Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_table_headers(request, template='table_headers.html'):
    slugs = request.GET.get('cols', settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)
    order = request.GET.get('order', None)
    if order:
        sort_icon = 'fa-sort-desc' if order[0] == '-' else 'fa-sort-asc'
        order = order[1:] if order[0] == '-' else order

    if not slugs: slugs = settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS
    slugs = slugs.split(',')
    columns = []

    # if this is an ajax call it means it's from our app, so append the
    # checkbox column for adding to selections
    if (request.is_ajax()):
        columns.append(["collection", "Collect"])

    param_info = ParamInfo.objects
    for slug in slugs:
        if slug and slug != 'ring_obs_id':
                columns.append([slug, param_info.get(slug=slug).label_results])
            except ParamInfo.DoesNotExist:
    return render(request, template, locals())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def guide(request):

    base_url = 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + '/opus/'
    groups = Group.objects.all()
    resources = Resource.objects.filter(

    return render(request, 'guide.html', locals())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def edit_collection_range(request, **kwargs):
    the request will come in not as a single ring_obs_id
    but as min and max ring_obs_ids + a range in a search query

    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True

    session_id = request.session.session_key
    colls_table_name = get_collection_table(session_id)

    (action, ring_obs_id, request_no,
     expected_request_no) = check_collection_args(request, **kwargs)

    id_range = request.GET.get('addrange', False)
    if not id_range:
        return False
        # "invalid ringobsid pair"

    (min_id, max_id) = id_range.split(',')
    (selections, extras) = urlToSearchParams(request.GET)

    from results.views import *
    data = getData(request, "raw")
    selected_range = []
    in_range = False  # loop has reached the range selected

    column_slugs = request.GET.get('cols', settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)

    ring_obs_id_key = column_slugs.split(',').index('ringobsid')

    # return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data['page']));
    for row in data['page']:

        ring_obs_id = row[ring_obs_id_key]

        if ring_obs_id == min_id:
            in_range = True

        if in_range:

        if in_range & (ring_obs_id == max_id):

            # this is the last one, update the collection
            if action == 'addrange':
                bulk_add_to_collection([rid for rid in selected_range],

    if not selected_range:
        log.error("edit_collection_range failed to find range " + id_range)

    return get_collection_count(session_id)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getRangeEndpoints(request, slug, fmt='json'):
    returns valid range endpoints for field given selections and extras
    # if this param is in selections we want to remove it,
    # want results for param as they would be without itself constrained

    #    extras['qtypes']['']

    param_info = search.views.get_param_info_by_slug(slug)

    param_name = param_info.param_name()
    form_type = param_info.form_type
    table_name = param_info.category_name
    param_name1 = stripNumericSuffix(param_name.split('.')[1]) + '1'
    param_name2 = stripNumericSuffix(param_name.split('.')[1]) + '2'
    param_name_no_num = stripNumericSuffix(param_name1)
    table_model = apps.get_model('search', table_name.title().replace('_', ''))

    if form_type == 'RANGE' and '1' not in param_info.slug and '2' not in param_info.slug:
        param_name1 = param_name2 = param_name_no_num

        (selections, extras) = search.views.urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
        user_table = search.views.getUserQueryTable(selections, extras)
        has_selections = True

    except TypeError:
        selections = {}
        has_selections = False
        user_table = False

    # we remove this param from the user's query if it's there, because
    # otherwise it will just return it's own values
    if param_name1 in selections:
        del selections[param_name1]
    if param_name2 in selections:
        del selections[param_name2]

    # cached already?
    cache_key = "rangeep" + param_name_no_num
    if user_table:
        cache_key += str(search.views.setUserSearchNo(selections, extras))

    if cache.get(cache_key) is not None:
        range_endpoints = cache.get(cache_key)
        return responseFormats(range_endpoints, fmt, template='mults.html')

        results = table_model.objects  # this is a count(*), group_by query
    except AttributeError, e:
        log.error("could not find table model for table_name: %s" % table_name)
        raise Http404("Does Not Exist")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getResultCount(request, fmt='json'):
    result count for a search


    if request.GET is None:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'result_count': '0'}),

        (selections, extras) = search.views.urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
    except TypeError:
        log.error("could not find selections for request")
        raise Http404

    reqno = request.GET.get('reqno', '')

    if selections is False:
        count = 'not found'
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'result_count': count}),

    table = search.views.getUserQueryTable(selections, extras)

    if table is False:
        count = 0
        cache_key = "resultcount:" + table
        if (cache.get(cache_key)):
            count = cache.get(cache_key)
            cursor = connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("select count(*) from " +
                count = cursor.fetchone()
                count = count[0]
                count = 0

        cache.set(cache_key, count, 0)

    data = {'result_count': count}

    if (request.is_ajax()):
        data['reqno'] = request.GET['reqno']

    return responseFormats({'data': [data]}, fmt, template='result_count.html')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def init_detail_page(request, **kwargs):
    this loads the initial parts of the detail tab on first loads
    these are the things that are fast to compute while other parts of the page
    are handled with ajax calls because they are slower

    the detail page calls other views via ajax:


    template = "detail.html"
    slugs = request.GET.get('cols', False)
    ring_obs_id = kwargs['ring_obs_id']

    # get the preview image and some general info
        img = Image.objects.get(ring_obs_id=ring_obs_id)
    except Image.DoesNotExist:
        img = None
    base_vol_path = get_base_path_previews(ring_obs_id)

    path = settings.IMAGE_HTTP_PATH + base_vol_path
    if 'CIRS' in base_vol_path:
        path = path.replace('previews', 'diagrams')

    instrument_id = ObsGeneral.objects.filter(

    # get the preview guide url
    preview_guide_url = ''
    if instrument_id == 'COCIRS':
        preview_guide_url = 'http://pds-rings.seti.org/cassini/cirs/COCIRS_previews.txt'
    if instrument_id == 'COUVIS':
        preview_guide_url = 'http://pds-rings.seti.org/cassini/uvis/UVIS_previews.txt'
    if instrument_id == 'COVIMS':
        preview_guide_url = 'http://pds-rings.seti.org/cassini/vims/COVIMS_previews.txt'

    # get the list of files for this observation
    files = getFiles(ring_obs_id, fmt='raw')[ring_obs_id]
    file_list = {}
    for product_type in files:
        if product_type not in file_list:
            file_list[product_type] = []
        for f in files[product_type]:
            ext = f.split('.').pop()
            file_list[product_type].append({'ext': ext, 'link': f})

    return render(request, template, locals())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getColumnChooser(request, **kwargs):

    slugs = request.GET.get('cols', settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS).split(',')

    slugs = filter(
        None, slugs)  # sometimes 'cols' is in url but is blank, so fails above
    if not slugs:
        slugs = settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS.split(',')
    all_slugs_info = getColumnInfo(slugs)
    namespace = 'column_chooser_input'
    menu = getMenuLabels(request, 'results')['menu']

    return render(request, "choose_columns.html", locals())
Ejemplo n.º 8
def edit_collection_addall(request, **kwargs):
    add the entire result set to the collection cart

    This may be turned off. The way to turn this off is:

    - comment out html link in apps/ui/templates/browse_headers.html
    - add these lines below:

            # turn off this functionality
            log.debug("edit_collection_addall is currently turned off. see apps/user_collections.edit_collection_addall")
            return  # this thing is turned off for now

    The reason is it needs more testing, but this branch makes a big
    efficiency improvements to the way downloads are handled, and fixes
    some things, so I wanted to merge it into master

    Things that needs further exploration:
    This functionality provides no checks on how large a cart can be.
    There needs to be some limit.
    It doesn't hide the menu link when the result count is too high.
    And what happens when it bumps against the MAX_CUM_DOWNLOAD_SIZE.
    The functionality is there but these are questions!

    To bring this functionality back for testing do the folloing:
        - uncomment the "add all to cart" link in apps/ui/templates/browse_headers.html
        - comment out the 2 lines below in this function

    # turn off this functionality
        "edit_collection_addall is currently unavailable. see user_collections.edit_collection_addall()"
    return  # this thing is turned off for now

    session_id = request.session.session_key
    colls_table_name = get_collection_table(session_id)

    (selections, extras) = urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
    query_table_name = getUserQueryTable(selections, extras)

    cursor = connection.cursor()
    coll_table_name = get_collection_table(session_id)
    sql = "replace into " + connection.ops.quote_name(coll_table_name) + \
          " (id, ring_obs_id) select o.id, o.ring_obs_id from obs_general o, " + connection.ops.quote_name(query_table_name) + \
          " s where o.id = s.id"
    return get_collection_count(session_id)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_download_info_API(request):
    this serves get_download_info as an api endpoint
    but takes a request object as input
    and inspects the request for product type / preview image filters

    from user_collections.views import get_collection_table  # circulosity
    session_id = request.session.session_key
    colls_table_name = get_collection_table(session_id)

    product_types = []
    product_types_str = request.GET.get('types', None)
    if product_types_str:
        product_types = product_types_str.split(',')

    previews = []
    previews_str = request.GET.get('previews', None)
    if previews_str:
        previews = previews_str.split(',')

    # since we are assuming this is coming from user interaction
    # if no filters exist then none of this product type is wanted
    if product_types == ['none'] and previews == ['none']:
        # ie this happens when all product types are unchecked in the interface
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
            'size': '0',
            'count': '0'

    if previews == ['all']:
        previews = [i[0] for i in settings.image_sizes]

    # now get the files and download size / count for this cart
    urls = []
    from results.views import *
    download_size, count = get_download_info(product_types, previews,

    # make pretty size string
    download_size = nice_file_size(download_size)

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
        'size': download_size,
        'count': count
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getImage(request,size='med', ring_obs_id='',fmt='mouse'):      # mouse?
    size = thumb, small, med, full
    return ring_obs_id + ' ' + size

    return HttpResponse(img + "<br>" + ring_obs_id + ' ' + size +' '+ fmt)
        img = Image.objects.filter(ring_obs_id=ring_obs_id).values(size)[0][size]
    except IndexError:

    path = settings.IMAGE_HTTP_PATH + get_base_path_previews(ring_obs_id)
    return responseFormats({'data':[{'img':img, 'path':path}]}, fmt, size=size, path=path, template='image_list.html')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getData(request,fmt):
    a page of results for a given search
    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True

    session_id = request.session.session_key

    [page_no, limit, page, page_ids, order] = getPage(request)

    checkboxes = True if (request.is_ajax()) else False

    slugs = request.GET.get('cols',settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)
    if not slugs: slugs = settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS

    is_column_chooser = request.GET.get('col_chooser', False)

    labels = []
    id_index = 0

    for slug in slugs.split(','):
        if slug == 'ringobsid':
            id_index = slugs.split(',').index(slug)
            labels += [ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=slug).label_results]
        except ParamInfo.DoesNotExist:
            # this slug doens't match anything in param info, nix it
            log.error('could not find param_info for ' + slug)

    if is_column_chooser:
        labels.insert(0, "add")   # adds a column for checkbox add-to-collections

    collection = ''
    if request.is_ajax():
        # find the members of user collection in this page
        # for pre-filling checkboxes
        collection = get_collection_in_page(page, session_id)

    data = {'page_no':page_no, 'limit':limit, 'page':page, 'count':len(page), 'labels': labels}

    if fmt == 'raw':
        return data
        return responseFormats(data,fmt,template='data.html', id_index=id_index, labels=labels,checkboxes=checkboxes, collection=collection, order=order)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getImage(request,size='med', ring_obs_id='',fmt='mouse'):      # mouse?
    size = thumb, small, med, full
    return ring_obs_id + ' ' + size

    return HttpResponse(img + "<br>" + ring_obs_id + ' ' + size +' '+ fmt)
        img = Image.objects.filter(ring_obs_id=ring_obs_id).values(size)[0][size]
    except IndexError:
        log.error('getImage: IndexError - Could not find ring_obs_id %s, size %s', str(ring_obs_id), str(size))

    path = settings.IMAGE_HTTP_PATH + get_base_path_previews(ring_obs_id)
    if 'CIRS' in ring_obs_id:
        path = path.replace('previews','diagrams')

    return responseFormats({'data':[{'img':img, 'path':path}]}, fmt, size=size, path=path, template='image_list.html')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_metadata_by_slugs(request, ring_obs_id, slugs, fmt):
    returns results for specified slugs

    params_by_table = {}  # params by table_name
    data = []
    all_info = {}

    for slug in slugs:
        param_info = get_param_info_by_slug(slug)
        if not param_info:
            continue  # todo this should raise end user error
        table_name = param_info.category_name
        params_by_table.setdefault(table_name, []).append(param_info.param_name().split('.')[1])
        all_info[slug] = param_info  # to get things like dictionary entries for interface

    if slugs and not all_info:
        # none of the slugs were valid slugs
        # can't ignore them and return all metadata because can lead to infinite recursion here
        raise Http404

    for table_name, param_list in params_by_table.items():
        model_name = ''.join(table_name.title().split('_'))
        table_model = apps.get_model('search', model_name)

        results = table_model.objects.filter(ring_obs_id=ring_obs_id).values(*param_list)
                  # are not ring_obs_id unique in all obs tables so why is this not a .get query

        if not results:
            # this ring_obs_id doesn't exist in this table, log this..
            log.error('Could not find ring_obs_id %s in table %s', ring_obs_id, table_name)

        for param,value in results[0].items():
            data.append({param: value})

    if fmt == 'html':
        return render(request, 'detail_metadata_slugs.html',locals())
    if fmt == 'json':
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")
    if fmt == 'raw':
        return data, all_info  # includes definitions for opus interface
Ejemplo n.º 14
def getValidMults(request, slug, fmt='json'):
    fetch mult widget hinting data for widget defined by slug
    based on current search defined in request

    this is the widget hinting numbers that appear next to each
    possible checkbox value in a mult/group widget (green numbers)

    pass request, slug, and response format
    returns valid mults for a given field (slug) like so:

        { 'field':slug,'mults':mults }

        (selections, extras) = search.views.urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error('Failed to get selections for slug %s, URL %s', str(slug),
        log.error('.. %s', str(e))
        selections = {}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getFilesAPI(request, ring_obs_id=None, fmt=None, loc_type=None):

    if not ring_obs_id:
        ring_obs_id = ''
    if not fmt:
        fmt = 'raw'  # the format this function returns
    if not loc_type:
        loc_type = 'url'


    product_types = request.GET.get('types',[])
    previews = request.GET.get('previews',[])

    if product_types:
        product_types = product_types.split(',')
    if previews:
        previews = previews.split(',')

    # we want the api to return all possible files unless otherwise described
    if not product_types:
        product_types = 'all'

    if not previews:
        previews = 'all'
    if previews == ['none']:
        previews = []

    if request and request.GET and not ring_obs_id:

        # no ring_obs_id passed, get files from search results
        (selections,extras) = urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
        page  = getData(request,'raw')['page']
        if not len(page):
            return False
        ring_obs_id = [p[0] for p in page]

    return getFiles(ring_obs_id=ring_obs_id, fmt=fmt, loc_type=loc_type, product_types=product_types, previews=previews)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def collection_status(request, collection_name='default'):
    #todo this method needs tests

    expected_request_no = 1
    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        count = 0
        session_id = request.session.session_key
        count = get_collection_count(session_id)

        expected_request_no = request.session['expected_request_no']
    except KeyError:
        pass  # leave xpected_request_no = 1

    return HttpResponse(
            "count": count,
            "expected_request_no": expected_request_no
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getMenu(request):
    """ hack, need to get menu sometimes without rendering,
        ie from another view.. so this is for column chooser
        couldn't get template include/block.super to heed GET vars """
    return getMenuLabels(request, 'search')
Ejemplo n.º 18
def create_download(request,
    feeds request to getFiles and zips up all files it finds into zip file
    and adds a manifest file and md5 checksums


    fmt = request.GET.get('fmt', "raw")
    product_types = request.GET.get('types', 'none')
    product_types = product_types.split(',')

    previews = request.GET.get('previews', 'none')
    previews = previews.split(',')

    if not ring_obs_ids:
        ring_obs_ids = []
        from user_collections.views import *
        ring_obs_ids = get_all_in_collection(request)

    if type(ring_obs_ids) is unicode or type(ring_obs_ids).__name__ == 'str':
        ring_obs_ids = [ring_obs_id]

    if not ring_obs_ids:
        raise Http404

    # create some file names
    zip_file_name = create_zip_filename()
    chksum_file_name = settings.TAR_FILE_PATH + "checksum_" + zip_file_name.split(
        ".")[0] + ".txt"
    manifest_file_name = settings.TAR_FILE_PATH + "manifest_" + zip_file_name.split(
        ".")[0] + ".txt"
    csv_file_name = settings.TAR_FILE_PATH + "csv_" + zip_file_name.split(
        ".")[0] + ".txt"

    create_csv_file(request, csv_file_name)

    # fetch the full file paths we'll be zipping up
    import results
    files = results.views.getFiles(ring_obs_ids,

    if not files:
            "no files found from results.views.getFiles in downloads.create_download"
        raise Http404

    # zip each file into tarball and create a manifest too
    zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(settings.TAR_FILE_PATH + zip_file_name,
    chksum = open(chksum_file_name, "w")
    manifest = open(manifest_file_name, "w")
    size, download_count = get_download_info(files)

    # don't keep creating downloads after user has reached their size limit
    cum_download_size = request.session.get('cum_download_size', 0)
    if cum_download_size > settings.MAX_CUM_DOWNLOAD_SIZE:
        # user is trying to download > MAX_CUM_DOWNLOAD_SIZE
        return HttpResponse("Sorry, Max cumulative download size reached " +
                            str(cum_download_size) + ' > ' +
        cum_download_size = cum_download_size + size
        request.session['cum_download_size'] = int(cum_download_size)

    errors = []
    added = []
    for ring_obs_id in files:
        for product_type in files[ring_obs_id]:
            for f in files[ring_obs_id][product_type]:

                if 'FMT' in f or 'fmt' in f:
                    pretty_name = '/'.join(f.split("/")[-3:]).upper()
                    digest = "%s:%s" % (pretty_name, md5(f))
                    mdigest = "%s:%s" % (ring_obs_id, pretty_name)
                    pretty_name = f.split("/")[-1]
                    if product_type != 'preview_image':
                        pretty_name = pretty_name.upper()

                    digest = "%s:%s" % (pretty_name, md5(f))
                    mdigest = "%s:%s" % (ring_obs_id, pretty_name)

                if pretty_name not in added:

                    chksum.write(digest + "\n")
                    manifest.write(mdigest + "\n")
                        zip_file.write(f, arcname=f.split(
                            "/")[-1])  # arcname = fielname only, not full path

                    except Exception, e:
                        errors.append("could not find: " + pretty_name)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_browse_headers(request, template='browse_headers.html'):
    return render(request, template, locals())
Ejemplo n.º 20
def getData(request,fmt):
    return sa page of data for a given search and page_no like so:

        data = {
                'page':page,         # tabular page data
                'labels': labels

    can return raw or http response

    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True

    session_id = request.session.session_key

    [page_no, limit, page, page_ids, order] = getPage(request)

    checkboxes = request.is_ajax()

    slugs = request.GET.get('cols',settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)
    if not slugs: slugs = settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS

    is_column_chooser = request.GET.get('col_chooser', False)

    labels = []
    id_index = 0

    for slug in slugs.split(','):
        if slug == 'ringobsid':
            id_index = slugs.split(',').index(slug)
            labels += [ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=slug).label_results]
        except ParamInfo.DoesNotExist:
            # this slug doens't match anything in param info, nix it
            if '1' in slug:
                # single column range slugs will not have the index, but
                # will come in with it because of how ui is designed, so
                # look for the slug without the index
                temp_slug = slug[:-1]
                    labels += [ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=temp_slug).label_results]
                except ParamInfo.DoesNotExist:
                    log.error('Could not find param_info for %s', slug)

    if is_column_chooser:
        labels.insert(0, "add")   # adds a column for checkbox add-to-collections

    collection = ''
    if request.is_ajax():
        # find the members of user collection in this page
        # for pre-filling checkboxes
        collection = get_collection_in_page(page, session_id)

    data = {'page_no':page_no, 'limit':limit, 'page':page, 'count':len(page), 'labels': labels}

    if fmt == 'raw':
        return data
        return responseFormats(data,fmt,template='data.html', id_index=id_index, labels=labels,checkboxes=checkboxes, collection=collection, order=order)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_metadata(request, ring_obs_id, fmt):
    results for a single observation
    all the data, in categories

    pass cols to narrow by particular fields
    pass cat to list value of all fields in named category(s)

    accepts 'cols' as a GET var which is a list of columns by slug
    however the response does not return field names as slugs but as field name
    so this is strange
        make it return cols by slug as field name if cols are slugs (no underscores)
        if cols does has underscores make it return field names as column name
        (this is a fix for backward compatablility )

        and om make 'field' an alias for 'cols' plz omg what is 'cols' even

        if cat is passed returns all in the named category(s) and ignores cols

        you will have to add a column to table_names "slug" to get a
        url-worthy representation of the category name


    if not ring_obs_id: raise Http404

        slugs = request.GET.get('cols', False)
        if slugs:
            return get_metadata_by_slugs(request, ring_obs_id, slugs.split(','), fmt)
    except AttributeError:
        pass  # no request was sent

        cats = request.GET.get('cats',False)
    except AttributeError:
        cats = False  # no request was send, legacy requirement?

    data = SortedDict({})  # will hold data struct to be returned
    all_info = {}  # holds all the param info objects

    # find all the tables (categories) this observation belongs to,
    if not cats:
        all_tables = TableName.objects.filter(display='Y').order_by('disp_order')
        # restrict table to those found in cats
        all_tables = TableName.objects.filter(table_name__in=cats.split(','), display='Y').order_by('disp_order')

    # now find all params and their values in each of these tables:
    for table in all_tables:
        table_label = table.label
        table_name = table.table_name
        model_name = ''.join(table_name.title().split('_'))

            table_model = apps.get_model('search', model_name)
        except LookupError:
            log.error("could not find data model for category %s " % model_name)

        all_slugs = [param.slug for param in ParamInfo.objects.filter(category_name=table_name, display_results=1).order_by('disp_order')]
        all_params = [param.name for param in ParamInfo.objects.filter(category_name=table_name, display_results=1).order_by('disp_order')]

        for k, slug in enumerate(all_slugs):
            param_info = get_param_info_by_slug(slug)
            name = param_info.name
            all_info[name] = param_info

        if all_params:
                results = table_model.objects.filter(ring_obs_id=ring_obs_id).values(*all_params)[0]

                # results is an ordinary dict so here to make sure we have the correct ordering:
                ordered_results = SortedDict({})
                for param in all_params:
                    ordered_results[param] = results[param]

                data[table_label] = ordered_results

            except AttributeError: pass  # no results found in this table, move along
            except IndexError: pass  # no results found in this table, move along
            except FieldError: pass  # this ring_obs_id not found in this table

    if fmt == 'html':
        return render(request, 'detail_metadata.html',locals())
    if fmt == 'json':
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")
    if fmt == 'raw':
        return data, all_info  # includes definitions for opus interface
Ejemplo n.º 22
def getWidget(request, **kwargs):
    """ search form widget as string, http response"""

    slug = kwargs['slug']
    fmt = kwargs['fmt']
    form = ''

    param_info = get_param_info_by_slug(slug)

    form_type = param_info.form_type
    param_name = param_info.param_name()

    dictionary = param_info.get_dictionary_info()

    form_vals = {slug: None}
    auto_id = True
    selections = {}

    if (request.GET):
            (selections, extras) = urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
        except TypeError:

    addlink = request.GET.get('addlink', True)  # suppresses the add_str link
    remove_str = '<a class = "remove_input" href = "">-</a>'
    add_str = '<a class = "add_input" href = "">add</a> '

    append_to_label = ''  # text to append to a widget label
    search_form = param_info.search_form
    if 'obs_surface_geometry__' in search_form:
        # append the target name to surface geo widget labels
            append_to_label = " - %s" % search_form.split('__')[1].title()
        except KeyError:

    if form_type in settings.RANGE_FIELDS:
        auto_id = False

        slug_no_num = stripNumericSuffix(slug)
        param_name_no_num = stripNumericSuffix(param_name)

        slug1 = slug_no_num + '1'
        slug2 = slug_no_num + '2'
        param1 = param_name_no_num + '1'
        param2 = param_name_no_num + '2'

        form_vals = {slug1: None, slug2: None}

        # find length of longest list of selections for either param1 or param2,
        # tells us how many times to go through loop below
            len1 = len(selections[param1])
            len1 = 0
            len2 = len(selections[param2])
            len2 = 0
        lngth = len1 if len1 > len2 else len2

        if not lngth:  # param is not constrained
            form = str(SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id=auto_id).as_ul())
            if addlink == 'false':
                form = '<ul>' + form + '<li>' + remove_str + '</li></ul>'  # remove input is last list item in form
                form = '<span>' + add_str + '</span><ul>' + form + '</ul>'  # add input link comes before form

        else:  # param is constrained
            key = 0
            while key < lngth:
                    form_vals[slug1] = selections[param1][key]
                except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
                    form_vals[slug1] = None
                    form_vals[slug2] = selections[param2][key]
                except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
                    form_vals[slug2] = None

                qtypes = request.GET.get('qtype-' + slug, False)
                if qtypes:
                        form_vals['qtype-' + slug] = qtypes.split(',')[key]
                    except KeyError:
                        form_vals['qtype-' + slug] = False
                form = form + str(
                    SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id=auto_id).as_ul())

                if key > 0:
                    form = '<ul>' + form + '<li>' + remove_str + '</li></ul>'  # remove input is last list item in form
                    form = '<span>' + add_str + '</span><ul>' + form + '</ul>'  # add input link comes before form
                if lngth > 1:
                    form = form + '</span><div style = "clear: both;"></div></section><section><span class="widget_form">'
                key = key + 1

    elif form_type == 'STRING':
        auto_id = False
        if param_name in selections:
            key = 0
            for value in selections[param_name]:
                form_vals[slug] = value
                qtypes = request.GET.get('qtype-' + slug, False)
                if qtypes:
                        form_vals['qtype-' + slug] = qtypes.split(',')[key]
                    except KeyError:
                        form_vals['qtype-' + slug] = False
                form = form + str(
                    SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id=auto_id).as_ul())
                if key > 0:
                    form = form + '<li>' + remove_str + '</li>'
                    form = form + '<li>' + add_str + '</li>'
                key = key + 1
            form = str(SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id=auto_id).as_ul())
            if addlink == 'false':
                form = form + '<li>' + remove_str + '<li>'
                form = form + '<li>' + add_str + '<li>'

    # MULT form types
    elif form_type in settings.MULT_FORM_TYPES:
        if param_name in selections:
            form_vals = {slug: selections[param_name]}

        # determine if this mult param has a grouping field (see doc/group_widgets.md for howto on grouping fields)
        mult_param = getMultName(param_name)
        model = apps.get_model('search', mult_param.title().replace('_', ''))

            grouping = model.objects.distinct().values('grouping')
            grouping_table = 'grouping_' + param_name.split('.')[1]
            grouping_model = apps.get_model(
                grouping_table.title().replace('_', ''))
            for group_info in grouping_model.objects.order_by('disp_order'):
                gvalue = group_info.value
                glabel = group_info.label if group_info.label else 'Other'
                if glabel == 'NULL': glabel = 'Other'
                if model.objects.filter(grouping=gvalue)[0:1]:
                    form +=  "\n\n" + \
                             '<div class = "mult_group_label_container" id = "mult_group_' + str(glabel) + '">' + \
                             '<span class = "indicator fa fa-plus"></span>' + \
                             '<span class = "mult_group_label">' + str(glabel) + '</span></div>' + \
                             '<ul class = "mult_group">' +  \
                             SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id = '%s_' + str(gvalue), grouping=gvalue).as_ul() + \

        except FieldError:
            # this model does not have grouping
            form = SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id=auto_id).as_ul()

    else:  # all other form types
        if param_name in selections:
            form_vals = {slug: selections[param_name]}
        form = SearchForm(form_vals, auto_id=auto_id).as_ul()

    param_info = get_param_info_by_slug(slug)

    label = param_info.label
    intro = param_info.intro

    range_fields = settings.RANGE_FIELDS

    if fmt == 'raw':
        return str(form)

        template = "widget.html"
        return render(request, template, locals())
Ejemplo n.º 23
def view_collection(request, collection_name, template="collections.html"):
    """ the collection tab http endpoint
        the information it returns about product types and files does not
        relect user filters such as  product types and preview images

    # nav stuff - page | limit | columns | offset
    page_no = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
    limit = int(request.GET.get('limit', 100))
    column_slugs = request.GET.get('cols', settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)

    from results.views import *  # circulosity

    column_slugs = column_slugs.split(',')
    columns = []
    for slug in column_slugs:
        columns += [ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=slug).param_name()]
    offset = (page_no - 1) * limit

    # collection
    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True
    session_id = request.session.session_key
    colls_table_name = get_collection_table(session_id)
    files = getFiles(fmt="raw",
    all_product_types = Files.objects.all().values('product_type').distinct()

    # download_info
    from downloads.views import get_download_info
    download_size, download_count = get_download_info(files)

    download_size = nice_file_size(download_size)  # pretty display it

    # images and join with the collections table
    where = "images.ring_obs_id = " + connection.ops.quote_name(
        colls_table_name) + ".ring_obs_id"
    images = Image.objects
    images = images.extra(where=[where], tables=[colls_table_name])

    image_types = settings.IMAGE_TYPES
    image_count = len(images)

    # product files
    # for this we want the list of all possible product types for this dataset
    # todo: this is really inefficient, another place that large carts are going to be unhappy
    product_counts = dict(
        [(i, 0) for i in [p['product_type'] for p in all_product_types]]
    )  # a dictionary with product_Type names as keys and all values set to zero
    ring_obs_ids = [f for f in files]
    product_counts_query = Files.objects.filter(
    product_counts_nonzero = {
        i['product_type']: i['product_type__count']
        for i in product_counts_query
    # update the product_count array with the non-zero counts
    for product_type, pcount in product_counts_nonzero.items():
        product_counts[product_type] = pcount

    column_values = []
    for param_name in columns:
        table_name = param_name.split('.')[0]
        if table_name == 'obs_general':
                param_name.split('.')[0].lower().replace('_', '') + '__' +

    # figure out what tables do we need to join in and build query
    triggered_tables = list(set([t.split('.')[0] for t in columns]))
    except ValueError:
        pass  # obs_general table wasn't in there for whatever reason

    # set up the where clause to join with the rest of the tables
    where = "obs_general.ring_obs_id = " + connection.ops.quote_name(
        colls_table_name) + ".ring_obs_id"

    # bring in the  triggered_tables
    results = ObsGeneral.objects.extra(where=[where], tables=triggered_tables)
    results = results.values(*column_values)[offset:offset + limit]

    page_ids = [o['ring_obs_id'] for o in results]

    return render(request, template, locals())
Ejemplo n.º 24
def getImages(request,size,fmt):
    this returns rows from images table that correspond to request
    some rows will not have images, this function doesn't return 'image_not_found' information
    if a row doesn't have an image you get nothing. you lose. good day sir. #fixme #todo

    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True

    session_id = request.session.session_key

    alt_size = request.GET.get('alt_size','')
    columns = request.GET.get('cols',settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)

        [page_no, limit, page, page_ids, order] = getPage(request)
    except TypeError:  # getPage returns False
        raise Http404('could not find page')

    image_links = Image.objects.filter(ring_obs_id__in=page_ids)

    if not image_links:
        log.error('no image found for:')

    # page_ids
    if alt_size:
        image_links = image_links.values('ring_obs_id',size,alt_size)
        image_links = image_links.values('ring_obs_id',size)

    # add the base_path to each image
    all_sizes = ['small','thumb','med','full']
    for k, im in enumerate(image_links):
        for s in all_sizes:
            if s in im:
                image_links[k][s] = get_base_path_previews(im['ring_obs_id']) + im[s]

    # to preserve the order of page_ids as lamely as possible :P
    ordered_image_links = []
    for ring_obs_id in page_ids:
        found = False
        for link in image_links:
            if ring_obs_id == link['ring_obs_id']:
                found = True
        if not found:
            # return the thumbnail not found link
            ordered_image_links.append({size:settings.THUMBNAIL_NOT_FOUND, 'ring_obs_id':ring_obs_id})

    image_links = ordered_image_links

    collection_members = get_collection_in_page(page, session_id)

    # find which are in collections, mark unfound images 'not found'
    for image in image_links:
        image['img'] = image[size] if image[size] else 'not found'
        if collection_members:
            from user_collections.views import *
            if image['ring_obs_id'] in collection_members:
                image['in_collection'] = True

    path = settings.IMAGE_HTTP_PATH

    if (request.is_ajax()):
        template = 'gallery.html'
    else: template = 'image_list.html'

    # image_links
    return responseFormats({'data':[i for i in image_links]},fmt, size=size, path=path, alt_size=alt_size, columns_str=columns.split(','), template=template, order=order)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def edit_collection(request, **kwargs):
    edits a single ring_obs_id in a user collection (user "selections")
    # edits?
    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True

    session_id = request.session.session_key

    checkArgs = check_collection_args(request, **kwargs)
    if type(checkArgs).__name__ == 'list' and checkArgs:
        (action, ring_obs_id, request_no, expected_request_no) = checkArgs
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"err": checkArgs}))

    # just add this request to the queue, every request gets queued
    add_to_queue(request, request_no, action, ring_obs_id)
    # todo
    turning this off for now, we will get the queue of whatever request_no is passed
    to us, without checking against what is expected_request_no
    by turning this off we are at risk of ajax race conditions
    but it's breaking something and no time fo dat right now
    Issue is here:
    # todo:
    # now look for the next expected request in the queue
    if get_queued(request, expected_request_no):
        # found the next expected request in the queue
        (request,action,ring_obs_id) = get_queued(request, expected_request_no)
        # the expected request has not yet arrived, do nothing
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"err":"waiting"}))
    # instead of the above we are doing this:
    (action, ring_obs_id) = get_queued(request, request_no)

    # redux: these will be not so simple saddly, they will insert or delete from
    # the colleciton table..
    if action == 'add':
        add_to_collection(ring_obs_id, session_id)

    elif (action == 'remove'):
        remove_from_collection(ring_obs_id, session_id)

    elif (action in ['addrange', 'removerange']):
        collection_count = edit_collection_range(request, **kwargs)

    remove_from_queue(request, request_no)
        json = {"msg":"yay!","count":len(collection), "collection": ', '.join(collection)}
        json = collection
    collection_count = get_collection_count(session_id)

    json_data = {
        "err": False,
        "count": collection_count,
        "request_no": request_no

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(json_data))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def getValidMults(request, slug, fmt='json'):
    returns list of valid mult ids or labels for field in GET param "field"
    based on current search defined in request
    field_format = 'ids' or 'labels' depending on how you want your data back
    (OPUS UI will use ids but they aren't very readable for everyone else)
        (selections, extras) = search.views.urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
        selections = {}

    param_info = search.views.get_param_info_by_slug(slug)

    table_name = param_info.category_name
    param_name = param_info.param_name()

    # if this param is in selections we want to remove it,
    # want mults for a param as they would be without itself
    if param_name in selections:
        del selections[param_name]

    has_selections = False if len(selections.keys()) < 1 else True

    cache_key = "mults" + param_name + str(

    if (cache.get(cache_key) is not None):

        mults = cache.get(cache_key)


        mult_name = getMultName(param_name)  # the name of the field to query
        mult_model = apps.get_model('search',
                                    mult_name.title().replace('_', ''))
        table_model = apps.get_model('search',
                                     table_name.title().replace('_', ''))

        mults = {}  # info to return
        results = table_model.objects.values(mult_name).annotate(
            Count(mult_name))  # this is a count(*), group_by query!

        user_table = search.views.getUserQueryTable(selections, extras)

        if has_selections and not user_table:
            # selections are constrained so join in the user_table
                'getValidMults has_selections = true but no user_table found:')
            raise Http404

        if table_name == 'obs_general':
            where = table_name + ".id = " + user_table + ".id"
            where = table_name + ".obs_general_id = " + user_table + ".id"
        results = results.extra(where=[where], tables=[user_table])

        for row in results:
            mult_id = row[mult_name]

                    mult = mult_model.objects.get(id=mult_id).label
                    log.debug('could not find mult label for ')
                    log.debug('id: ' + str(mult_id))
                    mult = mult_id  # fall back to id if there is no label

                mults[mult] = row[mult_name + '__count']
                pass  # a none object may be found in the data but if it doesn't have a table row we don't handle it

        cache.set(cache_key, mults, 0)

    multdata = {'field': slug, 'mults': mults}

    if (request.is_ajax()):
        reqno = request.GET.get('reqno', '')
        multdata['reqno'] = reqno

    return responseFormats(multdata, fmt, template='mults.html')
Ejemplo n.º 27
def getPage(request, colls=None, colls_page=None, page=None):
    the gets the metadata and images to build a page of results
    # get some stuff from the url or fall back to defaults
    if not request.session.get('has_session'):
        request.session['has_session'] = True

    session_id = request.session.session_key

    if not colls:
        collection_page = request.GET.get('colls',False)
        collection_page = colls

    limit = request.GET.get('limit',100)
    limit = int(limit)
    slugs = request.GET.get('cols', settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS)
    if not slugs:
        slugs = settings.DEFAULT_COLUMNS  # i dunno why the above doesn't suffice

    columns = []
    for slug in slugs.split(','):
            columns += [ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=slug).param_name()]
        except ParamInfo.DoesNotExist:

    triggered_tables = list(set([param_name.split('.')[0] for param_name in columns]))
        triggered_tables.remove('obs_general')  # we remove it because it is the primary
                                                # model so don't need to add it to extra tables
    except ValueError:
        pass  # obs_general isn't in there

    if not collection_page:
        # this is for a search query

        order = request.GET.get('order','time1')

        # figure out column order in table
        if order:
                descending = '-' if order[0] == '-' else None
                order_slug = order.strip('-')  # strip off any minus sign to look up param name
                order = ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=order_slug).param_name()
                if descending:
                    order = '-' + order
            except DoesNotExist:
                order = False

        # figure out page we are asking for
        if not page:
            page_no = request.GET.get('page',1)
            if page_no != 'all':
                page_no = int(page_no)
            page_no == page

        # ok now that we have everything from the url get stuff from db
        (selections,extras) = urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
        user_query_table = getUserQueryTable(selections,extras)

        # figure out what tables do we need to join in and build query
        where   = "obs_general.id = " + connection.ops.quote_name(user_query_table) + ".id"
        results = ObsGeneral.objects.extra(where=[where], tables=triggered_tables)

        # this is for a collection

        # find the ordering
        order = request.GET.get('colls_order', False)
        if not order:
            # get regular order if collections doesn't have a special order
            order = request.GET.get('order',False)

        if order:
                order_param = order.strip('-')  # strip off any minus sign to look up param name
                descending = order[0] if (order[0] == '-') else None
                order = ParamInfo.objects.get(slug=order_param).name
                if descending:
                    order = '-' + order
            except DoesNotExist:
                order = False

        if not colls_page:
            page_no = request.GET.get('colls_page',1)
            if page_no != 'all':
                page_no = int(page_no)
            page_no = colls_page

        # figure out what tables do we need to join in and build query
        triggered_tables = list(set([t.split('.')[0] for t in columns]))
        except ValueError:
            pass  # obs_general table wasn't in there for whatever reason

        # join in the collections table
        colls_table_name = get_collection_table(session_id)
        where   = "obs_general.ring_obs_id = " + connection.ops.quote_name(colls_table_name) + ".ring_obs_id"
        results = ObsGeneral.objects.extra(where=[where], tables=triggered_tables)

    # now we have results object (either search or collections)
    if order:
        results = results.order_by(order)

    # this is the thing you pass to django model via values()
    # so we have the table names a bit to get what django wants:
    column_values = []
    for param_name in columns:
        table_name = param_name.split('.')[0]
        if table_name == 'obs_general':
            column_values.append(param_name.split('.')[0].lower().replace('_','') + '__' + param_name.split('.')[1])

    the limit is pretty much always 100, the user cannot change it in the interface
    but as an aide to finding the right chunk of a result set to search for
    for the 'add range' click functinality, the front end may send a large limit, like say
    page_no = 42 and limit = 400
    that means start the page at 42 and go 4 pages, and somewhere in there is our range
    this is how 'add range' works accross multiple pages
    so the way of computing starting offset here should always use the base_limit of 100
    using the passed limit will result inthe wront offset because of way offset is computed here
    this may be an aweful hack.
    # todo: redux: look at line 559 you are essentially doing this query twice? in the same method and peforming the query each time cuz it has changed!
    if page_no != 'all':
        base_limit = 100  # explainer of sorts is above
        offset = (page_no-1)*base_limit # we don't use Django's pagination because of that count(*) that it does.
        results = results.values_list(*column_values)[offset:offset+int(limit)]
        results = results.values_list(*column_values)

    # return a simple list of ring_obs_ids
    ring_obs_id_index = column_values.index('ring_obs_id')
    page_ids = [o[ring_obs_id_index] for o in results]

    if not len(page_ids):
        return False

    return [page_no, limit, list(results), page_ids, order]
Ejemplo n.º 28
def getRangeEndpoints(request, slug, fmt='json'):
    fetch range widget hinting data for widget defined by slug
    based on current search defined in request

    this is the valid range endpoints that appear in
    range widgets (green numbers)

    returns a dictionary like:

        { min: 63.592, max: 88.637, nulls: 2365}

    # if this param is in selections we want to remove it,
    # want results for param as they would be without itself constrained
    #    extras['qtypes']['']

    param_info = search.views.get_param_info_by_slug(slug)
    param_name = param_info.param_name()
    form_type = param_info.form_type
    table_name = param_info.category_name

    # "param" is the field name, the param_name with the table_name stripped
    param1 = stripNumericSuffix(param_name.split('.')[1]) + '1'
    param2 = stripNumericSuffix(param_name.split('.')[1]) + '2'
    param_no_num = stripNumericSuffix(param1)
    table_model = apps.get_model('search', table_name.title().replace('_', ''))

    if form_type == 'RANGE' and '1' not in param_info.slug and '2' not in param_info.slug:
        param1 = param2 = param_no_num  # single column range query

        (selections, extras) = search.views.urlToSearchParams(request.GET)
        user_table = search.views.getUserQueryTable(selections, extras)
        has_selections = True
    except TypeError:
        selections = {}
        has_selections = False
        user_table = False

    # remove this param from the user's query if it is constrained
    # this keeps the green hinting numbers from reacting
    # to changes to its own field
    param_name_no_num = stripNumericSuffix(param_name)
    to_remove = [
        param_name_no_num, param_name_no_num + '1', param_name_no_num + '2'
    for p in to_remove:
        if p in selections:
            del selections[p]
    if not bool(selections):
        has_selections = False
        user_table = False

    # cached already?
    cache_key = "rangeep" + param_no_num
    if user_table:
        cache_key += str(search.views.setUserSearchNo(selections, extras))

    if cache.get(cache_key) is not None:
        range_endpoints = cache.get(cache_key)
        return responseFormats(range_endpoints, fmt, template='mults.html')

    # no cache found, calculating..
        results = table_model.objects  # this is a count(*), group_by query
    except AttributeError, e:
        log.error("getRangeEndpoints threw: %s", str(e))
        log.error("Could not find table model for table_name: %s", table_name)
        raise Http404("Does Not Exist")