Ejemplo n.º 1
    def address(cls,
            Create an Address Data Entity object.

            All individual fields are automatically randomly generated based on locale. If provided, the corresponding values are overriden.

                All individual fields are randomly generated. Don't expect correct correlation e.g. correct postal code for the generated city.

            Keyword Arguments:
                locale: Approprite Random.locale.<local_name> object. Default is Random.locale.EN
                calling_code: Calling Code
                city: City
                country: Country Name
                country_code: Country Code 
                latitude: Latitude
                longitude: Longitde
                postal_code: Postal Code
                state: State
                street_name: Street Name
                street_number Street Number
                street_suffix: Street Suffix
        address = Address(locale=locale)
        from arjuna.engine.data.entity.address import Address as ArjAddress

        return ArjAddress(
            calling_code=calling_code is not None and calling_code
            or address.calling_code(),
            city=city and city is not None or address.city(),
            country=country is not None and country or address.country(),
            country_code=country_code is not None and country_code
            or address.country_code(),
            latitude=latitude is not None and latitude or address.latitude(),
            longitude=longitude is not None and longitude
            or address.longitude(),
            postal_code=postal_code is not None and postal_code
            or address.postal_code(),
            state=state is not None and state or address.state(),
            street_name=street_name is not None and street_name
            or address.street_name(),
            street_number=street_number is not None and street_number
            or address.street_number(),
            street_suffix=street_suffix is not None and street_suffix
            or address.street_suffix(),
Ejemplo n.º 2
class CSVData:
    def __init__(self):
        self.person = Person(locale='zh')
        self.address = Address(locale='zh')
        self.code = Code()
        self.business = Business(locale='zh')
        self.text = Text(locale='zh')
        self.datetime = Datetime(locale='zh')
        self.file = File()
        self.path = Path()
        self.internet = Internet()
        self.structure = Structure()

    def mime_data(self):
        # col1 = self.person.full_name()
        col1 = self.person.last_name() + self.person.first_name()
        col2 = self.address.city()
        col3 = self.address.street_name()
        col4 = self.address.calling_code()
        col5 = self.address.longitude()
        col6 = self.code.imei()
        col7 = self.business.company()
        col8 = self.text.hex_color()
        col9 = self.datetime.formatted_datetime()
        col10 = self.datetime.time()

        col11 = self.file.file_name()
        col12 = self.path.dev_dir()
        col13 = self.internet.ip_v4()
        col14 = self.internet.ip_v6()
        col15 = self.internet.home_page()
        col16 = self.internet.stock_image()
        col17 = self.internet.user_agent()
        col18 = self.internet.mac_address()
        col19 = self.person.email()
        col20 = self.person.telephone()

        col21 = self.code.issn()
        col22 = self.person.social_media_profile()
        col23 = self.structure.html()

        line = '\"{0}\", \"{1}\", \"{2}\", \"{3}\", {4}, \"{5}\", \"{6}\" , \"{7}\" , \"{8}\" , \"{9}\" , \"{10}\" , \"{11}\" , \"{12}\" , \"{13}\" , \"{14}\" , \"{15}\" , \"{16}\" , \"{17}\" , \"{18}\" , \"{19}\" , \"{20}\" , \"{21}\" , \"{22}\"\n'.format(
                col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11, col12, col13, col14, col15, col16, col17, col18, col19, col20, col21, col22, col23)

        # line = "mime data"
        # print(line)
        return line
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_data(address: Address, lang: str):
    return {
        'address': address.address(),
        'calling_code': address.calling_code(),
        'city': address.city(),
        'continent': address.continent(),
        'coordinates': address.coordinates(),
        'country': address.country(),
        'country_code': get_country_code(lang),
        'latitude': address.latitude(),
        'longitude': address.longitude(),
        'postal_code': address.postal_code(),
        'state': address.state(),
        'street_name': address.street_name(),
        'street_number': address.street_number(),
        'street_suffix': address.street_suffix(),
        'zip_code': address.zip_code()