Ejemplo n.º 1
def correct_response(st, removeResp=False, removePAZ=False, simPAZ=False, pre_filt=None, cornFreq=0.0083):
    Correct the seismometer response.
    Seismometer response is given in either a dictionary ``removeResp''
    or a dictionary ``removePAZ''. ``removeResp has precedence. The
    dictionaries have the following structure

    removeResp: dictionary with Response information to be removed
        has the following keys:
        respfile: (str) filename of evalresp response file.
        units: (str) Units to return response in. Can be either DIS, VEL or ACC
        start_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of start stage (<0 causes
            default evalresp bahaviour).
        stop_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of stop stage
    removePAZ: dictionary with poles and zeros to be removed has the following
            poles: (list of complex numbers) location of poles
            zeros: (list of complex numbers) location of zeros
            gain: (float) gain
            sensitivity: (float) sensitivity
        It can easily be retrieved with obspy.arclink.client.Client.getPAZ

    if ``removeResp'' is given the response of each trace must be present in
    the respfile. If ``removePAZ'' is used the response is assumed to be the
    same for all traces in the stream.
    A filter specified in pre_filt can be applied in to avoid amplification of
    The instrument to be simulated is either described in the dictionary simPAZ
    or if simPAZ is False by the corner frequency ``cornFreq''. Response
    correction is done in place and original data is overwritten.
    The input stream ``st'' should be demeaned and tapered.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: data stream to be corrected
    :type removeResp: dict
    :param removeResp: Response information to be removed
    :type removePAZ: dict
    :param removePAZ: Response information to be removed
    :type simPAZ: dict
    :param simPAZ: Response information to be simulated
    :type cornFreq: float
    :param cornFreq: corner frequency of instrument to be simulated
    :type pre_filt: list
    :param pre_filt: 4 corners of the filter
    for tr in st:
        starttime = tr.stats['starttime']
        endtime = tr.stats['endtime']
        network = tr.stats['network']
        station = tr.stats['station']
        channel = tr.stats['channel']
        location = tr.stats['location']
        length = tr.stats['npts']
        sampling_rate = tr.stats['sampling_rate']
        np2l = nextpow2(2.*length)
        if not simPAZ:
            simPAZ = cornFreq2Paz(cornFreq, damp=0.70716)
        simresp, freqs = np.conj(pazToFreqResp(simPAZ['poles'], simPAZ['zeros'],
                          nfft=np2l, freq=True)) #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()
        if removeResp:
            freqresp, freqs = evalresp(1./sampling_rate,np2l,removeResp['respfile'],
                                starttime, network=network, station=station,
                                channel=channel, locid=location,
                                units=removeResp['units'], freq=True)
            freqresp, freqs = np.conj(pazToFreqResp(removePAZ['poles'], removePAZ['zeros'],
                          nfft=np2l, freq=True)) #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()
        ftr = np.fft.rfft(tr.data,n=np2l)
        ftr /= freqresp
        ftr[0] = 0.j  # correct the NaN in the DC component
        ftr *= simresp
        if pre_filt:
            ftr *= c_sac_taper(freqs, flimit=pre_filt)

        tr.data = np.fft.irfft(ftr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def time_shift_apply(corr_data, shift):
    """ Apply time shift to traces.

    Apply time shifts to traces e.g. to align them to a common time base.
    Such shifts can occur in corrlation traces in case of a drifting clock.
    This function ``applies`` the shifts. To correct for shift estimated with
    :class:`~miic.core.stretch_mod.time_shift_estimate` you need to apply
    negative shifts.
    Shifting is done in frequency domain with 5% tapering.

    :type corr_data: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param corr_data: 2d ndarray containing the correlation functions that are
        to be shifted.
        One for each row.
    :type shift: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param shift: ndarray with shift.shape[0] = corr_data.shape[0] containing
        the shifts in units of the sampling interval by which the trace are to
        be shifted

    :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :return: **shifted_mat**: shifted version of the input matrix
    mat = corr_data
    # check input
    # shift is just a 1d array
    if len(shift.shape) == 1:
        t_shift = np.zeros([shift.shape[0], 1])
        t_shift[:, 0] = shift
        shift = t_shift
    # shift has the wrong length
    elif shift.shape[0] != mat.shape[0]:
        print 'InputError: shift.shape[0] must be equal corr_data.shape[0]'
        return 0
    # shift has multiple columns (multiple measurements for the same time)
    if shift.shape[1] > 1:
        shift = np.delete(shift, np.arange(1, shift.shape[1]), axis=1)

    # taper the reference matrix to avoid interpolation
    taper = cosTaper(mat.shape[1], 0.05)
    mat *= np.tile(taper, [mat.shape[0], 1])

    # find a suitable length for the FFT
    N = nextpow2(2 * mat.shape[1])
    w = np.zeros([1, N / 2 + 1])

    # original and shifted phase
    w[0, :] = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N / 2 + 1)
    pha = np.exp(-1j * (shift) * w)

    # Fourier Transform
    F = np.fft.rfft(mat, N, 1)

    # apply the phase shift
    sF = F * pha

    # transform to time domain
    smat = np.fft.irfft(sF)

    # cut to original size
    shifted_mat = smat[:, 0:mat.shape[1]]
    return shifted_mat
Ejemplo n.º 3
def correct_response(st,
    Correct the seismometer response.
    Seismometer response is given in either a dictionary ``removeResp''
    or a dictionary ``removePAZ''. ``removeResp has precedence. The
    dictionaries have the following structure

    removeResp: dictionary with Response information to be removed
        has the following keys:
        respfile: (str) filename of evalresp response file.
        units: (str) Units to return response in. Can be either DIS, VEL or ACC
        start_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of start stage (<0 causes
            default evalresp bahaviour).
        stop_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of stop stage
    removePAZ: dictionary with poles and zeros to be removed has the following
            poles: (list of complex numbers) location of poles
            zeros: (list of complex numbers) location of zeros
            gain: (float) gain
            sensitivity: (float) sensitivity
        It can easily be retrieved with obspy.arclink.client.Client.getPAZ

    if ``removeResp'' is given the response of each trace must be present in
    the respfile. If ``removePAZ'' is used the response is assumed to be the
    same for all traces in the stream.
    A filter specified in pre_filt can be applied in to avoid amplification of
    The instrument to be simulated is either described in the dictionary simPAZ
    or if simPAZ is False by the corner frequency ``cornFreq''. Response
    correction is done in place and original data is overwritten.
    The input stream ``st'' should be demeaned and tapered.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: data stream to be corrected
    :type removeResp: dict
    :param removeResp: Response information to be removed
    :type removePAZ: dict
    :param removePAZ: Response information to be removed
    :type simPAZ: dict
    :param simPAZ: Response information to be simulated
    :type cornFreq: float
    :param cornFreq: corner frequency of instrument to be simulated
    :type pre_filt: list
    :param pre_filt: 4 corners of the filter

    for tr in st:
        starttime = tr.stats['starttime']
        endtime = tr.stats['endtime']
        network = tr.stats['network']
        station = tr.stats['station']
        channel = tr.stats['channel']
        location = tr.stats['location']
        length = tr.stats['npts']
        sampling_rate = tr.stats['sampling_rate']
        np2l = nextpow2(2. * length)

        if not simPAZ:
            simPAZ = cornFreq2Paz(cornFreq, damp=0.70716)
        simresp, freqs = np.conj(
                scale_fac=simPAZ['gain'] * simPAZ['sensitivity'],
                t_samp=1. / sampling_rate,
                freq=True))  #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()

        if removeResp:
            freqresp, freqs = evalresp(1. / sampling_rate,
            freqresp, freqs = np.conj(
                    scale_fac=removePAZ['gain'] * removePAZ['sensitivity'],
                    t_samp=1. / sampling_rate,
                    freq=True))  #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()

        ftr = np.fft.rfft(tr.data, n=np2l)
        ftr /= freqresp
        ftr[0] = 0.j  # correct the NaN in the DC component
        ftr *= simresp

        if pre_filt:
            ftr *= c_sac_taper(freqs, flimit=pre_filt)

        tr.data = np.fft.irfft(ftr)
        tr.trim(starttime, endtime)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def time_shift_apply(corr_data, shift):
    """ Apply time shift to traces.

    Apply time shifts to traces e.g. to align them to a common time base.
    Such shifts can occur in corrlation traces in case of a drifting clock.
    This function ``applies`` the shifts. To correct for shift estimated with
    :class:`~miic.core.stretch_mod.time_shift_estimate` you need to apply
    negative shifts.
    Shifting is done in frequency domain with 5% tapering.

    :type corr_data: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param corr_data: 2d ndarray containing the correlation functions that are
        to be shifted.
        One for each row.
    :type shift: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param shift: ndarray with shift.shape[0] = corr_data.shape[0] containing
        the shifts in units of the sampling interval by which the trace are to
        be shifted

    :rtype: :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :return: **shifted_mat**: shifted version of the input matrix
    mat = corr_data
    # check input
    # shift is just a 1d array
    if len(shift.shape) == 1:
        t_shift = np.zeros([shift.shape[0], 1])
        t_shift[:, 0] = shift
        shift = t_shift
    # shift has the wrong length
    elif shift.shape[0] != mat.shape[0]:
        print "InputError: shift.shape[0] must be equal corr_data.shape[0]"
        return 0
    # shift has multiple columns (multiple measurements for the same time)
    if shift.shape[1] > 1:
        shift = np.delete(shift, np.arange(1, shift.shape[1]), axis=1)

    # taper the reference matrix to avoid interpolation
    taper = cosTaper(mat.shape[1], 0.05)
    mat *= np.tile(taper, [mat.shape[0], 1])

    # find a suitable length for the FFT
    N = nextpow2(2 * mat.shape[1])
    w = np.zeros([1, N / 2 + 1])

    # original and shifted phase
    w[0, :] = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N / 2 + 1)
    pha = np.exp(-1j * (shift) * w)

    # Fourier Transform
    F = np.fft.rfft(mat, N, 1)

    # apply the phase shift
    sF = F * pha

    # transform to time domain
    smat = np.fft.irfft(sF)

    # cut to original size
    shifted_mat = smat[:, 0 : mat.shape[1]]
    return shifted_mat