Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run(self):
     self.started = True
     while self.started:
             topic, content = self.messsageQueue.get_nowait()
             message.pub(topic, content)
         except Queue.Empty, e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     pub_event = tuple(event.split('.'))
     if pub_event[-1] == 'before':
         message.pub(pub_event, *args, **kwargs)
     result = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if pub_event[-1] == 'after':
         message.pub(pub_event, *args, **kwargs)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def hello(name):
    print "hello, %s."%name
def hi(name):
    print "hi, %s."%name

def stop(name):
    print 'hello, %s. greet5'%name
    print 'discontinued.'
    ctx = message.Context()
    ctx.discontinued = True
    return ctx

message.sub('greet', hello)
message.sub('greet', hi)
message.pub('greet', 'lai')
message.pub('greet1', 'lai1')

message.sub('greet1', hello)
message.pub('greet1', 'lai1')

message.unsub('greet', hello)
message.pub('greet', 'unsub')

message.declare('greet2', 'lai2')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _handler(self, sock, addr):
     channel = Channel(sock, Server._handle, self._spawn)
     message.pub(Server.NEW_CONNECTION, self, channel)
     message.pub(Server.LOST_CONNECTION, self, channel)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def insert_folder(mapper, connection, target):
    FOLDER 插入数据库之前,进行数据验证
    :param mapper:
    :param connection:
    :param target: FOLDER orm
    import dayu_database as db
    import util

    # 如果标记为"删除", 那么不验证
    if target.active is False:

    # 如果是root,那么不验证
    if target.name == config.DAYU_DB_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME:

    # 必须指定parent
    assert target.parent_id is not None
    # 如果是第一个层级(通常是project),那么必须指定 db_config_name 和 storage_config_name
    assert not (target.parent.name == config.DAYU_DB_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME and target.db_config_name is None)
    assert not (target.parent.name == config.DAYU_DB_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME and target.storage_config_name is None)
    assert not (target.parent.name == config.DAYU_DB_ROOT_FOLDER_NAME and target.pipeline_config_name is None)

    # 其他层级深度,沿用parent 的db_config_name
    if target.db_config_name is None:
        target.db_config_name = target.parent.db_config_name

    # 其他层级深度,沿用parent 的 storage_config_name
    if target.storage_config_name is None:
        target.storage_config_name = target.parent.storage_config_name

    # 其他层级深度,沿用parent 的 pipeline_config_name
    if target.pipeline_config_name is None:
        target.pipeline_config_name = target.parent.pipeline_config_name

    # 沿用parent 的type_name
    if target.type_name is None:
        target.type_name = target.parent.type_name

    # 沿用parent 的type_group_name
    if target.type_group_name is None:
        target.type_group_name = target.parent.type_group_name

    # 深度+1,这里会调用 db.mixin.DepthMixin 中的 @validate('depth') 函数
    target.depth = target.parent.depth + 1

    if target.depth == 2:
        target.top_id = target.parent_id
        target.top = target.parent
        target.top_id = target.parent.top_id
        target.top = target.parent.top

    # 通过读取对应的 db_config 内容,将用户输入的short name,替换成完整的name
    # 例如,对于shot 来说,用户输入name=0010,但是处理之后会得到 pl_0010 的完整name
    session = db.get_session()
    assert session is not None

    config_orm = util.get_db_config(target.db_config_name)

    parents = list(getattr(target, 'hierarchy', None))
    depth_config = config_orm.config[str(target.depth)]
    selected_names = (x.name for index, x in enumerate(parents) if
                      index in depth_config['to_name_param'][target.meaning])
    target.name = depth_config['to_name'][target.meaning].format(*selected_names)

    # 确保没有重名orm
        assert next((x for x in target.parent.children if x.name == target.name and x.id != target.id), None) is None
        raise Exception(target.name)

    # 如果没有输入label,那么用name 赋值给label,方便GUI 读取
    if target.label is None:
        target.label = target.name

    # 由于shotgun 的监听事件需要修改cloud_id 和cloud_table, 所以必须在这里强行发射信号
    import message
    message.pub(('event', 'db', 'folder', 'commit', 'before'), mapper, connection, target)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def insert_folder(mapper, connection, target):
    # 由于shotgun 的监听事件需要修改cloud_id 和cloud_table, 所以必须在这里强行发射信号
    import message
    message.pub(('event', 'db', 'user', 'commit', 'before'), mapper, connection, target)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def insert_file(mapper, connection, target):
    利用sqlalchemy 的监听机制,在FILE 写入数据库之前,进行数据校验
    :param mapper:
    :param connection:
    :param target:
    import dayu_database as db
    import util

    # 如果删除,那么跳过检查
    if target.active is False:

    # 必须指定parent
    assert target.parent_id is not None

    # 继承parent 的db_config_name
    if target.db_config_name is None:
        target.db_config_name = target.parent.db_config_name

    # 继承parent 的 storage_config_name
    if target.storage_config_name is None:
        target.storage_config_name = target.parent.storage_config_name

    # 其他层级深度,沿用parent 的 pipeline_config_name
    if target.pipeline_config_name is None:
        target.pipeline_config_name = target.parent.pipeline_config_name

    # 继承parent 的type_name
    if target.type_name is None:
        target.type_name = target.parent.type_name

    # 继承parent 的type_group_name
    if target.type_group_name is None:
        target.type_group_name = target.parent.type_group_name
    # parent 的深度+1,会触发mixin.DepthMixin 的 @validate('depth') 函数
    target.depth = target.parent.depth + 1

    # 设置top 属性
    if target.depth == 2:
        target.top_id = target.parent_id
        target.top = target.parent
        target.top_id = target.parent.top_id
        target.top = target.parent.top

    # 如果FILE 不指定文件名,那么很可能是meaning 为VERSION、DAILIES
    # 那么需要根据parent 文件夹内的已有文件,进行版本名自增
    session = db.get_session()
    assert session is not None

    config_orm = util.get_db_config(target.db_config_name)

    if target.name is None:
            contents = target.parent.sub_files.filter(FILE.id != target.id)[-1]
            match = version_regex.match(str(contents.name))
            if match:
                version_num = match.groups()[0]
                target.name = 'v%0{}d'.format(len(version_num)) % (int(version_num) + 1)
                # if target.old_file_id is None:
                #     target.old_file_id = contents.id

            cas_info = db.util.get_cascading_info(target, 'cascading_info')['all_info']
            target.name = cas_info.get('init_{}_version'.format(target.type_group_name), 'v0001')

    # 继续根据db_config 来进行完整name 的组合
    parents = list(getattr(target, 'hierarchy', None))
    depth_config = config_orm.config[str(target.depth)]
    selected_names = (x.name for index, x in enumerate(parents) if
                      index in depth_config['to_name_param'][target.meaning])
    target.name = depth_config['to_name'][target.meaning].format(*selected_names)

    # 保证没有重名
    assert next((x for x in target.parent.children if x.name == target.name and x.id != target.id), None) is None

    # 如果没有label,那么把name 赋值给label,方便GUI 读取显示
    if target.label is None:
        target.label = target.name

    # 由于shotgun 的监听事件需要修改cloud_id 和cloud_table, 所以必须在这里强行发射信号
    import message
    message.pub(('event', 'db', 'file', 'commit', 'before'), mapper, connection, target)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def bar():
    message.pub(LOG_MSG, 'Haha, Calling bar().')
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.sub('greet', greet)

    def pub_greet(self):
        self.pub('greet', self)

foo = Foo('lai')

# 除了简单的sub()/pub()之外,它还支持取消订阅(unsub())和中止消息传递
import message

def hello(name):
    print('hello %s' % name)
    ctx = message.Context()
    ctx.discontinued = True
    return ctx

def hi(name):
    print('you cann\'t see me')

message.sub('greet', hello)
message.sub('greet', hi)
message.pub('greet', 'lai')
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: sgz.py Proyecto: fycheung/misc
 def _handler(self, sock, addr):
     channel = Channel(sock, Server._handle, self._spawn)
     message.pub(Server.NEW_CONNECTION, self, channel)
     message.pub(Server.LOST_CONNECTION, self, channel)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def publishSync(self, topic, content):
     message.pub(topic, content)