Ejemplo n.º 1
def vapor_pressure(tdew):
    Computes vapor pressure
    Note this should be jointly computed iteratively with
    ``pet``, ``tdew``, and ``shortwave`` as used
    in the main ``run`` function.

        Daily dewpoint temperature

        Estimated vapor pressure
    return svp(tdew)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def relative_humidity(vapor_pressure: pd.Series, temp: pd.Series):
    Calculate relative humidity from vapor pressure
    and temperature.

        A sub-daily timeseries of vapor pressure
        A sub-daily timeseries of temperature

        A sub-daily timeseries of relative humidity
    rh = cnst.MAX_PERCENT * cnst.MBAR_PER_BAR * (vapor_pressure / svp(temp))
    return rh.where(rh < cnst.MAX_PERCENT, cnst.MAX_PERCENT)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calc_srad_hum(df: pd.DataFrame, sg: dict, elev: float, params: dict):
    Calculate shortwave, humidity

        Dataframe containing daily timeseries
        Elevation in meters
        A dictionary of parameters from the
        MetSim object
    def _calc_tfmax(prec, dtr, sm_dtr):
        """Estimate cloudy day transmittance"""
        b = cnst.B0 + cnst.B1 * np.exp(-cnst.B2 * sm_dtr)
        t_fmax = 1.0 - 0.9 * np.exp(-b * np.power(dtr, cnst.C))
        inds = np.array(prec > params['sw_prec_thresh'])
        t_fmax[inds] *= params['rain_scalar']
        return t_fmax

    # Calculate the diurnal temperature range
    df['t_max'] = np.maximum(df['t_max'], df['t_min'])
    dtr = df['t_max'] - df['t_min']
    df['dtr'] = dtr
    sm_dtr = df['smoothed_dtr']
    df['tfmax'] = _calc_tfmax(df['prec'], dtr, sm_dtr)
    tdew = df.get('tdew', df['t_min'])
    pva = df.get('hum', svp(tdew.values))
    pa = atm_pres(elev, params['lapse_rate'])
    yday = df.index.dayofyear - 1
    df['dayl'] = sg['daylength'][yday]

    # Calculation of tdew and shortwave. tdew is iterated on until
    # it converges sufficiently
    tdew_old = tdew
    tdew, pva = sw_hum_iter(df, sg, pa, pva, dtr, params)
    while (np.sqrt(np.mean((tdew - tdew_old)**2)) > params['tdew_tol']):
        tdew_old = np.copy(tdew)
        tdew, pva = sw_hum_iter(df, sg, pa, pva, dtr, params)
    df['vapor_pressure'] = pva
Ejemplo n.º 4
def relative_humidity(vapor_pressure: np.array, temp: np.array) -> np.array:
    Calculate relative humidity from vapor pressure
    and temperature.

        A sub-daily timeseries of vapor pressure
        A sub-daily timeseries of temperature

        A sub-daily timeseries of relative humidity
    rh = (cnst.MAX_PERCENT * cnst.MBAR_PER_BAR * (vapor_pressure / svp(temp)))
    rh[rh > cnst.MAX_PERCENT] = cnst.MAX_PERCENT
    return rh
Ejemplo n.º 5
def vapor_pressure(vp_daily: np.array, temp: np.array, t_t_min: np.array,
                   n_out: int, ts: int) -> np.array:
    Calculate vapor pressure.  First a linear interpolation
    of the daily values is calculated.  Then this is compared
    to the saturated vapor pressure calculated using the
    disaggregated temperature. When the interpolated vapor
    pressure is greater than the calculated saturated
    vapor pressure, the interpolation is replaced with the
    saturation value.

        Daily vapor pressure
        Sub-daily temperature
        Timeseries of minimum daily temperature
        Number of output observations
        Timestep to disaggregate down to

        A sub-daily timeseries of the vapor pressure
    # Linearly interpolate the values
    interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_t_min,
                                        vp_daily / cnst.MBAR_PER_BAR,
    vp_disagg = interp(ts * np.arange(0, n_out))

    # Account for situations where vapor pressure is higher than
    # saturation point
    vp_sat = svp(temp) / cnst.MBAR_PER_BAR
    vp_disagg = np.where(vp_sat < vp_disagg, vp_sat, vp_disagg)
    return vp_disagg
Ejemplo n.º 6
def sw_hum_iter(df: pd.DataFrame, sg: dict, pa: float, pva: pd.Series,
                dtr: pd.Series, params: dict):
    Calculated updated values for dewpoint temperature
    and saturation vapor pressure.

        Dataframe containing daily timeseries of
        cloud cover fraction, tfmax, swe, and
        shortwave radiation
        Solar geometry dictionary, calculated with
        Air pressure in Pascals
        Vapor presure in Pascals
        Daily temperature range
        A dictionary of parameters from a MetSim object

    (tdew, svp):
        A tuple of dewpoint temperature and saturation
        vapor pressure
    tt_max0 = sg['tt_max0']
    potrad = sg['potrad']
    daylength = sg['daylength']
    yday = df.index.dayofyear - 1

    t_tmax = np.maximum(tt_max0[yday] + (cnst.ABASE * pva), 0.0001)
    t_final = t_tmax * df['tfmax']
    df['pva'] = pva
    df['tfinal'] = t_final

    # Snowpack contribution
    sc = np.zeros_like(df['swe'])
    if (params['mtclim_swe_corr']):
        inds = np.logical_and(df['swe'] > 0., daylength[yday] > 0.)
        sc[inds] = ((1.32 + 0.096 * df['swe'][inds]) * 1.0e6 /
        sc = np.maximum(sc, 100.)

    # Calculation of shortwave is split into 2 components:
    # 1. Radiation from incident light
    # 2. Influence of snowpack - optionally set by MTCLIM_SWE_CORR
    df['shortwave'] = potrad[yday] * t_final + sc

    # Calculate cloud effect
    if (params['lw_cloud'].upper() == 'CLOUD_DEARDORFF'):
        df['tskc'] = (1. - df['tfmax'])
        df['tskc'] = np.sqrt((1. - df['tfmax']) / 0.65)

    # Compute PET using SW radiation estimate, and update Tdew, pva **
    pet = calc_pet(df['shortwave'].values, df['t_day'].values,
                   df['dayl'].values, pa)
    # Calculate ratio (PET/effann_prcp) and correct the dewpoint
    parray = df['seasonal_prec'] / cnst.MM_PER_CM
    ratio = pet / parray.where(parray > 8.0, 8.0)
    df['pet'] = pet * cnst.MM_PER_CM
    tmink = df['t_min'] + cnst.KELVIN
    tdew = tmink * (-0.127 + 1.121 *
                    (1.003 - 1.444 * ratio + 12.312 * np.power(ratio, 2) -
                     32.766 * np.power(ratio, 3)) + 0.0006 * dtr) - cnst.KELVIN
    return tdew, svp(tdew.values)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def calc_srad_hum(df: pd.DataFrame,
                  sg: dict,
                  elev: float,
                  params: dict,
                  win_type: str = 'boxcar'):
    Calculate shortwave, humidity

        Dataframe containing daily timeseries
        Elevation in meters
        A dictionary of parameters from the
        MetSim object
        (Optional) The method used to calculate
        the 60 day rolling average of precipitation
    def _calc_tfmax(prec, dtr, sm_dtr):
        b = cnst.B0 + cnst.B1 * np.exp(-cnst.B2 * sm_dtr)
        t_fmax = 1.0 - 0.9 * np.exp(-b * np.power(dtr, cnst.C))
        inds = np.array(prec > params['sw_prec_thresh'])
        t_fmax[inds] *= cnst.RAIN_SCALAR
        return t_fmax

    # Calculate the diurnal temperature range
    df['t_max'] = np.maximum(df['t_max'], df['t_min'])
    dtr = df['t_max'] - df['t_min']
    sm_dtr = pd.Series(dtr).rolling(window=30, win_type=win_type,
    if params['n_days'] <= 30:
        warn('Timeseries is shorter than rolling mean window, filling ')
        warn('missing values with unsmoothed data')
        sm_dtr.fillna(dtr, inplace=True)

    # Effective annual prec
    if params['n_days'] <= 90:
        # Simple scaled method, minimum of 8 cm
        sum_prec = df['prec'].values.sum()
        eff_ann_prec = (sum_prec / params['n_days']) * cnst.DAYS_PER_YEAR
        eff_ann_prec = np.maximum(eff_ann_prec, 8.0)
        parray = pd.Series(eff_ann_prec, index=df.index)
        # Calculate effective annual prec using 3 month moving window
        window = pd.Series(np.zeros(params['n_days'] + 90))
        window[90:] = df['prec']

        # If yeardays at end match with those at beginning we can use
        # the end of the input to generate the beginning by looping around
        # If not, just duplicate the first 90 days
        start_day, end_day = df.index.dayofyear[0], df.index.dayofyear[-1]
        if ((start_day % 365 == (end_day % 365) + 1)
                or (start_day % 366 == (end_day % 366) + 1)):
            window[:90] = df['prec'][-90:]
            window[:90] = df['prec'][:90]

        parray = cnst.DAYS_PER_YEAR * window.rolling(
            window=90, win_type=win_type, axis=0).mean()[90:]

    # Convert to cm
    parray = parray.where(parray > 80.0, 80.0) / cnst.MM_PER_CM
    # Doing this way because parray.reindex_like(df) returns all nan
    parray.index = df.index
    df['tfmax'] = _calc_tfmax(df['prec'], dtr, sm_dtr)
    tdew = df.get('tdew', df['t_min'])
    pva = df.get('hum', svp(tdew))
    pa = atm_pres(elev)
    yday = df.index.dayofyear - 1
    df['dayl'] = sg['daylength'][yday]

    # Calculation of tdew and swrad. tdew is iterated on until
    # it converges sufficiently
    tdew_old = tdew
    tdew, pva = sw_hum_iter(df, sg, pa, pva, parray, dtr, params)
    while (np.sqrt(np.mean((tdew - tdew_old)**2)) > params['tdew_tol']):
        tdew_old = np.copy(tdew)
        tdew, pva = sw_hum_iter(df, sg, pa, pva, parray, dtr, params)
    df['vapor_pressure'] = pva
Ejemplo n.º 8
def calc_srad_hum_it(df, tol=0.01, win_type='boxcar'):
    window = np.zeros(n_days + 90)
    t_fmax = np.zeros(n_days)
    df['s_tfmax'] = 0.0

    df['t_max'] = np.maximum(df['t_max'], df['t_min'])
    dtr = df['t_max'] - df['t_min']
    sm_dtr = pd.rolling_window(dtr, window=30, freq='D',
    if n_days <= 30:
        print('Timeseries is shorter than rolling mean window, filling ')
        print('missing values with unsmoothed data')
        sm_dtr.fillna(dtr, inplace=True)

    sum_precip = df['s_precip'].values.sum()
    ann_precip = (sum_precip / n_days) * consts['DAYS_PER_YEAR']
    if ann_precip == 0.0:
        ann_precip = 1.0

    if n_days <= 90:
        sum_precip = df['s_precip'].values.sum()
        eff_ann_precip = (sum_precip / n_days) * consts['DAYS_PER_YEAR']
        eff_ann_precip = np.maximum(eff_ann_precip, 8.0)
        parray = eff_ann_precip
        parray = np.zeros(n_days)
        start_yday = df['day_of_year'][0]
        end_yday = df['day_of_year'][-1]
        if start_yday != 1:
            if end_yday == start_yday - 1:
                isloop = True
            if end_yday == 365 or end_yday == 366:
                isloop = True

        if isloop:
            for i in range(90):
                window[i] = df['s_precip'][n_days - 90 + i]
            for i in range(90):
                window[i] = df['s_precip'][i]
        window[90:] = df['s_precip']

        for i in range(n_days):
            sum_precip = 0.0
            for j in range(90):
                sum_precip += window[i + j]
                sum_precip = (sum_precip / 90.) * consts['DAYS_PER_YEAR']
            sum_precip = np.maximum(sum_precip, 8.0)
            parray[i] = sum_precip

    # FIXME: This is still bad form
    tt_max0, flat_potrad, slope_potrad, daylength, tiny_rad_fract = calc_solar_geom(
    # NOTE: Be careful with this one!
    disaggregate.tiny_rad_fract = tiny_rad_fract

    avg_horizon = (params['site_east_horiz'] + params['site_west_horiz']) / 2.0
    horizon_scalar = 1.0 - np.sin(avg_horizon * consts['RADPERDEG'])
    if (params['site_slope'] > avg_horizon):
        slope_excess = params['site_slope'] - avg_horizon
        slope_excess = 0.
    if (2.0 * avg_horizon > 180.):
        slope_scalar = 0.
        slope_scalar = np.clip(
            1. - (slope_excess / (180.0 - 2.0 * avg_horizon)), 0, None)
    sky_prop = horizon_scalar * slope_scalar
    b = params['B0'] + params['B1'] * np.exp(-params['B2'] * sm_dtr)
    t_fmax = 1.0 - 0.9 * np.exp(-b * np.power(dtr, params['C']))
    inds = np.nonzero(df['precip'] > options['SW_PREC_THRESH'])[0]
    t_fmax[inds] *= params['RAIN_SCALAR']
    df['s_tfmax'] = t_fmax

    tdew = df.get('tdew', df['s_t_min'])
    pva = df['s_hum'] if 's_hum' in df else svp(tdew)

    pa = atm_pres(params['site_elev'])
    yday = df['day_of_year'] - 1
    df['s_dayl'] = daylength[yday]
    tdew_save = tdew
    pva_save = pva

    # FIXME: This function has lots of inputs and outputs
    tdew, pet = _compute_srad_humidity_onetime(tdew, pva, tt_max0, flat_potrad,
                                               slope_potrad, sky_prop,
                                               daylength, parray, pa, dtr, df)

    sum_pet = pet.values.sum()
    ann_pet = (sum_pet / n_days) * consts['DAYS_PER_YEAR']

    # FIXME: Another really long conditional
    if (('tdew' in df) or ('s_hum' in df)
            or (options['VP_ITER'].upper() == 'VP_ITER_ANNUAL'
                and ann_pet / ann_precip >= 2.5)):
        tdew = tdew_save[:]
        pva = pva_save[:]

    # FIXME: Another really long conditional
    #if (options['VP_ITER'].upper() == 'VP_ITER_ALWAYS' or
    #    (options['VP_ITER'].upper() == 'VP_ITER_ANNUAL' and
    #     ann_pet / ann_precip >= 2.5) or
    #        options['VP_ITER'].upper() == 'VP_ITER_CONVERGE'):
    #    if (options['VP_ITER'].upper() == 'VP_ITER_CONVERGE'):
    #        max_iter = 100
    #    else:
    #        max_iter = 2
    #    max_iter = 1

    #FIXME Still want to reduce the number of args here
    #FIXME This also takes up the majority of the mtclim runtime
    rmse_tdew = tol + 1

    #f = lambda x : rmse(_compute_srad_humidity_onetime(x, pva, tt_max0, flat_potrad,
    #                                     slope_potrad, sky_prop, daylength,
    #                                     parray, pa, dtr, df)[0], tdew)
    def f(x):
        tdew_calc = _compute_srad_humidity_onetime(x, pva, tt_max0,
                                                   flat_potrad, slope_potrad,
                                                   sky_prop, daylength, parray,
                                                   pa, dtr, df)[0]
        print(tdew_calc - tdew)
        err = rmse(tdew_calc, tdew)
        return err

    res = minimize(f, tdew, tol=rmse_tdew)
    tdew = res.x
    pva = svp(tdew)
    if 's_hum' not in df:
        df['s_hum'] = pva

    pvs = svp(df['s_t_day'])
    vpd = pvs - pva
    df['s_vpd'] = np.maximum(vpd, 0.)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def vapor_pressure(tdew):
    return svp(tdew)