Ejemplo n.º 1
    print '\tPerformed ii_assemble in %g s' % t.stop()

    wh = ii_Function(W)

    t = Timer('convert'); t.start()
    AAm, bbm = map(ii_convert, (AA, bb))
    print '\tPerformed ii_convert in %g s' % t.stop()

    t = Timer('solve'); t.start()        
    LUSolver('umfpack').solve(AAm, wh.vector(), bbm)
    print '\tSolved in %g s' % t.stop()
    for i, wh_i in enumerate(wh):
        wh_i.rename('u', str(i))
        File('./u%d.pvd' % i) << wh_i

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = Expression('sin(pi*(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]))', degree=3)

    # Setup the mesh_generator for the random curve
    import meshing
    # Using 1/4 of the default mesh sizes, the inner box is [-1/2, 1/2]^3
    # and thee random curve will be made using 40 vertices
    mesh_generator = lambda :meshing.load(scale=2./8,
                                          curve_gen=lambda mesh: meshing.fun(mesh, 40))
    main(f, mesh_generator)
Ejemplo n.º 2
                        help='Radius of the tubes')

    # Solver
                        choices=['direct', 'iterative'],
                        help='Use direct solver with params as in main')

    args, petsc_args = parser.parse_known_args()

    # Let's rock
    mesh_gen = lambda: meshing.load(
        args.scale, lambda mesh: meshing.fun(mesh, npoints=args.npoints))

    timer = Timer('setup')
    AA, bb, W, p_const = setup_problem(args.radius, mesh_gen)
    print '\tProblem setup took %g s\n \tNumber of unknowns %d ' % (
        timer.stop(), sum(Wi.dim() for Wi in W))

    x = AA * bb
    y = AA.transpmult(bb)
    assert (x - y).norm() < 1E-14, 'AA is not symmetric!'

    wh = ii_Function(W)

    timer = Timer('solver')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    parser.add_argument('-npoints', type=int, default=80,
                        help='Num points to draw the curve')
    parser.add_argument('-radius', type=float, default=0.1,
                        help='Radius of the tubes')
    # Solver
    parser.add_argument('-solver', type=str, default='direct', choices=['direct', 'iterative'],
                        help='Use direct solver with params as in main')

    args, petsc_args = parser.parse_known_args()

    # Let's rock
    mesh_gen = lambda: meshing.load(args.scale,
                                    lambda mesh: meshing.fun(mesh, npoints=args.npoints))

    timer = Timer('setup'); timer.start()
    AA, bb, W, p_const = setup_problem(args.radius, mesh_gen)
    print '\tProblem setup took %g s\n \tNumber of unknowns %d ' %  (timer.stop(), sum(Wi.dim() for Wi in W))

    x = AA*bb
    y = AA.transpmult(bb)
    assert (x-y).norm() < 1E-14, 'AA is not symmetric!'
    wh = ii_Function(W)

    timer = Timer('solver'); timer.start()
    if args.solver == 'direct':
        # Convert
        AAm, bbm = map(ii_convert, (AA, bb))