Ejemplo n.º 1
def spectrum_of_largest(points, faces, spectrum_size=10, exclude_labels=[-1],
                        normalization=None, areas=None):
    Compute Laplace-Beltrami spectrum on largest connected segment.

    In case a surface patch is fragmented, we select the largest fragment,
    remove extraneous triangular faces, and reindex indices.

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    spectrum_size : integer
        number of eigenvalues to be computed (the length of the spectrum)
    exclude_labels : list of integers
        background values to exclude
    normalization : string
        the method used to normalize eigenvalues ('area' or None)
        if "area", use area of the 2D structure as in Reuter et al. 2006
    areas : numpy array or list of floats (or None)
        surface area scalar values for all vertices

    spectrum : list
        first spectrum_size eigenvalues for Laplace-Beltrami spectrum

    >>> # Spectrum for left postcentral + pars triangularis pial surfaces:
    >>> import os
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_scalars, read_vtk, write_vtk
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.mesh import remove_faces, reindex_faces_points
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import spectrum_of_largest
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> label_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'lh.labels.DKT31.manual.vtk')
    >>> area_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.area.vtk')
    >>> spectrum_size = 6
    >>> exclude_labels = [-1]
    >>> normalization = None
    >>> faces, lines, indices, points, u1, labels, u2,u3 = read_vtk(label_file,
    >>>      return_first=True, return_array=True)
    >>> I20 = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x==20] # pars triangularis
    >>> I22 = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x==22] # postcentral
    >>> I22.extend(I20)
    >>> faces = remove_faces(faces, I22)
    >>> faces, points, o1 = reindex_faces_points(faces, points)
    >>> areas, u1 = read_scalars(area_file, True, True)
    >>> #
    >>> spectrum_of_largest(points, faces, spectrum_size, exclude_labels,
    >>>                     normalization, areas)
    >>> # View both segments:
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> scalars = np.zeros(np.shape(labels))
    >>> scalars[I22] = 1
    >>> vtk_file = 'test_two_labels.vtk'
    >>> write_vtk(vtk_file, points, indices, lines, faces,
    >>>           scalars, scalar_names='scalars', scalar_type='int')
    >>> plot_surfaces(vtk_file)

    from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh, lobpcg
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.utils.segment import select_largest
    from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import fem_laplacian

    if isinstance(areas, list):
        areas = np.array(areas)

    # Check to see if there are enough points:
    min_points_faces = spectrum_size
    npoints = len(points) 
    if npoints < min_points_faces or len(faces) < min_points_faces:
        print("The input size {0} ({1} faces) should be much larger "
              "than spectrum_size ({2})".
              format(npoints, len(faces), spectrum_size))
        return None

        # Select the largest segment (connected set of indices):
        points, faces = select_largest(points, faces, exclude_labels, areas,

        # Alert if the number of indices is small:
        if len(points) < min_points_faces:
            print("The input size {0} is too small.".format(len(points)))
            return None
        elif faces:

            # Compute spectrum:
            spectrum = fem_laplacian(points, faces, spectrum_size,
            return spectrum
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def spectrum_of_largest(points, faces, spectrum_size=10, exclude_labels=[-1],
                        normalization=None, areas=None):
    Compute Laplace-Beltrami spectrum on largest connected segment.

    In case a surface patch is fragmented, we select the largest fragment,
    remove extraneous triangular faces, and reindex indices.

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    spectrum_size : integer
        number of eigenvalues to be computed (the length of the spectrum)
    exclude_labels : list of integers
        background values to exclude
    normalization : string
        the method used to normalize eigenvalues ('area' or None)
        if "area", use area of the 2D structure as in Reuter et al. 2006
    areas : numpy array or list of floats (or None)
        surface area scalar values for all vertices

    spectrum : list
        first spectrum_size eigenvalues for Laplace-Beltrami spectrum

    >>> # Spectrum for left postcentral + pars triangularis pial surfaces:
    >>> import os
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_scalars, read_vtk, write_vtk
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.mesh import remove_faces, reindex_faces_points
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import spectrum_of_largest
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> label_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'lh.labels.DKT31.manual.vtk')
    >>> area_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.area.vtk')
    >>> spectrum_size = 6
    >>> exclude_labels = [-1]
    >>> normalization = None
    >>> faces, lines, indices, points, u1, labels, u2,u3 = read_vtk(label_file,
    >>>      return_first=True, return_array=True)
    >>> I20 = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x==20] # pars triangularis
    >>> I22 = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x==22] # postcentral
    >>> I22.extend(I20)
    >>> faces = remove_faces(faces, I22)
    >>> faces, points, o1 = reindex_faces_points(faces, points)
    >>> areas, u1 = read_scalars(area_file, True, True)
    >>> #
    >>> spectrum_of_largest(points, faces, spectrum_size, exclude_labels,
    >>>                     normalization, areas)
    >>> # View both segments:
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_surfaces
    >>> scalars = np.zeros(np.shape(labels))
    >>> scalars[I22] = 1
    >>> vtk_file = 'test_two_labels.vtk'
    >>> write_vtk(vtk_file, points, indices, lines, faces,
    >>>           scalars, scalar_names='scalars', scalar_type='int')
    >>> plot_surfaces(vtk_file)

    from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh, lobpcg
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.utils.segment import select_largest
    from mindboggle.shapes.laplace_beltrami import fem_laplacian

    if isinstance(areas, list):
        areas = np.array(areas)

    # Check to see if there are enough points:
    min_points_faces = spectrum_size
    npoints = len(points) 
    if npoints < min_points_faces or len(faces) < min_points_faces:
        print("The input size {0} ({1} faces) should be much larger "
              "than spectrum_size ({2})".
              format(npoints, len(faces), spectrum_size))
        return None

        # Select the largest segment (connected set of indices):
        points, faces = select_largest(points, faces, exclude_labels, areas,

        # Alert if the number of indices is small:
        if len(points) < min_points_faces:
            print("The input size {0} is too small.".format(len(points)))
            return None
        elif faces:

            # Compute spectrum:
            spectrum = fem_laplacian(points, faces, spectrum_size,
            return spectrum
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def zernike_moments_of_largest(points, faces, order=20, exclude_labels=[-1], areas=None):
    Compute the Zernike moments on largest connected segment.

    In case a surface patch is fragmented, we select the largest fragment,
    remove extraneous triangular faces, and reindex indices.

    points : list of lists of 3 floats
        x,y,z coordinates for each vertex of the structure
    faces : list of lists of 3 integers
        3 indices to vertices that form a triangle on the mesh
    order : integer
        number of moments to compute
    exclude_labels : list of integers
        labels to be excluded
    areas : numpy array or list of floats (or None)
        surface area scalar values for all vertices

    descriptors : list of floats
        Zernike descriptors of largest connected segment

    >>> # Zernike moments for one label (artificial composite), two fragments:
    >>> import os
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_scalars, read_vtk, write_vtk
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.mesh import remove_faces
    >>> from mindboggle.shapes.zernike.zernike import zernike_moments_of_largest
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> area_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.area.vtk')
    >>> label_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'lh.labels.DKT31.manual.vtk')
    >>> order = 3
    >>> exclude_labels = [-1]
    >>> faces, lines, indices, points, u1, labels, u2,u3 = read_vtk(label_file,
    >>>      return_first=True, return_array=True)
    >>> I19 = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x==19] # pars orbitalis
    >>> I22 = [i for i,x in enumerate(labels) if x==22] # postcentral
    >>> I19.extend(I22)
    >>> faces = remove_faces(faces, I19)
    >>> areas, u1 = read_scalars(area_file, True, True)
    >>> #
    >>> zernike_moments_of_largest(points, faces, order, exclude_labels, areas)
    >>> # View two fragments:
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_vtk
    >>> scalars = np.zeros(np.shape(labels))
    >>> scalars[I19] = 1
    >>> vtk_file = 'test_two_labels.vtk'
    >>> write_vtk(vtk_file, points, indices, lines, faces,
    >>>           scalars, scalar_names='scalars')
    >>> plot_vtk(vtk_file)

    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.utils.segment import select_largest
    from mindboggle.shapes.zernike.zernike import zernike_moments

    if isinstance(areas, list):
        areas = np.array(areas)

    # Check to see if there are enough points:
    min_npoints = order
    npoints = len(points)
    if npoints < min_npoints or len(faces) < min_npoints:
        print("The input size {0} ({1} faces) should be larger " "than order {2}".format(npoints, len(faces), order))
        return None

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Select the largest segment (connected set of indices):
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        points, faces = select_largest(points, faces, exclude_labels, areas, reindex=True)

        # Alert if the number of indices is small:
        if len(points) < min_npoints:
            print("The input size {0} is too small.".format(len(points)))
            return None
        elif faces:

            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # Compute Zernike moments:
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            descriptors = zernike_moments(points, faces, order)

            return descriptors
            return None