Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_copy_landmarks_and_path_with_no_lms_path():
    img = Image.init_blank((5, 5))
    new_img = Image.init_blank((5, 5))
    copy_landmarks_and_path(img, new_img)
    assert not hasattr(img, "path")
    assert not hasattr(new_img, "path")
    assert not img.has_landmarks
    assert not new_img.has_landmarks
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_warp_to_mask_image():
    img = Image.init_blank((10, 10), n_channels=2)
    img.pixels[:, :, :5] = 0.5
    template_mask = BooleanImage.init_blank((10, 10))
    template_mask.pixels[:, 5:, :] = False
    t = Affine.init_identity(2)
    warped_img = img.warp_to_mask(template_mask, t)
    assert(type(warped_img) == MaskedImage)
    result = Image.init_blank((10, 10), n_channels=2).pixels
    result[:, :5, :5] = 0.5
    assert(np.all(result == warped_img.pixels))
def test_crop_to_landmarks():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([0, 0], [10, 10])

    img_cropped = img.crop_to_landmarks()
    assert_allclose(img_cropped.shape, (10, 10))
    assert 1
def test_rescale_to_pointcloud():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([0, 0], [10, 10])
    pcloud = bounding_box([0, 0], [25, 25])

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_to_pointcloud(pcloud)
    assert_allclose(img_rescaled.shape, (250, 250))
def _aux(im, pts_paths, pts_names, pts_formats, save_path, save_original, off1, off2, figure_size, overwrite, render_options, only_ln=False):
    if only_ln:  # case of visualising only landmarks (black background)
        path_tmp = im.path
        im = Image.init_blank([im.shape[0], im.shape[1]], im.n_channels)
        im.path = path_tmp
    # attach landmarks
    for k, pts_path in enumerate(pts_paths):
        if os.path.isfile(pts_path + im.path.stem + pts_formats[k]):
            pts = mio.import_landmark_file(pts_path + im.path.stem + pts_formats[k])
            im.landmarks[pts_names[k]] = pts

    # copy original if asked
    if save_original:
        im_orig = im.copy()

    # crop
    if pts_names[0] in im.landmarks.group_labels:
        centre = im.landmarks[pts_names[0]].lms.centre()
        min_indices = np.array([round(centre[0])-off1, round(centre[1])-off2])
        max_indices = np.array([round(centre[0])+off1, round(centre[1])+off2])
        # im.crop_inplace(min_indices, max_indices)
        im = im.crop(min_indices, max_indices, constrain_to_boundary=True)
        path_tmp = im.path
        im = Image.init_blank([off1*2 + 1, off2*2 + 1], im.n_channels)
        im.path = path_tmp

    # render
    rand = randint(1, 10000)
    fig = plt.figure(rand)
    if save_original:
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[im_orig.height, im.height])

        renderer = _render(im_orig, pts_names, fig, render_options['colours'][0],
                           render_options['sizes'][0], render_options['edgesizes'][0], figure_size)

        renderer = _render(im, pts_names, fig, render_options['colours'][1],
                           render_options['sizes'][1], render_options['edgesizes'][1], figure_size)
        renderer = _render(im, pts_names, fig, render_options['colours'][1],
                           render_options['sizes'][1], render_options['edgesizes'][1], figure_size)

    renderer.save_figure(save_path + im.path.stem + '.png', format='png', pad_inches=0.0, overwrite=overwrite)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_copy_landmarks_and_path():
    img = mio.import_builtin_asset.lenna_png()
    new_img = Image.init_blank(img.shape)
    copy_landmarks_and_path(img, new_img)

    assert new_img.path == img.path
    assert new_img.landmarks.keys() == img.landmarks.keys()
    assert new_img.landmarks is not img.landmarks
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_constrain_landmarks_to_bounds():
    im = Image.init_blank((10, 10))
    im.landmarks['test'] = PointCloud.init_2d_grid((20, 20))
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
    assert not im.has_landmarks_outside_bounds()
    assert_allclose(im.landmarks['test'].lms.bounds(), im.bounds())
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_zoom_image():
    im = Image.init_blank((100, 100), fill=0)
    # White square in the centre of size 10x10
    im.pixels[0, 45:55, 45:55] = 1.0

    # Zoom in 50% makes the white square 5 pixel bigger in theory (16x16)
    zim = im.zoom(1.5)
    assert np.count_nonzero(zim.pixels) == 256
def test_rescale_pixels():
    img = Image.init_blank((10, 10), n_channels=1)
    img.pixels[:, 6:, 6:] = 2

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_pixels(0, 255)
    assert np.min(img_rescaled.pixels) == 0
    assert np.max(img_rescaled.pixels) == 255
    assert np.all(img_rescaled.pixels[:, 6:, 6:] == 255)
def test_rescale_to_diagonal_return_transform():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([40, 40], [80, 80])
    cropped_img, transform = img.rescale_to_diagonal(100, return_transform=True)
    img_back = cropped_img.warp_to_shape(img.shape, transform.pseudoinverse())
    assert_allclose(img_back.shape, img.shape)
    assert_allclose(img_back.pixels, img.pixels)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_as_greyscale_luminosity_dtype_uint8():
    image = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=3, fill=255, dtype=np.uint8)
    new_image = image.as_greyscale(mode='luminosity')
    assert (new_image.shape == image.shape)
    assert (new_image.n_channels == 1)
    assert (new_image.pixels.dtype == np.uint8)
    expected = np.empty_like(image.pixels[0])
    assert_allclose(new_image.pixels[0], expected)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_rasterize_matplotlib_basic():
    im = Image.init_blank([11, 11], fill=0, n_channels=1)
    im.landmarks['test'] = centre
    new_im = rasterize_landmarks_2d(im, group='test', render_lines=False,
                                    marker_style='.', marker_face_colour='r',
                                    marker_size=2, marker_edge_width=0,
    assert new_im.n_channels == 3
    assert new_im.shape == (11, 11)
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[:, 5, 5], [255, 0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_rasterize_pillow_basic():
    im = Image.init_blank([11, 11], fill=0, n_channels=3)
    im.landmarks['test'] = centre
    new_im = rasterize_landmarks_2d(im, group='test', render_lines=False,
                                    marker_style='s', marker_face_colour='r',
                                    marker_size=1, marker_edge_width=0,
    assert new_im.n_channels == 3
    assert new_im.shape == (11, 11)
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[0, 3:6, 3:6], 255)
def test_rescale_pixels_per_channel():
    img = Image.init_blank((10, 10), n_channels=2)
    img.pixels[0, 6:, 6:] = 2
    img.pixels[1, 6:, 6:] = 4

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_pixels(0, 100, per_channel=True)
    assert np.min(img_rescaled.pixels) == 0
    assert np.max(img_rescaled.pixels) == 100
    assert np.all(img_rescaled.pixels[0, 6:, 6:] == 100)
    assert np.all(img_rescaled.pixels[1, 6:, 6:] == 100)
def test_crop_to_landmarks_return_transform():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([40, 40], [80, 80])
    cropped_img, transform = img.crop(np.array([20, 30]), np.array([90, 95]),
    img_back = cropped_img.warp_to_shape(img.shape, transform.pseudoinverse())
    assert_allclose(img_back.shape, img.shape)
    assert_allclose(img_back.pixels, img.pixels)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def init_2d_grid(cls, shape, spacing=None, tcoords=None, texture=None):
        Create a TexturedTriMesh that exists on a regular 2D grid. The first
        dimension is the number of rows in the grid and the second dimension
        of the shape is the number of columns. ``spacing`` optionally allows
        the definition of the distance between points (uniform over points).
        The spacing may be different for rows and columns.

        The triangulation will be right-handed and the diagonal will go from
        the top left to the bottom right of a square on the grid.

        If no texture is passed a blank (black) texture is attached with
        correct texture coordinates for texture mapping an image of the same
        size as ``shape``.

        shape : `tuple` of 2 `int`
            The size of the grid to create, this defines the number of points
            across each dimension in the grid. The first element is the number
            of rows and the second is the number of columns.
        spacing : `int` or `tuple` of 2 `int`, optional
            The spacing between points. If a single `int` is provided, this
            is applied uniformly across each dimension. If a `tuple` is
            provided, the spacing is applied non-uniformly as defined e.g.
            ``(2, 3)`` gives a spacing of 2 for the rows and 3 for the
        tcoords : ``(N, 2)`` `ndarray`, optional
            The texture coordinates for the mesh.
        texture : :map:`Image`, optional
            The texture for the mesh.

        trimesh : :map:`TriMesh`
            A TriMesh arranged in a grid.
        pc = TriMesh.init_2d_grid(shape, spacing=spacing)
        points = pc.points
        trilist = pc.trilist
        # Ensure that the tcoords and texture are copied
        if tcoords is not None:
            tcoords = tcoords.copy()
            tcoords = grid_tcoords(shape)
        if texture is not None:
            texture = texture.copy()
            from menpo.image import Image
            # Default texture is all black
            texture = Image.init_blank(shape)
        return TexturedTriMesh(points, tcoords, texture, trilist=trilist,
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_rasterize_pillow_basic_line():
    im = Image.init_blank([11, 11], fill=0, n_channels=3)
    im.landmarks['test'] = line
    new_im = rasterize_landmarks_2d(im, group='test', render_lines=True,
                                    line_width=1, line_colour='b',
                                    marker_style='s', marker_face_colour='r',
                                    marker_size=1, marker_edge_width=0,
    assert new_im.n_channels == 3
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[0, 1:4, 3:6], 255)
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[0, 7:-1, 3:6], 255)
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[2, 4:7, 4], 255)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_register_image_importer(is_file):
    from menpo.image import Image
    image = Image.init_blank((10, 10))

    def foo_importer(filepath, **kwargs):
        return image

    is_file.return_value = True

    with patch.dict(mio.input.extensions.image_types, {}, clear=True):
        mio.register_image_importer('.foo', foo_importer)
        new_image = mio.import_image('fake.foo')
    assert image is new_image
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_rasterize_matplotlib_basic_line():
    import matplotlib
    im = Image.init_blank([11, 11], fill=0, n_channels=1)
    im.landmarks['test'] = line
    new_im = rasterize_landmarks_2d(im, group='test', render_lines=True,
                                    marker_style='.', marker_face_colour='r',
                                    marker_size=2, marker_edge_width=0,
    assert new_im.n_channels == 3
    assert new_im.shape == (11, 11)
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[0, 3, 5], [255])
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[0, 9, 5], [255])
    assert_allclose(new_im.pixels[2, 5:8, 5], [255, 255, 255])
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_warp_to_mask_masked_image():
    mask = BooleanImage.init_blank((15, 15))
    # make a truncated mask on the original image
    mask.pixels[0, -1, -1] = False
    img = MaskedImage.init_blank((15, 15), n_channels=2, mask=mask,
    template_mask = BooleanImage.init_blank((10, 10), fill=False)
    template_mask.pixels[:, :5, :5] = True
    t = Affine.init_identity(2)
    warped_img = img.warp_to_mask(template_mask, t)
    assert(type(warped_img) == MaskedImage)

    result = Image.init_blank((10, 10), n_channels=2).pixels
    result[:, :5, :5] = 2.5
    result_mask = BooleanImage.init_blank((10, 10), fill=False).pixels
    result_mask[:, :5, :5] = True
    assert(warped_img.n_true_pixels() == 25)
    assert_allclose(result, warped_img.pixels)
    assert_allclose(result_mask, warped_img.mask.pixels)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_image_blank_n_channels():
    image = Image(np.zeros((7, 6, 4)))
    image_blank = Image.init_blank((6, 4), n_channels=7)
    assert(np.all(image_blank.pixels == image.pixels))
Ejemplo n.º 22
import numpy as np
from nose.tools import raises
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

from menpo.image import Image
from menpo.shape import (TriMesh, TexturedTriMesh, ColouredTriMesh, PointCloud,
from menpo.visualize import Menpo3dMissingError
from menpo.testing import surrogate

fake_triangle = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                          [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                          [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
fake_trilist = np.array([[0, 1, 2]], dtype=np.uint32)
fake_texture = Image.init_blank([10, 10])
fake_tcoords = np.array([[0, 0], [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0]])
menpo3d_visualize_mock = MagicMock()
menpo3d_visualize_mock.side_effect = ImportError

@patch('menpo3d.visualize.TriMeshViewer3d', menpo3d_visualize_mock)
def trimesh_viewer_test():
    TriMesh(fake_triangle, trilist=fake_trilist, copy=False).view()

@patch('menpo3d.visualize.TexturedTriMeshViewer3d', menpo3d_visualize_mock)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_bounds_3d():
    im = Image.init_blank((50, 30, 10))
    assert_allclose(im.bounds(), ((0, 0, 0), (49, 29, 9)))
def test_rescale_to_diagonal():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_to_diagonal(200 * np.sqrt(2))
    assert_allclose(img_rescaled.shape, (200, 200))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_as_rolled_channels_3channels():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=3, fill=1)
    new_im = im.pixels_with_channels_at_back()
    assert new_im.dtype == np.float
    assert_allclose(np.ones([120, 120, 3]), new_im)
def test_crop_to_pointcloud_proportion():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    pcloud = bounding_box([0, 0], [50, 50])

    img_cropped = img.crop_to_pointcloud_proportion(pcloud, 0.1)
    assert_allclose(img_cropped.shape, (55, 55))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_normalize_0_variance_raises():
    image = Image.init_blank((2, 2))
    dummy_scale = lambda *a, **kwargs: np.array(0.0)
    with raises(ValueError):
        normalize(image, scale_func=dummy_scale)
def test_crop_to_pointcloud_proportion():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    pcloud = bounding_box([0, 0], [50, 50])

    img_cropped = img.crop_to_pointcloud_proportion(pcloud, 0.1)
    assert_allclose(img_cropped.shape, (55, 55))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_image_blank():
    image = Image(np.zeros((1, 6, 4)))
    image_blank = Image.init_blank((6, 4))
    assert(np.all(image_blank.pixels == image.pixels))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_diagonal_greyscale():
    image = Image.init_blank((100, 250), n_channels=1)
    assert image.diagonal() == (100 ** 2 + 250 ** 2) ** 0.5
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_diagonal_color():
    image = Image.init_blank((100, 250), n_channels=3)
    assert image.diagonal() == (100 ** 2 + 250 ** 2) ** 0.5
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_as_pil_image_3channels():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=3)
    new_im = im.as_PILImage()
                    (im.pixels * 255).astype(np.uint8))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_as_rolled_channels_1channel_float32_out():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=1, fill=1)
    new_im = im.pixels_with_channels_at_back(out_dtype=np.float32)
    assert new_im.dtype == np.float32
    assert_allclose(np.ones([120, 120]), new_im)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_as_rolled_channels_1channel_uint16_out():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=1, fill=1)
    new_im = im.pixels_with_channels_at_back(out_dtype=np.uint16)
    assert new_im.dtype == np.uint16
    assert_allclose(np.ones([120, 120]) * 65535, new_im)
def test_crop_to_landmarks_proportion():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([0, 0], [10, 10])

    img_cropped = img.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.1)
    assert_allclose(img_cropped.shape, (11, 11))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def test_as_greyscale_channels_no_index():
    image = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=3)
    with raises(ValueError):
def test_rescale_landmarks_to_diagonal_range():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([0, 0], [10, 10])

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_landmarks_to_diagonal_range(20 * np.sqrt(2))
    assert_allclose(img_rescaled.shape, (200, 200))
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_sample_image():
    im = Image.init_blank((100, 100), fill=2)
    p = PointCloud(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]]))

    arr = im.sample(p)
    assert_allclose(arr, [[2., 2.]])
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_normalize_unknown_mode_raises():
    image = Image.init_blank((2, 2))
    with raises(ValueError):
        normalize(image, mode='fake')
Ejemplo n.º 40
def test_copy_landmarks_and_path_returns_target():
    img = mio.import_builtin_asset.lenna_png()
    new_img = Image.init_blank(img.shape)
    new_img_ret = copy_landmarks_and_path(img, new_img)
    assert new_img_ret is new_img
Ejemplo n.º 41
def test_rolled_channels():
    image = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=3)
    rolled_channels = image.pixels_with_channels_at_back()
    assert rolled_channels.shape == (120, 120, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def _set_up(self):
     # work out feature length per patch
     patch_img = Image.init_blank(self.patch_shape, fill=0)
     self._feature_patch_length = self.regression_features(patch_img).n_parameters
Ejemplo n.º 43
def test_as_imageio_1channel_float32_out():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=1, fill=1)
    new_im = im.as_imageio(out_dtype=np.float32)
    assert new_im.dtype == np.float32
    assert_allclose(np.ones([120, 120]), new_im)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def test_as_rolled_channels_float_out_range():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=1, fill=2.0)
    with raises(ValueError):
def test_as_greyscale_channels_no_index():
    image = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=3)
    new_image = image.as_greyscale(mode='channel')
    assert (new_image.shape == image.shape)
    assert (new_image.n_channels == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def test_normalize_0_variance_raises():
    image = Image.init_blank((2, 2))
    dummy_scale = lambda *a, **kwargs: np.array(0.0)
    with raises(ValueError):
        normalize(image, scale_func=dummy_scale)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def test_normalize_unknown_mode_raises():
    image = Image.init_blank((2, 2))
    normalize(image, mode='fake')
from collections import OrderedDict
from mock import patch, MagicMock
import numpy as np
from nose.tools import raises
from menpo.image import Image
from menpo.landmark import LandmarkGroup
from menpo.shape import TriMesh, TexturedTriMesh, ColouredTriMesh, PointCloud
from menpo.visualize import Menpo3dMissingError
from menpo.testing import surrogate

fake_triangle = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
fake_trilist = np.array([[0, 1, 2]], dtype=np.uint32)
fake_texture = Image.init_blank([10, 10])
fake_tcoords = np.array([[0, 0], [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0]])
menpo3d_visualize_mock = MagicMock()
menpo3d_visualize_mock.side_effect = ImportError

@patch('menpo3d.visualize.TriMeshViewer3d', menpo3d_visualize_mock)
def trimesh_viewer_test():
    TriMesh(fake_triangle, trilist=fake_trilist, copy=False).view()

@patch('menpo3d.visualize.TexturedTriMeshViewer3d', menpo3d_visualize_mock)
def textured_trimesh_viewer_test():
def test_image_view_widget():
    with raises(MenpowidgetsMissingError):
        Image.init_blank((5, 5)).view_widget()
Ejemplo n.º 50
def image_view_widget_test():
    Image.init_blank((5, 5)).view_widget()
def test_rescale_to_diagonal():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_to_diagonal(200 * np.sqrt(2))
    assert_allclose(img_rescaled.shape, (200, 200))
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def foo_importer(filepath, **kwargs):
     return LazyList([lambda: Image.init_blank((10, 10))])
Ejemplo n.º 53
def test_diagonal_kchannel_ndim():
    image = Image.init_blank((100, 250, 50), n_channels=5)
    assert image.diagonal() == (100 ** 2 + 250 ** 2 + 50 ** 2) ** 0.5
Ejemplo n.º 54
def test_image_blank_fill():
    image = Image(np.ones((1, 6, 4)) * 7)
    image_blank = Image.init_blank((6, 4), fill=7)
    assert(np.all(image_blank.pixels == image.pixels))
def test_rescale_landmarks_to_diagonal_range():
    img = Image.init_blank((100, 100), n_channels=1)
    img.landmarks['test'] = bounding_box([0, 0], [10, 10])

    img_rescaled = img.rescale_landmarks_to_diagonal_range(20 * np.sqrt(2))
    assert_allclose(img_rescaled.shape, (200, 200))
Ejemplo n.º 56
def test_rescale_to_diagonal():
    image = Image.init_blank((8, 6), n_channels=2)
    assert image.diagonal() == 10
    rescaled = image.rescale_to_diagonal(5)
    assert rescaled.shape == (4, 3)
    assert rescaled.n_channels == 2
Ejemplo n.º 57
def test_sample_image():
    im = Image.init_blank((100, 100), fill=2)
    p = PointCloud(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]]))

    arr = im.sample(p)
    assert_allclose(arr, [[2., 2.]])
Ejemplo n.º 58
def test_normalize_unknown_mode_raises():
    image = Image.init_blank((2, 2))
    with raises(ValueError):
        normalize(image, mode="fake")
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def foo_importer(filepath, **kwargs):
     return LazyList([lambda: Image.init_blank((10, 10))])
Ejemplo n.º 60
def test_as_imageio_1channel_uint16_out():
    im = Image.init_blank((120, 120), n_channels=1, fill=1)
    new_im = im.as_imageio(out_dtype=np.uint16)
    assert new_im.dtype == np.uint16
    assert_allclose(np.ones([120, 120]) * 65535, new_im)