.nl/api/v1/afleveringen/%(mid)s.json" % result_set
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.description = result_set.get("description", "")
        age_groups = result_set.get('ageGroups', ['Onbekend'])
        item.description = "%s\n\nLeeftijden: %s" % (item.description,
                                                     ", ".join(age_groups))

        item.thumb = result_set.get("image", "")
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.type = 'video'
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.complete = False
        item.set_info_label("duration", result_set['duration'])

        if "publicationDate" in result_set:
            broadcast_date = DateHelper.get_date_from_posix(
            item.set_date(broadcast_date.year, broadcast_date.month,
                          broadcast_date.day, broadcast_date.hour,
                          broadcast_date.minute, broadcast_date.second)
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def create_page_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'page' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'page'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None


        if "totalPages" not in result_set:
            return None

        Logger.debug("Starting create_page_item")

        # current page?
        page_uri_part = "page%5Bnumber%5D="
        if page_uri_part not in self.parentItem.url:
            page = 1
            url_format = "{0}&page%5Bnumber%5D={{0:d}}".format(
            base_url, page_part = self.parentItem.url.rsplit(page_uri_part, 1)
            next_part = page_part.find("&")
            if next_part < 0:
                # end
                page = int(page_part)
                url_format = "{0}&page%5Bnumber%5D={{0:d}}".format(base_url)
                page = int(page_part[0:next_part])
                url_format = "{0}&page%5Bnumber%5D={{0:d}}&{1}".format(
                    base_url, page_part[next_part:])

        max_pages = result_set.get("totalPages", 0)
        Logger.trace("Current Page: %d of %d (%s)", page, max_pages,

        if page + 1 > max_pages:
            return None

        title = LanguageHelper.get_localized_string(LanguageHelper.MorePages)
        url = url_format.format(page + 1)
        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.fanart = self.parentItem.fanart
        item.thumb = self.parentItem.thumb
        return item
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def create_folder_item(self, result_set):
        """ Creates a MediaItem of type 'folder' using the result_set from the regex.

        This method creates a new MediaItem from the Regular Expression or Json
        results <result_set>. The method should be implemented by derived classes
        and are specific to the channel.

        :param list[str]|dict[str,str] result_set: The result_set of the self.episodeItemRegex

        :return: A new MediaItem of type 'folder'.
        :rtype: MediaItem|None



        # Validate the input and raise errors
        if not isinstance(result_set, dict):
                "No Dictionary as a result_set. Implement a custom create_video_item"
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "No Dictionary as a result_set. Implement a custom create_video_item"

        elif "title" not in result_set or "url" not in result_set:
            Logger.warning("No ?P<title> or ?P<url> in result_set")
            raise LookupError("No ?P<title> or ?P<url> in result_set")

        # The URL
        url = self._prefix_urls(result_set["url"])

        # The title
        title = result_set["title"]
        if title.isupper():
            title = title.title()

        item = MediaItem(title, url)
        item.description = result_set.get("description", "")
        item.thumb = result_set.get("thumburl", "")
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.type = 'folder'
        item.fanart = self.fanart
        item.HttpHeaders = self.httpHeaders
        item.complete = True
        return item