Ejemplo n.º 1
def createMembers(theme, pages):
    instances = getThemeInstances(theme, pages)

    for instance in instances:
        name = instance.get("n", "")

        unique_f = getUniqueFeatures([instance], instances)
        num_f = getFeatures([instance])

        unique_l = getUniqueLanguages([instance], instances)
        num_l = list(set(getLangs([instance])))

        unique_t = getUniqueTechs([instance], instances)
        num_t = list(set(getTechs([instance])))

        unique_c = getUniqueConcepts([instance], instances)
        num_c = list(set(getConcepts([instance])))

        headline = remove_headline_markup(instance.get("headline", ""))

        yield {
            "name": name,
            "headline": headline,
            "features": num_f,
            "ufeatures": unique_f,
            "languages": num_l,
            "ulanguages": unique_l,
            "technologies": num_t,
            "utechnologies": unique_t,
            "concepts": num_c,
            "uconcepts": unique_c,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handleContribution(name, map):
    repoUrl = repo.get(name, '<unresolved>')
    if repoUrl == '<unresolved>': problems.append({'missing repo url' : name})

    pageName = page['page']['page']['p'] + ':' + page['page']['page']['n']
    map[name] = {
        '101wiki' : wikiUrl.format(pageName),
        '101repo' : repoUrl,
        'headline': remove_headline_markup( page['page'].get('headline', '<unresolved>') )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def createTechnologies(theme, pages):
    theme_pages = getThemeInstances(theme, pages)
    technologies = list(set(getTechs(theme_pages)))

    for tech in technologies:
        rf = getRealTechnology(tech, pages)
        contributions = getContributionsWithTechnology(tech, theme_pages)
        headline = remove_headline_markup(rf.get("headline", ""))
        contributions = getContributionNames(contributions)
        resolved = bool(rf.get("resolved", ""))

        yield {"name": tech, "headline": headline, "contributions": contributions, "resolved": resolved}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def findWikiEntry(val, namespace, title, repoDir, map):
    for page in wiki['pages']:
        if page['page']['page']['p'] == namespace and page['page']['page']['n'] == title.replace('_', ' '):
            map[val] = {
                '101wiki': wikiUrl.format(encodeForUrl(namespace,title)),
                'headline': remove_headline_markup( page['page'].get('headline', '<unresolved>') )
            handleRepoLink(repoDir,namespace, title,map[val])

    map[val] = {'101wiki': '<unresolved>', 'headline': '<unresolved>'}
    problems.append({'missingWikiPage': wikiUrl.format(encodeForUrl(namespace, title))})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def createConcepts(theme, pages):
    theme_pages = getThemeInstances(theme, pages)
    concepts = list(set(getConcepts(theme_pages)))

    for concept in concepts:
        rf = getRealConcept(concept, pages)
        contributions = getContributionsWithConcept(concept, theme_pages)
        headline = remove_headline_markup(rf.get("headline", ""))
        contributions = getContributionNames(contributions)
        resolved = bool(rf["page"].get("resolved", ""))

        yield {"name": concept, "headline": headline, "contributions": contributions, "resolved": resolved}
Ejemplo n.º 6
def handleContribution(name, map):
    repoUrl = repo.get(name, '<unresolved>')
    if repoUrl == '<unresolved>': problems.append({'missing repo url': name})

    pageName = page['page']['page']['p'] + ':' + page['page']['page']['n']
    map[name] = {
        remove_headline_markup(page['page'].get('headline', '<unresolved>'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def createFeatures(theme, pages):
    theme_pages = getThemeInstances(theme, pages)

    features = list(set(getFeatures(theme_pages)))
    feature_names = features

    for feature in feature_names:
        rf = getRealFeature(feature, pages)
        contributions = getContributionsWithFeature(feature, theme_pages)
        headline = remove_headline_markup(rf["page"].get("headline", ""))
        contributions = getContributionNames(contributions)
        resolved = bool(rf.get("resolved", ""))

        yield {"name": feature, "headline": headline, "contributions": contributions, "resolved": resolved}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def findWikiEntry(val, namespace, title, repoDir, map):
    for page in wiki['pages']:
        if page['page']['page']['p'] == namespace and page['page']['page'][
                'n'] == title.replace('_', ' '):
            map[val] = {
                wikiUrl.format(encodeForUrl(namespace, title)),
                    'headline', '<unresolved>'))
            handleRepoLink(repoDir, namespace, title, map[val])

    map[val] = {'101wiki': '<unresolved>', 'headline': '<unresolved>'}
        {'missingWikiPage': wikiUrl.format(encodeForUrl(namespace, title))})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def createTechnologies(theme, pages):
    theme_pages = getLanguageInstances(theme, pages)
    technologies = getTechs(theme_pages)

    for tech in technologies:
        rf = getRealTechnology(tech, pages)
        contributions = getContributionsWithTechnology(tech, theme_pages)
        headline = remove_headline_markup(rf.get('headline', ''))
        contributions = getContributionNames(contributions)
        resolved = bool(rf.get('resolved', ''))

        yield {
            'name': tech,
            'headline': headline,
            'contributions': contributions,
            'resolved': resolved
Ejemplo n.º 10
def createConcepts(theme, pages):
    theme_pages = getLanguageInstances(theme, pages)
    concepts = getConcepts(theme_pages)

    for concept in concepts:
        rf = getRealConcept(concept, pages)
        contributions = getContributionsWithConcept(concept, theme_pages)
        headline = remove_headline_markup(rf.get('headline', ''))
        contributions = getContributionNames(contributions)
        resolved = bool(rf.get('resolved', ''))

        yield {
            'name': concept,
            'headline': headline,
            'contributions': contributions,
            'resolved': resolved

Ejemplo n.º 11
def createFeatures(theme, pages):
    theme_pages = getLanguageInstances(theme, pages)

    features = getFeatures(theme_pages)
    feature_names = features

    for feature in feature_names:
        rf = getRealFeature(feature, pages)
        contributions = getContributionsWithFeature(feature, theme_pages)
        headline = remove_headline_markup(rf.get('headline', ''))
        contributions = getContributionNames(contributions)
        resolved = bool(rf.get('resolved', ''))

        yield {
            'name': feature,
            'headline': headline,
            'contributions': contributions,
            'resolved': resolved

Ejemplo n.º 12
def createMembers(theme, pages):
    instances = getLanguageInstances(theme, pages)

    for instance in instances:
        name = instance.get('n', '')

        unique_f = getUniqueFeatures([instance], instances)
        num_f = getFeatures([instance])

        unique_l = getUniqueLanguages([instance], instances)
        num_l = list(set(getLangs([instance])))

        unique_t = getUniqueTechs([instance], instances)
        num_t = list(set(getTechs([instance])))

        unique_c = getUniqueConcepts([instance], instances)
        num_c = list(set(getConcepts([instance])))

        headline = remove_headline_markup(instance.get('headline', ''))

        yield {

            'name': name,
            'headline': headline,
            'features': num_f,
            'ufeatures': unique_f,

            'Languages': num_l,
            'uLanguages': unique_l,

            'technologies': num_t,
            'utechnologies': unique_t,

            'concepts': num_c,
            'uconcepts': unique_c

Ejemplo n.º 13
for voc in vocs:
    voc_name = unicode('instanceOf::Vocabulary:' + voc).strip()
    instances = (query(pages).where(lambda page: voc_name in page.get('internal_links', [])).to_list())

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output, voc)):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(output, voc))

    f = open(os.path.join(output, voc, 'members.json'), 'w')
    data = []

    for instance in instances:
            'name': instance['n'],
            #'namespace': instance['page']['page']['p'] or '',
            'headline': remove_headline_markup(instance.get('headline', ''))

    data = sorted(data, key=lambda s: s['name'])
    for d in data:
        if data.count(d) > 1:

    json.dump(data, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

    loader = FileSystemLoader('.')
    env = Environment(loader=loader)
    template = env.get_template('html.tpl')

    f = open(os.path.join(output, voc, 'members.html'), 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def getHeadline(self, namespace, title):
        page = self.selectPage(namespace, title)
        if page:
            return mediawiki.remove_headline_markup(page.get('headline', ''))

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def getHeadline(self, namespace, title):
        page = self.selectPage(namespace, title)
        if page:
            return mediawiki.remove_headline_markup(page.get('headline', ''))

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 16
def extractHeadline(namespace, pagetitle):
    wikidata = json.load(open(const101.wikiDump, 'r'))
    target = {'p': namespace, 'n': pagetitle}
    for page in wikidata['wiki']['pages']:
        if target == page['page'].get('page', None):
            return remove_headline_markup(page['page']['headline'])
Ejemplo n.º 17
def extractHeadline(namespace, pagetitle):
    wikidata = json.load(open(const101.wikiDump, 'r'))
    target = {'p': namespace, 'n': pagetitle}
    for page in wikidata['wiki']['pages']:
        if target == page['page'].get('page', None):
            return remove_headline_markup(page['page']['headline'])