Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_create_template_same_name(self):
     with open(join(RESOURCES_PATH, 'a.xsd'), 'r') as data_file:
         data_content = data_file.read()
         create_template(data_content, "a", "a.xsd")
         self.assertEquals(len(Template.objects()), 1)
         with self.assertRaises(Exception):
             create_template(data_content, "a", "a.xsd")
    def execute_test(self, file_id):
        filename_inc = '{}_inc.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path_inc = join(self.resources_path, filename_inc)
        xsd_file_inc = open(xsd_file_path_inc, 'r')
        xsd_file_content_inc = xsd_file_inc.read()

        # create template
        template_inc = create_template(xsd_file_content_inc, filename_inc,
        template_version = TemplateVersion.objects().get(
        # remove the dependency template
        template_version.isDeleted = True

        filename = '{}.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path = join(self.resources_path, filename)
        xsd_file = open(xsd_file_path, 'r')
        xsd_file_content = xsd_file.read()

        # create template
        xsd_tree = etree.fromstring(xsd_file_content)
        update_dependencies(xsd_tree, {filename_inc: str(template_inc.id)})
        xsd_file_content = etree.tostring(xsd_tree)

        template = create_template(xsd_file_content, filename, filename,

        # load the form
        load_new_form(self.driver, self.base_url, file_id)
        # download XML

        # wait a bit more to let time to save the file
        time.sleep(TIMEOUT * 5)

        # load expected result
        exp_result_path = join(self.resources_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        exp_result_file = open(exp_result_path, 'r')
        exp_result_content = exp_result_file.read()

        # load result generated by the form
        result_path = join(self.results_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        result_file = open(result_path, 'r')
        result_content = result_file.read()

        expected = etree.fromstring(exp_result_content)
        result = etree.fromstring(result_content)

        if not are_equals(expected, result):
            raise Exception('NOT EQUALS TO EXPECTED: {}'.format(file_id))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def resolve_dependencies(request):
    print 'BEGIN def resolveDependencies(request)'
    schema_locations = request.POST.getlist('schemaLocations[]')
    dependencies = request.POST.getlist('dependencies[]')

    if ('uploadObjectName' in request.session and request.session['uploadObjectName'] is not None and
        'uploadObjectFilename' in request.session and request.session['uploadObjectFilename'] is not None and
        'uploadObjectContent' in request.session and request.session['uploadObjectContent'] is not None and
        'uploadObjectType' in request.session and request.session['uploadObjectType'] is not None):
        object_content = request.session['uploadObjectContent']
        name = request.session['uploadObjectName']
        filename = request.session['uploadObjectFilename']
        object_type = request.session['uploadObjectType']

    # Load a parser able to clean the XML from blanks, comments and processing instructions
    clean_parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, remove_comments=True, remove_pis=True)
    # set the parser

    xsd_tree = etree.XML(str(object_content.encode('utf-8')))

    # replace includes/imports by API calls (get dependencies starting by the imports)
    update_dependencies(xsd_tree, dict(zip(schema_locations, dependencies)))

    # validate the schema
    error = validate_xml_schema(xsd_tree)

    if error is None:
        object_content = etree.tostring(xsd_tree)
        # create a new version
        if 'uploadVersion' in request.session and request.session['uploadVersion'] is not None:
            object_versions_id = request.session['uploadVersion']
            if object_type == 'Template':
                new_template = create_template_version(object_content, filename, object_versions_id)
                redirect = '/admin/manage_versions?type={0}&id={1}'.format(object_type, str(new_template.id))
            elif object_type == 'Type':
                new_type = create_type_version(object_content, filename, object_versions_id)
                redirect = '/admin/manage_versions?type={0}&id={1}'.format(object_type, str(new_type.id))
        # create new object
            # save the object
            if object_type == "Template":
                create_template(object_content, name, filename, dependencies)
                redirect = '/admin/xml-schemas/manage-schemas'
            elif object_type == "Type":
                if 'uploadBuckets' in request.session and request.session['uploadBuckets'] is not None:
                    buckets = request.session['uploadBuckets']
                create_type(object_content, name, filename, buckets, dependencies)
                redirect = '/admin/xml-schemas/manage-types'

        response_dict = {'redirect': redirect}
        messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, '{} uploaded with success.'.format(object_type))
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')
        response_dict = {'errorDependencies': error.replace("'", "")}
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')
    def execute_test(self, file_id):
        filename_inc = '{}_inc.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path_inc = join(self.resources_path, filename_inc)
        xsd_file_inc = open(xsd_file_path_inc, 'r')
        xsd_file_content_inc = xsd_file_inc.read()

        # create template
        template_inc = create_template(xsd_file_content_inc, filename_inc, filename_inc)
        template_version = TemplateVersion.objects().get(pk=template_inc.templateVersion)
        # remove the dependency template
        template_version.isDeleted = True

        filename = '{}.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path = join(self.resources_path, filename)
        xsd_file = open(xsd_file_path, 'r')
        xsd_file_content = xsd_file.read()

        # create template
        xsd_tree = etree.fromstring(xsd_file_content)
        update_dependencies(xsd_tree, {filename_inc: str(template_inc.id)})
        xsd_file_content = etree.tostring(xsd_tree)

        template = create_template(xsd_file_content, filename, filename, [str(template_inc.id)])

        # load the form
        load_new_form(self.driver, self.base_url, file_id)
        # download XML

        # wait a bit more to let time to save the file
        time.sleep(TIMEOUT * 5)

        # load expected result
        exp_result_path = join(self.resources_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        exp_result_file = open(exp_result_path, 'r')
        exp_result_content = exp_result_file.read()

        # load result generated by the form
        result_path = join(self.results_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        result_file = open(result_path, 'r')
        result_content = result_file.read()

        expected = etree.fromstring(exp_result_content)
        result = etree.fromstring(result_content)

        if not are_equals(expected, result):
            raise Exception('NOT EQUALS TO EXPECTED: {}'.format(file_id))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_create_template_dependency(self):
        with open(join(RESOURCES_PATH, 'bType.xsd'), 'r') as data_file:
            data_content = data_file.read()
            dependency = create_type(data_content, "b", "bType.xsd")
            self.assertEquals(len(Type.objects()), 1)

        with open(join(RESOURCES_PATH, 'a.xsd'), 'r') as data_file:
            data_content = data_file.read()
            xml_tree = etree.parse(BytesIO(data_content.encode('utf-8')))
            update_dependencies(xml_tree, {'bType.xsd': str(dependency.id)})
            data_content = etree.tostring(xml_tree)
            self.assertEquals(len(Template.objects()), 1)
    def execute_test(self, file_id):
        filename = '{}.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path = join(self.resources_path, filename)
        xsd_file = open(xsd_file_path, 'r')
        xsd_file_content = xsd_file.read()

        # create template
        template = create_template(xsd_file_content, filename, filename)

        # load the form
        load_new_form(self.driver, self.base_url, file_id)
        # download XML

        # wait a bit more to let time to save the file
        time.sleep(TIMEOUT * 5)

        # load expected result
        exp_result_path = join(self.resources_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        exp_result_file = open(exp_result_path, 'r')
        exp_result_content = exp_result_file.read()

        # load result generated by the form
        result_path = join(self.results_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        result_file = open(result_path, 'r')
        result_content = result_file.read()

        expected = etree.fromstring(exp_result_content)
        result = etree.fromstring(result_content)

        if not are_equals(expected, result):
            raise Exception('NOT EQUALS TO EXPECTED: {}'.format(file_id))
    def execute_test(self, file_id):
        filename = '{}.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path = join(self.resources_path, filename)
        xsd_file = open(xsd_file_path, 'r')
        xsd_file_content = xsd_file.read()

        # create template
        template = create_template(xsd_file_content, filename, filename)

        # load the form
        load_new_form(self.driver, self.base_url, file_id)
        # download XML

        # wait a bit more to let time to save the file
        time.sleep(TIMEOUT * 5)

        # load expected result
        exp_result_path = join(self.resources_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        exp_result_file = open(exp_result_path, 'r')
        exp_result_content = exp_result_file.read()

        # load result generated by the form
        result_path = join(self.results_path, "{0}.xml".format(file_id))
        result_file = open(result_path, 'r')
        result_content = result_file.read()

        expected = etree.fromstring(exp_result_content)
        result = etree.fromstring(result_content)

        if not are_equals(expected, result):
            raise Exception('NOT EQUALS TO EXPECTED: {}'.format(file_id))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def scan_static_resources():
        Dynamically load templates/types in resource folder
            # if templates are already present, initialization already happened
            existing_templates = Template.objects()
            existing_types = Type.objects()

            if len(existing_templates) == 0 and len(existing_types) == 0:
                templates_dir = os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'templates')
                if os.path.exists(templates_dir):
                    for filename in os.listdir(templates_dir):
                        if filename.endswith(".xsd"):
                            file_path = os.path.join(templates_dir, filename)
                            file = open(file_path, 'r')
                            file_content = file.read()
                                name_no_extension = filename.split(".xsd")[0]
                            except Exception, e:
                                print "ERROR: Unable to load {0} ({1})".format(
                                    filename, e.message)
                            print "WARNING: {0} not loaded because extension is not {1}".format(
                                filename, ".xsd")

                types_dir = os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'types')
                if os.path.exists(types_dir):
                    for filename in os.listdir(types_dir):
                        if filename.endswith(".xsd"):
                            file_path = os.path.join(types_dir, filename)
                            file = open(file_path, 'r')
                            file_content = file.read()
                                name_no_extension = filename.split(".xsd")[0]
                                create_type(file_content, name_no_extension,
                            except Exception, e:
                                print "ERROR: Unable to load {0} ({1})".format(
                                    filename, e.message)
                            print "WARNING: {0} not loaded because extension is not {1}".format(
                                filename, ".xsd")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def add_template(self, file_id):
        filename = '{}.xsd'.format(file_id)

        # load XSD
        xsd_file_path = join(self.resources_path, filename)
        xsd_file = open(xsd_file_path, 'r')
        xsd_file_content = xsd_file.read()

        # create template
        template = create_template(xsd_file_content, filename, filename)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def load_template(template_path):
    Load the template to search on
    :param template_path:
    # Open the the file
    with open(template_path, 'r') as template_file:
        # read the file content
        template_content = template_file.read()
        return create_template(template_content, template_path, template_path)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def load_template(template_path):
    Load the template to search on
    :param template_path:
    # Open the the file
    with open(template_path, 'r') as template_file:
        # read the file content
        template_content = template_file.read()
        return create_template(template_content, template_path, template_path)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    # validate the schema
    error = validate_xml_schema(xml_tree)

    if error is not None:
        response_dict['errors'] = 'This is not a valid XML schema.' + error.replace("'", "")
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')

    dependencies = []

    for uri in request.session["includedTypesCompose"]:
        url = urlparse(uri)
        id = url.query.split("=")[1]

    create_template(content, template_name, template_name, dependencies, user=str(request.user.id))

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')

# Function Name: save_type(request)
# Inputs:        request - HTTP request
# Outputs:       JSON
# Exceptions:    None
# Description:   save the current type in the database
def save_type(request):
    type_name = request.POST['typeName']
Ejemplo n.º 13
def resolve_dependencies(request):
    print 'BEGIN def resolveDependencies(request)'
    schema_locations = request.POST.getlist('schemaLocations[]')
    dependencies = request.POST.getlist('dependencies[]')

    if ('uploadObjectName' in request.session
            and request.session['uploadObjectName'] is not None
            and 'uploadObjectFilename' in request.session
            and request.session['uploadObjectFilename'] is not None
            and 'uploadObjectContent' in request.session
            and request.session['uploadObjectContent'] is not None
            and 'uploadObjectType' in request.session
            and request.session['uploadObjectType'] is not None):
        object_content = request.session['uploadObjectContent']
        name = request.session['uploadObjectName']
        filename = request.session['uploadObjectFilename']
        object_type = request.session['uploadObjectType']

    # Load a parser able to clean the XML from blanks, comments and processing instructions
    clean_parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True,
    # set the parser

    xsd_tree = etree.XML(str(object_content.encode('utf-8')))

    # replace includes/imports by API calls (get dependencies starting by the imports)
    update_dependencies(xsd_tree, dict(zip(schema_locations, dependencies)))

    # validate the schema
    error = validate_xml_schema(xsd_tree)

    if error is None:
        object_content = etree.tostring(xsd_tree)
        # create a new version
        if 'uploadVersion' in request.session and request.session[
                'uploadVersion'] is not None:
            object_versions_id = request.session['uploadVersion']
            if object_type == 'Template':
                new_template = create_template_version(object_content,
                redirect = '/admin/manage_versions?type={0}&id={1}'.format(
                    object_type, str(new_template.id))
            elif object_type == 'Type':
                new_type = create_type_version(object_content, filename,
                redirect = '/admin/manage_versions?type={0}&id={1}'.format(
                    object_type, str(new_type.id))
        # create new object
            # save the object
            if object_type == "Template":
                create_template(object_content, name, filename, dependencies)
                redirect = '/admin/xml-schemas/manage-schemas'
            elif object_type == "Type":
                if 'uploadBuckets' in request.session and request.session[
                        'uploadBuckets'] is not None:
                    buckets = request.session['uploadBuckets']
                create_type(object_content, name, filename, buckets,
                redirect = '/admin/xml-schemas/manage-types'

        response_dict = {'redirect': redirect}
        messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO,
                             '{} uploaded with success.'.format(object_type))
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict),
        response_dict = {'errorDependencies': error.replace("'", "")}
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict),
Ejemplo n.º 14
        response_dict['errors'] = 'This is not a valid XML schema.' + error.replace("'","")
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')

    dependencies = []

    for uri in request.session["includedTypesCompose"]:
            url = urlparse(uri)
            id = url.query.split("=")[1]
            # add dependency if it matches a type id

    create_template(content, template_name, template_name, dependencies, user=str(request.user.id))

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict), content_type='application/javascript')

# Function Name: save_type(request)
# Inputs:        request - HTTP request
# Outputs:       JSON 
# Exceptions:    None
# Description:   save the current type in the database
def save_type(request):     
    type_name = request.POST['typeName']
Ejemplo n.º 15
def upload_xsd(request):
    # get the type of object in param: Template or Type
    object_type = request.GET['type'] if 'type' in request.GET else None

    request.session['uploadObjectContent'] = None
    request.session['uploadObjectName'] = None
    request.session['uploadObjectFilename'] = None
    request.session['uploadObjectType'] = None
    request.session['uploadVersion'] = None

    # check if object type is set
    if object_type is not None:
        # load the html template to upload xsd
        template = loader.get_template('admin/upload_xsd.html')
        # check the parameters are correct
        if object_type in ['Template', 'Type']:
            # method is POST
            if request.method == 'POST':
                if object_type == 'Template':
                    form = UploadTemplateForm(request.POST,  request.FILES)
                elif object_type == 'Type':
                    form = UploadTypeForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

                if form.is_valid():
                    # get the schema name
                    name = request.POST['name']
                    # get the file from the form
                    xsd_file = request.FILES['xsd_file']
                    # put the cursor at the beginning of the file
                    # read the content of the file
                    xsd_data = xsd_file.read()

                        if object_type == 'Template':
                            create_template(xsd_data, name, xsd_file.name)
                            # XML schema loaded with success
                            messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, '{} uploaded with success.'.format(object_type))
                            return redirect('/admin/xml-schemas/manage-schemas')
                        elif object_type == 'Type':
                            buckets = request.POST.getlist('buckets')
                            create_type(xsd_data, name, xsd_file.name, buckets)
                            # XML schema loaded with success
                            messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, '{} uploaded with success.'.format(object_type))
                            return redirect('/admin/xml-schemas/manage-types')
                    except XSDError, e:
                        error = e.message
                            xsd_tree = etree.parse(BytesIO(xsd_data.encode('utf-8')))
                            xsd_tree = etree.parse(BytesIO(xsd_data))
                        # a problem with includes/imports has been detected
                        # get the imports
                        imports = xsd_tree.findall("{}import".format(LXML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE))
                        # get the includes
                        includes = xsd_tree.findall("{}include".format(LXML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE))
                        if len(includes) > 0 or len(imports) > 0:
                            # build the list of dependencies
                            list_dependencies_template = loader.get_template('admin/list_dependencies.html')
                            context = RequestContext(request, {
                                'templates': template_list_current(),
                                'types':  type_list_current(),
                            list_dependencies_html = list_dependencies_template.render(context)

                            imports = xsd_tree.findall("{}import".format(LXML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE))
                            includes = xsd_tree.findall("{}include".format(LXML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE))

                            # build the dependency resolver form
                            dependency_resolver_template = loader.get_template('admin/dependency_resolver.html')
                            context = RequestContext(request, {
                                'imports': imports,
                                'includes': includes,
                                'xsd_content': utils.html.escape(xsd_data),
                                'dependencies': list_dependencies_html,
                            dependency_resolver_html = dependency_resolver_template.render(context)

                            context = RequestContext(request, {
                                'upload_form': form,
                                'object_type':  object_type,
                                'dependency_resolver': dependency_resolver_html,

                            # TODO: use a better method to store schema information
                            # TODO: can create an entry in db
                            request.session['uploadObjectName'] = name
                            request.session['uploadObjectFilename'] = xsd_file.name
                            request.session['uploadObjectContent'] = xsd_data
                            request.session['uploadObjectType'] = object_type
                            if object_type == 'Type':
                                request.session['uploadBuckets'] = request.POST.getlist('buckets')
                            return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
                            context = RequestContext(request, {
                                'upload_form': form,
                                'object_type':  object_type,
                                'errors': error.replace('"', '\''),
                            return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
                    except Exception, e:
                        error = e.message
                        context = RequestContext(request, {
                            'upload_form': form,
                            'object_type':  object_type,
                            'errors': error.replace('"', '\''),
                        return HttpResponse(template.render(context))

                    context = RequestContext(request, {
                        'upload_form': form,
                        'object_type':  object_type,
                    return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
            # method is GET
                # if the param is Template
                if object_type == 'Template':
                    # render the form to upload a template
                    context = RequestContext(request, {
                        'upload_form': UploadTemplateForm(),
                        'object_type':  object_type,
                    return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
                # if the param is Type
                elif object_type == 'Type':
                    # render the form to upload a type
                    context = RequestContext(request, {
                        'upload_form': UploadTypeForm(),
                        'object_type':  object_type,
                    return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def load_templates():
    Loads templates/xslt for NMRR the first time
    # if templates are already present, initialization already happened
    existing_templates = Template.objects()
    if len(existing_templates) == 0:
        vocab_template_filename = 'mse_vocab.xsd'

        templates = {
            'all': 'res-md.xsd',
            'organization': 'res-md.xsd',
            'datacollection': 'res-md.xsd',
            'repository': 'res-md.xsd',
            'projectarchive': 'res-md.xsd',
            'database': 'res-md.xsd',
            'dataset': 'res-md.xsd',
            'service': 'res-md.xsd',
            'informational': 'res-md.xsd',
            'software': 'res-md.xsd',

        template_ids = []

        template_results = {
            'full': 'nmrr-full_demo.xsl',
            'detail': 'nmrr-detail_demo.xsl',

        template_results_id = {
            'full': None,
            'detail': None,

        # connect to mongo
        client = MongoClient(MONGODB_URI)
        # connect to the db 'mgi'
        db = client[MGI_DB]

        # add vocab
        vocab_file = open(
            os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'static', 'resources', 'xsd',
                         vocab_template_filename), 'r')
        vocab_content = vocab_file.read()
        vocab_template = create_template(vocab_content, 'vocab',

        # Add the templates
        for template_name, template_path in templates.iteritems():
            template_file = open(
                os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'static', 'resources', 'xsd',
                             template_path), 'r')
            template_content = template_file.read()
            # add local vocab to template
            xml_tree = etree.parse(BytesIO(template_content.encode('utf-8')))
                                {'mse_vocab.xsd': str(vocab_template.id)})
            template_content = etree.tostring(xml_tree)
            # create template
            resource_template = create_template(

        # Add xslt
        xsl_col = db['result_xslt']
        for xsl_name, xsl_path in template_results.iteritems():
            file = open(
                os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'static', 'resources', 'xsl',
                             xsl_path), 'r')
            fileContent = file.read()

            xsl = {}
            xsl['name'] = xsl_name
            xsl['filename'] = xsl_path
            xsl['content'] = fileContent
            xsl_id = xsl_col.insert(xsl)

            template_results_id[xsl_name] = str(xsl_id)

        templates = db['template']
        results_xslt = {
            'ResultXsltList': template_results_id['full'],
            'ResultXsltDetailed': template_results_id['detail']
        templates.update({}, {"$set": results_xslt}, upsert=False, multi=True)

    def scan_static_resources():
        Dynamically load templates/types in resource folder
            # if templates are already present, initialization already happened
            existing_templates = Template.objects()
            existing_types = Type.objects()

            if len(existing_templates) == 0 and len(existing_types) == 0:
                templates_dir = os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'templates')
                if os.path.exists(templates_dir):
                    for filename in os.listdir(templates_dir):
                        if filename.endswith(".xsd"):
                            file_path = os.path.join(templates_dir, filename)
                            file = open(file_path, 'r')
                            file_content = file.read()
                                name_no_extension = filename.split(".xsd")[0]
                            except Exception, e:
                                print "ERROR: Unable to load {0} ({1})".format(
                                    filename, e.message)
                            print "WARNING: {0} not loaded because extension is not {1}".format(
                                filename, ".xsd")

                types_dir = os.path.join(STATIC_DIR, 'types')
                if os.path.exists(types_dir):
                    for filename in os.listdir(types_dir):
                        if filename.endswith(".xsd"):
                            file_path = os.path.join(types_dir, filename)
                            file = open(file_path, 'r')
                            file_content = file.read()
                                name_no_extension = filename.split(".xsd")[0]
                                create_type(file_content, name_no_extension,
                            except Exception, e:
                                print "ERROR: Unable to load {0} ({1})".format(
                                    filename, e.message)
                            print "WARNING: {0} not loaded because extension is not {1}".format(
                                filename, ".xsd")