Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_join(self):
        result = scrape({'iterator': 'td', 'join': '|'}, TABLE_TH_HTML)

        assert result == 'John|Mayall|Mary|Susan'

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'tbody > tr',
                'fields': {
                    'name': {
                        'sel': 'td'
                    'joined': {
                        'iterator': 'td',
                        'join': '|'
            }, TABLE_TH_HTML)

        assert result == [{
            'name': 'John',
            'joined': 'John|Mayall'
        }, {
            'name': 'Mary',
            'joined': 'Mary|Susan'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_eval(self):
        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'root_id': {
                        'eval': 'root.select_one("#ok").get("id")'
            }, META_HTML)

        assert result == [{'root_id': 'ok'}, {'root_id': 'ok'}]

        result = scrape(
                'sel': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'eval': 'a = 45\nreturn a + 10'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == 55

        result = scrape(
                'item': {
                    'el = element.select_one("li")\nreturn el.get_text().strip()'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == 'One'
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_leaf(self):
        item = scrape({'sel': 'li'}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert item == 'One'

        item = scrape({}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert item == 'One\nTwo'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def worker(payload):
    row, headers, path, encoding, content, scraper = payload

    # Reading from file
    if content is None:
            if path.endswith('.gz'):
                with open(path, 'rb') as f:
                    content_bytes = gzip.decompress(f.read())

                content = content_bytes.decode(encoding, errors='replace')
                with codecs.open(path,
                                 errors='replace') as f:
                    content = f.read()
        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
            return ScrapeWorkerResult(e, None)

    # Building context
    context = {}

    if row:
        context['line'] = LazyLineDict(headers, row)

    if path:
        context['path'] = path
        context['basename'] = basename(path)

    # Attempting to scrape
    items = scrape(scraper, content, context=context)

    return ScrapeWorkerResult(None, items)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_conditional_eval(self):
        html = '''
                <div id="colors">
                <div id="animals">

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'div',
                'fields': {
                    'kind': 'id',
                    'items': {
                        'element.select("p") if element.get("id") == "colors" else element.select("li")'
            }, html)

        assert result == [{
            'kind': 'colors',
            'items': ['Red', 'Blue']
        }, {
            'kind': 'animals',
            'items': ['Tiger', 'Dog']
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_eval_errors(self):
        with pytest.raises(ScraperEvalError) as info:
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'eval': 'item.split()'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert isinstance(info.value.reason, NameError)
        assert info.value.path == ['item', 'eval']

        with pytest.raises(ScraperEvalError) as info:

            def hellraiser(**kwargs):
                raise RuntimeError

                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'eval': hellraiser
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert isinstance(info.value.reason, RuntimeError)
        assert info.value.path == ['item', 'eval']

        with pytest.raises(ScraperEvalTypeError) as info:
            scrape({'sel_eval': '45'}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert info.value.expected == (Tag, str)
        assert info.value.got == 45
        assert info.value.path == ['sel_eval']

        with pytest.raises(ScraperEvalNoneError) as info:
            scrape({'iterator_eval': 'None'}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert info.value.path == ['iterator_eval']

        with pytest.raises(ScraperEvalTypeError) as info:

            def iterator(element, **kwargs):
                return [element.select_one('li'), 45]

            scrape({'iterator_eval': iterator}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert info.value.path == ['iterator_eval']
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_recursive(self):
        result = scrape({
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': {
                'iterator': 'span'
        }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == [['One', '1'], ['Two', '2']]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_inexistent_selection(self):
        expected = [{'id': 'li1', 'empty': None}, {'id': 'li2', 'empty': None}]

        items = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id',
                    'empty': {
                        'sel': 'blockquote'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert items == expected

        items = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id',
                    'empty': {
                        'sel': 'blockquote',
                        'item': 'text'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert items == expected

        item = scrape(
                'sel': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id',
                    'empty': {
                        'sel': 'blockquote',
                        'item': 'text'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert item == expected[0]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_selection_eval(self):

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'sel_eval': 'element.select_one("span")'
            }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == ['One', 'Two']

        result = scrape(
                'element.select("li") + element.select("span")',
                'item': {
                    'attr': 'class'
            }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == [['li'], ['li'], ['first'], ['second'], ['first'],

        result = scrape({
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': {
                'sel_eval': '"span"'
        }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == ['One', 'Two']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator_eval': '"li, span"',
                'item': {
                    'attr': 'class'
            }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == [['li'], ['first'], ['second'], ['li'], ['first'],
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_uniq(self):
        result = scrape({
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': 'id',
            'uniq': True

        assert result == ['li1', 'li3']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id'
                'uniq': 'id'
            }, REPETITIVE_HTML)

        assert result == [{'id': 'li1'}, {'id': 'li3'}]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_scope(self):
        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'eval': 'x = scope.x or 0\nscope.x = x + 1\nreturn scope.x'
            }, REPETITIVE_HTML)

        assert [1, 2, 3]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_filter(self):
        result = scrape({'iterator': 'li', 'item': 'id'}, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', None, 'li3']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': 'id',
                'filter_eval': 'bool(value)'
            }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li3']

        result = scrape({
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': 'id',
            'filter': True
        }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li3']

        result = scrape({
            '$$': 'li',
            'fields': {
                'id': 'id'
            'filter': True
        }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == [{'id': 'li1'}, {'id': None}, {'id': 'li3'}]

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id'
                'filter': 'id'
            }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == [{'id': 'li1'}, {'id': 'li3'}]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_callable_eval(self):
        def process(value, **kwargs):
            return value.upper()

        result = scrape({
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': {
                'eval': process
        }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['ONE', 'TWO']
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_dumb_recursive(self):
        item = scrape(
                'sel': 'ul',
                'item': {
                    'sel': 'li',
                    'item': {
                        'sel': 'span'
            }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert item == 'One'
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_transform(self):
        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'extract': 'text',
                    'transform': 'upper'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['ONE', 'TWO']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'extract': 'text',
                    'transform': ['upper', 'lower']
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['one', 'two']
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_nested_local_context(self):
        html = '''
            <div data-topic="science">
                            Post n°<strong>1</strong> by <em>Allan</em>
                            Post n°<strong>2</strong> by <em>Susan</em>
            <div data-topic="arts">
                            Post n°<strong>3</strong> by <em>Josephine</em>
                            Post n°<strong>4</strong> by <em>Peter</em>

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'div',
                'item': {
                    'set_context': {
                        'topic': 'data-topic'
                    'iterator': 'li > p',
                    'fields': {
                        'topic': {
                            'get_context': 'topic'
                        'post': {
                            'sel': 'strong'
                        'author': {
                            'sel': 'em'
            }, html)

        assert result == [[
                'topic': 'science',
                'post': '1',
                'author': 'Allan'
                'topic': 'science',
                'post': '2',
                'author': 'Susan'
                              'topic': 'arts',
                              'post': '3',
                              'author': 'Josephine'
                          }, {
                              'topic': 'arts',
                              'post': '4',
                              'author': 'Peter'

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'topic': {
                        'sel_eval': 'element.find_parent("div")',
                        'attr': 'data-topic'
                    'post': {
                        'sel': 'strong'
                    'author': {
                        'sel': 'em'
            }, html)

        assert result == [{
            'topic': 'science',
            'post': '1',
            'author': 'Allan'
        }, {
            'topic': 'science',
            'post': '2',
            'author': 'Susan'
        }, {
            'topic': 'arts',
            'post': '3',
            'author': 'Josephine'
        }, {
            'topic': 'arts',
            'post': '4',
            'author': 'Peter'
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_absent_tail_call(self):
        item = scrape({'sel': 'quote', 'fields': {'url': 'href'}}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert item is None
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_stripped_extraction(self):
        text = scrape({'sel': 'div'}, '<div>    Hello world        </div>')

        assert text == 'Hello world'
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_filter(self):
        result = scrape({'iterator': 'li', 'item': 'id'}, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', None, 'li3']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': 'id',
                'filter_eval': 'bool(value)'
            }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li3']

        result = scrape({
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': 'id',
            'filter': True
        }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li3']

        result = scrape({
            '$$': 'li',
            'fields': {
                'id': 'id'
            'filter': True
        }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == [{'id': 'li1'}, {'id': None}, {'id': 'li3'}]

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id'
                'filter': 'id'
            }, HOLEY_HTML)

        assert result == [{'id': 'li1'}, {'id': 'li3'}]

        target_html = '''
                <li color="blue" age="34">John</li>
                <li age="45">Mary</li>
                <li color="purple" age="23">Susan    </li>

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'name': 'text',
                    'attributes': {
                        'fields': {
                            'color': 'color',
                            'age': 'age'
                'filter': 'attributes.color'
            }, target_html)

        assert result == [{
            'name': 'John',
            'attributes': {
                'color': 'blue',
                'age': '34'
        }, {
            'name': 'Susan',
            'attributes': {
                'color': 'purple',
                'age': '23'
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_context(self):
        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'text': {
                        'method': 'text'
                    'context': {
                        'eval': 'context["value"]'
            context={'value': 1})

        assert list(result) == [{
            'text': 'One',
            'context': 1
        }, {
            'text': 'Two',
            'context': 1

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'text': {
                        'method': 'text'
                    'context': {
                        'get_context': 'value'
            context={'value': 1})

        assert list(result) == [{
            'text': 'One',
            'context': 1
        }, {
            'text': 'Two',
            'context': 1

        result = scrape(
                'set_context': {
                    'divid': {
                        '$': '#ok',
                        'attr': 'id'
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'context': {
                        'get_context': 'divid'
                    'value': 'text'
            }, META_HTML)

        assert result == [{
            'context': 'ok',
            'value': 'One'
        }, {
            'context': 'ok',
            'value': 'Two'

        result = scrape(
                'set_context': {
                    'title': {
                        'default': 'Scrape'
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'local': {
                        'set_context': {
                            'divid': {
                                'eval': 'root.select_one("#ok").get("id")'
                        'get_context': 'divid'
                    'global': {
                        'get_context': 'divid'
                    'title': {
                        'get_context': 'title'
            context={'divid': 'notok'})

        assert result == [{
            'local': 'ok',
            'global': 'notok',
            'title': 'Scrape'
        }, {
            'local': 'ok',
            'global': 'notok',
            'title': 'Scrape'
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_basics(self):
        result = scrape({'iterator': 'li'}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['One', 'Two']

        result = scrape({'iterator': 'li', 'item': 'id'}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li2']

        result = scrape({'iterator': 'li', 'item': {'attr': 'id'}}, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li2']

        result = scrape({'sel': '#ok', 'item': 'id'}, META_HTML)

        assert result == 'ok'

        result = scrape({
            'sel': '#ok',
            'iterator': 'li',
            'item': 'id'
        }, META_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1', 'li2']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'eval': 'element.get("id") + "-ok"'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['li1-ok', 'li2-ok']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'attr': 'id',
                    'eval': 'value + "-test"'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        result == ['li1-test', 'li2-test']

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'id': 'id',
                    'text': 'text'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == [{
            'id': 'li1',
            'text': 'One'
        }, {
            'id': 'li2',
            'text': 'Two'

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'label': {
                        'sel': '.first'
                    'number': {
                        'sel': '.second'
            }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == [{
            'number': '1',
            'label': 'One'
        }, {
            'number': '2',
            'label': 'Two'

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'inner': {
                        'extract': 'inner_html'
                    'outer': {
                        'extract': 'outer_html'
            }, NESTED_HTML)

        assert result == [{
            '<span class="first">One</span> <span class="second">1</span>',
            '<li class="li" id="li1"><span class="first">One</span> <span class="second">1</span></li>'
        }, {
            '<span class="first">Two</span> <span class="second">2</span>',
            '<li class="li" id="li2"><span class="first">Two</span> <span class="second">2</span></li>'
        result = scrape({'item': {
            'extract': 'display_text'
        }}, '<p>Hello</p><p>World</p>')

        assert result == 'Hello\n\nWorld'

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'fields': {
                    'value': 'text',
                    'constant': {
                        'default': 'Same'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == [{
            'value': 'One',
            'constant': 'Same'
        }, {
            'value': 'Two',
            'constant': 'Same'

        result = scrape(
                'iterator': 'li',
                'item': {
                    'attr': 'class',
                    'default': 'no-class'
            }, BASIC_HTML)

        assert result == ['no-class', 'no-class']