def upload(files): for f in files: attr = json.dumps({ "type": "inbox", "id": mgrast_auth['id'], "user": mgrast_auth['login'], "email": mgrast_auth['email'] }) # get format if f.endswith(".gz"): fformat = "gzip" elif f.endswith(".bz2"): fformat = "bzip2" else: fformat = "upload" # POST to shock data = {"attributes_str": attr} result = post_file(SHOCK_URL + "/node", fformat, f, data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) # compute file info info = obj_from_url(API_URL + "/inbox/info/" + result['data']['id'], auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) print(info['status']) # compute sequence stats if info['stats_info']['file_type'] in ['fasta', 'fastq']: stats = obj_from_url(API_URL + "/inbox/stats/" + result['data']['id'], auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) print(stats['status'].replace("stats computation", "validation"))
def upload_archive(afile): attr = json.dumps({ "type": "inbox", "id": mgrast_auth['id'], "user": mgrast_auth['login'], "email": mgrast_auth['email'] }) # get format if afile.endswith(".tar.gz"): aformat = "tar.gz" elif afile.endswith(".tar.bz2"): aformat = "tar.bz2" elif afile.endswith(".tar"): aformat = "tar" elif afile.endswith(".zip"): aformat = "zip" else: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: input file %s is incorrect archive format\n" % afile) sys.exit(1) # POST to shock / unpack data = {"file_name": os.path.basename(afile), "attributes_str": attr} result = post_file(SHOCK_URL + "/node", "upload", afile, data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) data = { "unpack_node": result['data']['id'], "archive_format": aformat, "attributes_str": attr } unpack = obj_from_url(SHOCK_URL + "/node", data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) # process new nodes for node in unpack['data']: # compute file info info = obj_from_url(API_URL + "/inbox/info/" + node['id'], auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) print(info['status']) # compute sequence stats if info['stats_info']['file_type'] in ['fasta', 'fastq']: stats = obj_from_url(API_URL + "/inbox/stats/" + node['id'], auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=DEBUG) print(stats['status'].replace("stats computation", "validation"))
def upload(files, verbose): fids = [] attr = json.dumps({ "type": "inbox", "id": mgrast_auth['id'], "user": mgrast_auth['login'], "email": mgrast_auth['email'] }) for i, f in enumerate(files): # get format if f.endswith(".gz"): fformat = "gzip" fname = os.path.basename(f[:-3]) elif f.endswith(".bz2"): fformat = "bzip2" fname = os.path.basename(f[:-4]) else: fformat = "upload" fname = os.path.basename(f) # POST to shock data = { "file_name": fname, "attributes_str": attr } if verbose: if len(files) > 1: print("Uploading file %d of %d (%s) to MG-RAST Shock"%(i+1, len(files), f)) else: print("Uploading file %s to MG-RAST Shock"%(f)) result = post_file(SHOCK_URL+"/node", fformat, f, data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=verbose) if verbose: print(json.dumps(result['data'])) if len(files) > 1: print("Setting info for file %d of %d (%s) in MG-RAST inbox"%(i+1, len(files), f)) else: print("Setting info for file %s in MG-RAST inbox"%(f)) # compute file info info = obj_from_url(API_URL+"/inbox/info/"+result['data']['id'], auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=verbose) if verbose: print(json.dumps(info)) else: print(info['status']) fids.append(result['data']['id']) return fids
def archive_upload(afile, verbose): attr = json.dumps({ "type": "inbox", "id": mgrast_auth['id'], "user": mgrast_auth['login'], "email": mgrast_auth['email'] }) # get format if afile.endswith(".tar.gz"): aformat = "tar.gz" elif afile.endswith(".tar.bz2"): aformat = "tar.bz2" elif afile.endswith(".tar"): aformat = "tar" elif afile.endswith(".zip"): aformat = "zip" else: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: input file %s is incorrect archive format\n"%afile) sys.exit(1) # POST to shock / unpack if verbose: print("Uploading file %s to MG-RAST Shock"%(afile)) data = { "file_name": os.path.basename(afile), "attributes_str": attr } result = post_file(SHOCK_URL+"/node", "upload", afile, data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=verbose) if verbose: print(json.dumps(result['data'])) print("Unpacking archive file %s"%(afile)) data = { "unpack_node": result['data']['id'], "archive_format": aformat, "attributes_str": attr } unpack = obj_from_url(SHOCK_URL+"/node", data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=verbose) if verbose: print(json.dumps(unpack['data'])) fids = map(lambda x: x['id'], unpack['data']) return fids
def main(args): global API_URL ArgumentParser.format_description = lambda self, formatter: self.description ArgumentParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog parser = ArgumentParser(usage='', description=prehelp % VERSION, epilog=posthelp % AUTH_LIST) # access options parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", dest="url", default=API_URL, help="MG-RAST API url") parser.add_argument("-t", "--token", dest="token", default=None, help="MG-RAST token") # other options parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="mdfile", default=None, help="metadata .xlsx file") parser.add_argument( "--taxa", dest="taxa", default=None, help= "metagenome_taxonomy for project:" ) parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run in debug mode") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Verbose STDOUT") parser.add_argument("args", type=str, nargs="+", help="Action (" + ",".join(valid_actions) + ")") # get inputs opts = parser.parse_args() args = opts.args API_URL = opts.url # validate inputs if len(args) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: missing action\n") return 1 action = args[0] if action not in valid_actions: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: invalid action. use one of: %s\n" % ", ".join(valid_actions)) return 1 if len(args) < 2: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: missing Project ID\n") return 1 pid = args[1] DEBUG = opts.verbose + opts.debug # get token token = get_auth_token(opts) if not token: token = input('Enter your MG-RAST auth token: ') # actions if action == "get-info": data = obj_from_url(opts.url + '/project/' + pid + '?verbosity=verbose&nocache=1', auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "get-metadata": data = obj_from_url(opts.url + '/metadata/export/' + pid, auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "update-metadata": result = post_file(opts.url + '/metadata/update', 'upload', opts.mdfile, auth=token, data=json.dumps({'project': pid}, separators=(',', ':')), debug=DEBUG) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "make-public": data = obj_from_url(opts.url + '/project/' + pid + '/makepublic', auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "submit-ebi": debug = 1 if opts.debug else 0 info = {'project_id': pid, 'debug': debug} if opts.taxa: info['project_taxonomy'] = opts.taxa data = obj_from_url(opts.url + '/submission/ebi', auth=token, data=json.dumps(info, separators=(',', ':'))) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "status-ebi": data = obj_from_url(opts.url + '/submission/' + pid, auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) return 0
def upload(files, verbose): ''' upload(files, verbose) -- call MG-RAST api to upload one or more files to inbox ''' fids = [] attr = json.dumps({ "type": "inbox", "id": mgrast_auth['id'], "user": mgrast_auth['login'], "email": mgrast_auth['email'] }) results = { 'submitted': [], 'failed': [], 'files': files } # Settings for nr tries maxtries = 3 current = 0 sleep = 60 while len(results['files']) and current < maxtries: # increase counter current += 1 for i, f in enumerate(results['files']): # get format print(i,f) if f.endswith(".gz"): fformat = "gzip" fname = os.path.basename(f[:-3]) elif f.endswith(".bz2"): fformat = "bzip2" fname = os.path.basename(f[:-4]) else: fformat = "upload" fname = os.path.basename(f) # POST to shock data = { "file_name": fname, "attributes_str": attr } if verbose: if len(files) > 1: print("Uploading file %d of %d (%s) to MG-RAST Shock"%(i+1, len(files), f)) else: print("Uploading file %s to MG-RAST Shock"%(f)) if True: # change to debug print("Submitting %s to %s " % (f,SHOCK_URL)) result = post_file(SHOCK_URL+"/node", fformat, f, data=data, auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=verbose) if result: if verbose: print(json.dumps(result['data'])) if len(files) > 1: print("Setting info for file %d of %d (%s) in MG-RAST inbox"%(i+1, len(files), f)) else: print("Setting info for file %s in MG-RAST inbox"%(f)) # compute file info info = obj_from_url(API_URL+"/inbox/info/"+result['data']['id'], auth=mgrast_auth['token'], debug=verbose) if verbose: print(json.dumps(info)) else: print(info['status']) fids.append(result['data']['id']) results['submitted'].append(f) else: print(f) sys.stderr.write("ERROR: can not submit %s\n" % (f)) results['failed'].append(f) if verbose: print(results) print("Processed %d\tFailed %d" % (len(results['files']), len(results['failed']))) # switch list, process failed again results['files'] = results['failed'] results['failed'] = [] # wait time.sleep(current * sleep) return fids
def main(args): global API_URL ArgumentParser.format_description = lambda self, formatter: self.description ArgumentParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog parser = ArgumentParser(usage='', description=prehelp%VERSION, epilog=posthelp%AUTH_LIST) # access options parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", dest="url", default=API_URL, help="MG-RAST API url") parser.add_argument("-t", "--token", dest="token", default=None, help="MG-RAST token") # other options parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="mdfile", default=None, help="metadata .xlsx file") parser.add_argument("--taxa", dest="taxa", default=None, help="metagenome_taxonomy for project:") parser.add_argument("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run in debug mode") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Verbose STDOUT") parser.add_argument("args",type=str, nargs="+", help="Action (" + ",".join(valid_actions)+")" ) # get inputs opts = parser.parse_args() args = opts.args API_URL = opts.url # validate inputs if len(args) < 1: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: missing action\n") return 1 action = args[0] if action not in valid_actions: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: invalid action. use one of: %s\n"%", ".join(valid_actions)) return 1 if len(args) < 2: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: missing Project ID\n") return 1 pid = args[1] DEBUG = opts.verbose + opts.debug # get token token = get_auth_token(opts) if not token: token = input('Enter your MG-RAST auth token: ') # actions if action == "get-info": data = obj_from_url(opts.url+'/project/'+pid+'?verbosity=verbose&nocache=1', auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "get-metadata": data = obj_from_url(opts.url+'/metadata/export/'+pid, auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "update-metadata": result = post_file(opts.url+'/metadata/update', 'upload', opts.mdfile, auth=token, data=json.dumps({'project': pid}, separators=(',',':')), debug=DEBUG) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "make-public": data = obj_from_url(opts.url+'/project/'+pid+'/makepublic', auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "submit-ebi": debug = 1 if opts.debug else 0 info = { 'project_id': pid, 'debug': debug } if opts.taxa: info['project_taxonomy'] = opts.taxa data = obj_from_url(opts.url+'/submission/ebi', auth=token, data=json.dumps(info, separators=(',',':'))) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif action == "status-ebi": data = obj_from_url(opts.url+'/submission/'+pid, auth=token) print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) return 0