def export_2_csv(self,exportfolder):
        database = utils.dbconnection()
        database.connect2db() #establish connection to the current midv db
        curs = database.conn.cursor()#get a cursor
        #--------First export selected obs_points and corresponding data---------------------------
        if len(self.ID_obs_points)>0:#only if there are any obs_points selected at all
            ptabs = ['obs_points', 'w_levels', 'w_levels_logger', 'w_flow', 'w_qual_lab', 'w_qual_field', 'stratigraphy', 'meteo']
            for tname in ptabs:
                # problems with string replacement and tuples (no success with parameter substitution)
                # and therefore different sql_clause depending on number of obs
                if len(self.ID_obs_points)==1:
                    sql_clause = r"""select count(obsid) from %s where obsid in ('%s')""" %(tname, self.ID_obs_points[0])
                elif len(self.ID_obs_points)>1:
                    sql_clause = r"select count(obsid) from %s where obsid in %s" %(tname, self.ID_obs_points)
                no_of_obs_cursor = curs.execute(sql_clause)
                no_of_obs = no_of_obs_cursor.fetchall()

                if no_of_obs[0][0] > 0:#only go on if there are any observations for this obsid
                    some_data = 0
                    if len(self.ID_obs_points)==1:#problems to combine parameter substitution and string replacement in same sql clause, should be fixed
                        sql_clause = r"""select * from %s where obsid in ('%s')""" %(tname, self.ID_obs_points[0])
                        some_data = 1
                    elif len(self.ID_obs_points)>1:
                        sql_clause = r"select * from %s where obsid in %s" %(tname, self.ID_obs_points)
                        some_data = 1
                    if some_data !=0:
                        output = UnicodeWriter(file(os.path.join(exportfolder,tname + ".csv"), 'w'))
                        output.writerow([col[0] for col in curs.description])
                        filter(None, (output.writerow(row) for row in curs))

        #--------Then export selected obs_lines with corresponding data---------------------------
        if len(self.ID_obs_lines)>0:#only if there are any obs_points selected at all
            ptabs = ['obs_lines', 'vlf_data', 'seismic_data']
            for tname in ptabs:
                # problems with string replacement and tuples (no success with parameter substitution)
                # and therefore different sql_clause depending on number of obs
                if len(self.ID_obs_lines)==1:
                    sql_clause = r"""select count(obsid) from %s where obsid in ('%s')""" %(tname, self.ID_obs_lines[0])
                elif len(self.ID_obs_lines)>1:
                    sql_clause = r"select count(obsid) from %s where obsid in %s" %(tname, self.ID_obs_lines)
                no_of_obs_cursor = curs.execute(sql_clause)
                no_of_obs = no_of_obs_cursor.fetchall()

                if no_of_obs[0][0] > 0:#only go on if there are any observations for this obsid
                    some_data = 0
                    if len(self.ID_obs_lines)==1:#problems to combine parameter substitution and string replacement in same sql clause, should be fixed
                        sql_clause = r"""select * from %s where obsid in ('%s')""" %(tname, self.ID_obs_lines[0])
                        some_data = 1
                    elif len(self.ID_obs_lines)>1:
                        sql_clause = r"select * from %s where obsid in %s" %(tname, self.ID_obs_lines)
                        some_data = 1
                    if some_data !=0:
                        output = UnicodeWriter(file(os.path.join(exportfolder,tname + ".csv"), 'w'))
                        output.writerow([col[0] for col in curs.description])
                        filter(None, (output.writerow(row) for row in curs))
 def _getDataStep2(self, surveys):    
     """ STEP 2: get strata information for every point """
     myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
     if myconnection.connect2db() == True:
         # create a cursor
         curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()
         for (obsid, survey) in surveys.iteritems(): 
             sql =r"""SELECT stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, comment, development FROM """
             sql += self.stratitable #MacOSX fix1
             sql += r""" WHERE obsid = '"""    
             sql += str(obsid)   # THIS IS WHERE THE KEY IS GIVEN TO LOAD STRATIGRAPHY FOR CHOOSEN obsid
             sql += """' ORDER BY stratid"""
             rs = curs.execute(sql) #Send SQL-syntax to cursor
             recs = rs.fetchall()  # All data are stored in recs            
             # parse attributes
             for record in recs:
                 if utils.isinteger(record[0]) and utils.isfloat(record[1]) and utils.isfloat(record[2]):
                     stratigaphy_id = record[0]  # Stratigraphy layer no
                     depthtotop = record[1]  # depth to top of stratrigraphy layer
                     depthtobot = record[2]  # depth to bottom of stratrigraphy layer
                     raise DataSanityError(str(obsid), "Something bad with stratid, depthtop or depthbot!")
                     stratigaphy_id = 1  # when something went wrong, put it into first layer
                     depthtotop = 0
                     depthtobot = 999#default value when something went wrong
                 if record[3]: # Must check since it is not possible to print null values as text in qt widget
                     geology = record[3]  # Geology full text 
                     geology = " " 
                 geo_short_txt = record[4]  # geo_short might contain national special characters
                 if geo_short_txt:   # Must not try to encode an empty field
                     geo_short = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', geo_short_txt).encode('ascii','ignore')  # geo_short normalized for symbols and color
                 else:  # If the field is empty, then store an empty string
                     geo_short = ''
                 hydro = record[5] # waterloss (hydrogeo parameter) for color
                 if record[6]:  # Must check since it is not possible to print null values as text in qt widget
                     comment = record[6] # 
                     comment = " " 
                 if record[7]:  # Must check since it is not possible to print null values as text in qt widget
                     development = record[7] # 
                     development = " " 
                 st = StrataInfo(stratigaphy_id, depthtotop, depthtobot, geology, geo_short, hydro, comment, development)
                 # add strata information (in right order) 
                 insertAt = 0
                 for a in survey.strata:
                     if a.stratid > stratigaphy_id:
                     insertAt += 1
                 survey.strata.insert(insertAt, st)
         """ Close SQLite-connections """
         rs.close() # First close the table 
         myconnection.closedb()# then close the database
         DataLoadingStatus = True
         return DataLoadingStatus, surveys
         return False, surveys
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def export_2_csv(self,exportfolder):
        database = utils.dbconnection()
        database.connect2db() #establish connection to the current midv db
        self.curs = database.conn.cursor()#get a cursor

        self.exportfolder = exportfolder
        self.write_data(self.to_csv, self.ID_obs_points, defs.get_subset_of_tables_fr_db(category='obs_points'), utils.verify_table_exists)
        self.write_data(self.to_csv, self.ID_obs_lines, defs.get_subset_of_tables_fr_db(category='obs_lines'), utils.verify_table_exists)
        self.write_data(self.zz_to_csv, u'no_obsids', defs.get_subset_of_tables_fr_db(category='data_domains'), utils.verify_table_exists)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def export_2_csv(self,exportfolder):
        database = utils.dbconnection()
        database.connect2db() #establish connection to the current midv db
        self.curs = database.conn.cursor()#get a cursor

        self.exportfolder = exportfolder
        self.write_data(self.to_csv, self.ID_obs_points, ['obs_points', 'comments', 'w_levels', 'w_levels_logger', 'w_flow', 'w_qual_lab', 'w_qual_field', 'stratigraphy', 'meteo'], utils.verify_table_exists)
        self.write_data(self.to_csv, self.ID_obs_lines, ['obs_lines', 'vlf_data', 'seismic_data'], utils.verify_table_exists)
        self.write_data(self.zz_to_csv, u'no_obsids', ['zz_flowtype', 'zz_meteoparam', 'zz_staff', 'zz_strat', 'zz_capacity', 'zz_w_qual_field_parameters'], utils.verify_table_exists)
 def load_obsid_from_db(self):
     myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
     if myconnection.connect2db() == True:
         # skapa en cursor
         curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()
         rs=curs.execute("""select distinct obsid from w_levels_logger order by obsid""")
         for row in curs:
 def LoadColumnsFromTable(self, table=''):
     """ This method returns a list with all the columns in the table"""
     if len(table)>0:            # Should not be needed since the function never should be called without existing table...
         myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
         if myconnection.connect2db() == True:
             # skapa en cursor
             curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()
             sql = r"""SELECT * FROM '"""
             sql += unicode(table)
             sql += """'"""     
             columns = {} 
             columns = [tuple[0] for tuple in curs.description]
         #QMessageBox.information(None,"info","no table is loaded")    # DEBUGGING
         columns = {}
     return columns        # This method returns a list with all the columns in the table
 def LoadTablesFromDB( self ):    # Open the SpatiaLite file to extract info about tables 
     for i in range (1,3):
     myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
     if myconnection.connect2db() == True:
         # skapa en cursor
         curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()
         rs=curs.execute(r"""SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE (type='table' or type='view') and not (name in""" + midvatten_defs.SQLiteInternalTables() + r""") ORDER BY tbl_name""")  #SQL statement to get the relevant tables in the spatialite database
         #self.dbTables = {} 
         for row in curs:
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def GetData(self, dbPath='', obsid = ''):            # GetData method that returns a table with water quality data
        #conn = sqlite.connect(dbPath,detect_types=sqlite.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite.PARSE_COLNAMES)
        myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
        # skapa en cursor
        curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()

        # Load all water quality parameters stored in two result columns: parameter, unit
        if not(unicode(self.settingsdict['wqual_unitcolumn']) ==''):          #If there is a a given column for unit 
            sql =r"""select distinct parameter, """
            sql += self.settingsdict['wqual_unitcolumn']
            sql +=r""" from """
        else:                              # IF no specific column exist for unit
            sql =r"""select distinct parameter, parameter from """  # The twice selection of parameter is a dummy to keep same structure (2 cols) of sql-answer as if a unit column exists
        sql += self.settingsdict['wqualtable']
        sql += r""" where obsid = '"""
        sql += obsid  
        sql += r"""' ORDER BY parameter"""
        parameters_cursor = curs.execute(sql) #Send SQL-syntax to cursor
        parameters = parameters_cursor.fetchall()
        if not parameters:
            qgis.utils.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Debug","Something is wrong, no parameters are found in table w_qual_lab for "+ obsid, 0 ,duration=10)#DEBUG
            return False
        print('parameters for ' + obsid + ' is loaded at time: ' + str(time.time()))#debug
        # Load all date_times, stored in two result columns: reportnr, date_time
        if not (self.settingsdict['wqual_sortingcolumn'] == ''):          #If there is a a specific sorting column
            sql =r"""select distinct """
            sql += self.settingsdict['wqual_sortingcolumn']
            sql += r""", date_time from """      #including parameters
        else:                     # IF no specific column exist for sorting
            sql =r"""select distinct date_time, date_time from """      # The twice selection of date_time is a dummy to keep same structure (2 cols) of sql-answer as if reportnr exists
        sql += self.settingsdict['wqualtable']
        sql += """ where obsid = '"""
        sql += obsid 
        sql += """' ORDER BY date_time"""
        #sql2 = unicode(sql) #To get back to unicode-string
        date_times_cursor = curs.execute(sql) #Send SQL-syntax to cursor,
        date_times = date_times_cursor.fetchall()

        print (sql)#debug
        print('loaded distinct date_time for the parameters for ' + obsid + ' at time: ' + str(time.time()))#debug
        if not date_times:
            qgis.utils.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Debug","Something is wrong, no parameters are found in table w_qual_lab for "+ obsid, 0 ,duration=10)#DEBUG

        ReportTable = ['']*(len(parameters)+2)    # Define size of ReportTable
        for i in range(len(parameters)+2): # Fill the table with ''
            ReportTable[i] = [''] * (len(date_times)+1)

        #Populate First 'column' w parameters
        parametercounter = 2    #First two rows are for obsid and date_time    
        for p, u in parameters:
            if not(self.settingsdict['wqual_unitcolumn']==''):
                if u:
                    #ReportTable[parametercounter][0] = p.encode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]) + ", " +  u.encode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1])
                    ReportTable[parametercounter][0] = p + ", " +  u
                    #ReportTable[parametercounter][0] = p.encode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1])
                    ReportTable[parametercounter][0] = p
                #ReportTable[parametercounter][0] = p.encode(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1])
                ReportTable[parametercounter][0] = p
            parametercounter = parametercounter + 1

        print('now go for each parameter value for ' + obsid + ', at time: ' + str(time.time()))#debug
        #Populate First 'row' w obsid
        datecounter = 1    #First col is 'parametercolumn'
        for r, d in date_times: #date_times includes both report and date_time (or possibly date_time and date_time if there is no reportnr)
            datecounter += 1
        datecounter=1    # first 'column' is for parameter names
        for k, v in date_times:    # Loop through all report    
            parametercounter = 1    # first row is for obsid    
            ReportTable[parametercounter][datecounter] = v # v is date_time
            for p, u in parameters:
                parametercounter = parametercounter + 1 # one 'row' down after date was stored
                sql =r"""SELECT """
                sql += self.settingsdict['wqual_valuecolumn']
                sql += r""" from """
                sql += self.settingsdict['wqualtable']
                sql += """ where obsid = '"""
                sql += obsid
                sql += """' and date_time = '"""
                sql += v 
                if not(self.settingsdict['wqual_unitcolumn'] == '') and u:
                    sql += """' and parameter = '"""
                    sql += p
                    sql += """' and """
                    sql += self.settingsdict['wqual_unitcolumn']
                    sql += """ = '"""
                    sql += u
                    sql += """'"""
                    sql += """' and parameter = '"""
                    sql += p
                    sql += """'"""
                rs = curs.execute(sql) #Send SQL-syntax to cursor, NOTE: here we send sql which was utf-8 already from interpreting it
                #print (sql)#debug
                #print('time: ' + str(time.time()))#debug
                recs = rs.fetchall()  # All data are stored in recs
                #each value must be in unicode or string to be written as html report
                if recs:
                        ReportTable[parametercounter][datecounter] = utils.returnunicode(recs[0][0])
                        qgis.utils.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Note!","The value for %s [%s] at %s, %s was not readable. Check your data!"%(p,u,k,v),0,duration=15)
                    ReportTable[parametercounter][datecounter] =' '

            datecounter = datecounter + 1
        self.htmlcols = datecounter + 1    # to be able to set a relevant width to the table
        return ReportTable
    def drawPlot(self):
        QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor))#show the user this may take a long time...

        My_format = [('date_time', datetime.datetime), ('values', float)] #Define (with help from function datetime) a good format for numpy array
        myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
        curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()

        i = 0
        nop=0# nop=number of plots
        if not (self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText() == '' or self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()==' ') and not (self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()== '' or self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()==' ') and not (self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()== '' or self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()==' '): #if anything is to be plotted from tab 1
  ['custplot_maxtstep'] = self.spnmaxtstep.value()   # if user selected a time step bigger than zero than thre may be discontinuous plots
            filter1 = unicode(self.Filter1_ComboBox_1.currentText())
            filter1list = []
            filter2list = []
            filter1list = self.Filter1_QListWidget_1.selectedItems()
            filter2 = unicode(self.Filter2_ComboBox_1.currentText())
            filter2list= self.Filter2_QListWidget_1.selectedItems()
            nop += max(len(filter1list),1)*max(len(filter2list),1)
            #self.p= [None]*nop#list for plot objects
            self.p.extend([None]*nop)#list for plot objects
            self.plabels.extend([None]*nop)# List for plot labels
            while i < len(self.p):
                if not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]) and not (filter2== '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        for item2 in filter2list:
                            sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' and """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                            self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) + """, """ + unicode(item2.text())
                            i += 1
                elif not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) 
                        i += 1
                elif not (filter2 == '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item2 in filter2list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item2.text())
                        i += 1            
                    sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                    self.plabels[i] = unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText())+""", """+unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                    i += 1

        if not (self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText() == '' or self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()==' ') and not (self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()== '' or self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()==' ') and not (self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()== '' or self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()==' '):#if anything is to be plotted from tab 2
  ['custplot_maxtstep'] = self.spnmaxtstep.value()   # if user selected a time step bigger than zero than thre may be discontinuous plots
            filter1 = unicode(self.Filter1_ComboBox_2.currentText())
            filter1list = []
            filter2list = []
            filter1list = self.Filter1_QListWidget_2.selectedItems()
            filter2 = unicode(self.Filter2_ComboBox_2.currentText())
            filter2list= self.Filter2_QListWidget_2.selectedItems()
            nop =+ max(len(filter1list),1)*max(len(filter2list),1)
            self.p.extend([None]*nop)#list for plot objects
            self.plabels.extend([None]*nop)# List for plot labels
            while i < len(self.p):
                if not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]) and not (filter2== '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        for item2 in filter2list:
                            sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' and """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                            self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) + """, """ + unicode(item2.text())
                            i += 1
                elif not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) 
                        i += 1
                elif not (filter2 == '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item2 in filter2list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item2.text())
                        i += 1            
                    sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                    self.plabels[i] = unicode(self.ycol2)+""", """+unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                    i += 1
        if not (self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText() == '' or self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()==' ') and not (self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()== '' or self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()==' ') and not (self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()== '' or self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()==' '):#if anything is to be plotted from tab 3
  ['custplot_maxtstep'] = self.spnmaxtstep.value()   # if user selected a time step bigger than zero than thre may be discontinuous plots
            filter1 = unicode(self.Filter1_ComboBox_3.currentText())
            filter1list = []
            filter2list = []
            filter1list = self.Filter1_QListWidget_3.selectedItems()
            filter2 = unicode(self.Filter2_ComboBox_3.currentText())
            filter2list= self.Filter2_QListWidget_3.selectedItems()
            nop =+ max(len(filter1list),1)*max(len(filter2list),1)
            self.p.extend([None]*nop)#list for plot objects
            self.plabels.extend([None]*nop)# List for plot labels
            while i < len(self.p):
                if not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]) and not (filter2== '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        for item2 in filter2list:
                            sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' and """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                            self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) + """, """ + unicode(item2.text())
                            i += 1
                elif not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) 
                        i += 1
                elif not (filter2 == '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item2 in filter2list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item2.text())
                        i += 1            
                    sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                    self.plabels[i] = unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText())+""", """+unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                    i += 1

        #rs.close() # close the cursor
        myconnection.closedb()  # close the database
        QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()#now this long process is done and the cursor is back as normal
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def drawPlot(self):
        QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor))#show the user this may take a long time...

        self.axes.legend_ = None
        My_format = [('date_time', datetime.datetime), ('values', float)] #Define (with help from function datetime) a good format for numpy array
        myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
        curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()

        i = 0
        nop=0# nop=number of plots
        if not (self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText() == '' or self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()==' ') and not (self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()== '' or self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()==' ') and not (self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()== '' or self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()==' '): #if anything is to be plotted from tab 1
  ['custplot_maxtstep'] = self.spnmaxtstep.value()   # if user selected a time step bigger than zero than thre may be discontinuous plots
            filter1 = unicode(self.Filter1_ComboBox_1.currentText())
            filter1list = []
            filter2list = []
            filter1list = self.Filter1_QListWidget_1.selectedItems()
            filter2 = unicode(self.Filter2_ComboBox_1.currentText())
            filter2list= self.Filter2_QListWidget_1.selectedItems()
            nop += max(len(filter1list),1)*max(len(filter2list),1)
            #self.p= [None]*nop#list for plot objects
            self.p.extend([None]*nop)#list for plot objects
            self.plabels.extend([None]*nop)# List for plot labels
                factor1 = float(self.LineEditFactor1.text().replace(',','.'))
            except ValueError:
                factor1 = 1.0
                offset1 = float(self.LineEditOffset1.text().replace(',','.'))
            except ValueError:
                offset1 = 0.0

            remove_mean1 = self.checkBox_remove_mean1.isChecked()

            while i < len(self.p):
                if not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]) and not (filter2== '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        for item2 in filter2list:
                            sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' and """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                            self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) + """, """ + unicode(item2.text())
                            self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_1.currentText(), factor1, offset1, remove_mean1)
                            i += 1
                elif not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) 
                        self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_1.currentText(), factor1, offset1, remove_mean1)
                        i += 1
                elif not (filter2 == '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item2 in filter2list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item2.text())
                        self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_1.currentText(), factor1, offset1, remove_mean1)
                        i += 1            
                    sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText()) + """ order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                    self.plabels[i] = unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_1.currentText())+""", """+unicode(self.table_ComboBox_1.currentText())
                    self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_1.currentText(), factor1, offset1, remove_mean1)
                    i += 1

        if not (self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText() == '' or self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()==' ') and not (self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()== '' or self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()==' ') and not (self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()== '' or self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()==' '):#if anything is to be plotted from tab 2
  ['custplot_maxtstep'] = self.spnmaxtstep.value()   # if user selected a time step bigger than zero than thre may be discontinuous plots
            filter1 = unicode(self.Filter1_ComboBox_2.currentText())
            filter1list = []
            filter2list = []
            filter1list = self.Filter1_QListWidget_2.selectedItems()
            filter2 = unicode(self.Filter2_ComboBox_2.currentText())
            filter2list= self.Filter2_QListWidget_2.selectedItems()
            nop =+ max(len(filter1list),1)*max(len(filter2list),1)
            self.p.extend([None]*nop)#list for plot objects
            self.plabels.extend([None]*nop)# List for plot labels
                factor2 = float(self.LineEditFactor2.text().replace(',','.'))
            except ValueError:
                factor2 = 1.0
                offset2 = float(self.LineEditOffset2.text().replace(',','.'))
            except ValueError:
                offset2 = 0.0

            remove_mean2 = self.checkBox_remove_mean2.isChecked()

            while i < len(self.p):
                if not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]) and not (filter2== '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        for item2 in filter2list:
                            sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' and """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                            self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) + """, """ + unicode(item2.text())
                            self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_2.currentText(), factor2, offset2, remove_mean2)
                            i += 1
                elif not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) 
                        self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_2.currentText(), factor2, offset2, remove_mean2)
                        i += 1
                elif not (filter2 == '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item2 in filter2list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item2.text())
                        self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_2.currentText(), factor2, offset2, remove_mean2)
                        i += 1            
                    sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText()) + """ order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                    self.plabels[i] = unicode(self.ycol2)+""", """+unicode(self.table_ComboBox_2.currentText())
                    self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_2.currentText(), factor2, offset2, remove_mean2)
                    i += 1
        if not (self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText() == '' or self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()==' ') and not (self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()== '' or self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()==' ') and not (self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()== '' or self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()==' '):#if anything is to be plotted from tab 3
  ['custplot_maxtstep'] = self.spnmaxtstep.value()   # if user selected a time step bigger than zero than thre may be discontinuous plots
            filter1 = unicode(self.Filter1_ComboBox_3.currentText())
            filter1list = []
            filter2list = []
            filter1list = self.Filter1_QListWidget_3.selectedItems()
            filter2 = unicode(self.Filter2_ComboBox_3.currentText())
            filter2list= self.Filter2_QListWidget_3.selectedItems()
            nop =+ max(len(filter1list),1)*max(len(filter2list),1)
            self.p.extend([None]*nop)#list for plot objects
            self.plabels.extend([None]*nop)# List for plot labels
                factor3 = float(self.LineEditFactor3.text().replace(',','.'))
            except ValueError:
                factor3 = 1.0
                offset3 = float(self.LineEditOffset3.text().replace(',','.'))
            except ValueError:
                offset3 = 0.0

            remove_mean3 = self.checkBox_remove_mean3.isChecked()

            while i < len(self.p):
                if not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]) and not (filter2== '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        for item2 in filter2list:
                            sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' and """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                            self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) + """, """ + unicode(item2.text())
                            self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_3.currentText(), factor3, offset3, remove_mean3)
                            i += 1
                elif not (filter1 == '' or filter1==' ' or filter1list==[]):
                    for item1 in filter1list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter1 + """='""" + unicode(item1.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item1.text()) 
                        self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_3.currentText(), factor3, offset3, remove_mean3)
                        i += 1
                elif not (filter2 == '' or filter2==' ' or filter2list==[]):
                    for item2 in filter2list:
                        sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ where """ + filter2 + """='""" + unicode(item2.text())+ """' order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                        self.plabels[i] = unicode(item2.text())
                        self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_3.currentText(), factor3, offset3, remove_mean3)
                        i += 1            
                    sql = r""" select """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """, """ + unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ from """ + unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText()) + """ order by """ + unicode(self.xcol_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                    self.plabels[i] = unicode(self.ycol_ComboBox_3.currentText())+""", """+unicode(self.table_ComboBox_3.currentText())
                    self.createsingleplotobject(sql,i,My_format,curs,self.PlotType_comboBox_3.currentText(), factor3, offset3, remove_mean3)
                    i += 1

        #rs.close() # close the cursor
        myconnection.closedb()  # close the database

        self.xaxis_formatters = (self.axes.xaxis.get_major_formatter(), self.axes.xaxis.get_major_locator())


        self.drawn = True


        QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()#now this long process is done and the cursor is back as normal
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def showtheplot(self, layer):            # PlotTS method that, at the moment, performs all the real work
        provider = layer.dataProvider()  #Something with OGR
        kolumnindex = provider.fieldNameIndex('obsid') # To find the column named 'obsid'
        if kolumnindex == -1:
            kolumnindex = provider.fieldNameIndex('OBSID') # backwards compatibility
            nF = layer.selectedFeatureCount()
            if (nF > 0):
                myconnection = utils.dbconnection()
                if myconnection.connect2db() == True:
                    # skapa en cursor
                    curs = myconnection.conn.cursor()
                    # Load all selected observation points
                    ob = layer.selectedFeatures()

                    # Create a plot window with one single subplot
                    fig = plt.figure()  # causes conflict with plugins "statist" and "chartmaker"
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                    p=[None]*nF # List for plot objects
                    plabel=[None]*nF # List for label strings
                    for k in ob:    # Loop through all selected objects, a plot is added for each one of the observation points (i.e. selected objects)
                        obsid = unicode(ob[i][kolumnindex]) 
                        # Load all observations (full time series) for the object [i] (i.e. selected observation point no i)
                        sql =r"""SELECT date_time as 'date [datetime]', """
                        sql += unicode(self.settingsdict['tscolumn']) #MacOSX fix1
                        sql += """ FROM """
                        sql += unicode(self.settingsdict['tstable']) #MacOSX fix1
                        sql += r""" WHERE obsid = '"""    
                        sql += obsid  
                        sql += """' ORDER BY date_time """
                        rs = curs.execute(sql) #Send SQL-syntax to cursor
                        recs = rs.fetchall()  # All data are stored in recs
                        """Transform data to a numpy.recarray"""
                        My_format = [('date_time', datetime.datetime), ('values', float)] #Define format with help from function datetime
                        table = np.array(recs, dtype=My_format)  #NDARRAY
                        table2=table.view(np.recarray)   # RECARRAY   Makes the two columns inte callable objects, i.e. write table2.values
                        """ Get help from function datestr2num to get date and time into float""" 
                        myTimestring = []  #LIST
                        j = 0
                        for row in table2:
                            j = j + 1
                        numtime=datestr2num(myTimestring)  #conv list of strings to numpy.ndarray of floats
                        if self.settingsdict['tsdotmarkers']==2: # If the checkbox is checked - markers will be plotted #MacOSX fix1
                            if self.settingsdict['tsstepplot']==2: # If the checkbox is checked - draw a step plot #MacOSX fix1
                                p[i], = ax.plot_date(numtime, table2.values, marker = 'o', linestyle = '-',  drawstyle='steps-pre', label=obsid)    # PLOT!!
                                p[i], = ax.plot_date(numtime, table2.values, 'o-',  label=obsid)
                        else:                                                                        # NO markers wil be plotted, , just a line
                            if self.settingsdict['tsstepplot']==2: # If the checkbox is checked - draw a step plot #MacOSX fix1
                                p[i], = ax.plot_date(numtime, table2.values, marker = 'None', linestyle = '-',  drawstyle='steps-pre', label=obsid)    # PLOT!!
                                p[i], = ax.plot_date(numtime, table2.values, '-',  label=obsid)
                        plabel[i] = obsid # Label for the plot
                        i = i+1

                    """ Close SQLite-connections """
                    rs.close() # First close the table 
                    myconnection.closedb()# then close the database

                    """ Finish plot """
                    ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(tick.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=False))
                    ax.set_ylabel(self.settingsdict['tscolumn']) #MacOSX fix1
                    ax.set_title(self.settingsdict['tstable'])#MacOSX fix1
                    leg = fig.legend(p, plabel, loc=0)#leg = fig.legend(p, plabel, 'right')
                    frame  = leg.get_frame()    # the matplotlib.patches.Rectangle instance surrounding the legend
                    frame.set_facecolor('0.80')    # set the frame face color to light gray
                    frame.set_fill(False)    # set the frame face color transparent                
                    for t in leg.get_texts():
                        t.set_fontsize(10)    # the legend text fontsize
                    for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
                    for label in ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels():
                    #plt.ion()#force interactivity to prevent the plot window from blocking the qgis app
                utils.pop_up_info("Please select at least one point with time series data")
            utils.pop_up_info("Please select a layer with time series observation points")