Ejemplo n.º 1
    def butter(self, time, data, **kwargs):

        sample_rate = kwargs.get("sample_rate", None)
        if not sample_rate:
            sample_rate = calc_sample_rate(time)

        # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
        cutoff_hz = kwargs.get("cutoff_hz", 1.0)

        # design filter
        norm_pass = cutoff_hz / (sample_rate / 2.0)
        norm_stop = 1.5 * norm_pass
        (N, Wn) = sp.signal.buttord(wp=norm_pass, ws=norm_stop, gpass=2, gstop=30, analog=0)
        (b, a) = sp.signal.butter(N, Wn, btype="low", analog=0, output="ba")

        # filtered output
        # zi = signal.lfiltic(b, a, x[0:5], x[0:5])
        # (y, zi) = signal.lfilter(b, a, x, zi=zi)
        data_filt = sp.signal.lfilter(b, a, data)

        return data_filt
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, time, freq_ds=10):

        time : ndarray(n)

        freq_ds : float, default=0.1
            Frequency in Hz of the downsampled signal. Downsampling is applied
            after the low pass filter.

        outputs : ndarray(m,n)
            Signals corresponding to the output of the system

        inputs : ndarray(m,n), default=None
            Signals that corresponds to the inputs of the system. When None,
            inputs are ignored and now additional overlaying is done in order
            to achieve both steady curves on the in- and outputs.
        self.sps = calc_sample_rate(time)
        self.t_ds = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], 1.0/freq_ds)
        self.time = time
        self.freq_ds = freq_ds
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setup_filter(self, time, data, **kwargs):
        Load the callibration runs and convert voltage signal to yaw angles


        time : ndarray(k)

        data : ndarray(k)


        time_stair : ndarray(n)
            Average time stamp over the stair step

        data_stair : ndarray(n)
            Average value of the selected stair step

        # time and data should both be 1D and have the same shape!
        assert time.shape == data.shape

        runid = kwargs.get('runid', self.runid)

        # smoothen method: spline or moving average
        smoothen = kwargs.get('smoothen', 'spline')
        # what is the window of the moving average in seconds
        smooth_window = kwargs.get('smooth_window', 2)

        # specify the window of the staircase
        #start, end = 30100, -30001
        start = kwargs.get('start', 0)
        end = kwargs.get('end', len(time))
        dt = kwargs.get('dt', 1)
        cutoff_hz = kwargs.get('cutoff_hz', None)
        self.points_per_stair = kwargs.get('points_per_stair', 20)
        # at what is the minimum required value on dt or dt2 for a new stair
        self.stair_step_tresh = kwargs.get('stair_step_tresh', 1)

#        plot_data = kwargs.get('plot_data', False)
#        respath = kwargs.get('respath', None)
#        run = kwargs.get('run', None)

        # sample rate of the signal
        sample_rate = calc_sample_rate(time)

        # prepare the data
        time = time[start:end]
        # the actual raw signal
        data = data[start:end]

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # Progress plotting
        # ----------------------------------------------
        if self.plt_progress:
            Pxx, freqs = plt.psd(data, Fs=sample_rate, label='data')

            plt.plot(time, data, label='raw data')

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # setup plot
        # -------------------------------------------------
#        labels = np.ndarray(3, dtype='<U100')
#        labels[0] = label
#        labels[1] = 'yawchan derivative'
#        labels[2] = 'psd'

        # remove any underscores for latex printing
        grandtitle = self.figfile.replace('_', '\_')
        plot = plotting.A4Tuned(scale=1.5)
        plot.setup(self.figpath+self.figfile+'_filter', nr_plots=3,
                   grandtitle=grandtitle, wsleft_cm=1.5, wsright_cm=1.8,
                   hspace_cm=1.2, size_x_perfig=10, size_y_perfig=5,
                   wsbottom_cm=1.0, wstop_cm=1.5)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # plotting original and smoothend signal
        # -------------------------------------------------
        ax1 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, 1)
        ax1.plot(time, data, 'b', label='raw data', alpha=0.6)
        data_raw = data.copy()

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # signal frequency filtering, if applicable
        # -------------------------------------------------
        # filter the local derivatives if applicable
        if cutoff_hz:
            filt = Filters()
            data_filt, N, delay = filt.fir(time, data, ripple_db=20,
                            freq_trans_width=0.5, cutoff_hz=cutoff_hz,
                            figfile=self.figfile + 'filter_design',
                            sample_rate=sample_rate, plot=False,)

            if self.plt_progress:
                # add the results of the filtering technique
                plt.plot(time[N-1:], data_filt[N-1:], 'r', label='freq filt')

            data = data_filt
            time = time[N-1:]#-delay

            N = 1

        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # smoothen the signal with some splines or moving average
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # NOTE: the smoothing will make the transitions also smoother. This
        # is not good. The edges of the stair need to be steep!
        # for the binary data this is actually a good thing, since the dt's
        # are almost always the same between time steps. We would otherwise
        # need a dt based on several time steps
        if smoothen == 'splines':
            print 'start applying spline ...',
            uni_spline = UnivariateSpline(time, data)
            data = uni_spline(time)
            print 'done!'
            NN = 0 # no time shift due to filtering?
            if self.plt_progress:
                plt.plot(time, data, label='spline data')

        elif smoothen == 'moving':
            print 'start calculating movering average ...',
            filt = Filters()
            # take av2s window, calculate the number of samples per window
            ws = int(smooth_window*sample_rate)
            data = filt.smooth(data, window_len=ws, window='hanning')
            NN = len(data) - len(time)
            data = data[NN:]
            print 'done!'

            if self.plt_progress:
                plt.plot(time, data, label='moving average')

            raise ValueError, 'smoothen method should be moving or splines'

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # additional smoothening: downsampling
        # -------------------------------------------------
        # and up again in order not to brake the plotting further down
        time_down = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], 0.1)
        data_down = sp.interpolate.griddata(time, data, time_down)
        # and upsampling again
        data = sp.interpolate.griddata(time_down, data_down, time)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # plotting original and smoothend signal
        # -------------------------------------------------
        ax1.plot(time, data, 'r', label='data smooth')
        leg1 = ax1.legend(loc='best')
        ax1.set_title('smoothing method: ' + smoothen)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # local derivatives of the signal and filtering
        # -------------------------------------------------
        data_dt = np.ndarray(data.shape)
        data_dt[1:] = data[1:] - data[0:-1]
        data_dt[0] = np.nan
        data_dt = np.abs(data_dt)

        # frequency filter was applied here originally
        data_filt_dt = data_dt

        # if no threshold is given, just take the 20% of the max value
        dt_max = np.nanmax(np.abs(data_filt_dt))*0.2
        dt_treshold = kwargs.get('dt_treshold', dt_max)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # filter dt or dt2 above certain treshold?
        # -----------------------------------------------
        # only keep values which are steady, meaning dt signal is low!

        if dt == 2:
            tmp = np.ndarray(data_filt_dt.shape)
            tmp[1:] = data_filt_dt[1:] - data_filt_dt[0:-1]
            tmp[0] = np.nan
            data_filt_dt = tmp
        # based upon the filtering, only select data points for which the
        # filtered derivative is between a certain treshold
        staircase_i = np.abs(data_filt_dt).__ge__(dt_treshold)
        # reduce to 1D

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # replace values for too high dt with Nan
        # ------------------------------------------------

        # ---------------------------------
        # METHOD version2, slower because of staircase_arg computation above
        data_masked = data.copy()
        data_masked[staircase_i] = np.nan

        data_masked_dt = data_filt_dt.copy()
        data_masked_dt[staircase_i] = np.nan

        data_trim = data[staircase_arg]
        time_trim = time[staircase_arg]

        print 'max in data_masked_dt:', np.nanmax(data_masked_dt)
        # ---------------------------------
        # METHOD version2, faster if staircase_arg is not required!
        ## make a copy of the original signal and fill in Nans on the selected
        ## values
        #data_masked = data.copy()
        #data_masked[staircase_i] = np.nan
        #data_masked_dt = data_filt_dt.copy()
        #data_masked_dt[staircase_i] = np.nan
        ## remove all the nan values
        #data_trim = data_masked[np.isnan(data_masked).__invert__()]
        #time_trim = time[np.isnan(data_masked).__invert__()]
        #dt_noise_treshold = np.nanmax(data_masked_dt)
        #print 'max in data_masked_dt', dt_noise_treshold
        # ---------------------------------

#        # figure out which dt's are above the treshold
#        data_trim2 = data_trim.copy()
#        data_trim2.sort()
#        data_trim2.
#        # where the dt of the masked format is above the noise treshold,
#        # we have a stair
#        data_trim_dt = np.abs(data_trim[1:] - data_trim[:-1])
#        argstairs = data_trim_dt.__gt__(dt_noise_treshold)
#        data_trim2 = data_trim_dt.copy()
#        data_trim_dt.sort()
#        data_trim_dt.__gt__(dt_noise_treshold)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # intermediate checking of the signal
        # -------------------------------------------------
        if self.plt_progress:
            # add the results of the filtering technique
            plt.plot(time[N-1:], data_masked[N-1:], 'rs', label='data red')
#            plt.plot(time, data_filt_dt, label='data_filt_dt')
            plt.plot(time, data_masked_dt, 'm', label='data\_masked\_dt',
            print 'saving plt_progress:',
            print self.figpath+'filter_design_progress.png'

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # check if we have had sane filtering
        # -------------------------------------------------

        print 'data      :', data.shape
        print 'data_trim :', data_trim.shape
        print 'trim ratio:', len(data)/len(data_trim)

        # there should be at least one True value
        assert staircase_i.any()
        # they can't all be True, than filtering is too heavy
        if len(data_trim) < len(data)*0.01:
            msg = 'dt_treshold is too low, not enough data left'
            raise ValueError, msg
        # if no data is filtered at all, filtering is too conservative
        elif len(data_trim) > len(data)*0.95:
            msg = 'dt_treshold is too high, too much data left'
            raise ValueError, msg
        # if the data array is too big, abort on memory concerns
        if len(data_trim) > 200000:
            msg = 'too much data points for stair case analysis (cfr memory)'
            raise ValueError, msg

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # read the average value over each stair (time and data)
        # ------------------------------------------------
            ##np.save('time_trim', time_trim)
            ##np.save('data_trim', data_trim)
            ##np.save('staircase_arg', staircase_arg)
            ##tmp = np.array([self.points_per_stair, self.stair_step_tresh])
            ##np.save('tmp', tmp)
            #data_ordered, time_stair, data_stair, arg_stair \
                #= cython_func.order_staircase(time_trim, data_trim,
                #staircase_arg, self.points_per_stair, self.stair_step_tresh)
        #except ImportError:
        data_ordered, time_stair, data_stair, arg_stair \
            = self.order_staircase(time_trim, data_trim, staircase_arg)

        # convert the arg_stair to a flat set and replace start/stop pairs
        # with all indices in between. Now we can select all stair values
        # in the raw dataset
        arg_st_fl = np.empty(data_raw.shape, dtype=np.int)
        i = 0
        for k in range(arg_stair.shape[1]):
            #print '%6i %6i' % (arg_stair[0,k],arg_stair[1,k])
            tmp = np.arange(arg_stair[0,k], arg_stair[1,k]+1, 1, dtype=np.int)
            #print tmp, '->', i, ':', i+len(tmp)
            arg_st_fl[i:i+len(tmp)] = tmp
            i += len(tmp)
        # remove the unused elements from the array
        arg_st_fl = arg_st_fl[:i]

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # plotting of smoothen signal and stairs
        # -------------------------------------------------
        ax1 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, 2)
        ax1.plot(time, data, label='data smooth', alpha=0.6)
        # add the results of the filtering technique

        ax1.plot(time[N-1:], data_masked[N-1:], 'r', label='data masked')
#        ax1.plot(time[N-1:], data_filt[N-1:], 'g', label='data_filt')
        # also include the selected chair data
        figlabel = '%i stairs' % data_stair.shape[0]
        ax1.plot(time_stair, data_stair, 'ko', label=figlabel, alpha=0.4)
        # the legend, on or off?
        #leg1 = ax1.legend(loc='upper left')
        # -------------------------------------------------
        # plotting derivatives on right axis
        # -------------------------------------------------
        ax1b = ax1.twinx()
#        ax1b.plot(time[N:]-delay,data_s_dt[N:],alpha=0.2,label='data_s_dt')
        ax1b.plot(time[N:], data_filt_dt[N:], 'r', alpha=0.35,
        majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%8.1e')
#        ax1b.plot(time[N:], data_masked_dt[N:], 'b', alpha=0.2,
#                  label='data_masked_dt')
#        ax1b.plot(time[N-1:]-delay, filtered_x_dt[N-1:], alpha=0.2)
#        leg1b = ax1b.legend(loc='best')
#        leg1b.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5)
#        ax1b.grid(True)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # 3th plot to check if the raw chair signal is ok
        # -------------------------------------------------

        ax1 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, 3)
        ax1.plot(time[arg_st_fl], data_raw[arg_st_fl], 'k+', label='rawstair',
        ax1.plot(time[N-1:], data_masked[N-1:], 'r', label='data masked')
        ax1.set_xlabel('time [s]')

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # the power spectral density
        # -------------------------------------------------
#        ax3 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, 3)
#        Pxx, freqs = ax3.psd(data, Fs=sample_rate, label='data smooth')
##        Pxx, freqs = ax3.psd(data_dt, Fs=sample_rate, label='data_dt')
##        Pxx, freqs = ax3.psd(data_filt_dt[N-1:], Fs=sample_rate,
##                             label='data_filt_dt')
#        ax3.legend()
##        print Pxx.shape, freqs.shape


        # -------------------------------------------------
        # get amplitudes of the stair edges
        # -------------------------------------------------

#        # max step
#        data_trim_dt_sort = data_trim_dt.sort()[0]
#        # estimate at what kind of a delta we are looking for when changing
#        # stairs
#        data_dt_std = data_trim_dt.std()
#        data_dt_mean = (np.abs(data_trim_dt)).mean()
#        time_data_dt = np.transpose(np.array([time, data_filt_dt]))
#        data_filt_dt_amps = HawcPy.dynprop().amplitudes(time_data_dt, h=1e-3)
#        print '=== nr amplitudes'
#        print len(data_filt_dt_amps)
#        print data_filt_dt_amps

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # save the data
        # -------------------------------------------------

        filename = runid + '-time_stair'
        np.savetxt(self.pprpath + filename, time_stair)
        filename = runid + '-data_stair'
        np.savetxt(self.pprpath + filename, data_stair)

        # in order to maintain backwards compatibility, save the arguments
        # of the stair to self
        self.arg_st_fl = arg_st_fl # flat, contains all indices on the stairs
        # start/stop indeces for stair k = arg_stair[0,k], arg_stair[1,k]
        self.arg_stair = arg_stair

        return time_stair, data_stair
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def scipy_example(self, time, data, sample_rate=None):
        Example from the SciPy Cookboock, see


        if not sample_rate:
            sample_rate = calc_sample_rate(time)

        # ------------------------------------------------
        # Create a FIR filter and apply it to data[:,channel]
        # ------------------------------------------------

        # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
        nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0

        # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
        # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
        # with a 5 Hz transition width.
        width = 5.0 / nyq_rate

        # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
        ripple_db = 60.0

        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = sp.signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

        # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
        cutoff_hz = 10.0

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        taps = sp.signal.firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=("kaiser", beta))

        # Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
        filtered_x = sp.signal.lfilter(taps, 1.0, data)

        # ------------------------------------------------
        # Setup the figure parameters
        # ------------------------------------------------
        figpath = "processing/"
        figfile = "filterdesign"

        plot = plotting.A4Tuned()
        plot.setup(figpath + figfile, nr_plots=3, grandtitle=figfile, figsize_y=20, wsleft_cm=2.0)

        # ------------------------------------------------
        # Plot the FIR filter coefficients.
        # ------------------------------------------------
        plot_nr = 1
        ax1 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, plot_nr)
        ax1.plot(taps, "bo-", linewidth=2)
        ax1.set_title("Filter Coefficients (%d taps)" % N)

        # ------------------------------------------------
        # Plot the magnitude response of the filter.
        # ------------------------------------------------

        plot_nr += 1
        ax2 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, plot_nr)

        w, h = sp.signal.freqz(taps, worN=8000)
        ax2.plot((w / np.pi) * nyq_rate, np.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
        ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
        ax2.set_title("Frequency Response")
        ax2.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
        #        ax2.grid(True)

        # in order to place the nex axes inside following figure, first
        # determine the ax2 bounding box
        # points: a 2x2 numpy array of the form [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]
        ax2box = ax2.get_window_extent().get_points()
        # seems to be expressed in pixels so convert to relative coordinates
        #        print ax2box
        # figure size in pixels
        figsize_x_pix = plot.figsize_x * plot.dpi
        figsize_y_pix = plot.figsize_y * plot.dpi
        # ax2 box in relative coordinates
        ax2box[:, 0] = ax2box[:, 0] / figsize_x_pix
        ax2box[:, 1] = ax2box[:, 1] / figsize_y_pix
        #        print ax2box[0,0], ax2box[1,0], ax2box[0,1], ax2box[1,1]
        # left position new box at 10% of x1
        left = ax2box[0, 0] + ((ax2box[1, 0] - ax2box[0, 0]) * 0.15)
        bottom = ax2box[0, 1] + ((ax2box[1, 1] - ax2box[0, 1]) * 0.30)  # x2
        width = (ax2box[1, 0] - ax2box[0, 0]) * 0.35
        height = (ax2box[1, 1] - ax2box[0, 1]) * 0.6
        #        print [left, bottom, width, height]

        # left inset plot.
        # [left, bottom, width, height]
        #        ax2a = plot.fig.add_axes([0.42, 0.6, .45, .25])
        ax2a = plot.fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
        ax2a.plot((w / np.pi) * nyq_rate, np.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
        ax2a.set_xlim(0, 8.0)
        ax2a.set_ylim(0.9985, 1.001)

        # right inset plot
        left = ax2box[0, 0] + ((ax2box[1, 0] - ax2box[0, 0]) * 0.62)
        bottom = ax2box[0, 1] + ((ax2box[1, 1] - ax2box[0, 1]) * 0.30)  # x2
        width = (ax2box[1, 0] - ax2box[0, 0]) * 0.35
        height = (ax2box[1, 1] - ax2box[0, 1]) * 0.6

        # Lower inset plot
        #        ax2b = plot.fig.add_axes([0.42, 0.25, .45, .25])
        ax2b = plot.fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height])
        ax2b.plot((w / np.pi) * nyq_rate, np.absolute(h), linewidth=2)
        ax2b.set_xlim(12.0, 20.0)
        ax2b.set_ylim(0.0, 0.0025)

        # ------------------------------------------------
        # Plot the original and filtered signals.
        # ------------------------------------------------

        # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
        delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / sample_rate

        plot_nr += 1
        ax3 = plot.fig.add_subplot(plot.nr_rows, plot.nr_cols, plot_nr)
        # Plot the original signal.
        ax3.plot(time, data, label="original signal")
        # Plot the filtered signal, shifted to compensate for the phase delay.
        ax3.plot(time - delay, filtered_x, "r-", label="filtered signal")
        # Plot just the "good" part of the filtered signal.  The first N-1
        # samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions.
        ax3.plot(time[N - 1 :] - delay, filtered_x[N - 1 :], "g", linewidth=4)


Ejemplo n.º 5
    def fir(self, time, data, **kwargs):
        Based on the xxample from the SciPy cook boock, see


        time : ndarray(n)

        data : ndarray(n)

        plot : boolean, default=False

        figpath : str, default=False

        figfile : str, default=False

        sample_rate : int, default=None
            If None, sample rate will be calculated from the given signal

        freq_trans_width : float, default=1
            The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
            relative to the Nyquist rate.

        ripple_db : float, default=10
            The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.

        cutoff_hz : float, default=10
            Frequencies above cutoff_hz are filtered out


        filtered_x : ndarray(n - (N-1))
            filtered signal

        N : float
            order of the firwin filter

        delay : float
            phase delay due to the filtering process


        plot = kwargs.get("plot", False)
        figpath = kwargs.get("figpath", False)
        figfile = kwargs.get("figfile", False)

        sample_rate = kwargs.get("sample_rate", None)
        # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
        # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
        # with a 5 Hz transition width.
        freq_trans_width = kwargs.get("freq_trans_width", 1)

        # The desired attenuation in the stop band, in dB.
        ripple_db = kwargs.get("ripple_db", 10)

        # The cutoff frequency of the filter.
        cutoff_hz = kwargs.get("cutoff_hz", 10)


        if not sample_rate:
            sample_rate = calc_sample_rate(time)

        # ------------------------------------------------
        # Create a FIR filter and apply it to data[:,channel]
        # ------------------------------------------------

        # The Nyquist rate of the signal.
        nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.0

        # The desired width of the transition from pass to stop,
        # relative to the Nyquist rate.  We'll design the filter
        # with a 5 Hz transition width.
        width = freq_trans_width / nyq_rate

        # Compute the order and Kaiser parameter for the FIR filter.
        N, beta = sp.signal.kaiserord(ripple_db, width)

        # Use firwin with a Kaiser window to create a lowpass FIR filter.
        taps = sp.signal.firwin(N, cutoff_hz / nyq_rate, window=("kaiser", beta))

        # Use lfilter to filter x with the FIR filter.
        filtered_x = sp.signal.lfilter(taps, 1.0, data)

        # The phase delay of the filtered signal.
        delay = 0.5 * (N - 1) / sample_rate

        #        # the filtered signal, shifted to compensate for the phase delay.
        #        time_shifted = time-delay
        #        # the "good" part of the filtered signal.  The first N-1
        #        # samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions.
        #        time_good = time[N-1:] - delay

        if plot:
            self.plot_fir(figpath, figfile, time, data, filtered_x, N, delay, sample_rate, taps, nyq_rate)

        return filtered_x, N, delay