Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_find_last_for_smoke():
    last, = mdsc.find_last()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_find_last_for_smoke():
    last, = mdsc.find_last()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """DWIM slicing

        Some more docs go here
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            # Interpret key as a slice into previous scans.
            if key.start is not None and key.start > -1:
                raise ValueError("slice.start must be negative. You gave me "
                                 "key=%s The offending part is key.start=%s"
                                 % (key, key.start))
            if key.stop is not None and key.stop > 0:
                raise ValueError("slice.stop must be <= 0. You gave me key=%s. "
                                 "The offending part is key.stop = %s"
                                 % (key, key.stop))
            if key.stop is not None:
                stop = -key.stop
                stop = None
            if key.start is None:
                raise ValueError("slice.start cannot be None because we do not "
                                 "support slicing infinitely into the past; "
                                 "the size of the result is non-deterministic "
                                 "and could become too large.")
            start = -key.start
            result = list(find_last(start))[stop::key.step]
            header = [Header.from_run_start(h) for h in result]
        elif isinstance(key, int):
            if key > -1:
                # Interpret key as a scan_id.
                gen = find_run_starts(scan_id=key)
                    result = next(gen)  # most recent match
                except StopIteration:
                    raise ValueError("No such run found for key=%s which is "
                                     "being interpreted as a scan id." % key)
                header = Header.from_run_start(result)
                # Interpret key as the Nth last scan.
                gen = find_last(-key)
                for i in range(-key):
                        result = next(gen)
                    except StopIteration:
                        raise IndexError(
                            "There are only {0} runs.".format(i))
                header = Header.from_run_start(result)
        elif isinstance(key, six.string_types):
            results = None
            if len(key) >= 36:
                # Interpret key as a uid (or the few several characters of one).
                logger.debug('Treating %s as a full uuid' % key)
                results = list(find_run_starts(uid=key))
                logger.debug('%s runs found for key=%s treated as a full uuid'
                             % (len(results), key))
            if not results == 0:
                # No dice? Try searching as if we have a partial uid.
                logger.debug('Treating %s as a partial uuid' % key)
                gen = find_run_starts(uid={'$regex': '{0}.*'.format(key)})
                results = list(gen)
            if not results:
                # Still no dice? Bail out.
                raise ValueError("No such run found for key=%s" % key)
            if len(results) > 1:
                raise ValueError("key=%s  matches %s runs. Provide "
                                 "more characters." % (key, len(results)))
            result, = results
            header = Header.from_run_start(result)
        elif isinstance(key, Iterable):
            # Interpret key as a list of several keys. If it is a string
            # we will never get this far.
            return [self.__getitem__(k) for k in key]
            raise ValueError("Must give an integer scan ID like [6], a slice "
                             "into past scans like [-5], [-5:], or [-5:-9:2], "
                             "a list like [1, 7, 13], a (partial) uid "
                             "like ['a23jslk'] or a full uid like "
        return header