Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_equal_insert(self):
     self.assertEqual(insert(['(1,14)', '(11,12]'], '(14,19)'),
                      [[2, 13], [15, 18]])
     self.assertEqual(insert(['(1,10)', '(11,13]'], '[9,12]'), [[2, 13]])
         insert(['[1,2]', '(3,5)', '[6,7)', '(8,10]', '[12,16]'], '[4,9]'),
         [[1, 2], [4, 10], [12, 16]])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def inpt():
    user_input = input('List of intervals? Or enter quit to quit\n')

    flag=1   # Given an indicator for input, 0 means incorrect input, 1 means correct

    #If user doesn't input quit, we first convert the string input to what we need
    #Then, check whether the input intervals are correct
    #If the input is incorrect, break the for loop and then go to the next while loop
    if user_input != 'quit':
        convert_input = user_input_str(user_input)
        for i in range(len(convert_input)):
            intel = convert_input[i]
            if str(interval(intel)) == "Invalid interval":
                flag = 0  

    #This while loop will check whether the user input is correct again until the user enter the correct intervals list
    while user_input != 'quit' and flag == 0:
        user_input = input('You have entered wrong interval list. Please input again or enter quit to quit\n')
        if user_input != 'quit':
            convert_input = user_input_str(user_input)
            for i in range(len(convert_input)):
                intel = convert_input[i]
                if str(interval(intel)) == "Invalid interval":
                    flag = 0
                    flag = 1

    #### Part 2 input one more interval to merge with given intervals list
    #While the user input the correct intervals list
    #He/she will be asked to add one more interval again and agian until input quit
    if user_input != 'quit':
        merge_li = convert_input    #Geting the intervals list from part 1
        user_input = input('Interval? Add one more interval or enter quit to quit\n')
        while user_input != 'quit':
            one_int = user_input
            check_int = interval(one_int)
            #Given user input is not quit, the user will be asked to enter the interval until correct
            #Or user can enter quit to quit
            while str(check_int) == 'Invalid interval':
                print ('Invalid interval')
                user_input = input('Interval? Add one more interval or enter quit to quit\n')
                if user_input == "quit":
                    check_int = interval(one_int)
            #If user entered the correct interval,
            #the the interval will be merged to the given intervals list
            #and then ask to enter another interval
            if str(check_int) != 'Invalid interval':
                merge_li = insert(merge_li, one_int)
                #since the new merge_li using list to present inclusive for each interval, 
                #we need to convert back to string
                initial = []
                for li in merge_li:
                merge_li = initial
                print (",".join(merge_li))
                user_input = input('Interval? Input one more interval or enter quit to quit\n')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_ValueError_insert(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         value = insert(['(a,1)', '[3,6]'], '(7,10)')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_ValueError_insert(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         value = insert(['(a,1)','[3,6]'],'(7,10)')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_equal_insert(self):
     self.assertEqual(insert(['(1,14)','(11,12]'],'(14,19)'), [[2, 13], [15, 18]])
     self.assertEqual(insert(['(1,10)','(11,13]'], '[9,12]'), [[2, 13]])
     self.assertEqual(insert(['[1,2]', '(3,5)', '[6,7)', '(8,10]','[12,16]'], '[4,9]'), [[1, 2], [4, 10], [12, 16]])