Ejemplo n.º 1
    assert len(forms[2].select.keys()) == 2
    assert len(forms[2].input.keys()) == 2
    # testing comboboxes:
    assert len(forms[2].select['what-to-do']['options']) == 5
    assert forms[2].select['what-to-do']['options'][0] == 'Drink Coffee'

    assert len(forms[2].select['who-to-do-it-with']['options']) == 6
    assert forms[2].select['who-to-do-it-with']['options'][-1] == 'Chouck'

    # FORM 3
    # form[3] has 3 textareas (TEXTAREA) and 2 buttons (INPUT)

    print forms[3].textarea
    assert len(forms[3].textarea.items()) == 3
    assert len(forms[3].input) == 2
    # testing textareas:
    assert forms[3].textarea['positive']['cols'] == '60'
    assert forms[3].textarea['positive']['rows'] == '20'
    assert forms[3].textarea['username']['text'][0] == 'Your Name Here'

harness = testplus.TestHarness(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print harness
    prot = res.findType(Protein, uniq=1)
    assert len(prot) == 1 and prot == mol.setClass([mol])

    # FindType below from middle of the tree
    atoms = chainsuniq.findType(Atom)
    assert len(atoms) == 327

    # FindType on empty set
    emptyres = ResidueSet([])
    atoms = emptyres.findType(Atom)
    assert len(atoms) == 0 and isinstance(atoms, AtomSet)

    # FindType on same type
    atoms = atms.findType(Atom)
    assert atoms == atms

    # Raise exception
    from MolKit.protein import Helix

        nodes = atms.findType(Helix)
    except RuntimeError:
        print "passed"

harness = testplus.TestHarness(__name__, funs=testplus.testcollect(globals()))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print harness
Ejemplo n.º 3
    b = Object()
    c = Object(name='cube', color = 'red', shape='square')
    t = Object(name='triangle', color='yellow', shape='triangle')
    d = Object(name='disk', color='silver', shape='round')
    from MolKit.listSet import ListSet
    testList = ListSet([b,c,t], elementType=Object)
    assert len(testList) == 3
    assert testList.color == ['blue', 'red', 'yellow']
    testList.color = ['green', 'yellow', 'cyan', ]
    assert b.color == 'green' and c.color=='yellow' and t.color == 'cyan'

    assert len(testList) == 4
    assert testList.color == ['green', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'silver']
def test_ListSet_loopoveremptyset():
    from MolKit.listSet import ListSet
    testList = ListSet([])
    for l in testList:
        print l.__str__()
    del testList

harness = testplus.TestHarness( __name__,
                                funs = testplus.testcollect( globals()),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print harness
    sys.exit( len( harness))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    rings.findRings2(atoms, bonds)
    assert rings.ringCount == 6

def test_findCycles2():
    # test cycle detection on modified taxol to have 5 membered ring
    atoms, bonds = getGraphFromFile("fuzedRings2.graph")
    from PyBabel.cycle import RingFinder

    rings = RingFinder()
    rings.findRings2(atoms, bonds)
    assert rings.ringCount == 4

def test_findCycles3():
    # test cycle detection on taxol merged rings only
    atoms, bonds = getGraphFromFile("fuzedRings1.graph")
    from PyBabel.cycle import RingFinder

    rings = RingFinder()
    rings.findRings2(atoms, bonds)
    assert rings.ringCount == 4

harness = testplus.TestHarness("PyBabel_cycles", funs=testplus.testcollect(globals()))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print harness