Ejemplo n.º 1
class TasksFrame(Frame):

  def __init__(self, guiParent, basePopup):

    self.guiParent = guiParent
    self.basePopup = basePopup

    # selection hash. This needs to be stored so that we can
    # refresh with the same criteria
    self.select = None

    # should the screen autorefresh
    self.autoRefresh = False
    # add this to shortcuts to ease navigation    
    self.basePopup.frameShortcuts['Tasks'] = self


    #self.frames = []


    # This frame is specific for a single repository so we need a
    # method for identifying one from the whole set (or could have
    # subtabs)

    Frame.__init__(self, guiParent)
    # set up the grid

    self.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=0, minsize=20)
    self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1, minsize=30)
    self.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=0, minsize=40)

    self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=0, minsize=20)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=0, minsize=10)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=0, minsize=0)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=0, minsize=0)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(4, weight=0, minsize=0)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(5, weight=1, minsize=0)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(6, weight=0, minsize=10)
    self.grid_rowconfigure(7, weight=0, minsize=10)

    initial_cols = ['ID','Task','User','Status']
    self.task_matrix = ScrolledMatrix(self, headingList=initial_cols, initialRows=15,

    # Filters for narrowing down tasks. should probably code this
    # specifically inside this package    
    #self.filter = FilterFrame(self, self.basePopup, text='Filter')
    self.filter = TaskFilterFrame(self, self.basePopup, text='Filter')

    # Frame for controlling the main client side daemon
    # seems to be a problem. add a simple button for now
    opts = ['Client','Server']
    self.daemonFrame = TabbedFrame(self, options=opts,
                                   toggleOff=False, selected=0)

    self.daemonSwitchLabel = Label(self, text= 'Task Daemon')
    self.daemonSwitch = RadioButtons(self, ['on', 'off'], select_callback=self.set_daemon, selected_index = 1)

    sel = 1
    if self.autoRefresh:
      sel = 0
    self.autoRefreshSwitchLabel = Label(self, text= 'Auto Refresh')
    self.autoRefreshSwitch = RadioButtons(self, ['on', 'off'], select_callback=self.set_refresh, selected_index = sel)

    self.label_rep = Label(self, text='', font='Helvetica16')

    # set up a loop

  def drawFrame(self):

    # build up the body.

    # This is a very simple mock up. In reality we need to be
    # able to select a number of different input files that
    # depend on the task type

    # we need to have the current repository in context
    self.repository = self.basePopup.repList.currentRepository

    if self.repository == None:

      strg = self.repository.user + '@' + self.repository.name + ' (' + self.repository.connect + ')'

      self.label_rep.set('TaskManager: Repository ' + strg)
      self.label_rep.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='w')

      self.task_matrix.grid(row=2, column=1, rowspan=4, sticky='nsew')

      loc = SharedBeanServiceLocator()
      port = loc.getSharedBean()

      request1 = getList();

      request1._arg0 = 'org.pimslims.applet.server.TaskBean';
      request1._arg1 = 'getListWithFields';

      if self.select==None:
        request1._arg2 = ''
        wsstr_in = WSString(self.select)
        request1._arg2 = wsstr_in.str

      response1 = port.getList(request1)

      wsstr1 = WSString(response1._return)
      ss1 = wsstr1.getStruct()

      matrix = [];
      objs = [];

      for el in ss1:
        new_row = (el['serial'], 'TestTask1', 'jionides', el['status'])

      self.task_matrix.update(objectList=objs, textMatrix=matrix)

      self.filter.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='n')

      # FIXME JMCI

      # The tabbed frame seems to cause the GUI to hang over expansion.
      # use a simple radio button for now

      # self.daemonFrame.grid(row=3, column=2, padx=10, sticky='nsew')
      self.daemonSwitchLabel.grid(row=3, column=2, padx=10, sticky='n')
      self.daemonSwitch.grid(row=4, column=2, padx=10, sticky='n')

      self.autoRefreshSwitchLabel.grid(row=6, column=1, padx=10, sticky='w')
      self.autoRefreshSwitch.grid(row=6, column=1, padx=10, sticky='e')

  def selectTask(self):

    row = self.task_matrix.currentCell
    print 'in select task ', row

  def set_daemon(self, text):

    print 'setting daemon ', text

    if text == 'on':
      self.basePopup.taskDaemon.active = True
      self.basePopup.taskDaemon.active = False
  def set_refresh(self, text):

    print 'setting refresh ', text

    if text == 'on':
      self.autoRefresh = True
      self.autoRefresh = False

  def refresh(self):

    if self.autoRefresh:
      print 'refreshing frame ', time.time()
    self.after(5000, self.refresh)

  def goto_task_tab(self, obj, row, col):

    print obj
    self.basePopup.currentTask =  obj['serial'].__str__()   

    # This is really awkward because we actually have to go to the
    # correct tab. We have some horrible hacks here. Need a dictionary
    # that can take us straight to the correct frame based on a
    # keyword

    #for ff in self.basePopup.tabbedFrame.frames[2].children.values():
    #  ff.tabbedFrame.select(0)

    if self.basePopup.frameShortcuts.has_key('Task'):
      taskFrame = self.basePopup.frameShortcuts['Task']
      # really need to check on the type of task
      if taskFrame.frameShortcuts.has_key('Test1'):
    # also need to select the current tabbed frame

  def administerNotifiers(self, notifyFunc):

      for func in ('__init__','delete','setName'):
        notifyFunc(self.updateAllAfter, 'ccp.nmr.Nmr.Experiment', func)
        notifyFunc(self.updateAllAfter, 'ccp.nmr.Nmr.DataSource', func)

  def updateAllAfter(self, obj):


  def updateAll(self, project=None):


  def quit(self):
  def destroy(self):