def terminer(datedebut, nomprogramme, db, fenetre, canvas): canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('terminer') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) datefin = time() tempsecoulle = int((datefin - datedebut)) seconde = tempsecoulle minute = 0 if tempsecoulle >= 60: seconde = (tempsecoulle % 60) minute = tempsecoulle // 60 temps = str(minute)+" min "+str(seconde)+" sec" texttemps = "Vous avez mis " + str(minute)+" minutes et " + str(seconde) + " secondes" date = strftime("%A %d %B %Y %H:%M") textdate = "Nous sommes le " + str(date) canvas.create_text(550, 100, text=textdate, font=("times new roman", 18)) canvas.create_text(550, 200, text=texttemps, font=("times new roman", 18)) button = Button(fenetre, text="Terminer", command=lambda: requete(db, temps, date, nomprogramme, fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 20), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(550, 500, window=button) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db) fenetre.mainloop()
def choixmuscle(db, nomprogramme, textvalider, fenetre, canvas): global canvas_button global canvas_valider global canvas_om global canvas_muscle canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('ajouter exercice au programme') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) vbar = Scrollbar(fenetre, orient=VERTICAL) button_accueil = Button(fenetre, text="Ne pas ajouter de nouvel exercice", command=lambda: accueil.accueil(db, fenetre, canvas, vbar), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(550, 50, window=button_accueil) canvas_muscle = canvas.create_text(550, 200, text="choisissez le groupe musculaire de l'exercice a ajouter :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_om = StringVar() var_om.set("muscle") listeOptions = ('abdominaux', 'biceps', 'dos', 'jambes', 'pectoraux', 'triceps') om = OptionMenu(fenetre, var_om, *listeOptions) om.config(font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas_om = canvas.create_window(550, 250, window=om) button = Button(fenetre, text="valider", command=lambda: exercice(db, var_om, fenetre, nomprogramme, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas_button = canvas.create_window(550, 300, window=button) canvas_valider = canvas.create_text(550, 350, text=textvalider, font=("times new roman", 16), fill="red") menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def ajout(db, nomprogramme, ligne, suite, fenetre, canvas): global canvas_button global canvas_om global canvas_muscle canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('ajouter exercice programme') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) canvas_muscle = canvas.create_text(550, 200, text="choisissez le groupe musculaire de l'exercice a ajouter :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_om = StringVar() var_om.set("muscle") listeOptions = ('abdominaux', 'biceps', 'dos', 'jambes', 'pectoraux', 'triceps') om = OptionMenu(fenetre, var_om, *listeOptions) om.config(font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas_om = canvas.create_window(550, 250, window=om) button = Button(fenetre, text="valider", command=lambda: exercice(db, var_om, fenetre, nomprogramme, ligne, suite, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") button.pack() canvas_button = canvas.create_window(550, 300, window=button) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def main(db, fenetre, canvas, vbar): vbar.forget() canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('supprimer exercice') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) muscle(db, fenetre, canvas) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def main(db, fenetre, canvas, vbar): vbar.forget() canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('ajouter programme') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) ajouter(db, fenetre, canvas) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def afficherpause(pause, db, fenetre, canvas, ordre, nomprogramme, datedebut): if pause > 0: canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('pause') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) timer = canvas.create_text(550, 300, text="", font=("times new roman", 26), justify=CENTER) updatepause(pause, timer, canvas, fenetre, db, ordre, nomprogramme, datedebut) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db) else: afficher(nomprogramme, db, fenetre, canvas, ordre + 1, datedebut)
def accueil(db, fenetre, canvas, vbar): vbar.forget() fenetre.title('accueil') canvas.delete('all') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) menu.menu_header(fenetre, db, canvas, vbar) canvas.create_text( 550, 250, text="Bienvenue dans l'application de sport à la maison", font=("times new roman", 20)) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def apropos(db, fenetre, canvas): canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('a propos') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) canvas.create_text( 550, 250, text= "Cette petite application a été réalisée dans le cadre d'une veille technologique par Elouan Jeannot", font=("times new roman", 20)) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def afficher(nomprogramme, db, fenetre, canvas, ordre, datedebut): cur = db.cursor() query = 'SELECT exercice.nom, exercice.description, exercice.image, muscle.nom, programme_exercice.nombre_repetition, programme_exercice.temps, programme_exercice.pause FROM programme_exercice JOIN exercice ON programme_exercice.exercice = exercice.ID JOIN muscle ON exercice.muscle = muscle.ID WHERE programme = (SELECT ID FROM programme WHERE nom = ?) AND ordre= ?' try: cur.execute(query, (nomprogramme, ordre)) for var in cur: row = var canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('lire programme') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) canvas.create_text(550, 50, text=row[0], font=("times new roman", 18)) canvas.create_text(550, 100, text=row[1], font=("times new roman", 14)) cheminimage = "image/" + str(row[2]) + ".gif" try: im = except: im ="image/default.gif") if im.size[1] >= 235: cover = resizeimage.resize_height(im, 235), im.format) imageexercice = PhotoImage(file=cheminimage, master=fenetre) canvas.create_image(550, 235, image=imageexercice) if row[5] != 0: timer = canvas.create_text(550, 450, text="", font=("times new roman", 18), justify=CENTER) updatetime(db, row[5], timer, canvas, fenetre, row[6], ordre, nomprogramme, datedebut) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db) elif row[4] != 0: repetition = "Vous devez faire \n " + str(row[4]) + " \n repetitions pour terminer l'exercice" canvas.create_text(550, 400, text=repetition, font=("times new roman", 18), justify=CENTER) button = Button(fenetre, text="Passer à l'exercice suivant", command=lambda: afficherpause(row[6], db, fenetre, canvas, ordre, nomprogramme, datedebut), font=("times new roman", 20), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(550, 500, window=button) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db) else: afficherpause(row[6], db, fenetre, canvas, ordre, nomprogramme, datedebut) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db) except: terminer(datedebut, nomprogramme, db, fenetre, canvas)
def modifier(db, muscle, nom, fenetre, canvas): if nom.get() == "exercice": raise Exception("Choisissez un exercice") global valider canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('modifier exercice') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) canvas.create_text(300, 100, text="changez le nom de l'exercice :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_nom = StringVar() entry_nom = Entry(fenetre, exportselection=0, textvariable=var_nom, width=40, font=("times new roman", 14), borderwidth=0) canvas.create_window(300, 150, window=entry_nom) canvas.create_text(800, 100, text="changez la description de l'exercice :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_description = StringVar() entry_description = Entry(fenetre, exportselection=0, textvariable=var_description, width=40, font=("times new roman", 14), borderwidth=0) canvas.create_window(800, 150, window=entry_description) canvas.create_text(300, 300, text="changez l'image de l'exercice :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_image = StringVar() entry_image = Entry(fenetre, exportselection=0, textvariable=var_image, width=40, font=("times new roman", 14), borderwidth=0) canvas.create_window(300, 350, window=entry_image) canvas.create_text(800, 300, text="changez le muscle de l'exercice :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_om = StringVar() listeOptions = ('abdominaux', 'biceps', 'dos', 'jambes', 'pectoraux', 'triceps') om = OptionMenu(fenetre, var_om, *listeOptions) om.config(font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(800, 350, window=om) nom = nom.get() cur = db.cursor() query = 'SELECT exercice.nom, description, image, muscle.nom FROM exercice JOIN muscle ON exercice.muscle = muscle.ID WHERE exercice.nom= ? AND exercice.muscle=(SELECT ID FROM muscle where nom = ?)' parametre = (nom, muscle) cur.execute(query, parametre) for row in cur: var_nom.set(row[0]) var_description.set(row[1]) var_image.set(row[2]) var_om.set(row[3]) button = Button( fenetre, text="valider", command=lambda: requete(db, nom, muscle, var_nom, var_description, var_image, var_om, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(550, 450, window=button) valider = canvas.create_text(550, 500, text="", font=("times new roman", 16), fill="red") menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)
def afficherprogramme(db, nomprogramme, ligne, fenetre, canvas): if nomprogramme == "programme": main(db) raise Exception("Veuillez choisir un programme") var = "" canvas.delete('all') fenetre.title('modifier programme') image = PhotoImage(file='image/fond.gif', master=fenetre) canvas.pack() canvas.create_image(550, 300, image=image) canvas.create_text(550, 50, text="changez le nom du programme :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_nomprogramme = StringVar() entry_nomprogramme = Entry(fenetre, exportselection=0, textvariable=var_nomprogramme, font=("times new roman", 14), borderwidth=0) canvas.create_window(550, 80, window=entry_nomprogramme) var_nomprogramme.set(nomprogramme) cur = db.cursor() query = 'SELECT nom, nombre_repetition, temps, pause, muscle FROM programme_exercice JOIN exercice ON programme_exercice.exercice = exercice.ID WHERE programme_exercice.programme=(SELECT ID FROM programme WHERE nom = ?) AND ordre = ?' cur.execute(query, (nomprogramme, ligne)) for row in cur: var = row if var == "": aucunexercice = Button(fenetre, text="ajouter le premier exercice", command=lambda: ajout(db, var_nomprogramme, 0, "suivant"), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=30) canvas.create_window(550, 300, window=aucunexercice) else: cur.execute(query, (nomprogramme, ligne)) for row in cur: listeOptions = [] cur = db.cursor() query = 'SELECT nom FROM exercice WHERE muscle = ?' cur.execute(query, (row[4], )) for row1 in cur: listeOptions.append(row1[0]) canvas.create_text(300, 150, text="changez le nom de l'exercice :", font=("times new roman", 16)) var_nomex = StringVar() liste_ex = OptionMenu(fenetre, var_nomex, *listeOptions) liste_ex.config(font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(300, 200, window=liste_ex) var_nomex.set(row[0]) canvas.create_text(800, 150, text="choisissez le nombre de répetition ou le temps :", font=("times new roman", 16)) value_reptemps = IntVar() reptemps = Scale(fenetre, orient='horizontal', variable=value_reptemps, length=350, font=("times new roman", 14), background="#2FB5A3", activebackground="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, troughcolor="white") var_reptemps = StringVar() temps = Radiobutton(fenetre, text="durée de l'exercice", variable=var_reptemps, value="seconde", font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=17) rep = Radiobutton(fenetre, text="nombre de repetition", variable=var_reptemps, value="repetition", font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=17) if row[1] == 0: var_reptemps.set("seconde") value_reptemps.set(row[2]) else: var_reptemps.set("repetition") value_reptemps.set(row[1]) canvas.create_window(800, 200, window=reptemps) canvas.create_window(800, 250, window=temps) canvas.create_window(800, 280, window=rep) var_pause = IntVar() canvas.create_text(300, 250, text="choisissez le temps de pause après l'exercice :", font=("times new roman", 16)) pause = Scale(fenetre, orient='horizontal', variable=var_pause, length=350, font=("times new roman", 14), background="#2FB5A3", activebackground="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, troughcolor="white") var_pause.set(row[3]) canvas.create_window(300, 300, window=pause) buttonprecedent = Button(fenetre, text="Precedent", command=lambda: requete(db, var_nomprogramme, nomprogramme, var_nomex, value_reptemps, var_reptemps, var_pause, ligne, "precedent", fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=10) canvas.create_window(200, 50, window=buttonprecedent) buttonsuivant = Button(fenetre, text="Suivant", command=lambda: requete(db, var_nomprogramme, nomprogramme, var_nomex, value_reptemps, var_reptemps, var_pause, ligne, "suivant", fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=10) canvas.create_window(900, 50, window=buttonsuivant) buttonajoutprecedent = Button(fenetre, text="ajouter un exercice avant celui-ci", command=lambda: ajout(db, var_nomprogramme, ligne, "precedent", fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=30) canvas.create_window(300, 450, window=buttonajoutprecedent) buttonajoutsuivant = Button(fenetre, text="ajouter un exercice après celui-ci", command=lambda: ajout(db, var_nomprogramme, ligne, "suivant", fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=30) canvas.create_window(800, 450, window=buttonajoutsuivant) buttonsuppr = Button(fenetre, text="supprimer cet exercice du programme", command=lambda: supprimer(db, var_nomprogramme, ligne, fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=30) canvas.create_window(550, 400, window=buttonsuppr) buttonplaceprecedent = Button(fenetre, text="placer cet exercice avant", command=lambda: placement(db, var_nomprogramme, ligne, "avant", fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=30) canvas.create_window(300, 500, window=buttonplaceprecedent) buttonplacesuivant = Button(fenetre, text="placer cet exercice après", command=lambda: placement(db, var_nomprogramme, ligne, "après", fenetre, canvas), font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3", width=30) canvas.create_window(800, 500, window=buttonplacesuivant) buttonhome = Button(fenetre, text="Terminer", command=lambda: [requete(db, var_nomprogramme, nomprogramme, var_nomex, value_reptemps, var_reptemps, var_pause, ligne, "accueil", fenetre, canvas)], font=("times new roman", 14), background="#59C38D", borderwidth=0, activebackground="#2FB5A3") canvas.create_window(550, 475, window=buttonhome) menu.menu_footer(fenetre, canvas, db)