Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def do_update(self, data):
        Update NFS Service Configuration.

        `servers` represents number of servers to create.

        When `allow_nonroot` is set, it allows non-root mount requests to be served.

        `bindip` is a list of IP's on which NFS will listen for requests. When it is unset/empty, NFS listens on
        all available addresses.

        `v4` when set means that we switch from NFSv3 to NFSv4.

        `v4_v3owner` when set means that system will use NFSv3 ownership model for NFSv4.

        `v4_krb` will force NFS shares to fail if the Kerberos ticket is unavailable.

        `v4_domain` overrides the default DNS domain name for NFSv4.

        `mountd_port` specifies the port mountd(8) binds to.

        `rpcstatd_port` specifies the port rpc.statd(8) binds to.

        `rpclockd_port` specifies the port rpclockd_port(8) binds to.

        .. examples(websocket)::

          Update NFS Service Configuration to listen on and use NFSv4

                "id": "6841f242-840a-11e6-a437-00e04d680384",
                "msg": "method",
                "method": "pool.resilver.update",
                "params": [{
                    "bindip": [
                    "v4": true
        if data.get("v4") is False:
            data.setdefault("v4_v3owner", False)

        old = await self.config()

        new = old.copy()

        verrors = ValidationErrors()

        new_v4_krb_enabled = (new["v4_krb"] or await

        if new["v4"] and new_v4_krb_enabled and not await self.middleware.call(
            if await self.middleware.call("failover.licensed"):
                gc = await self.middleware.call("datastore.config",
                if not gc["gc_hostname_virtual"] or gc["gc_domain"]:
                        "Enabling kerberos authentication on TrueNAS HA requires setting the virtual hostname and "

        if osc.IS_LINUX:
            if len(new['bindip']) > 1:
                    'Listening on more than one address is not supported')
        bindip_choices = await self.bindip_choices()
        for i, bindip in enumerate(new['bindip']):
            if bindip not in bindip_choices:
                            'Please provide a valid ip address')

        if new["v4"] and new_v4_krb_enabled and await self.middleware.call(
                'activedirectory.get_state') != "DISABLED":
            In environments with kerberized NFSv4 enabled, we need to tell winbindd to not prefix
            usernames with the short form of the AD domain. Directly update the db and regenerate
            the smb.conf to avoid having a service disruption due to restarting the samba server.
            if await self.middleware.call('smb.get_smb_ha_mode') == 'LEGACY':
                raise ValidationError(
                    'Enabling kerberos authentication on TrueNAS HA requires '
                    'the system dataset to be located on a data pool.')
            ad = await self.middleware.call('activedirectory.config')
            await self.middleware.call('datastore.update',
                                       {'ad_use_default_domain': True})
            await self.middleware.call('etc.generate', 'smb')
            await self.middleware.call('service.reload', 'cifs')

        if not new["v4"] and new["v4_v3owner"]:
                        "This option requires enabling NFSv4")

        if new["v4_v3owner"] and new["userd_manage_gids"]:
                "This option is incompatible with NFSv3 ownership model for NFSv4"

        if not new["v4"] and new["v4_domain"]:
                        "This option does not apply to NFSv3")

        if verrors:
            raise verrors

        await self.nfs_compress(new)

        await self._update_service(old, new)

        await self.nfs_extend(new)

        return new
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_extension(self, vcp_url, fingerprint):
            cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
            version = self.middleware.call_sync('vcenter.get_plugin_version')

            description = vim.Description()
            description.label = cp.get('RegisterParam', 'label')
            description.summary = cp.get('RegisterParam', 'description')

            ext = vim.Extension()
            ext.company = cp.get('RegisterParam', 'company')
            ext.version = version
            ext.key = cp.get('RegisterParam', 'key')
            ext.description = description
            ext.lastHeartbeatTime = datetime.now()

            server_info = vim.Extension.ServerInfo()
            server_info.serverThumbprint = fingerprint
            server_info.type = vcp_url.split(':')[0].upper()  # sysgui protocol
            server_info.url = vcp_url
            server_info.description = description
            server_info.company = cp.get('RegisterParam', 'company')
            server_info.adminEmail = ['ADMIN EMAIL']
            ext.server = [server_info]

            client = vim.Extension.ClientInfo()
            client.url = vcp_url
            client.company = cp.get('RegisterParam', 'company')
            client.version = version
            client.description = description
            client.type = "vsphere-client-serenity"
            ext.client = [client]

            event_info = []
            for e in cp.get('RegisterParam', 'events').split(","):
                ext_event_type_info = vim.Extension.EventTypeInfo()
                ext_event_type_info.eventID = e

            task_info = []
            for t in cp.get('RegisterParam', 'tasks').split(","):
                ext_type_info = vim.Extension.TaskTypeInfo()
                ext_type_info.taskID = t

            # Register custom privileges required for vcp RBAC
            priv_info = []
            for priv in cp.get('RegisterParam', 'auth').split(","):
                ext_type_info = vim.Extension.PrivilegeInfo()
                ext_type_info.privID = priv
                ext_type_info.privGroupName = self.PRIVATE_GROUP_NAME

            ext.taskList = task_info
            ext.eventList = event_info
            ext.privilegeList = priv_info

            resource_list = self.create_event_keyvalue_pairs()
            ext.resourceList = resource_list

            return ext
        except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
            raise ValidationError('vcenter_update.get_extension',
                                  f'Property Missing : {e}')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    async def do_update(self, data):
        `hostname` list of ip addresses or hostnames of LDAP servers with
        which to communicate in order of preference. Failover only occurs
        if the current LDAP server is unresponsive.

        `basedn` specifies the default base DN to use when performing ldap
        operations. The base must be specified as a Distinguished Name in LDAP

        `binddn` specifies the default bind DN to use when performing ldap
        operations. The bind DN must be specified as a Distinguished Name in
        LDAP format.

        `anonbind` use anonymous authentication.

        `ssl` establish SSL/TLS-protected connections to the LDAP server(s).
        GSSAPI signing is disabled on SSL/TLS-protected connections if
        kerberos authentication is used.

        `certificate` LDAPs client certificate to be used for certificate-
        based authentication.

        `validate_certificates` specifies whether to perform checks on server
        certificates in a TLS session. If enabled, TLS_REQCERT demand is set.
        The server certificate is requested. If no certificate is provided or
        if a bad certificate is provided, the session is immediately terminated.
        If disabled, TLS_REQCERT allow is set. The server certificate is
        requested, but all errors are ignored.

        `kerberos_realm` in which the server is located. This parameter is
        only required for SASL GSSAPI authentication to the remote LDAP server.

        `kerberos_principal` kerberos principal to use for SASL GSSAPI
        authentication to the remote server. If `kerberos_realm` is specified
        without a keytab, then the `binddn` and `bindpw` are used to
        perform to obtain the ticket necessary for GSSAPI authentication.

        `timeout` specifies  a  timeout  (in  seconds) after which calls to
        synchronous LDAP APIs will abort if no response is received.

        `dns_timeout` specifies the timeout (in seconds) after which the
        poll(2)/select(2) following a connect(2) returns in case of no activity
        for openldap. For nslcd this specifies the time limit (in seconds) to
        use when connecting to the directory server. This directly impacts the
        length of time that the LDAP service tries before failing over to
        a secondary LDAP URI.

        `has_samba_schema` determines whether to configure samba to use the
        ldapsam passdb backend to provide SMB access to LDAP users. This feature
        requires the presence of Samba LDAP schema extensions on the remote
        LDAP server.
        verrors = ValidationErrors()
        must_reload = False
        old = await self.config()
        new = old.copy()
        new['uri_list'] = await self.hostnames_to_uris(new)
        await self.common_validate(new, old, verrors)

        if old != new:
            must_reload = True
            if new['enable']:
                    await self.middleware.call('ldap.ldap_validate', new)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise ValidationError('ldap_update', str(e))

        await self.ldap_compress(new)
        await self.middleware.call('datastore.update', 'directoryservice.ldap',
                                   old['id'], new, {'prefix': 'ldap_'})

        if must_reload:
            if new['enable']:
                await self.middleware.call('ldap.start')
                await self.middleware.call('ldap.stop')

        return await self.config()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    async def do_update(self, data):
        Update active directory configuration.
        `domainname` full DNS domain name of the Active Directory domain.

        `bindname` username used to perform the intial domain join.

        `bindpw` password used to perform the initial domain join. User-
        provided credentials are used to obtain a kerberos ticket, which
        is used to perform the actual domain join.

        `verbose_logging` increase logging during the domain join process.

        `use_default_domain` controls whether domain users and groups have
        the pre-windows 2000 domain name prepended to the user account. When
        enabled, the user appears as "administrator" rather than

        `allow_trusted_doms` enable support for trusted domains. If this
        parameter is enabled, then separate idmap backends _must_ be configured
        for each trusted domain, and the idmap cache should be cleared.

        `allow_dns_updates` during the domain join process, automatically
        generate DNS entries in the AD domain for the NAS. If this is disabled,
        then a domain administrator must manually add appropriate DNS entries
        for the NAS. This parameter is recommended for TrueNAS HA servers.

        `disable_freenas_cache` disables active caching of AD users and groups.
        When disabled, only users cached in winbind's internal cache are
        visible in GUI dropdowns. Disabling active caching is recommended
        in environments with a large amount of users.

        `site` AD site of which the NAS is a member. This parameter is auto-
        detected during the domain join process. If no AD site is configured
        for the subnet in which the NAS is configured, then this parameter
        appears as 'Default-First-Site-Name'. Auto-detection is only performed
        during the initial domain join.

        `kerberos_realm` in which the server is located. This parameter is
        automatically populated during the initial domain join. If the NAS has
        an AD site configured and that site has multiple kerberos servers, then
        the kerberos realm is automatically updated with a site-specific
        configuration to use those servers. Auto-detection is only performed
        during initial domain join.

        `kerberos_principal` kerberos principal to use for AD-related
        operations outside of Samba. After intial domain join, this field is
        updated with the kerberos principal associated with the AD machine
        account for the NAS.

        `nss_info` controls how Winbind retrieves Name Service Information to
        construct a user's home directory and login shell. This parameter
        is only effective if the Active Directory Domain Controller supports
        the Microsoft Services for Unix (SFU) LDAP schema.

        `timeout` timeout value for winbind-related operations. This value may
        need to be increased in  environments with high latencies for
        communications with domain controllers or a large number of domain
        controllers. Lowering the value may cause status checks to fail.

        `dns_timeout` timeout value for DNS queries during the initial domain
        join. This value is also set as the NETWORK_TIMEOUT in the ldap config

        `createcomputer` Active Directory Organizational Unit in which new
        computer accounts are created.

        The OU string is read from top to bottom without RDNs. Slashes ("/")
        are used as delimiters, like `Computers/Servers/NAS`. The backslash
        ("\\") is used to escape characters but not as a separator. Backslashes
        are interpreted at multiple levels and might require doubling or even
        quadrupling to take effect.

        When this field is blank, new computer accounts are created in the
        Active Directory default OU.

        The Active Directory service is started after a configuration
        update if the service was initially disabled, and the updated
        configuration sets `enable` to `True`. The Active Directory
        service is stopped if `enable` is changed to `False`. If the
        configuration is updated, but the initial `enable` state is `True`, and
        remains unchanged, then the samba server is only restarted.

        During the domain join, a kerberos keytab for the newly-created AD
        machine account is generated. It is used for all future
        LDAP / AD interaction and the user-provided credentials are removed.
        await self.middleware.call("smb.cluster_check")
        verrors = ValidationErrors()
        old = await self.config()
        new = old.copy()
        new['domainname'] = new['domainname'].upper()

            await self.update_netbios_data(old, new)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError('activedirectory_update.netbiosname', str(e))

        await self.common_validate(new, old, verrors)


        if new['enable']:
            if await self.middleware.call('failover.licensed'):
                if await self.middleware.call('systemdataset.is_boot_pool'):
                    raise ValidationError(
                        'Active Directory may not be enabled while '
                        'system dataset is on the boot pool'

        if new['enable'] and not old['enable']:
            Currently run two health checks prior to validating domain.
            1) Attempt to kinit with user-provided credentials. This is used to
               verify that the credentials are correct.
            2) Check for an overly large time offset. System kerberos libraries
               may not report the time offset as an error during kinit, but the large
               time offset will prevent libads from using the ticket for the domain
                domain_info = await self.domain_info(new['domainname'])
            except CallError as e:
                raise ValidationError('activedirectory.domainname', e.errmsg)

            if abs(domain_info['Server time offset']) > 180:
                raise ValidationError(
                    'Time offset from Active Directory domain exceeds maximum '
                    'permitted value. This may indicate an NTP misconfiguration.'

                await self.validate_credentials(new)
            except CallError as e:
                if new['kerberos_principal']:
                    method = "activedirectory.kerberos_principal"
                    method = "activedirectory.bindpw"

                    msg = e.errmsg.split(":")[-1:][0].strip()
                except Exception:
                    raise e

                if msg == 'Cannot read password while getting initial credentials':
                    # non-interactive kinit fails with KRB5_LIBOS_CANTREADPWD if password is expired
                    # rather than prompting for password change
                    if method == 'activedirectory.kerberos_principal':
                        msg = 'Kerberos keytab is no longer valid.'
                        msg = f'Active Directory account password for user {new["bindname"]} is expired.'

                elif msg == "Client's credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials":
                    # KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED means that the account has been locked in AD
                    msg = 'Active Directory account is locked.'

                elif msg == 'KDC policy rejects request while getting initial credentials':
                    # KRB5KDC_ERR_POLICY
                    msg = (
                        'Active Directory security policy rejected request to obtain kerberos ticket. '
                        'This may occur if the bind account has been configured to deny interactive '
                        'logons or require two-factor authentication. Depending on organizational '
                        'security policies, one may be required to pre-generate a kerberos keytab '
                        'and upload to TrueNAS server for use during join process.'

                if not msg:
                    # failed to parse, re-raise original error message

                raise ValidationError(
                    method, f'Failed to validate bind credentials: {msg}'

        new = await self.ad_compress(new)
        ret = await super().do_update(new)

        diff = await self.diff_conf_and_registry(new)
        await self.middleware.call('sharing.smb.apply_conf_diff', 'GLOBAL', diff)

        job = None
        if not old['enable'] and new['enable']:
            job = (await self.middleware.call('activedirectory.start')).id

        elif not new['enable'] and old['enable']:
            job = (await self.middleware.call('activedirectory.stop')).id

        elif new['enable'] and old['enable']:
            await self.middleware.call('service.restart', 'idmap')

        ret.update({'job_id': job})
        return ret