Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__ (self, path, mode):
            from pyrap.images import image
        except ImportError:
            raise UnsupportedError ('cannot open CASAcore images in Pyrap mode without '
                                    'the Python module "pyrap.images"')

        super (PyrapImage, self).__init__ (path, mode)

        # no mode specifiable
        self._handle = image (path)

        allinfo = self._handle.info ()
        self.units = maybelower (allinfo.get ('unit'))
        self.shape = np.asarray (self._handle.shape (), dtype=np.int)
        self.axdescs = []

        if 'coordinates' in allinfo:
            pc = allinfo['coordinates'].get ('pointingcenter')
            # initial=True signifies that the pointing center information
            # hasn't actually been initialized.
            if pc is not None and not pc['initial']:
                # This bit of info doesn't have any metadata about units or
                # whatever; appears to be fixed as RA/Dec in radians.
                self.pclat = pc['value'][1]
                self.pclon = pc['value'][0]

        ii = self._handle.imageinfo ()

        if 'restoringbeam' in ii:
            self.bmaj = _pyrap_convert (ii['restoringbeam']['major'], 'rad')
            self.bmin = _pyrap_convert (ii['restoringbeam']['minor'], 'rad')
            self.bpa = _pyrap_convert (ii['restoringbeam']['positionangle'], 'rad')

        # Make sure that angular units are always measured in radians,
        # because anything else is ridiculous.

        from pyrap.quanta import quantity
        self._wcscale = wcscale = np.ones (self.shape.size)
        c = self._handle.coordinates ()
        radian = quantity (1., 'rad')

        for item in c.get_axes ():
            if isinstance (item, six.string_types):
                self.axdescs.append (item.replace (' ', '_'))
                for subitem in item:
                    self.axdescs.append (subitem.replace (' ', '_'))

        def getconversion (text):
            q = quantity (1., text)
            if q.conforms (radian):
                return q.get_value ('rad')
            return 1

        i = 0

        for item in c.get_unit ():
            if isinstance (item, six.string_types):
                wcscale[i] = getconversion (item)
                i += 1
            elif len (item) == 0:
                wcscale[i] = 1 # null unit
                i += 1
                for subitem in item:
                    wcscale[i] = getconversion (subitem)
                    i += 1

        # Figure out which axes are lat/long/spec. We have some
        # paranoia code the give up in case there are multiple axes
        # that appear to be of the same type. This stuff could
        # be cleaned up.

        lat = lon = spec = -1

            logspecidx = c.get_names ().index ('spectral')
        except ValueError:
            specaxname = None
            specaxname = c.get_axes ()[logspecidx]

        for i, name in enumerate (self.axdescs):
            # These symbolic direction names obtained from
            # casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.cc
            # Would be nice to have a better system for determining
            # this a la what wcslib provides.
            if name == specaxname:
                spec = i
            elif name in ('Right_Ascension', 'Hour_Angle', 'Longitude'):
                if lon == -1:
                    lon = i
                    lon = -2
            elif name in ('Declination', 'Latitude'):
                if lat == -1:
                    lat = i
                    lat = -2

        if lat >= 0:
            self._latax = lat
        if lon >= 0:
            self._lonax = lon
        if spec >= 0:
            self._specax = spec

        # Phew, that was gross.

        if self._specax is not None:
            sd = c.get_coordinate ('spectral').dict ()
            wi = sd.get ('wcs')
            if wi is not None:
                    from mirtask._miriad_c import mirwcs_compute_freq
                except ImportError:
                    spectype = wi['ctype'].replace ('\x00', '')[:4]
                    restfreq = sd.get ('restfreq', 0.)
                    specval = self.toworld (0.5 * (self.shape - 1))[self._specax]
                    self.charfreq = mirwcs_compute_freq (spectype, specval, restfreq) * 1e-9

        # TODO: any unit weirdness or whatever here?
        self.mjd = c.get_obsdate ()['m0']['value']
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, path, mode):
            from pyrap.images import image
        except ImportError:
            raise UnsupportedError(
                'cannot open CASAcore images in Pyrap mode without '
                'the Python module "pyrap.images"')

        super(PyrapImage, self).__init__(path, mode)

        # no mode specifiable
        self._handle = image(path)

        allinfo = self._handle.info()
        self.units = maybelower(allinfo.get('unit'))
        self.shape = np.asarray(self._handle.shape(), dtype=np.int)
        self.axdescs = []

        if 'coordinates' in allinfo:
            pc = allinfo['coordinates'].get('pointingcenter')
            # initial=True signifies that the pointing center information
            # hasn't actually been initialized.
            if pc is not None and not pc['initial']:
                # This bit of info doesn't have any metadata about units or
                # whatever; appears to be fixed as RA/Dec in radians.
                self.pclat = pc['value'][1]
                self.pclon = pc['value'][0]

        ii = self._handle.imageinfo()

        if 'restoringbeam' in ii:
            self.bmaj = _pyrap_convert(ii['restoringbeam']['major'], 'rad')
            self.bmin = _pyrap_convert(ii['restoringbeam']['minor'], 'rad')
            self.bpa = _pyrap_convert(ii['restoringbeam']['positionangle'],

        # Make sure that angular units are always measured in radians,
        # because anything else is ridiculous.

        from pyrap.quanta import quantity
        self._wcscale = wcscale = np.ones(self.shape.size)
        c = self._handle.coordinates()
        radian = quantity(1., 'rad')

        for item in c.get_axes():
            if isinstance(item, six.string_types):
                self.axdescs.append(item.replace(' ', '_'))
                for subitem in item:
                    self.axdescs.append(subitem.replace(' ', '_'))

        def getconversion(text):
            q = quantity(1., text)
            if q.conforms(radian):
                return q.get_value('rad')
            return 1

        i = 0

        for item in c.get_unit():
            if isinstance(item, six.string_types):
                wcscale[i] = getconversion(item)
                i += 1
            elif len(item) == 0:
                wcscale[i] = 1  # null unit
                i += 1
                for subitem in item:
                    wcscale[i] = getconversion(subitem)
                    i += 1

        # Figure out which axes are lat/long/spec. We have some
        # paranoia code the give up in case there are multiple axes
        # that appear to be of the same type. This stuff could
        # be cleaned up.

        lat = lon = spec = -1

            logspecidx = c.get_names().index('spectral')
        except ValueError:
            specaxname = None
            specaxname = c.get_axes()[logspecidx]

        for i, name in enumerate(self.axdescs):
            # These symbolic direction names obtained from
            # casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.cc
            # Would be nice to have a better system for determining
            # this a la what wcslib provides.
            if name == specaxname:
                spec = i
            elif name in ('Right_Ascension', 'Hour_Angle', 'Longitude'):
                if lon == -1:
                    lon = i
                    lon = -2
            elif name in ('Declination', 'Latitude'):
                if lat == -1:
                    lat = i
                    lat = -2

        if lat >= 0:
            self._latax = lat
        if lon >= 0:
            self._lonax = lon
        if spec >= 0:
            self._specax = spec

        # Phew, that was gross.

        if self._specax is not None:
            sd = c.get_coordinate('spectral').dict()
            wi = sd.get('wcs')
            if wi is not None:
                    from mirtask._miriad_c import mirwcs_compute_freq
                except ImportError:
                    spectype = wi['ctype'].replace('\x00', '')[:4]
                    restfreq = sd.get('restfreq', 0.)
                    specval = self.toworld(0.5 *
                                           (self.shape - 1))[self._specax]
                    self.charfreq = mirwcs_compute_freq(
                        spectype, specval, restfreq) * 1e-9

        # TODO: any unit weirdness or whatever here?
        self.mjd = c.get_obsdate()['m0']['value']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _wcs_get_freq (wcs, specval):
    from mirtask._miriad_c import mirwcs_compute_freq
    assert wcs.wcs.spec >= 0
    spectype = wcs.wcs.ctype[wcs.wcs.spec][:4]
    return mirwcs_compute_freq (spectype, specval, wcs.wcs.restfrq) * 1e-9
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _wcs_get_freq(wcs, specval):
    from mirtask._miriad_c import mirwcs_compute_freq
    assert wcs.wcs.spec >= 0
    spectype = wcs.wcs.ctype[wcs.wcs.spec][:4]
    return mirwcs_compute_freq(spectype, specval, wcs.wcs.restfrq) * 1e-9