Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_zero_basis(self):

        ARMAs = [SchWARMA.ARMA([.5, .25], [1])]
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1]))

        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}

        sch = SchWARMA.SchWARMA(ARMAs, [s_z, np.zeros((8, 2))], D)

        self.assertEqual(sch.N, 2)
        self.assertTrue(all([b.shape == (8, 8) for b in sch.basis]))
        self.assertEqual(la.norm(1j * s_z - sch.basis[0][:2, :2]), 0)
        self.assertEqual(la.norm(sch.basis[0][2:, :]), 0)
        self.assertEqual(la.norm(sch.basis[0][:, 2:]), 0)

        out = sch['I']
        self.assertEqual(out.rank(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(out.chi()[1, 1], 0)
        self.assertEqual(out.chi()[2, 2], 0)

        avg = ch.QuantumChannel(
            np.mean([sch['I'].choi() for _ in range(3)], 0), 'choi')
        self.assertEqual(avg.rank(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(avg.chi()[1, 1], 0)
        self.assertEqual(avg.chi()[2, 2], 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_init(self):

        ARMAS = [
                          np.random.randn(np.random.randint(5)) + 2)
            for _ in range(3)
        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}
        MA = SchWARMA.SchWMA(ARMAS, [s_x, s_y, s_z], D)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_hamiltonian_basis(self):

        ARMAs = [SchWARMA.ARMA([.5, .25], [1])]
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1]))
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1, 1, 1]))

        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}

        sch = SchWARMA.SchWARMA(ARMAs, [s_x, s_y, s_z], D)

            all([la.norm(b + b.conj().T < 1e-9) for b in sch.basis]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_zero_basis(self):

        ARMAs = [SchWARMA.ARMA([.5, .25], [1])]
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1]))

        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}

        sch = SchWARMA.SchWARMA(ARMAs, [np.zeros((8, 2)), np.zeros((2, 2))], D)

        self.assertEqual(sch.N, 2)
        self.assertTrue(all([b.shape == (8, 8) for b in sch.basis]))

        self.assertEqual(la.norm(sch['I'].liouvillian() - np.eye(4)), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_1d_fit(self):

        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4)))}
        AR = SchWARMA.SchWAR([], [s_z], D)

        alpha = np.sqrt(.00001)
        sigma = 1.#1./2.

        arg = lambda t: alpha**2*sigma*(np.sqrt(np.pi)*t*sp.erf(t/sigma)+sigma*(np.exp(-t**2/sigma**2)-1))
        args = np.exp(-2*np.array([arg(t) for t in range(100)]))
        args = (1.-args)/2.

        AR.fit([args], 5)

        #Note now I have brackets on the second argument
        AR.fit([args], [7])
        L = AR['I'].liouvillian()

        #Known structure of \sigma_z arma
        self.assertEqual(L[0,0], L[3,3])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(L[0,0], 1.,9)
        self.assertEqual(L[1,1], np.conj(L[2,2]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_no_SchWARMA(self):

        ARMAs = [SchWARMA.ARMA([], [0])]
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [0]))
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [0]))

        D = {
            'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex))),
            'X': ch.QuantumChannel(np.kron(s_x.conj(), s_x))

        sch = SchWARMA.SchWARMA(ARMAs, [s_x, s_y, s_z], D)


        self.assertEqual(la.norm(D['I'].choi() - sch['I'].choi()), 0)
        self.assertEqual(la.norm(D['X'].choi() - sch['X'].choi()), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_mixed_basis(self):
        ARMAs = [SchWARMA.ARMA([.5, .25], [1])]
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1]))
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1, 1, 1]))

        D = {
            'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex))),
            'X': ch.QuantumChannel(np.kron(s_x.conj(), s_x))

        ad = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=complex)
        ad[2, 1] = .1
        sch = SchWARMA.SchWARMA(ARMAs, [s_x, 1j * s_y, ad], D)

        self.assertEqual(sch.N, 2)
            all([la.norm(b + b.conj().T < 1e-9) for b in sch.basis]))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_bad_init(self):
     ARMAS = [
                       np.random.randn(np.random.randint(5)) + 2)
         for _ in range(3)
     D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}
     self.assertRaises(AssertionError, SchWARMA.SchWMA,
                       *[ARMAS, [s_x, s_y, s_z], D])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_downconvert_from_SchWARMA(self):

        b = si.firwin(128, .2)
        b2 = SchWARMA.downconvert_from_SchWARMA(b, 2)

        fb = var_2_fid(acv_2_var(acv_from_b(b), np.arange(100)))[::2]
        fb2 = var_2_fid(acv_2_var(acv_from_b(b2), np.arange(100)))[:50]

        self.assertEqual(fb[0], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(fb2[0], 1.0)

        self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(fb - fb2)), 1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_init(self):

        ARMAs = [SchWARMA.ARMA([.5, .25], [1])]
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1]))
        ARMAs.append(SchWARMA.ARMA([], [1, 1, 1]))

        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}

        sch = SchWARMA.SchWARMA(ARMAs, [s_x, s_y, s_z], D)

        xs = [copy.copy(model.x) for model in sch.models]
        ys = [copy.copy(model.y) for model in sch.models]


        xs2 = [copy.copy(model.x) for model in sch.models]
        ys2 = [copy.copy(model.y) for model in sch.models]

        xdiff = np.array([la.norm(x - xx) for x, xx in zip(xs, xs2)])
        ydiff = np.array([la.norm(yy) for y, yy in zip(ys, ys2)])

        self.assertTrue(np.all(xdiff > 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(ydiff == 0))
Ejemplo n.º 11
        def MA_NNLS_est(self, ps, PhiRecon, b_len):

            S = self.NNLS_recon(ps, PhiRecon)
            Sfull = np.concatenate([S, S[1:][::-1]])

            N = PhiRecon.shape[1] * 2
            R = np.real(np.fft.fft(Sfull)[:len(ps)]) / N

            x0 = np.zeros(b_len)
            x0[0] = np.sqrt(R[0] + 2 * np.sum(R[1:]))

            out = op.minimize(
                lambda x: np.sum((sch.acv_from_b(x) - R[:b_len])**2), x0)

            return out['x']
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_3d_fit(self):
        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4,dtype=complex)))}
        AR = SchWARMA.SchWAR([], [s_z], D)

        alpha = np.sqrt(.00001)
        sigma = 1.#1./2.

        arg = lambda t: alpha**2*sigma*(np.sqrt(np.pi)*t*sp.erf(t/sigma)+sigma*(np.exp(-t**2/sigma**2)-1))
        args = np.exp(-2*np.array([arg(t) for t in range(100)]))
        args = (1.-args)/2.

        #Note now I have brackets on the second argument
        AR.fit([args, args, args], [3,5,7])
        L = AR['I']
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_avg(self):

        D = {'I': ch.QuantumChannel(np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex)))}
        MA = SchWARMA.SchWMA([], [s_z], D)

        alpha = np.sqrt(.00001)
        sigma = 1.  #1./2.

        arg = lambda t: alpha**2 * sigma * (np.sqrt(np.pi) * t * sp.erf(
            t / sigma) + sigma * (np.exp(-t**2 / sigma**2) - 1))
        args = np.exp(-2 * np.array([arg(t) for t in range(100)]))
        #args = (1.-args)/2.

        MA.fit([(1. - args) / 2.], 5)
        self.assertEqual(5, len(MA.models[0].b))
        self.assertEqual(0, len(MA.models[0].a))

        L1 = MA.avg(1,
                    [ch.QuantumChannel(s_z, 'unitary').choi()]).liouvillian()
        tL1 = np.array(np.eye(4, dtype=complex))
        tL1[1, 1] = args[1]
        tL1[2, 2] = args[1]

        self.assertAlmostEqual(la.norm(L1 - tL1), 0.0, 6)

        L2 = MA.avg(10,
                    [ch.QuantumChannel(s_z, 'unitary').choi()]).liouvillian()
        tL2 = np.eye(4, dtype=complex)
        tL2[1, 1] = args[10]
        tL2[2, 2] = args[10]

        self.assertAlmostEqual(la.norm(L2 - tL2), 0.0, 5)
        #Not a great test, but should be true
        self.assertLess(la.norm(L2 - tL2), la.norm(tL1**10 - L2))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_fits_gauss(self):

        T_max = 100  # Doing 100 gates
        trotter_ratio = 50  # mezze trotter time steps per unit of time (small so I can do a lot of MC)

        NN_spec = 10
        corr_time = 10.0

        amp = .002

        config_specs = {
            'T_end': T_max,
            'steps': T_max * trotter_ratio,
            'Δsteps': 10,
            'num_runs': 10,
            'shsteps': NN_spec
        # steps : the time step for simulations, Δsteps: recording interval, shteps: the number of SchWARMA time steps
        noise_specs = {
            'type': 'gauss',
            'amp': amp,
            'corr_time': corr_time
        }  # noise parameters.

        # First define config, that determines the simulation parameters for the time of evolution and timesteps
        config = mezze.simulation.SimulationConfig(
            time_length=config_specs['T_end'], num_steps=config_specs['steps'])
        config.parallel = True  # parallelizes over available cpu cores
        config.num_runs = config_specs[
            'num_runs']  # number of monte-carlo runs
        config.num_cpus = 4  # number of cpus to parallelize over
        # config.get_unitary = True #report unitary
        config.time_sampling = True  # set to true to get the channel at intermediate times
        config.sampling_interval = config_specs[
            'Δsteps']  # records the channel after every 10 time-steps
        config.realization_sampling = False  # set true if you want to record every noise(monte-carlo) realization

        # # Setup PMD
        pmd0 = mezze.pmd.PMD(control_dim=0,
        pmd0.single_qubit_noise[3] = lambda c, gamma: gamma[
        ]  # sets single_qubit noise along z direction.  [3] corresponds to σz pauli basis
        pmd0.noise_hints[0] = noise_specs
        # build Hamiltonian and simulation
        ham = mezze.hamiltonian.HamiltonianFunction(pmd0)
        ctrls = np.zeros(
            (config_specs['steps'], 1)
        )  # ctrls matrix as a function of time is zero since there is no control
        pham = mezze.hamiltonian.PrecomputedHamiltonian(
            pmd0, ctrls, config, ham.get_function())

        sim = mezze.simulation.Simulation(config, pmd0, pham)

        rx = SchWARMA.extract_sim_autocorrs(sim, 1. / sim.config.dt)[0]

        Tgate = 1.0
        Tgate2 = 2.5
        b_fit = extract_and_downconvert_from_sim(sim, Tgate)[0]
        b_fit2 = extract_and_downconvert_from_sim(sim, Tgate2)[0]

        Tgauss = 1.5
        b_gauss = make_gauss_approximation(sim, Tgauss)[0]

        # print(np.max(np.abs(b_fit-b_fit2)),np.max(b_fit))

        fids_fast = var_2_fid(
            acv_2_var(rx, ks=np.arange(T_max / sim.config.dt)))
        fids_slow = var_2_fid(
            acv_2_var(acv_from_b(b_fit), np.arange(T_max / Tgate)))
        fids_slow2 = var_2_fid(
            acv_2_var(acv_from_b(b_fit2), np.arange(T_max / Tgate2)))
        fids_gauss = var_2_fid(
            acv_2_var(acv_from_b(b_gauss), np.arange(T_max / Tgauss)))

        self.assertEqual(fids_fast[0], 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(fids_fast[0], fids_slow[0])
        self.assertEqual(fids_fast[0], fids_slow2[0])
        self.assertEqual(fids_fast[0], fids_gauss[0])

        ff = fids_fast[::int(Tgate / sim.config.dt)]
        fs = fids_slow
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ff[1], fs[1])
        self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(ff - fs)), 1e-4)

        ff = fids_fast[::int(Tgate2 / sim.config.dt)]
        fs = fids_slow2
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ff[1], fs[1])
        self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(ff - fs)), 1e-4)

        ff = fids_fast[::int(Tgauss / sim.config.dt)]
        fs = fids_gauss
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ff[1], fs[1], 6)
        self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(ff - fs)), 1e-4)