def test_auto_detect_port(self, mock_run):
        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.GOOD_CLI_VERSION, "utf-8")
        assert handler._version == version.parse("0.21.1")

        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.BAD_CLI_VERSION, "utf-8")
        with pytest.raises(server.ServerError) as error:
            handler._check_platform_version({"warning_as_error": True})
    def test_find_modified_include_path(self, mock_pathlib_path):
        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()

        project_dir = mock_pathlib_path("/dummy/project")
        file_path = (
            / "src"
            / "standalone_crt"
            / "src"
            / "runtime"
            / "crt"
            / "graph_executor"
            / "load_json.c"

        # Should return C standard libs unmodified
        clib_output = handler._find_modified_include_path(project_dir, file_path, "math.h")
        assert clib_output == "math.h"

        # If import already works, should return unmodified
        valid_arduino_import = "../../../../include/tvm/runtime/crt/platform.h"
        valid_output = handler._find_modified_include_path(
            project_dir, file_path, valid_arduino_import
        assert valid_output == valid_arduino_import
    def test_auto_detect_port(self, mock_run):
        process_mock = mock.Mock()
        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()

        # Test it returns the correct port when a board is connected
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.BOARD_CONNECTED_V18, "utf-8")
        assert handler._auto_detect_port(
            self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) == "/dev/ttyACM0"

        # Should work with old or new arduino-cli version
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.BOARD_CONNECTED_V21, "utf-8")
        assert handler._auto_detect_port(
            self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) == "/dev/ttyACM0"

        # Test it raises an exception when no board is connected
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.BOARD_DISCONNECTED_V21,
        with pytest.raises(microtvm_api_server.BoardAutodetectFailed):

        # Test that the FQBN needs to match EXACTLY
        handler._get_fqbn = mock.MagicMock(
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.BOARD_CONNECTED_V18, "utf-8")
        assert (handler._auto_detect_port({
            **self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, "arduino_board":
        }) == "/dev/ttyACM1")
    def test_flash(self, mock_run):
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.GOOD_CLI_VERSION, "utf-8")

        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()
        handler._port = "/dev/ttyACM0"

        # Test no exception thrown when command works

        # Test we checked version then called upload
        assert mock_run.call_count == 2
        assert mock_run.call_args_list[0][0] == (["arduino-cli", "version"], )
        assert mock_run.call_args_list[1][0][0][0:2] == [
            "arduino-cli", "upload"

        # Test exception raised when `arduino-cli upload` returns error code
        mock_run.side_effect = subprocess.CalledProcessError(2, [])
        with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

        # Version information should be cached and not checked again
        assert mock_run.call_args[0][0][0:2] == ["arduino-cli", "upload"]
 def test_parse_connected_boards(self):
     h = microtvm_api_server.Handler()
     boards = h._parse_connected_boards(self.BOARD_CONNECTED_V21)
     assert list(boards) == [{
         "port": "/dev/ttyACM0",
         "protocol": "serial",
         "type": "",
         "board name": "",
         "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nano:nano33ble",
         "core": "arduino:mbed_nano",
    def test_flash(self, mock_subprocess_run):
        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()
        handler._port = "/dev/ttyACM0"

        # Test no exception thrown when command works

        # Test exception raised when `arduino-cli upload` returns error code
        mock_subprocess_run.side_effect = subprocess.CalledProcessError(2, [])
        with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
    def test_flash_retry(self, mock_run):
        mock_run.return_value.stdout = bytes(self.GOOD_CLI_VERSION, "utf-8")

        def side_effect(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
            if cmd[1] == "upload":
                raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(cmd, kwargs["timeout"])
            return mock.DEFAULT

        mock_run.side_effect = side_effect

        handler = microtvm_api_server.Handler()
        handler._port = "/dev/ttyACM0"

        # handler.flash will try flashing `handler.FLASH_MAX_RETRIES` times,
        # after which it will raise a TimeoutExpired exception of its own
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

        # Test we checked version then called upload once per retry attempt,
        # plus once to verify arduino-cli version.
        assert mock_run.call_count == handler.FLASH_MAX_RETRIES + 1