Ejemplo n.º 1
def eof(x, svd=False, transform=False):
    Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis to finds both time series and spatial patterns.
    :param x: (*array_like*) Input 2-D array with space-time field.
    :param svd: (*boolean*) Using SVD or eigen method.
    :param transform: (*boolean*) Do space-time transform or not. This transform will speed up
        the computation if the space location number is much more than time stamps. Only valid
        when ``svd=False``.
    :returns: (EOF, E, PC) EOF: eigen vector 2-D array; E: eigen values 1-D array;
        PC: Principle component 2-D array.
    has_nan = False
    if x.contains_nan():  #Has NaN value
        valid_idx = np.where(x[:, 0] != np.nan)[0]
        xx = x[valid_idx, :]
        has_nan = True
        xx = x

    m, n = xx.shape
    if svd:
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(xx)
        EOF = U
        C = np.zeros((m, n))
        for i in range(len(S)):
            C[i, i] = S[i]
        PC = np.dot(C, V)
        E = S**2 / n
        if transform:
            C = np.dot(xx.T, xx)
            E1, EOF1 = np.linalg.eig(C)
            EOF1 = EOF1[:, ::-1]
            E = E1[::-1]
            EOFa = np.dot(xx, EOF1)
            EOF = np.zeros((m, n))
            for i in range(n):
                EOF[:, i] = EOFa[:, i] / np.sqrt(abs(E[i]))
            PC = np.dot(EOF.T, xx)
            C = np.dot(xx, xx.T) / n
            E, EOF = np.linalg.eig(C)
            PC = np.dot(EOF.T, xx)
            EOF = EOF[:, ::-1]
            PC = PC[::-1, :]
            E = E[::-1]

    if has_nan:
        _EOF = np.ones(x.shape) * np.nan
        _PC = np.ones(x.shape) * np.nan
        _EOF[valid_idx, :] = -EOF
        _PC[valid_idx, :] = -PC
        return _EOF, E, _PC
        return EOF, E, PC
Ejemplo n.º 2
def eof(x, transform=False):
    Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis to finds both time series and spatial patterns.
    :param x: (*array_like*) Input 2-D array with space-time field.
    :param transform: (*boolean*) Do space-time transform or not. This transform will speed up
        the computation if the space location number is much more than time stamps.
    :returns: (EOF, E, PC) EOF: eigen vector 2-D array; E: eigen values 1-D array;
        PC: Principle component 2-D array.
    m, n = x.shape
    if transform:
        C = np.dot(x.T, x)
        E1, EOF1 = np.linalg.eig(C)
        EOF1 = EOF1[:, ::-1]
        E = E1[::-1]
        EOFa = np.dot(x, EOF1)
        EOF = np.zeros((m, n))
        for i in range(n):
            EOF[:, i] = EOFa[:, i] / np.sqrt(abs(E[i]))
        PC = np.dot(EOF.T, x)
        PC = PC[::-1, :]
        C = np.dot(x, x.T) / n
        E, EOF = np.linalg.eig(C)
        PC = np.dot(EOF.T, x)
        EOF = EOF[:, ::-1]
        PC = PC[::-1, :]
        E = E[::-1]
    return EOF, E, PC
Ejemplo n.º 3
def grid_expand(data, emis_grid):
    Emission data grid expand to avoid NaN values in interpolation process.

    :param data: (*array*) emission data array (2D).
    :param emis_grid: (*GridSet*) emission grid set.

    :returns: Expanded data array and emission grid set.
    ny, nx = data.shape
    rdata = np.zeros((ny + 2, nx + 2))
    rdata[1:-1, 1:-1] = data
    rdata[0, 1:-1] = data[0, :]
    rdata[-1, 1:-1] = data[-1, :]
    rdata[1:-1, 0] = data[:, 0]
    rdata[1:-1, -1] = data[:, -1]
    rdata[0, 0] = data[0, 0]
    rdata[-1, 0] = data[-1, 0]
    rdata[0, -1] = data[0, -1]
    rdata[-1, -1] = data[-1, -1]

    x = emis_grid.x_orig - emis_grid.x_delta
    y = emis_grid.y_orig - emis_grid.y_delta
    rgrid = GridDesc(emis_grid.proj,
                     x_num=emis_grid.x_num + 2,
                     y_num=emis_grid.y_num + 2)

    return rdata, rgrid
Ejemplo n.º 4
def week_allocation(data, week_profile, year, month, weekend_or_not=True):
    Weekly allocation.

    :param data: (*array*) Monthly emission data array - 2D.
    :param week_profile: (*WeekProfile*) Weekly profile.
    :param year: (*int*) The year.
    :param month: (*int*) The month.
    :param weekend_or_not: (*bool*) Only use weekend or not for allocation.
    :return: (*array*) Daily emission data array in a week - 3D.
    mdays = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
    if weekend_or_not:
        weekend_days = get_weekend_days(year, month)
        weekday_days = mdays - weekend_days
        total_weight = week_profile.weekday_weight * weekday_days + week_profile.weekend_weight * \
        wdata = data / total_weight
        return wdata * week_profile.weekday_weight, wdata * week_profile.weekend_weight
        week_days = get_week_days(year, month)
        total_weight = (week_profile.weights * week_days).sum()
        wdata = data / total_weight
        ny, nx = data.shape
        d_data = np.zeros((7, ny, nx))
        for i in range(7):
            d_data[i] = wdata * week_profile.weights[i]

        return d_data
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _learn(self):
     distance = EuclideanDistance()        
     centers = np.zeros((50, self._x.shape[1]), dtype='double').tojarray('double')
     x = self._x.tojarray('double')
     rbf = SmileUtils.learnGaussianRadialBasis(x, centers)
     self._model = JRBFNetwork(x, self._y.tojarray('int'), 
         distance, rbf, centers, self._normalized)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def speciation(data, pollutant_profile):
    Chemical speciation.
    :param data: (*array*) Pollutant data array.
    :param pollutant_profile: (*PollutantProfile*) The pollutant profile.
    :return: (*array*) Species data array.
    shape = list(data.shape)
    n = len(pollutant_profile)
    shape.insert(0, n)
    s_data = np.zeros(shape)
    for i in range(n):
        s_data[i] = data * pollutant_profile[i].mass_fraction
    return s_data
Ejemplo n.º 7
def month_allocation(data, month_profile):
    Monthly allocation.

    :param data: Yearly emission data array - 2D.
    :param month_profile: Monthly profile.
    :return: Monthly emission data array - 3D.
    ny, nx = data.shape
    m_data = np.zeros((12, ny, nx))
    weights = month_profile.get_ratios()
    for i in range(12):
        m_data[i] = data * weights[i]

    return m_data
Ejemplo n.º 8
def diurnal_allocation(data, diurnal_profile):
    Diurnal allocation.

    :param data: Daily emission data array - 2D.
    :param diurnal_profile: Diurnal profile.
    :return: Hourly emission data array - 3D.
    ny, nx = data.shape
    h_data = np.zeros((24, ny, nx))
    weights = diurnal_profile.get_ratios()
    for i in range(24):
        h_data[i] = data * weights[i]

    return h_data
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_week_days(year, month):
    Get number of week days in a month.

    :param year: (*int*) The year.
    :param month: (*int*) The month.
    :return: (*array*) Number of week days. From Monday to Sunday.
    mdays = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
    st = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1)
    et = datetime.datetime(year, month, mdays)
    wdays = np.zeros(7, 'int')
    while st <= et:
        i = st.weekday()
        wdays[i] = wdays[i] + 1
        st = st + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    return wdays
Ejemplo n.º 10
def makeshapes(x, y, type=None, z=None, m=None):
    Make shapes by x and y coordinates.
    :param x: (*array_like*) X coordinates.
    :param y: (*array_like*) Y coordinates.    
    :param type: (*string*) Shape type [point | line | polygon].
    :param z: (*array_like*) Z coordinates.
    :param m: (*array_like*) M coordinates.
    :returns: Shapes
    shapes = []   
    if isinstance(x, (int, float)):
        shape = PointShape()
        shape.setPoint(PointD(x, y))
        x = np.asarray(x)._array
        y = np.asarray(y)._array
        if not z is None:            
            if m is None:
                m = np.zeros(len(z))._array
                m = np.asarray(m)._array
            z = np.asarray(z)._array
        if type == 'point':
            if z is None:
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPointShapes(x, y)
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPointShapes(x, y, z, m)
        elif type == 'line':
            if z is None:
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolylineShapes(x, y)
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolylineShapes(x, y, z, m)
        elif type == 'polygon':
            if z is None:
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolygonShapes(x, y)
                shapes = ShapeUtil.createPolygonShape(x, y, z, m)
    return shapes   
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def evaluate(self, points):
        """Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.
        points : (# of dimensions, # of points)-array
            Alternatively, a (# of dimensions,) vector can be passed in and
            treated as a single point.
        values : (# of points,)-array
            The values at each point.
        ValueError : if the dimensionality of the input points is different
                     than the dimensionality of the KDE.
        points = np.atleast_2d(points)

        dim, num_m = np.array(points).shape
        if dim != self.dim:
            raise ValueError("points have dimension {}, dataset has dimension "
                             "{}".format(dim, self.dim))

        result = np.zeros(num_m)

        if num_m >= self.num_dp:
            # there are more points than data, so loop over data
            for i in range(self.num_dp):
                diff = self.dataset[:, i, np.newaxis] - points
                tdiff = np.dot(self.inv_cov, diff)
                energy = np.sum(diff * tdiff, axis=0) / 2.0
                result = result + np.exp(-energy)
            # loop over points
            for i in range(num_m):
                diff = self.dataset - points[:, i, np.newaxis]
                tdiff = np.dot(self.inv_cov, diff)
                energy = np.sum(diff * tdiff, axis=0) / 2.0
                result[i] = np.sum(np.exp(-energy), axis=0)

        result = result / self.norm_factor

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def predict(self, x):
        Cluster a new instance to the nearest CF leaf. After building the CF tree, the user should 
        call partition(int) method first to clustering leaves. Then they call this method to 
        clustering new data.
        :param x: (*array*) A new instance.
        :returns: (*array*) the cluster label, which is the label of nearest CF leaf. Note that it 
            may be Clustering.OUTLIER.
        if x.ndim == 1:
            return self._model.predict(x)
            y = np.zeros(len(x), dtype='int')
            for i in range(len(x)):
                y[i] = self._model.predict(x[i])
            return y

Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self,
     Month profile
     :param id: (*str*) The id.
     :param weights: (*array*) The weights. Start from Monday.
     :param weekday_weight: (*float*) The weekday weight.
     :param weekend_weight: (*float*) The weekend weight.
     super(WeekProfile, self).__init__(id, weights)
     if self.weights is None:
         if weekday_weight is None or weekend_weight is None:
             weekday_weight = 147
             weekend_weight = 132
         self.weights = np.zeros(7)
         self.weights[:5] = weekday_weight
         self.weights[5:] = weekend_weight
         if isinstance(self.weights, (list, tuple)):
             self.weights = np.array(self.weights)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cumsimp(y):
    Simpson-rule column-wise cumulative summation.
    Numerical approximation of a function F(x) such that
    Y(X) = dF/dX.  Each column of the input matrix Y represents
    the value of the integrand  Y(X)  at equally spaced points
    X = 0,1,...size(Y,1).
    The output is a matrix  F of the same size as Y.
    The first row of F is equal to zero and each following row
    is the approximation of the integral of each column of matrix
    Y up to the givem row.
    CUMSIMP assumes continuity of each column of the function Y(X)
    and uses Simpson rule summation.
    Similar to the command F = CUMSUM(Y), exept for zero first
    row and more accurate summation (under the assumption of
    continuous integrand Y(X)).

    Transferred from MATLAT code by Kirill K. Pankratov, March 7, 1994.

    :param y: (*array*) Input 2-D array.

    :returns: (*array*) Summation result.
    # 3-points interpolation coefficients to midpoints.
    # Second-order polynomial (parabolic) interpolation coefficients
    # from  Xbasis = [0 1 2]  to  Xint = [.5 1.5]
    c1 = 3. / 8
    c2 = 6. / 8
    c3 = -1. / 8

    # Determine the size of the input and make column if vector
    ist = 0  # If to be transposed
    lv = y.shape[0]
    if lv == 1:
        ist = 1
        y = y.T
        lv = len(y)
    f = np.zeros(y.shape)

    # If only 2 elements in columns - simple sum divided by 2
    if lv == 2:
        f[1, :] = (y[0, :] + y[1]) / 2
        if ist:
            f = f.T  # Transpose output if necessary
        return f

    # If more than two elements in columns - Simpson summation
    num = np.arange(0, lv - 2)
    # Interpolate values of Y to all midpoints
    f[num + 1, :] = c1 * y[num, :] + c2 * y[num + 1, :] + c3 * y[num + 2, :]
    f[num + 2, :] = f[
        num + 2, :] + c3 * y[num, :] + c2 * y[num + 1, :] + c1 * y[num + 2, :]
    f[1, :] = f[1, :] * 2
    f[lv - 1, :] = f[lv - 1, :] * 2
    # Now Simpson (1,4,1) rule
    f[1:lv, :] = 2 * f[1:lv, :] + y[0:lv - 1, :] + y[1:lv, :]
    f = np.cumsum(
        f, axis=0) / 6  # Cumulative sum, 6 - denom. from the Simpson rule

    if ist:
        f = f.T  # Transpose output if necessary

    return f
Ejemplo n.º 15
def run_transform(year, month, dir_inter, model_grid, out_species,
                  out_species_aer, z):
    Distribution of particulate matter and change unit.

    :param year: (*int*) Year.
    :param month: (*int*) Month.
    :param dir_inter: (*string*) The directory where data is stored.
    :param model_grid: (*GridDesc*) Model data grid describe.
    :param out_species: (*list*) The name of the output species(gases and aerosol).
    :param out_species_aer: (*list*) The name of the output species(aerosol).
    :param z: (*int*) The zdim of the output data.
    print('Add input file...')
    fn_in = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(year, month)
    f_in = dataset.addfile(fn_in)

    #Set dimension
    print('Define dimensions and global attributes...')
    tdim = np.dimension(np.arange(24), 'Time')
    zdim = np.dimension(np.arange(z), 'emissions_zdim')
    ydim = np.dimension(model_grid.y_coord, 'south_north', 'Y')
    xdim = np.dimension(model_grid.x_coord, 'west_east', 'X')
    dims = [tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim]
    gattrs = OrderedDict()
    gattrs['Conventions'] = 'CF-1.6'
    gattrs['Tools'] = 'Created using MeteoInfo'

    #Set the definition of the output variable and ncfile
    fn_out = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_hour_transform.nc'.format(year, month)
    print('Define variables and output file...')
    dimvars = []
    for out_specie in out_species:
        dimvar = dataset.DimVariable()
        dimvar.name = out_specie
        dimvar.dtype = np.dtype.float
        dimvar.dims = dims
        dimvar.addattr('FieldType', '104')
        dimvar.addattr('MemoryOrder', "XYZ")
        dimvar.addattr('description', "EMISSION_{}".format(out_specie[2:]))
        if out_specie in out_species_aer:
            #g/m2/s to ug/m^3 m/s
            dimvar.addattr('units', 'ug/m3 m/s')
            #mole/m2/s to mol/km^2/hr
            dimvar.addattr('units', 'mol km^-2 hr^-1')
        dimvar.addattr('stagger', "")
        dimvar.addattr('coordinates', "XLONG XLAT XTIME")
        #dimvar.addattr('_ChunkSizes', '1U, 3U, 137U, 167U')
    ncfile = dataset.addfile(fn_out, 'c', largefile=True)
    ncfile.nc_define(dims, gattrs, dimvars)

    #add data to ncfile
    print('Process data and write to file...')
    for name in out_species:
        data = np.zeros((tdim.length, z, ydim.length, xdim.length))
        sname = name[2:]
        if sname in f_in.varnames():
            data = f_in[sname][:, :, :]
            data = data * 3600 * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data)
        elif sname == 'PM25I':
            data = f_in['PMFINE'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.2)
        elif sname == 'PM25J':
            data = f_in['PMFINE'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.8)
        elif sname == 'PM_10':
            data = f_in['PMC'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data)
        elif sname == 'ECI':
            data = f_in['PEC'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.2)
        elif sname == 'ECJ':
            data = f_in['PEC'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.8)
        elif sname == 'ORGI':
            data = f_in['POA'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.2)
        elif sname == 'ORGJ':
            data = f_in['POA'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.8)
        elif sname == 'SO4I':
            data = f_in['PSO4'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.2)
        elif sname == 'SO4J':
            data = f_in['PSO4'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.8)
        elif sname == 'NO3I':
            data = f_in['PNO3'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.2)
        elif sname == 'NO3J':
            data = f_in['PNO3'][:, :, :]
            data = data * 1e6
            ncfile.write(name, data * 0.8)
            ncfile.write(name, data)
    print('Distribution of particulate matter and change unit finised!')
Ejemplo n.º 16
def merge_output(year, months, model_grid, mechanism_name):
    Merge EMIPS output emission data of MEIC CAMS and HTAP data
    Applicable to the situation that MEIC data are nan outside China, and 0 in Taiwan!!!

    :param year: (*int*) Year.
    :param months: (*list*) Months.
    :param model_grid: (*GridDesc*) Model data grid describe.
    :param mechanism_name: (*string*) mechanism's name.
    print('----Merge output data(tw).....-----')
    #Set directories
    dir_meic1 = os.path.join(r'G:\test_data', mechanism_name, r'region_0.15\MEIC', str(year))
    dir_cams1 = os.path.join(r'G:\test_data', mechanism_name, r'region_0.15\CAMS', str(year))
    dir_htap1 = os.path.join(r'G:\test_data', mechanism_name, r'region_0.15\HTAP\2010')
    dir_out1 = os.path.join(r'G:\test_data', mechanism_name, r'region_0.15\merge', str(year))
    #Set sectors
    sectors = [SectorEnum.INDUSTRY, SectorEnum.AGRICULTURE, SectorEnum.ENERGY, \
        SectorEnum.RESIDENTIAL, SectorEnum.TRANSPORT, SectorEnum.SHIPS, \
    #Set dimensions
    tdim = np.dimension(np.arange(24), 'hour')
    ydim = np.dimension(model_grid.y_coord, 'lat', 'Y')
    xdim = np.dimension(model_grid.x_coord, 'lon', 'X')
    dims = [tdim, ydim, xdim]
	#Add data of taiwan area use CAMS/HTAP data
    tw = geolib.shaperead('taiwan.shp')

    for month in months:
        print('Month: {}'.format(month))
        dir_meic = os.path.join(dir_meic1, '{}{:>02d}'.format(year, month))
        dir_cams = os.path.join(dir_cams1, '{}{:>02d}'.format(year, month))
        dir_htap = os.path.join(dir_htap1, '{}{:>02d}'.format(2010, month))
        dir_out = os.path.join(dir_out1, '{}{:>02d}'.format(year, month))
        if not os.path.exists(dir_out):
        print('dir_meic: {}\ndir_cams: {}\ndir_htap: {}\ndir_out: {}'.format(dir_meic, dir_cams, dir_htap, dir_out))
        #Sector loop
        for sector in sectors:
            #MEIC data file
            fn_meic = os.path.join(dir_meic, 'emis_{}_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(sector.name, year, month))
            #CAMS data file
            fn_cams = os.path.join(dir_cams, 'emis_{}_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(sector.name, year, month))
            #HTAP data file
            fn_htap = os.path.join(dir_htap, 'emis_{}_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(sector.name, 2010, month))
            #Output data file
            fn_out = os.path.join(dir_out, 'emis_{}_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(sector.name, year, month))
            if os.path.exists(fn_meic) and (not os.path.exists(fn_cams)):
                shutil.copyfile(fn_meic, fn_out)
                print('Data from MEIC...')
            elif os.path.exists(fn_cams) and (not os.path.exists(fn_meic)):
                shutil.copyfile(fn_cams, fn_out)
                print('Data from CAMS...')
                f_meic = addfile(fn_meic)
                f_cams = addfile(fn_cams)
                f_htap = addfile(fn_htap)
                #Create output netcdf file
                ncfile = addfile(fn_out, 'c', largefile=True)
                #Set global attribute
                gattrs = dict(Conventions='CF-1.6', Tools='Created using MeteoInfo')
                #Get all variable
                dimvars = []
                varnames = []
                for var in f_meic.variables():
                    if var.ndim == 3:
                        dimvar = DimVariable()
                        dimvar.name = var.name
                        dimvar.dtype = var.dtype
                        dimvar.dims = dims
                        dimvar.attributes = var.attributes
                for var in f_htap.variables():
                    if var.ndim == 3 and (not var.name in varnames):
                        dimvar = DimVariable()
                        dimvar.dtype = var.dtype
                        dimvar.name = var.name
                        dimvar.dims = dims
                        dimvar.attributes = var.attributes
                #Define dimensions, global attributes and variables
                ncfile.nc_define(dims, gattrs, dimvars)
                #Write variable values
                for varname in varnames:
                    data = None
                    tda = np.zeros((24, len(model_grid.y_coord), len(model_grid.x_coord)))
                    if varname in f_meic.varnames():
                        data = f_meic[varname][:]
                    if varname in f_cams.varnames():
                        data1 = f_cams[varname][:]
                        for i in range(24):
                            tda[i] = data1[i].maskout(tw.shapes())
                        tda[tda==np.nan] = 0
                        if data is None:
                            data = data1
                            mask = data.copy()
                            mask[mask!=np.nan] = 0
                            mask[mask==np.nan] = 1
                            data[data==np.nan] = 0
                            data = data1 * mask + data
                            data = data + tda
                    elif varname in f_htap.varnames():
                        data1 = f_htap[varname][:]
                        for i in range(24):
                            tda[i] = data1[i].maskout(tw.shapes())
                        tda[tda==np.nan] = 0
                        if data is None:
                            data = data1
                            mask = data.copy()
                            mask[mask!=np.nan] = 0
                            mask[mask==np.nan] = 1
                            data[data==np.nan] = 0
                            data = data1 * mask + data
                            data = data + tda
                    ncfile.write(varname, data)
                #Close file
    print('-----Merge output data completed!------')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def run_proj(year, month, dir_inter, model_grid, target_grid, out_species,
             out_species_aer, global_attributes, z):
    Write Times variable, add global attributes, convert data's projection.
	io_style_emissions = 2

    :param year: (*int*) Year.
    :param month: (*int*) Month.
    :param dir_inter: (*string*) The directory where data is stored.
    :param model_grid: (*GridDesc*) Model data grid describe.
    :param target_grid: (*GridDesc*) Target data grid describe.
    :param out_species: (*list*) The name of the output species(gases and aerosol).
    :param out_species_aer: (*list*) The name of the output species(aerosol).
    :param global_attributes: (*OrderedDict*) The global attributes of the output file.
    :param z: (*int*) The zdim of the output data.
    print('Add input file...')
    fn_in = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_hour_transform.nc'.format(year, month)
    f_in = dataset.addfile(fn_in)
    #set dimension
    tdim = np.dimension(np.arange(24), 'Time')
    ydim = np.dimension(target_grid.y_coord, 'south_north', 'Y')
    xdim = np.dimension(target_grid.x_coord, 'west_east', 'X')
    zdim = np.dimension(np.arange(z), 'emissions_zdim')
    sdim = np.dimension(np.arange(19), 'DateStrLen')
    dims = [tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim]
    all_dims = [tdim, sdim, xdim, ydim, zdim]

    fn_out = dir_inter + '\wrfchemi_d01_{}-{:0>2d}'.format(year, month)

    #set variables
    dimvars = []

    dimvar = dataset.DimVariable()
    dimvar.name = 'Times'
    dimvar.dtype = np.dtype.char
    dimvar.dims = [tdim, sdim]
    #dimvar.addattr('_ChunkSizes', [1, 19])

    for out_specie in out_species:
        dimvar = dataset.DimVariable()
        dimvar.name = out_specie
        dimvar.dtype = np.dtype.float
        dimvar.dims = dims
        dimvar.addattr('FieldType', 104)
        dimvar.addattr('MemoryOrder', "XYZ")
        dimvar.addattr('description', "EMISSION_{}".format(out_specie[2:]))
        if out_specie in out_species_aer:
            #g/m2/s to ug/m^3 m/s
            dimvar.addattr('units', 'ug/m3 m/s')
            #mole/m2/s to mol/km^2/hr
            dimvar.addattr('units', 'mol km^-2 hr^-1')
        dimvar.addattr('stagger', "")
        dimvar.addattr('coordinates', "XLONG XLAT XTIME")
        #dimvar.addattr('_ChunkSizes', [1, 3, 137, 167])

    print('Create output data file...')
    ncfile = dataset.addfile(fn_out, 'c', largefile=True)
    print('Define dimensions, global attributes and variables...')
    ncfile.nc_define(all_dims, global_attributes, dimvars, write_dimvars=False)

    print('Write Times variable...')
    s_out = []
    for i in range(24):
        s = '{}-{:0>2d}-01_{:0>2d}:00:00'.format(year, month, i)
    s_out = np.array(s_out, dtype=np.dtype.char)
    ncfile.write('Times', s_out)

    print('Write variable data except times...')
    for out_specie in out_species:
        data = np.zeros((tdim.length, zdim.length, ydim.length, xdim.length))
        if out_specie in f_in.varnames():
            dd = f_in[out_specie][:]
            #Conversion proj
            dd = transform(dd, model_grid, target_grid)
            #Set default values
            dd[dd == np.nan] = 0
            data[:, :, :, :] = dd
            #data[:, 1:8, :, :] = 0
            ncfile.write(out_specie, data)
    print('Convert projection finished!')
Ejemplo n.º 18
def run_merge(year, month, dir_inter, model_grid, sectors, z):
    Combine all sectors into one file

    :param year: (*int*) Year.
    :param month: (*int*) Month.
    :param dir_inter: (*string*) The directory where data is stored.
    :param model_grid: (*GridDesc*) Model data grid describe.
    :param sectors: (*list*) Sectors that needs to be merged.
    :param z: (*int*) The zdim of the output data.
    print('Define dimension and global attributes...')
    tdim = np.dimension(np.arange(24), 'hour')
    zdim = np.dimension(np.arange(z), 'emissions_zdim')
    ydim = np.dimension(model_grid.y_coord, 'lat', 'Y')
    xdim = np.dimension(model_grid.x_coord, 'lon', 'X')
    dims = [tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim]
    #Set the definition of the output variable
    print('Define variables...')
    dimvars = []
    dict_spec = {}
    print('Add files...')
    for sector in sectors:
        fn = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_{}_hour_height.nc'.format(sector, year, month)
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            f = dataset.addfile(fn)
            for var in f.variables():
                if var.ndim == 4:
                    if dict_spec.has_key(var.name):
                        dict_spec[var.name] = [fn]
            for var in f.varnames():
                if var == 'lat' or var == 'lon':
                    dimvar = dataset.DimVariable()
                    dimvar.name = var
                    dimvar.dtype = np.dtype.float
                    dimvar.dims = dims
                    dimvar.addattr('description', "EMISSION_{}".format(var))
                    if var in out_species_aer:
                        dimvar.addattr('units', 'g/m2/s')
                        dimvar.addattr('units', 'mole/m2/s')
            print('File not exist: {}'.format(fn))
    #Set dimension and define ncfile 
    out_fn = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(year, month)
    gattrs = OrderedDict()
    gattrs['Conventions'] = 'CF-1.6'
    gattrs['Tools'] = 'Created using MeteoInfo'
    print('Create output data file...')
    ncfile = dataset.addfile(out_fn, 'c', largefile=True)
    ncfile.nc_define(dims, gattrs, dimvars)
    #read, merge and output
    print('Write variables data...')
    for sname, fns in dict_spec.iteritems():
        spec_data = np.zeros((tdim.length, z, ydim.length, xdim.length))
        dd = np.zeros((tdim.length, z, ydim.length, xdim.length))
        for fn in fns:
            f = dataset.addfile(fn)
            dd = f[sname][:]
            #turn nan to zero
            dd[dd==np.nan] = 0.0
            if spec_data.sum() == 0.0:
                spec_data = dd
                spec_data = spec_data + dd
        ncfile.write(sname, spec_data)
    print('Merge data finished!')
Ejemplo n.º 19
def run_allocate(year, month, dir_inter, model_grid, sectors, z):
    Assign data to different heights.
    If not specified, data is allocated to the first layer.

    :param year: (*int*) Year.
    :param month: (*int*) Month.
    :param dir_inter: (*string*) The directory where data is stored.
    :param model_grid: (*GridDesc*) Model data grid describe.
    :param sectors: (*GridDesc*) The sectors need to be processed.
    :param z: (*int*) The zdim of the output data.
    print('Define dimension and global attributes...')
    tdim = np.dimension(np.arange(24), 'hour')
    ydim = np.dimension(model_grid.y_coord, 'lat', 'Y')
    xdim = np.dimension(model_grid.x_coord, 'lon', 'X')
    zdim = np.dimension(np.arange(z), 'emissions_zdim')
    dims = [tdim, zdim, ydim, xdim]

    gattrs = OrderedDict()
    gattrs['Conventions'] = 'CF-1.6'
    gattrs['Tools'] = 'Created using MeteoInfo'

    for sector in sectors:
        fn = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_{}_hour.nc'.format(sector, year, month)
        print('File input: {}'.format(fn))
        dimvars = []
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            f = dataset.addfile(fn)
            for var in f.varnames():
                if var == 'lat' or var == 'lon':
                    dimvar = dataset.DimVariable()
                    dimvar.name = var
                    dimvar.dtype = np.dtype.float
                    dimvar.dims = dims
                    dimvar.addattr('description', "EMISSION_{}".format(var))
                    if var in out_species_unit:
                        dimvar.addattr('units', 'g/m2/s')
                        dimvar.addattr('units', 'mole/m2/s')

            print('Create output data file...')
            out_fn = dir_inter + '\emis_{}_{}_{}_hour_height.nc'.format(
                sector, year, month)
            ncfile = dataset.addfile(out_fn, 'c', largefile=True)
            ncfile.nc_define(dims, gattrs, dimvars)

            data = np.zeros((tdim.length, z, ydim.length, xdim.length))
            dd = np.zeros((tdim.length, z, ydim.length, xdim.length))
            #read, merge and output
            if sector in sectors_al:
                print('Allocating: {}'.format(sector))
                print('Do not need to be allocated: {}'.format(sector))
            print('Write data to file...')
            for var in f.varnames():
                if var == 'lat' or var == 'lon':
                    dd[:, 0, :, :] = f[var][:]
                    if sector in sectors_al:
                        if sector == 'energy':
                            data[:, 1, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.1
                            data[:, 2, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.1
                            data[:, 3, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.3
                            data[:, 4, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.2
                            data[:, 5, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.2
                            data[:, 6, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.1
                        if sector == 'industry':
                            data[:, 0, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.5
                            data[:, 1, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.3
                            data[:, 2, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :] * 0.2
                        data[:, 0, :, :] = dd[:, 0, :, :]
                    #Turn nan to zero
                    data[data == np.nan] = 0
                    if sector == 'energy':
                        data[:, 0, :, :] = 0  

                ncfile.write(var, data)
            print('File not exist: {}'.format(fn))
    print('Allocate of height finished!')