Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, user_id, project_id, is_admin=None, read_deleted="no",
                 roles=None, remote_address=None, timestamp=None,
                 request_id=None, auth_token=None, overwrite=True,
                 quota_class=None, user_name=None, project_name=None,
                 service_catalog=None, instance_lock_checked=False, **kwargs):
        """Initialize this RequestContext.

        :param read_deleted: 'no' indicates deleted records are hidden, 'yes'
            indicates deleted records are visible, 'only' indicates that
            *only* deleted records are visible.

        :param overwrite: Set to False to ensure that the greenthread local
            copy of the index is not overwritten.

        :param kwargs: Extra arguments that might be present, but we ignore
            because they possibly came in from older rpc messages.
        if kwargs:
            LOG.warn(_('Arguments dropped when creating context: %s') %

        self.user_id = user_id
        self.project_id = project_id
        self.roles = roles or []
        self.read_deleted = read_deleted
        self.remote_address = remote_address
        if not timestamp:
            timestamp = timeutils.utcnow()
        if isinstance(timestamp, basestring):
            timestamp = timeutils.parse_strtime(timestamp)
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        if not request_id:
            request_id = generate_request_id()
        self.request_id = request_id
        self.auth_token = auth_token

        if service_catalog:
            # Only include required parts of service_catalog
            self.service_catalog = [s for s in service_catalog
                if s.get('type') in ('volume')]
            # if list is empty or none
            self.service_catalog = []

        self.instance_lock_checked = instance_lock_checked

        # NOTE(markmc): this attribute is currently only used by the
        # rs_limits turnstile pre-processor.
        # See https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg12200.html
        self.quota_class = quota_class
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.project_name = project_name
        self.is_admin = is_admin
        if self.is_admin is None:
            self.is_admin = policy.check_is_admin(self)
        if overwrite or not hasattr(local.store, 'context'):
Ejemplo n.º 2
def drop_old_duplicate_entries_from_table(migrate_engine, table_name,
                                          use_soft_delete, *uc_column_names):
    """Drop all old rows having the same values for columns in uc_columns.

    This method drop (or mark ad `deleted` if use_soft_delete is True) old
    duplicate rows form table with name `table_name`.

    :param migrate_engine:  Sqlalchemy engine
    :param table_name:      Table with duplicates
    :param use_soft_delete: If True - values will be marked as `deleted`,
                            if False - values will be removed from table
    :param uc_column_names: Unique constraint columns
    meta = MetaData()
    meta.bind = migrate_engine

    table = Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)
    columns_for_group_by = [table.c[name] for name in uc_column_names]

    columns_for_select = [func.max(table.c.id)]

    duplicated_rows_select = select(columns_for_select,
                                    having=func.count(table.c.id) > 1)

    for row in migrate_engine.execute(duplicated_rows_select):
        # NOTE(boris-42): Do not remove row that has the biggest ID.
        delete_condition = table.c.id != row[0]
        is_none = None  # workaround for pyflakes
        delete_condition &= table.c.deleted_at == is_none
        for name in uc_column_names:
            delete_condition &= table.c[name] == row[name]

        rows_to_delete_select = select([table.c.id]).where(delete_condition)
        for row in migrate_engine.execute(rows_to_delete_select).fetchall():
            LOG.info(_("Deleting duplicated row with id: %(id)s from table: "
                       "%(table)s") % dict(id=row[0], table=table_name))

        if use_soft_delete:
            delete_statement = table.update().\
                    'deleted': literal_column('id'),
                    'updated_at': literal_column('updated_at'),
                    'deleted_at': timeutils.utcnow()
            delete_statement = table.delete().where(delete_condition)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def soft_delete(self, session=None):
     """Mark this object as deleted."""
     self.deleted = self.id
     self.deleted_at = timeutils.utcnow()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def soft_delete(self, synchronize_session='evaluate'):
     return self.update({'deleted': literal_column('id'),
                         'updated_at': literal_column('updated_at'),
                         'deleted_at': timeutils.utcnow()},