Ejemplo n.º 1
def read_mff_data(filePath, indType, startInd, lastInd, hdr):
    import numpy as np
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo
    from mff.blockSample2BlockAndSample import blockSample2BlockAndSample
    from mff.read_signalN import read_signalN

    if hdr != None:
        summaryInfo = hdr['orig']
        summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath) 

    blockNumSamps = summaryInfo['blockNumSamps']
    if indType == 'sample':
        [startBlockNum, startSamp] = blockSample2BlockAndSample(startInd-1, blockNumSamps) 
        [lastBlockNum, lastSamp] = blockSample2BlockAndSample(lastInd, blockNumSamps)
        blocksInEpoch = range(startBlockNum, lastBlockNum+1)
    elif indType == 'epoch':
        blocksInEpoch = [] 
        for i in range(startInd-1, lastInd): 
            blocksInd = range(summaryInfo['epochFirstBlocks'][i]-1,summaryInfo['epochLastBlocks'][i]) 
        print("Error: indType must to be either 'epoch' or 'sample'") 

    dataeeg = read_signalN(filePath, 'signal1.bin', blocksInEpoch)
    if summaryInfo['pibFilename'] != []: 
        datapib = read_signalN(filePath, summaryInfo['pibFilename'], blocksInEpoch)
        datalist = [] 
        for i in range(len(dataeeg)):
            dataI = np.concatenate((dataeeg[i], datapib[i]), axis=0)
        datalist = dataeeg 
    if indType == 'sample': 
        if startBlockNum == lastBlockNum : 
            data = datalist[0][:, startSamp:lastSamp] 
        elif lastBlockNum-startBlockNum == 1: 
            datalistS = datalist[0][:,startSamp:] 
            datalistL = datalist[1][:,:lastSamp] 
            data = np.concatenate((datalistS, datalistL), axis=1) 
            datalistS = datalist[0][:,startSamp:]
            for j in range(1, len(datalist)-1):
                datalistJ = datalist[j] 
                datalistS = np.concatenate((datalistS, datalistJ), axis=1)
            datalistL = datalist[-1][:,:lastSamp]  
            data = np.concatenate((datalistS, datalistL), axis=1) 

    elif indType == 'epoch':    
        if len(datalist) > 1:
            if len(set(blockNumSamps)) > 1 : 
                data = datalist[0]
                for j in range(1,len(datalist)): 
                    datalistj = datalist[j]
                    data = np.concatenate((data, datalistj), axis=1) 
            else :
                data = np.zeros((datalist[0].shape[0], datalist[0].shape[1], len(datalist)))  
                for j in range(len(datalist)):
                    data[:,:,j] = datalist[j]
            data = datalist[0]
        print("Error: indType must to be either 'epoch' or 'sample'") 

    return data  
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_mff_header(filePath):
#    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo

    summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath) 
    # Pull header info from the summary info. 
    nSamplesPre = 0 
    if summaryInfo['epochType'] =='seg':
        nSamples = summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'][0];
        nTrials = len(summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'])  
#        nTrials = summaryInfo['blocks']  
        # if Time0 is the same for all segments...
        if len(set(summaryInfo['epochTime0'])) == 1 :
            nSamplesPre = summaryInfo['epochTime0'][0] 
    else :
        nSamples = sum(summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'])
        nTrials = 1 

    # Add the sensor info. 
    sensorLayoutfile = filePath+'/sensorLayout.xml'
    sensorLayoutObj = parse(sensorLayoutfile)    

    sensors = sensorLayoutObj.getElementsByTagName('sensor')
    label = []
    chantype = []
    chanunit = []
    tmpLabel = []
    nChans = 0
    for sensor in sensors:
        sensortype = int(sensor.getElementsByTagName('type')[0].firstChild.data)
        if sensortype == 0 or sensortype == 1 :
            if sensor.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild == None: 
                sn = sensor.getElementsByTagName('number')[0].firstChild.data.encode() 
                tmpLabel = 'E'+ sn.decode()
#                tmpLabel = 'E'+ sensor.getElementsByTagName('number')[0].firstChild.data.encode() 
                sn = sensor.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
                tmpLabel = sn.decode()
            nChans = nChans + 1
    if nChans != summaryInfo['nChans']:
        print("Error. Should never occur.")

    if summaryInfo['pibNChans'] > 0 :
        pnsSetfile = filePath + '/pnsSet.xml' 
        pnsSetObj = parse(pnsSetfile)    
        pnsSensors = pnsSetObj.getElementsByTagName('sensor')
        for p in range(summaryInfo['pibNChans']):
            tmpLabel = 'pib' + str(p+1)
            pnsSensorObj = pnsSensors[p] 
    nChans = nChans + summaryInfo['pibNChans']
    header = {'Fs':summaryInfo['sampRate'], 'nChans':nChans,
       'nSamplesPre':nSamplesPre, 'nSamples':nSamples,'nTrials':nTrials,'label':label,'chantype':chantype, 'chanunit':chanunit, 'orig':summaryInfo }

    return header
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_mff_event(filePath, hdr): 
    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import os.path
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    import glob
    import os
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo
    from mff.ns2pyTime import ns2pyTime
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    from mff.samples2EpochSample import samples2EpochSample
    if hdr == None :
        summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath)
        summaryInfo = hdr['orig']

    # Pull the information about the epochs out of the summary info
    epochBeginSamps = summaryInfo['epochBeginSamps'] 
    epochNumSamps = summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'] 
    epochFirstBlocks = summaryInfo['epochFirstBlocks'] 
    epochLastBlocks = summaryInfo['epochLastBlocks']  
    infofile = filePath+'/info.xml'
    infotime = parse(infofile)    
    beginTime = infotime.getElementsByTagName('recordTime')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
    bTime = ns2pyTime(beginTime)

    numEpochs = len(epochBeginSamps) 
    events = []
    eventInds = np.zeros((numEpochs,2), dtype='i')  
    eventInd = 0
    for p in range(numEpochs):
        origp = [0, 0, 'metadata',{}]
        eventp = ['break '+ summaryInfo['epochType'],
                  summaryInfo['epochLabels'][p], [],
                  summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'][p], [], origp ]
        eventInds[eventInd,:] = [eventp[1], eventInd]
        eventInd = eventInd+1 
    for file in glob.glob(filePath+"/Events_*.xml"):
        eventsfile = file

    eventsListObj = parse(eventsfile)
    trackname = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.data.encode() 
    eventsList = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName('event')
    numEvents = eventsList.length
    for p in range(numEvents):
        theEvent= eventsList[p]
        eventTime = theEvent.getElementsByTagName('beginTime')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
        eTime = ns2pyTime(eventTime)
        eventTimeInMicros = (eTime-bTime).microseconds
        out = mff_micros2Sample(eventTimeInMicros,summaryInfo['sampRate'])
        eventTimeInSamples = int(out[0])
        sampleRemainder = int(out[1])
        eventTimeInEpochSamples= samples2EpochSample(eventTimeInSamples, epochBeginSamps, epochNumSamps)

        if eventTimeInEpochSamples >= 0:
            keylist = theEvent.getElementsByTagName('key') 
            eventkeycount = len(keylist) 
            keyp = []
            for q in range(eventkeycount):
                theKey = keylist[q] 
                theKeyCode = theKey.getElementsByTagName('keyCode')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
                theKeyData = theKey.getElementsByTagName('data')[0].firstChild.data.encode()
                theKeyData1 = theKey.getElementsByTagName('data')
                theKeyData0 = theKeyData1[0] # print theKeyData0.toxml()
                a = theKeyData0.attributes["dataType"]
                theKeyDatatype = a.value.encode()
                theKeyq = [theKeyCode, int(theKeyData), theKeyDatatype,'']
            duration = int(theEvent.getElementsByTagName('duration')[0].firstChild.data.encode())
            out = mff_micros2Sample(duration, summaryInfo['sampRate'])   
            origp =[sampleRemainder, int(out[1]), trackname, keyp]
            eventp=[theEvent.getElementsByTagName('code')[0].firstChild.data.encode(),eventTimeInEpochSamples,0, [], int(out[0]), [], origp]
            eventIndp = np.array([eventp[1], eventInd], dtype='i').reshape((1,2))
            eventInds = np.concatenate((eventInds,eventIndp), axis=0)
            eventInd = eventInd+1 

    eventInds0 = eventInds[eventInds[:,0].argsort()]
    sortedEvents = events 
    for p in range(eventInd): 
        nextEventInd = eventInds0[p,1]
        sortedEvents[p] = events[nextEventInd] 
    events = sortedEvents
    return events
Ejemplo n.º 4
def read_mff_event(filePath, hdr):
    import numpy as np
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    import os.path
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    import glob
    import os
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo
    from mff.ns2pyTime import ns2pyTime
    from mff.mff_micros2Sample import mff_micros2Sample
    from mff.samples2EpochSample import samples2EpochSample

    if hdr == None:
        summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath)
        summaryInfo = hdr['orig']

    # Pull the information about the epochs out of the summary info
    epochBeginSamps = summaryInfo['epochBeginSamps']
    epochNumSamps = summaryInfo['epochNumSamps']
    epochFirstBlocks = summaryInfo['epochFirstBlocks']
    epochLastBlocks = summaryInfo['epochLastBlocks']

    infofile = filePath + '/info.xml'
    infotime = parse(infofile)
    beginTime = infotime.getElementsByTagName(
    bTime = ns2pyTime(beginTime)

    numEpochs = len(epochBeginSamps)
    events = []
    eventInds = np.zeros((numEpochs, 2), dtype='i')
    eventInd = 0

    for p in range(numEpochs):
        origp = [0, 0, 'metadata', {}]
        eventp = [
            'break ' + summaryInfo['epochType'],
            summaryInfo['epochBeginSamps'][p], summaryInfo['epochLabels'][p],
            [], summaryInfo['epochNumSamps'][p], [], origp
        eventInds[eventInd, :] = [eventp[1], eventInd]
        eventInd = eventInd + 1

    for file in glob.glob(filePath + "/Events_*.xml"):
        eventsfile = file

    eventsListObj = parse(eventsfile)
    trackname = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName(
    eventsList = eventsListObj.getElementsByTagName('event')
    numEvents = eventsList.length

    for p in range(numEvents):
        theEvent = eventsList[p]
        eventTime = theEvent.getElementsByTagName(
        eTime = ns2pyTime(eventTime)
        eventTimeInMicros = (eTime - bTime).microseconds
        out = mff_micros2Sample(eventTimeInMicros, summaryInfo['sampRate'])
        eventTimeInSamples = int(out[0])
        sampleRemainder = int(out[1])
        eventTimeInEpochSamples = samples2EpochSample(eventTimeInSamples,

        if eventTimeInEpochSamples >= 0:
            keylist = theEvent.getElementsByTagName('key')
            eventkeycount = len(keylist)
            keyp = []
            for q in range(eventkeycount):
                theKey = keylist[q]
                theKeyCode = theKey.getElementsByTagName(
                theKeyData = theKey.getElementsByTagName(
                theKeyData1 = theKey.getElementsByTagName('data')
                theKeyData0 = theKeyData1[0]  # print theKeyData0.toxml()
                a = theKeyData0.attributes["dataType"]
                theKeyDatatype = a.value.encode()
                theKeyq = [theKeyCode, int(theKeyData), theKeyDatatype, '']

            duration = int(
            out = mff_micros2Sample(duration, summaryInfo['sampRate'])

            origp = [sampleRemainder, int(out[1]), trackname, keyp]
            eventp = [
                [0].firstChild.data.encode(), eventTimeInEpochSamples, 0, [],
                int(out[0]), [], origp

            eventIndp = np.array([eventp[1], eventInd], dtype='i').reshape(
                (1, 2))
            eventInds = np.concatenate((eventInds, eventIndp), axis=0)
            eventInd = eventInd + 1

    eventInds0 = eventInds[eventInds[:, 0].argsort()]
    sortedEvents = events
    for p in range(eventInd):
        nextEventInd = eventInds0[p, 1]
        sortedEvents[p] = events[nextEventInd]
    events = sortedEvents

    return events
Ejemplo n.º 5
def read_mff_data(filePath, indType, startInd, lastInd, hdr):
    import numpy as np
    from mff.mff_getSummaryInfo import mff_getSummaryInfo
    from mff.blockSample2BlockAndSample import blockSample2BlockAndSample
    from mff.read_signalN import read_signalN

    if hdr != None:
        summaryInfo = hdr['orig']
        summaryInfo = mff_getSummaryInfo(filePath)

    blockNumSamps = summaryInfo['blockNumSamps']
    if indType == 'sample':
         startSamp] = blockSample2BlockAndSample(startInd - 1, blockNumSamps)
         lastSamp] = blockSample2BlockAndSample(lastInd, blockNumSamps)
        blocksInEpoch = range(startBlockNum, lastBlockNum + 1)
    elif indType == 'epoch':
        blocksInEpoch = []
        for i in range(startInd - 1, lastInd):
            blocksInd = range(summaryInfo['epochFirstBlocks'][i] - 1,
        print("Error: indType must to be either 'epoch' or 'sample'")

    dataeeg = read_signalN(filePath, 'signal1.bin', blocksInEpoch)
    if summaryInfo['pibFilename'] != []:
        datapib = read_signalN(filePath, summaryInfo['pibFilename'],
        datalist = []
        for i in range(len(dataeeg)):
            dataI = np.concatenate((dataeeg[i], datapib[i]), axis=0)
        datalist = dataeeg

    if indType == 'sample':
        if startBlockNum == lastBlockNum:
            data = datalist[0][:, startSamp:lastSamp]
        elif lastBlockNum - startBlockNum == 1:
            datalistS = datalist[0][:, startSamp:]
            datalistL = datalist[1][:, :lastSamp]
            data = np.concatenate((datalistS, datalistL), axis=1)
            datalistS = datalist[0][:, startSamp:]
            for j in range(1, len(datalist) - 1):
                datalistJ = datalist[j]
                datalistS = np.concatenate((datalistS, datalistJ), axis=1)
            datalistL = datalist[-1][:, :lastSamp]
            data = np.concatenate((datalistS, datalistL), axis=1)

    elif indType == 'epoch':
        if len(datalist) > 1:
            if len(set(blockNumSamps)) > 1:
                data = datalist[0]
                for j in range(1, len(datalist)):
                    datalistj = datalist[j]
                    data = np.concatenate((data, datalistj), axis=1)
                data = np.zeros((datalist[0].shape[0], datalist[0].shape[1],
                for j in range(len(datalist)):
                    data[:, :, j] = datalist[j]
            data = datalist[0]
        print("Error: indType must to be either 'epoch' or 'sample'")

    return data