Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_copy():
    """Test that the copy method works for all classes in `declarative.py`."""
    # Copies of plot objects
    objects = [ImagePlot(), ContourPlot(), FilledContourPlot(), BarbPlot(), PlotObs(),

    for obj in objects:
        obj.time = datetime.now()
        copied_obj = obj.copy()
        assert obj is not copied_obj
        assert obj.time == copied_obj.time

    # Copies of MapPanel and PanelContainer
    obj = MapPanel()
    obj.title = 'Sample Text'
    copied_obj = obj.copy()
    assert obj is not copied_obj
    assert obj.title == copied_obj.title

    obj = PanelContainer()
    obj.size = (10, 10)
    copied_obj = obj.copy()
    assert obj is not copied_obj
    assert obj.size == copied_obj.size

    # Copies of plots in MapPanels should not point to same location in memory
    obj = MapPanel()
    obj.plots = [PlotObs(), PlotGeometry(), BarbPlot(), FilledContourPlot(), ContourPlot(),
    copied_obj = obj.copy()

    for i in range(len(obj.plots)):
        assert obj.plots[i] is not copied_obj.plots[i]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_latlon():
    """Test our handling of lat/lon information."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('irma_gfs_example.nc', as_file_obj=False))

    img = ImagePlot()
    img.data = data
    img.field = 'Temperature_isobaric'
    img.level = 500 * units.hPa
    img.time = datetime(2017, 9, 5, 15, 0, 0)
    img.colorbar = None

    contour = ContourPlot()
    contour.data = data
    contour.field = 'Geopotential_height_isobaric'
    contour.level = img.level
    contour.time = img.time

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.projection = 'lcc'
    panel.area = 'us'
    panel.plots = [img, contour]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.panel = panel

    return pc.figure
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_global():
    """Test that we can set global extent."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(GiniFile(get_test_data('NHEM-MULTICOMP_1km_IR_20151208_2100.gini')))

    img = ImagePlot()
    img.data = data
    img.field = 'IR'

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.area = 'global'
    panel.plots = [img]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.panel = panel

    return pc.figure
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_declarative_image():
    """Test making an image plot."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(GiniFile(get_test_data('NHEM-MULTICOMP_1km_IR_20151208_2100.gini')))

    img = ImagePlot()
    img.data = data.metpy.parse_cf('IR')
    img.colormap = 'Greys_r'

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.title = 'Test'
    panel.plots = [img]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.panel = panel

    assert panel.ax.get_title() == 'Test'

    return pc.figure
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_declarative_events():
    """Test that resetting traitlets properly propagates."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('narr_example.nc', as_file_obj=False))

    contour = ContourPlot()
    contour.data = data
    contour.field = 'Temperature'
    contour.level = 850 * units.hPa
    contour.contours = 30
    contour.linewidth = 1
    contour.linecolor = 'red'

    img = ImagePlot()
    img.data = data
    img.field = 'v_wind'
    img.level = 700 * units.hPa
    img.colormap = 'hot'
    img.image_range = (3000, 5000)

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.area = 'us'
    panel.projection = 'lcc'
    panel.layers = ['coastline', 'borders', 'states']
    panel.plots = [contour, img]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.size = (8, 8.0)
    pc.panels = [panel]

    # Update some properties to make sure it regenerates the figure
    contour.linewidth = 2
    contour.linecolor = 'green'
    contour.level = 700 * units.hPa
    contour.field = 'Specific_humidity'
    img.field = 'Geopotential_height'
    img.colormap = 'plasma'
    img.colorbar = 'horizontal'

    return pc.figure
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Use sample NARR data for plotting
narr = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('narr_example.nc', as_file_obj=False))

# Create a contour plot of temperature
contour = ContourPlot()
contour.data = narr
contour.field = 'Temperature'
contour.level = 850 * units.hPa
contour.linecolor = 'red'
contour.contours = 15

# Create an image plot of Geopotential height
img = ImagePlot()
img.data = narr
img.field = 'Geopotential_height'
img.level = 850 * units.hPa

# Plot the data on a map
panel = MapPanel()
panel.area = 'us'
panel.layers = ['coastline', 'borders', 'states', 'rivers', 'ocean', 'land']
panel.title = 'NARR Example'
panel.plots = [contour, img]

pc = PanelContainer()
pc.size = (10, 8)
pc.panels = [panel]