Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_message_structure():
    """Make sure that our saved messages contain the types we want."""
    app = HelperApp(server.message_app)
    app.post('/login/', {'username': '******', 'password': '******'})

    # Add a bunch of messages
    for l in string.ascii_lowercase:
        app.post('/compose/', {'to': 'james', 'subject': l, 'body': l.upper()})

    all_messages = message.load_all_messages()
    sent_messages = message.load_sent_messages('jessie')
    received_messages = message.load_sent_messages('james')

    # Check that we're loading messages correctly
    for messages in (all_messages, sent_messages, received_messages):
        for m in messages:
            # Check that our keys match up
            assert set(m) == {'id', 'from', 'to', 'subject', 'body', 'time'}

            # Check that load_all_messages loads the correct types
            assert isinstance(m['to'], str)
            assert isinstance(m['from'], str)
            assert isinstance(m['subject'], str)
            assert isinstance(m['body'], str)
            assert isinstance(m['time'], datetime)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_view_authorization():
    """Make sure that we can only view messages to/from us."""
    app = HelperApp(server.message_app)

    # Send a message from Jessie to James
    app.post('/login/', {'username': '******', 'password': '******'})
    app.post('/compose/', {'to': 'james', 'subject': 's', 'body': 'S'})

    # Find the message
    msg, = message.load_sent_messages('jessie')

    # Make sure Jessie can see it
    response = app.get('/view/{}/'.format(msg['id']))
    assert response.status == "200 OK"

    # Make sure James can see it
    app.post('/login/', {'username': '******', 'password': '******'})
    response = app.get('/view/{}/'.format(msg['id']))
    assert response.status == "200 OK"

    # Make sure Cassidy can't
    app.post('/login/', {'username': '******', 'password': '******'})
    response = app.get('/view/{}/'.format(msg['id']))
    assert response.status == "302 Found"
    assert urlsplit(response.location).path == "/"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_order_of_loaded_messages():
    """Make sure that load_messages maintains order for us."""
    app = HelperApp(server.message_app)
    app.post('/login/', {'username': '******', 'password': '******'})

    # Add a bunch of messages
    for i, l in enumerate("abcd"):
        # Sleep a second so that our messages have different timestamps
        if i != 0:

        app.post('/compose/', {'to': 'james', 'subject': l, 'body': l.upper()})

    all_messages = message.load_all_messages()
    sent_messages = message.load_sent_messages('jessie')
    received_messages = message.load_sent_messages('james')

    # Check that we're loading messages correctly
    for messages in (all_messages, sent_messages, received_messages):
        for prev, current in zip(messages, messages[1:]):
            assert prev['time'] > current['time']
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_sent_messages():
    """Make sure that we're filtering received messages properly."""
    app = HelperApp(server.message_app)

    # Get a list of people to send messages to (everyone who's not Jessie)
    with open("passwords.json") as f:
        passwords = json.load(f)
        people = set(passwords.keys())

    # Add a bunch of messages (26)
    for l in string.ascii_lowercase:
        sender = random.choice(list(people))
        receiver = random.choice(list(people - set(sender)))
        app.post('/login/', {
            'username': sender,
            'password': passwords[sender]

        app.post('/compose/', {
            'to': receiver,
            'subject': l,
            'body': l.upper()

    sent = {}
    for person in people:
        messages = message.load_sent_messages(person)
        sent[person] = messages

        # It's extremely improbable that all of the messages would go to
        # the same person.
        assert len(messages) < 26

        for m in messages:
            assert m['from'] == person

    # We should have seen 26 total messages
    assert sum(len(l) for l in sent.values()) == 26

    # We should have 26 unique messages
    assert len(set(x['id'] for l in sent.values() for x in l)) == 26
Ejemplo n.º 5
def list_messages():
    """Handler for GET requests to ``/`` path.

    * Lists sent and received messages
    * Requires users to be logged in
    * Loads alerts for display
    * Uses "templates/list_messages.html" as its template

    This handler returns a context dictionary with the following fields:

    * ``sent_messages``: A list of loaded messages (dictionaries)
      in reverse chronological order (from most recent to least
      recent) that have been *sent* by the current user.

    * ``received_messages``: A list of loaded messages (dictionaries)
      in reverse chronological order (from most recent to least
      recent) that have been *received* by the current user.

    :returns: a context dictionary (as described above) to be used by
        @jinja2_view to render a template.

    :rtype: dict

    dict = {}

    # Get's users name from cookie
    user = request.get_cookie("logged_in_as")

    # Get lists of sent and received messages
    sent = load_sent_messages(user)
    received = load_received_messages(user)

    # Put into dicitonary
    dict['sent_messages'] = sent
    dict['received_messages'] = received

    return dict