Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_bdlknc_zones(grid,
    Make zones for populating with lakebed leakance values. Same as
    lakarr, but with a buffer around each lake so that horizontal
    connections have non-zero values of bdlknc, and near-shore
    areas can be assigend higher leakance values.
    print('setting up lakebed leakance zones...')
    t0 = time.time()
    if isinstance(lakesshp, str):
        # implement automatic reprojection in gis-utils
        # maintaining backwards compatibility
        kwargs = {'dest_crs': grid.crs}
        kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, shp2df)
        lakes = shp2df(lakesshp, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(lakesshp, pd.DataFrame):
        lakes = lakesshp.copy()
        raise ValueError(
            'unrecognized input for "lakesshp": {}'.format(lakesshp))
    # Exterior buffer
    id_column = feat_id_column.lower()
    lakes.columns = [c.lower() for c in lakes.columns]
    exterior_buffer = 30  # m
    lakes.index = lakes[id_column]
    lakes = lakes.loc[include_ids]
    if lake_package_id_column not in lakes.columns:
        lakes[lake_package_id_column] = np.arange(1, len(lakes) + 1)
    # speed up buffer construction by getting exteriors once
    # and probably more importantly,
    # simplifying possibly complex geometries of lakes generated from 2ft lidar
    unbuffered_exteriors = [
        Polygon(g.exterior).simplify(5) for g in lakes.geometry
    lakes['geometry'] = [
        g.buffer(exterior_buffer) for g in unbuffered_exteriors
    arr = rasterize(lakes, grid=grid, id_column=lake_package_id_column)

    # Interior buffer for lower leakance, assumed to be 20 m around the lake
    interior_buffer = -20  # m
    lakes['geometry'] = [
        g.buffer(interior_buffer) for g in unbuffered_exteriors
    arr2 = rasterize(lakes, grid=grid, id_column=lake_package_id_column)
    arr2 = arr2 * 100  # Create new ids for the interior, as multiples of 10

    arr[arr2 > 0] = arr2[arr2 > 0]
    # ensure that order of hydroids is unchanged
    # (used to match features to lake IDs in lake package)
    assert lakes[id_column].tolist() == list(include_ids)
    print('finished in {:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - t0))
    return arr
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_lakarr2d(grid, lakesdata, include_ids, id_column='hydroid'):
    Make a nrow x ncol array with lake package extent for each lake,
    using the numbers in the 'id' column in the lakes shapefile.
    if isinstance(lakesdata, str):
        # implement automatic reprojection in gis-utils
        # maintaining backwards compatibility
        kwargs = {'dest_crs': grid.crs}
        kwargs = get_input_arguments(kwargs, shp2df)
        lakes = shp2df(lakesdata, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(lakesdata, pd.DataFrame):
        lakes = lakesdata.copy()
        raise ValueError(
            'unrecognized input for "lakesdata": {}'.format(lakesdata))
    id_column = id_column.lower()
    lakes.columns = [c.lower() for c in lakes.columns]
    lakes.index = lakes[id_column]
    lakes = lakes.loc[include_ids]
    lakes['lakid'] = np.arange(1, len(lakes) + 1)
    lakes['geometry'] = [Polygon(g.exterior) for g in lakes.geometry]
    arr = rasterize(lakes, grid=grid, id_column='lakid')

    # ensure that order of hydroids is unchanged
    # (used to match features to lake IDs in lake package)
    assert lakes[id_column].tolist() == include_ids
    return arr
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dis_setup(shellmound_model_with_grid):

    m = shellmound_model_with_grid  #deepcopy(model_with_grid)
    # test intermediate array creation
    m.cfg['dis']['remake_top'] = True
    m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['top']['resample_method'] = 'nearest'
    m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['botm']['resample_method'] = 'nearest'
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    botm = m.dis.botm.array.copy()
    assert isinstance(dis, mf6.ModflowGwfdis)
    assert 'DIS' in m.get_package_list()
    # verify that units got conveted correctly
    assert m.dis.top.array.mean() < 100
    assert m.dis.length_units.array == 'meters'

    # verify that modelgrid was reset after building DIS
    mg = m.modelgrid
    assert (mg.nlay, mg.nrow, mg.ncol) == m.dis.botm.array.shape
    assert np.array_equal(mg.top, m.dis.top.array)
    assert np.array_equal(mg.botm, m.dis.botm.array)

    arrayfiles = m.cfg['intermediate_data']['top'] + \
                 m.cfg['intermediate_data']['botm'] + \
    for f in arrayfiles:
        assert os.path.exists(f)
        fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(f)[1])[0]
        k = ''.join([s for s in fname if s.isdigit()])
        var = fname.strip(k)
        data = np.loadtxt(f)
        model_array = getattr(m.dis, var).array
        if len(k) > 0:
            k = int(k)
            model_array = model_array[k]
        assert np.array_equal(model_array, data)

# test that written idomain array reflects supplied shapefile of active area
    active_area = rasterize(m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['idomain']['filename'],
    isactive = active_area == 1
    written_idomain = load_array(m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['idomain'])
    assert np.all(written_idomain[:, ~isactive] <= 0)

    # test idomain from just layer elevations
    del m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['idomain']
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    top = dis.top.array.copy()
    top[top == m._nodata_value] = np.nan
    botm = dis.botm.array.copy()
    botm[botm == m._nodata_value] = np.nan
    thickness = get_layer_thicknesses(top, botm)
    invalid_botms = np.ones_like(botm)
    invalid_botms[np.isnan(botm)] = 0
    invalid_botms[thickness < 1.0001] = 0
    # these two arrays are not equal
    # because isolated cells haven't been removed from the second one
    # this verifies that _set_idomain is removing them
    assert not np.array_equal(m.idomain[:, isactive].sum(axis=1),
                              invalid_botms[:, isactive].sum(axis=1))
    invalid_botms = find_remove_isolated_cells(invalid_botms,
    active_cells = m.idomain[:, isactive].copy()
    active_cells[active_cells <
                 0] = 0  # need to do this because some idomain cells are -1
    assert np.array_equal(active_cells.sum(axis=1),
                          invalid_botms[:, isactive].sum(axis=1))

    # test recreating package from external arrays
    assert m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['top'] is not None
    assert m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['botm'] is not None
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    assert np.array_equal(m.dis.botm.array[m.dis.idomain.array == 1],
                          botm[m.dis.idomain.array == 1])

    # test recreating just the top from the external array
    m.cfg['dis']['remake_top'] = False
    m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['botm'] = None
    dis = m.setup_dis()
    assert np.array_equal(m.dis.botm.array[m.dis.idomain.array == 1],
                          botm[m.dis.idomain.array == 1])
    arrayfiles = m.cfg['dis']['griddata']['top']
    for f in arrayfiles:
        assert os.path.exists(f['filename'])
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(m.model_ws, dis.filename))

    # dis package idomain should be consistent with model property
    updated_idomain = m.idomain
    assert np.array_equal(m.dis.idomain.array, updated_idomain)

    # check that units were converted (or not)
    assert np.allclose(dis.top.array[dis.idomain.array[0] == 1].mean(),
    mcaq = m.cfg['dis']['source_data']['botm']['filenames'][3]
    assert 'mcaq' in mcaq
    with rasterio.open(mcaq) as src:
        mcaq_data = src.read(1)
        mcaq_data[mcaq_data == src.meta['nodata']] = np.nan
    assert np.allclose(m.dis.botm.array[3][dis.idomain.array[3] == 1].mean() /
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setup_ghb_data(model):

    m = model
    source_data = model.cfg['ghb'].get('source_data').copy()
    # get the GHB cells
    # todo: generalize more of the GHB setup code and move it somewhere else
    if 'shapefile' in source_data:
        shapefile_data = source_data['shapefile']
        key = [k for k in shapefile_data.keys() if 'filename' in k.lower()][0]
        shapefile_name = shapefile_data.pop(key)
        ghbcells = rasterize(shapefile_name, m.modelgrid, **shapefile_data)
        raise NotImplementedError('Only shapefile input supported for GHBs')

    cond = model.cfg['ghb'].get('cond')
    if cond is None:
        raise KeyError("key 'cond' not found in GHB yaml input. "
                       "Must supply conductance via this key for GHB setup.")

    # sample DEM for minimum elevation in each cell with a GHB
    # todo: GHB: allow time-varying bheads via csv input
    vertices = np.array(m.modelgrid.vertices)[ghbcells.flat > 0, :, :]
    polygons = [Polygon(vrts) for vrts in vertices]
    if 'dem' in source_data:
        key = [
            k for k in source_data['dem'].keys() if 'filename' in k.lower()
        dem_filename = source_data['dem'].pop(key)
        with rasterio.open(dem_filename) as src:
            meta = src.meta

        # reproject the polygons to the dem crs if needed
            from gisutils import get_authority_crs
            dem_crs = get_authority_crs(src.crs)
            dem_crs = pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input(src.crs)
        if dem_crs != m.modelgrid.crs:
            polygons = project(polygons, m.modelgrid.crs, dem_crs)

        all_touched = False
        if meta['transform'][0] > m.modelgrid.delr[0]:
            all_touched = True
        results = zonal_stats(polygons,
        min_elevs = np.ones((m.nrow * m.ncol), dtype=float) * np.nan
        min_elevs[ghbcells.flat > 0] = np.array([r['min'] for r in results])
        units_key = [k for k in source_data['dem'] if 'units' in k]
        if len(units_key) > 0:
            min_elevs *= convert_length_units(source_data['dem'][units_key[0]],
        min_elevs = np.reshape(min_elevs, (m.nrow, m.ncol))
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Must supply DEM to sample for GHB elevations\n'
            '(GHB: source_data: dem:)')

    # make a DataFrame with MODFLOW input
    i, j = np.indices((m.nrow, m.ncol))
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        'per': 0,
        'k': 0,
        'i': i.flat,
        'j': j.flat,
        'bhead': min_elevs.flat,
        'cond': cond
    df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)

    # assign layers so that bhead is above botms
    df['k'] = get_layer(model.dis.botm.array, df.i, df.j, df.bhead)
    # remove GHB cells from places where the specified head is below the model
    below_bottom_of_model = df.bhead < model.dis.botm.array[-1, df.i,
                                                            df.j] + 0.01
    df = df.loc[~below_bottom_of_model].copy()

    # exclude inactive cells
    k, i, j = df.k, df.i, df.j
    if model.version == 'mf6':
        active_cells = model.idomain[k, i, j] >= 1
        active_cells = model.ibound[k, i, j] >= 1
    df = df.loc[active_cells]
    return df