def __init__(self, h5obj, pfixed, length, temperature, pressure): """ """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Parameters") # # Fixed plasma check self.pfixed = mh5u.Attrib("pfixed", int(pfixed)) # # Electrode gap in meters self.length = mh5u.Attrib("length", length) # # Temperature in Kelvin self.temperature = mh5u.Attrib("temperature", temperature) # # Pressure Pascal self.pressure = mh5u.Attrib("pressure", pressure) # ng = (self.pressure() / (constants.Boltzmann * self.temperature())) self.neutral_density = mh5u.Attrib("neutral_density", ng) # self.writable_list = [ self.pfixed, self.length, self.temperature, self.pressure, self.neutral_density ]
def __init__(self, h5obj, nsections, maxpositive, maxnegative, grid_type): """ Initial values """ self.h5obj = h5obj # Create group self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Charge_sections") # self.nsections = mh5u.Attrib("NSections", nsections) # self.maxpositive = mh5u.Attrib("Max_positive", maxpositive) # self.maxnegative = mh5u.Attrib("Max_negative", maxnegative) if not grid_type['special']: # charges charges = np.arange(-maxnegative, maxpositive + 1) else: # charges #charges = np.concatenate((np.arange(-maxnegative, -maxnegative+30), #np.arange(-14, 6))) charges = np.concatenate( (np.arange(-maxnegative, -maxnegative + 30), np.arange(-maxnegative + 32, -14, 5), np.arange(-14, 6))) if grid_type['small']: charges = np.concatenate( (np.array([-235, -225, -215]), np.array([-130, -119, -107]), np.arange(-20, 6))) #self.maxpositive = 5 #self.maxnegative = -235 print('len charges', len(charges)) #nsecs = len(charges) #self.nsections = mh5u.Attrib("NSections", nsecs) if grid_type['medium']: charges = np.concatenate((np.array([-235, -225, -215]), np.arange(-130, -106), np.array([-20, -10, -2, -1, 0, 1]))) #self.maxpositive = 1 #self.maxnegative = -235 #nsecs = len(charges) #self.nsections = mh5u.Attrib("NSections", nsecs) print('len charges', len(charges)) if grid_type['big']: charges = np.concatenate( (np.arange(-235, -214), np.array([-130, -119, -107]), np.array([-20, -10, -2, -1, 0, 1]))) #self.maxpositive = 1 #self.maxnegative = -235 #nsecs = len(charges) #self.nsections = mh5u.Attrib("NSections", nsecs) print('len charges', len(charges)) self.charges = mh5u.DataSet("Charges", (nsections, ), "f", charges) # self.writable_list = [ self.nsections, self.maxpositive, self.maxnegative, self.charges ]
def __init__(self, h5obj, description_text=""): """ Initial values """ self.h5obj = h5obj # root path self.h5path = h5obj # date and time datetime = str( # self.description = mh5u.Attrib("Description", description_text) # self.timestamp = mh5u.Attrib("Timestamp", datetime) # self.timestamp = mh5u.Attrib("Timestamp", datetime) # sysinfo = os.uname() sysinfostr = ["Sysname", "Nodename", "Release", "Version", "Machine"] self.sysinfo = [None] * 5 for i, si in enumerate(sysinfostr): self.sysinfo[i] = mh5u.Attrib(si, str(os.uname()[i])) # list of lists writlist = [[self.description, self.timestamp], self.sysinfo] # flatten list self.writable_list = [y for x in writlist for y in x]
def __init__(self, h5obj, nsections, rmin, base, power, grid_type): """ Initial values """ self.h5obj = h5obj # self.nsections = mh5u.Attrib("NSections", nsections) # minvoliface, self.ifaces, self.vols, self.rads, self.diams = compute_sections( nsections, rmin, base, power, grid_type) self.miniface = mh5u.Attrib("Min_interface", minvoliface) # self.base = mh5u.Attrib("Base", base) # self.power = mh5u.Attrib("Power", power) # # Create sections self.interfaces = mh5u.DataSet("Interfaces", (nsections + 1, ), "f", self.ifaces) # self.volumes = mh5u.DataSet("Volumes", (nsections, ), "f", self.vols) # self.radii = mh5u.DataSet("Radii", (nsections, ), "f", self.rads) # self.diameters = mh5u.DataSet("Diameters", (nsections, ), "f", self.diams) # WARNING FIXME horrible hack self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Volume_sections") self.writable_list = [ self.nsections, self.miniface, self.base, self.power, self.interfaces, self.volumes, self.radii, self.diameters ]
def __init__(self, h5obj, emean, ne): """ Initial values """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Electrons") # Set emean electronic mean energy in eV self.emean = mh5u.Attrib("emean", emean) # # Set electronic density 1/m3 = mh5u.Attrib("ne", ne) # self.writable_list = [self.emean,]
def __init__(self, h5obj, vdw=0, cutoff=0.0, bf=0): """ Initial values """ self.h5obj = h5obj # Create group self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("vanderWaals_interaction") # self.vdw = mh5u.Attrib("On", vdw) # self.cutoff = mh5u.Attrib("Cutoff", cutoff) # = mh5u.Attrib("Brute_force", bf) # self.writable_list = [self.vdw, self.cutoff,]
def __init__(self, h5obj, wnu, nucleation_rate, wsg, sgrowth_rate, wco, wch, wsih4, sih4ratio, sih4nmol): """ Initial values """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Rates") # # With nucleation self.wnu = mh5u.Attrib("wnu", int(wnu)) #if not wnu: #nucleation_rate = 0.0 # # Nucleation rate self.nucleation_rate = mh5u.Attrib("nucleation_rate", nucleation_rate) # # With surface growth self.wsg = mh5u.Attrib("wsg", int(wsg)) #if not wsg: #sgrowth_rate = 0.0 # # Surface growth rate self.sgrowth_rate = mh5u.Attrib("sgrowth_rate", sgrowth_rate) # # With coagulation self.wco = mh5u.Attrib("wco", int(wco)) # # With charging self.wch = mh5u.Attrib("wch", int(wch)) # With SiH4 self.wsih4 = mh5u.Attrib("wsih4", int(wsih4)) # SiH4 : gas ratio self.sih4ratio = mh5u.Attrib("sih4ratio", sih4ratio) # Number of SiH4 per nucleated particle self.sih4nmol = mh5u.Attrib("sih4nmol", sih4nmol) # mass of SiH4 sih4mass = 1.67e-27*(28.+4.) self.sih4mass = mh5u.Attrib("sih4mass", sih4mass) # self.writable_list = [self.wnu, self.nucleation_rate, self.wsg, self.sgrowth_rate, self.wco, self.wch, self.wsih4, self.sih4ratio, self.sih4nmol, self.sih4mass]
def __init__(self, h5obj, itemp, ni, imass): """ Initial values """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Ions") # Set ion temperature in Kelvin self.itemp = mh5u.Attrib("itemp", itemp) # Set ion density 1/m3s = mh5u.Attrib("ni", ni) # Set ion mass in Kg self.imass = mh5u.Attrib("imass", imass) # self.writable_list = [self.itemp,, self.imass]
def __init__(self, h5obj, qpivot, temperature, nmdensity): """ """ # WARNING FIXME TODO input validation # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Grid_system") # pivot in charges self.qpivot = mh5u.Attrib("Charge_pivot", int(qpivot)) # nanoparticle temperature self.temperature = mh5u.Attrib("Temperature", temperature) # nanoparticle mass density self.nmdensity = mh5u.Attrib("Mass_density", nmdensity) # self.writable_list = [self.qpivot, self.temperature, self.nmdensity]
def __init__(self, h5obj, ndeltat, qdeltat, tstop): """ Initial values """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Time") # Set nanoparticle delta t self.ndeltat = mh5u.Attrib("ndeltat", ndeltat) # # Set charging delta t self.qdeltat = mh5u.Attrib("qdeltat", qdeltat) # # Set time stop self.tstop = mh5u.Attrib("tstop", tstop) # self.writable_list = [self.ndeltat, self.qdeltat, self.tstop]
def __init__(self, h5obj, nm): """ Initial values """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Metastables") # Set metastable density 1/m3s self.nm = mh5u.Attrib("nm", nm) # self.writable_list = [self.nm]
def __init__(self, h5obj, multiplier, dconstant, method, terms=25): """ Initial values """ self.h5obj = h5obj # Create group self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Electrostatic_interaction") # self.multiplier = mh5u.Attrib("Multiplier", multiplier) # self.dconstant = mh5u.Attrib("Dielectric_constant", dconstant) # self.method = mh5u.Attrib("Method", method) # if method == 2: # method == 2 is Coulomb terms = 0 self.terms = mh5u.Attrib("Terms", terms) # self.writable_list = [ self.multiplier, self.dconstant, self.method, self.terms ]
def __init__(self, h5obj, tunnel, eaffinity, accfactor): """ """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Nanoparticles") # # Fixed tunnel current check self.tunnel = mh5u.Attrib("tunnel", int(tunnel)) # # Electron affinity self.eaffinity = mh5u.Attrib("eaffinity", eaffinity) # # Accomodation factor self.accfactor = mh5u.Attrib("accfactor", accfactor) # self.writable_list = [self.tunnel, self.eaffinity, self.accfactor]
def __init__(self, h5obj, indens, qtol, distribution, peakpos, width, withchargewidth, chargewidth): """ Initial values """ # hdf5 file object self.h5obj = h5obj # hdf5 path self.h5path = self.h5obj.create_group("Density") # Set nanoparticle initial density self.indens = mh5u.Attrib("indens", indens) # # Set qtol self.qtol = mh5u.Attrib("qtol", qtol) # # Set distribution self.distribution = mh5u.Attrib("distribution", distribution) # # Set peakpos self.peakpos = mh5u.Attrib("peakpos", peakpos) # # Set width (in terms of section number) self.width = mh5u.Attrib("width", width) # # Set chargewidth self.chargewidth = mh5u.Attrib("chargewidth", int(withchargewidth)) self.chargenegwidth = mh5u.Attrib("chargenegwidth", chargewidth["negative"]) self.chargeposwidth = mh5u.Attrib("chargeposwidth", chargewidth["positive"]) self.writable_list = [self.indens, self.qtol, self.distribution, self.peakpos, self.width, self.chargewidth, self.chargenegwidth, self.chargeposwidth]