Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run_at_time(self, input_dict):
        """! Runs the MET application for a given run time. This function loops
              over the list of forecast leads and runs the application for each.
                @param input_dict dictionary containing time information

        # loop of forecast leads and process each
        lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)
        for lead in lead_seq:
            input_dict['lead_hours'] = lead

            self.logger.info("Processing forecast lead {}".format(lead))

            # set current lead time config and environment variables
            self.config.set('config', 'CURRENT_LEAD_TIME', lead)
            os.environ['METPLUS_CURRENT_LEAD_TIME'] = str(lead)
            time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)

            if util.skip_time(time_info, self.config):
                self.logger.debug('Skipping run time')

            # Run for given init/valid time and forecast lead combination
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run_at_time(self, input_dict):
        """! Runs the MET application for a given run time. This function loops
              over the list of forecast leads and runs the application for each.
              Overrides run_at_time in compare_gridded_wrapper.py
                @param input_dict dictionary containing timing information
#        max_lookback = self.c_dict['MAX_LOOKBACK']
#        file_interval = self.c_dict['FILE_INTERVAL']

        lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)
        for var_info in self.c_dict['VAR_LIST']:
            if self.c_dict['SINGLE_RUN']:
                self.run_single_mode(input_dict, var_info)

            model_list = []
            obs_list = []
            # find files for each forecast lead time
            tasks = []
            for lead in lead_seq:
                input_dict['lead_hours'] = lead
                time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)

            for current_task in tasks:
                # call find_model/obs as needed
                model_file = self.find_model(current_task, var_info)
                obs_file = self.find_obs(current_task, var_info)
                if model_file is None and obs_file is None:
                    self.logger.warning('Obs and fcst files were not found for init {} and lead {}'.
                                        format(current_task['init_fmt'], current_task['lead_hours']))
                if model_file is None:
                    self.logger.warning('Forecast file was not found for init {} and lead {}'.
                                        format(current_task['init_fmt'], current_task['lead_hours']))
                if obs_file is None:
                    self.logger.warning('Observation file was not found for init {} and lead {}'.
                                        format(current_task['init_fmt'], current_task['lead_hours']))

            if len(model_list) == 0:

            # write ascii file with list of files to process
            input_dict['lead_hours'] = 0
            time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)
            model_outfile = time_info['valid_fmt'] + '_mtd_fcst_' + var_info['fcst_name'] + '.txt'
            obs_outfile = time_info['valid_fmt'] + '_mtd_obs_' + var_info['obs_name'] + '.txt'
            model_list_path = self.write_list_file(model_outfile, model_list)
            obs_list_path = self.write_list_file(obs_outfile, obs_list)

            arg_dict = {'obs_path' : obs_list_path,
                        'model_path' : model_list_path }

            self.process_fields_one_thresh(current_task, var_info, **arg_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_lead_sequence_lead_list(key, value):
    input_dict = {'valid': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 1, 13)}
    conf = metplus_config()
    cu = ConfigWrapper(conf, None)
    conf.set('config', 'LEAD_SEQ', key)
    test_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(cu, input_dict)
    lead_seq = value
    assert (test_seq == lead_seq)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_get_lead_sequence_lead():
    input_dict = {'valid': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 1, 13)}
    conf = metplus_config()
    cu = ConfigWrapper(conf, None)
    conf.set('config', 'LEAD_SEQ', "3,6,9,12")
    test_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(cu, input_dict)
    lead_seq = [3, 6, 9, 12]
    assert (test_seq == lead_seq)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_lead_sequence_init(key, value):
    input_dict = {'valid': datetime.datetime(2019, 02, 01, key)}
    conf = metplus_config()
    cu = ConfigWrapper(conf, None)
    conf.set('config', 'INIT_SEQ', "0, 12")
    conf.set('config', 'LEAD_SEQ_MAX', 36)
    test_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(cu, input_dict)
    lead_seq = value
    assert (test_seq == lead_seq)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_get_lead_sequence_init_min_10():
    input_dict = {'valid': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 1, 12)}
    conf = metplus_config()
    cu = ConfigWrapper(conf, None)
    conf.set('config', 'INIT_SEQ', "0, 12")
    conf.set('config', 'LEAD_SEQ_MAX', 24)
    conf.set('config', 'LEAD_SEQ_MIN', 10)
    test_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(cu, input_dict)
    lead_seq = [12, 24]
    assert (test_seq == lead_seq)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def run_at_time(self, input_dict):
        """! Stub, not yet implemented """
        # loop of forecast leads and process each
        lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)
        for lead in lead_seq:
            input_dict['lead_hours'] = lead

            self.logger.info("Processing forecast lead {}".format(lead))

            # set current lead time config and environment variables
            self.config.set('config', 'CURRENT_LEAD_TIME', lead)
            os.environ['METPLUS_CURRENT_LEAD_TIME'] = str(lead)

            # Run for given init/valid time and forecast lead combination
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def run_at_time(self, input_dict):
     """! Runs the MET application for a given run time. Processing forecast
           or observation data is determined by conf variables. This function
           loops over the list of forecast leads and runs the application for
             @param input_dict dictionary containing timing information
     lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)
     for lead in lead_seq:
         input_dict['lead_hours'] = lead
         self.config.set('config', 'CURRENT_LEAD_TIME', lead)
         os.environ['METPLUS_CURRENT_LEAD_TIME'] = str(lead)
         time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def run_at_time(self, input_dict):
        """! Do some processing for the current run time (init or valid)
                @param input_dict dictionary containing time information of current run
                        generally contains 'now' (current) time and 'init' or 'valid' time
        # fill in time info dictionary
        time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)

        # check if looping by valid or init and log time for run
        loop_by = time_info['loop_by']
        self.logger.info('Running ExampleWrapper at {} time {}'.format(loop_by,

        # read input directory and template from config dictionary
        input_dir = self.c_dict['INPUT_DIR']
        input_template = self.c_dict['INPUT_TEMPLATE']
        self.logger.info('Input directory is {}'.format(input_dir))
        self.logger.info('Input template is {}'.format(input_template))

        # get forecast leads to loop over
        lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)
        for lead in lead_seq:

            # set forecast lead time in hours
            time_info['lead_hours'] = lead

            # recalculate time info items
            time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(time_info)

            # log init, valid, and forecast lead times for current loop iteration
            self.logger.info('Processing forecast lead {} initialized at {} and valid at {}'
                             .format(lead, time_info['init'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %HZ'),
                                     time_info['valid'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %HZ')))

            # perform string substitution to find filename based on template and current run time
            # pass in logger, then template, then any items to use to fill in template
            # pass time info with ** in front to expand each dictionary item to a variable
            #  i.e. time_info['init'] becomes init=init_value
            filename = StringSub(self.logger,
            self.logger.info('Looking in input directory for file: {}'.format(filename))

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def run_single_mode(self, input_dict, var_info):
        single_list = []

        if self.c_dict['SINGLE_DATA_SRC'] == 'OBS':
            find_method = self.find_obs
            s_name = var_info['obs_name']
            s_level = var_info['obs_level']
            find_method = self.find_model
            s_name = var_info['fcst_name']
            s_level = var_info['fcst_level']

        lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)
        for lead in lead_seq:
            input_dict['lead_hours'] = lead
            current_task = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)

            single_file = find_method(current_task, var_info)
            if single_file is None:
                self.logger.warning('Single file was not found for init {} and lead {}'.
                                    format(current_task['init_fmt'], current_task['lead_hours']))

        if len(single_list) == 0:

        # write ascii file with list of files to process
        input_dict['lead_hours'] = 0
        time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)
        single_outfile = time_info['valid_fmt'] + '_mtd_single_' + s_name + '.txt'
        single_list_path = self.write_list_file(single_outfile, single_list)

        arg_dict = {}
        if self.c_dict['SINGLE_DATA_SRC'] == 'OBS':
            arg_dict['obs_path'] = single_list_path
            arg_dict['model_path'] = None
            arg_dict['model_path'] = single_list_path
            arg_dict['obs_path'] = None

        self.process_fields_one_thresh(current_task, var_info, **arg_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def run_at_time(self, input_dict):
        """! Runs the MET application for a given run time. Processing forecast
              or observation data is determined by conf variables. This function
              loops over the list of forecast leads and runs the application for
                @param init_time initialization time to run. -1 if not set
                @param valid_time valid time to run. -1 if not set
        app_name_caps = self.app_name.upper()
        class_name = self.__class__.__name__[0:-7]
        lead_seq = util.get_lead_sequence(self.config, input_dict)

        run_list = []
        if self.config.getbool('config', 'FCST_' + app_name_caps + '_RUN',
        if self.config.getbool('config', 'OBS_' + app_name_caps + '_RUN',

        if len(run_list) == 0:
            self.logger.error(class_name+" specified in process_list, but "+\
                              "FCST_"+app_name_caps+"_RUN and OBS_"+app_name_caps+"_RUN "+\
                              " are both False. Set one or both to true or "+\
                              "remove "+class_name+" from the process_list")

        for to_run in run_list:
            self.logger.info("Processing {} data".format(to_run))
            for lead in lead_seq:
                input_dict['lead_hours'] = lead
                self.config.set('config', 'CURRENT_LEAD_TIME', lead)
                os.environ['METPLUS_CURRENT_LEAD_TIME'] = str(lead)
                self.logger.info("Processing forecast lead {}".format(lead))
                time_info = time_util.ti_calculate(input_dict)
                for var_info in self.c_dict['VAR_LIST']:
                    self.run_at_time_once(time_info, var_info, to_run)