Ejemplo n.º 1
def bench2():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench2()[0]
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Integer numbers: '3^1000001 * 19^100001

    desc = """Some basic arithmetic with very large Integer numbers: '3^1000001 * 19^100001"""
    t = cputime()
    a = ZZ(3)**1000001 * ZZ(19)**100001
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bench3():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench3()[0]
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Rational numbers: '(2/3)^100001 * (17/19)^100001

    desc = """Some basic arithmetic with very large Rational numbers: '(2/3)^100001 * (17/19)^100001"""
    t = cputime()
    a = QQ('2/3')**100001 * QQ('17/19')**100001
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def bench3():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench3()[0]
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Rational numbers: '(2/3)^100001 * (17/19)^100001

    desc = """Some basic arithmetic with very large Rational numbers: '(2/3)^100001 * (17/19)^100001"""
    t = cputime()
    a = QQ('2/3')**100001 * QQ('17/19')**100001
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bench2():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench2()[0]
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Integer numbers: '3^1000001 * 19^100001

    desc = """Some basic arithmetic with very large Integer numbers: '3^1000001 * 19^100001"""
    t = cputime()
    a = ZZ(3)**1000001 * ZZ(19)**100001
    return (desc, cputime(t))    
Ejemplo n.º 5
def bench1():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench1()[0]
        Find the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve 5077A using mwrank

    desc = """Find the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve 5077A using mwrank"""
    E = mwrank_EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -7, 6])
    t = cputime()
    g = E.gens()
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bench7():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench7()[0]
        Compute the Mordell-Weil group of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997.

    desc = """Compute the Mordell-Weil group of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997."""
    E = EllipticCurve([0,0,0,37,-997])
    t = cputime()    
    G = E.gens()
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def bench7():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench7()[0]
        Compute the Mordell-Weil group of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997.

    desc = """Compute the Mordell-Weil group of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997."""
    E = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 0, 37, -997])
    t = cputime()
    G = E.gens()
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def bench1():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench1()[0]
        Find the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve 5077A using mwrank

    desc = """Find the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve 5077A using mwrank"""
    E = mwrank_EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -7, 6])
    t = cputime()
    g = E.gens()
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def bench6():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench6()[0]
        Compute the p-division polynomials of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997 for primes p < 40.

    desc = """Compute the p-division polynomials of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997 for primes p < 40."""
    E = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 0, 37, -997])
    t = cputime()
    for p in [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37]:
        f = E.division_polynomial(p)
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def bench5():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench5()[0]
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^19 - 18*x + 1)^50 one hundred times.

    desc = """Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^19 - 18*x + 1)^50 one hundred times."""
    x = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x').gen()
    t = cputime()
    f = x**19 - 18 * x + 1
    w = [f**50 for _ in range(100)]
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def bench4():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench4()[0]
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^29+17*x-5)^200.

    desc = """Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^29+17*x-5)^200."""
    x = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x').gen()
    t = cputime()
    f = x**29 + 17 * x - 5
    a = f**200
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def bench6():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench6()[0]
        Compute the p-division polynomials of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997 for primes p < 40.

    desc = """Compute the p-division polynomials of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997 for primes p < 40."""
    E = EllipticCurve([0,0,0,37,-997])
    t = cputime()    
    for p in [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37]:
        f = E.division_polynomial(p)
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def bench5():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench5()[0]
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^19 - 18*x + 1)^50 one hundred times.

    desc = """Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^19 - 18*x + 1)^50 one hundred times."""
    x = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x').gen()
    t = cputime()
    f = x**19 - 18*x + 1
    w = [f**50 for _ in range(100)]
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def bench4():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench4()[0]
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^29+17*x-5)^200.

    desc = """Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^29+17*x-5)^200."""
    x = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x').gen()
    t = cputime()
    f = x**29 + 17*x-5
    a = f**200
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def bench0():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench0()[0]  
        Benchmark 0: Factor the following polynomial over
            the rational numbers: (x^97+19*x+1)*(x^103-19*x^97+14)*(x^100-1)

    desc = """Benchmark 0: Factor the following polynomial over
    the rational numbers: (x^97+19*x+1)*(x^103-19*x^97+14)*(x^100-1)"""
    x = polygen(QQ,"x")
    f = (x**97+19*x+1)*(x**103-19*x**97+14)*(x**100-1)
    t = cputime()
    F = f.factor()
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def bench0():
    Run a benchmark.

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: print bench0()[0]  
        Benchmark 0: Factor the following polynomial over
            the rational numbers: (x^97+19*x+1)*(x^103-19*x^97+14)*(x^100-1)

    desc = """Benchmark 0: Factor the following polynomial over
    the rational numbers: (x^97+19*x+1)*(x^103-19*x^97+14)*(x^100-1)"""
    x = polygen(QQ, "x")
    f = (x**97 + 19 * x + 1) * (x**103 - 19 * x**97 + 14) * (x**100 - 1)
    t = cputime()
    F = f.factor()
    return (desc, cputime(t))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def run(self, context):
     lastCheckpoint = misc.cputime()
     shouldStop = False
     while not shouldStop:
         if context.iteration >= self.maxIterations:
             print >> context.log, 'maximum number of iterations reached.'
         print >> context.log, 'iteration: %s' % context.iteration
             shouldStop = self.iterate(context)
             import traceback
             print >> context.log, 'iteration failed.'
         if ((self.checkpointInterval) and
             (misc.cputime() > lastCheckpoint + self.checkpointInterval)):
             lastCheckpoint = misc.cputime()
         context.iteration += 1
         print >> context.log
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def run(self, context):
     lastCheckpoint = misc.cputime()
     shouldStop = False
     while not shouldStop:
         if context.iteration >= self.maxIterations:
             print >> context.log, 'maximum number of iterations reached.'
         print >> context.log, 'iteration: %s' % context.iteration
             shouldStop = self.iterate(context)
         except Exception:
             import traceback
             print >> context.log, 'iteration failed.'
         if ((self.checkpointInterval) and
             (misc.cputime() > lastCheckpoint + self.checkpointInterval)):
             lastCheckpoint = misc.cputime()
         context.iteration += 1
         print >> context.log
Ejemplo n.º 19
def benchmark(n=-1):
    Run a well-chosen range of Sage commands and record the time it
    takes for each to run.

        n -- int (default: -1) the benchmark number; the default
             of -1 runs all the benchmarks.
        list -- summary of timings for each benchmark.
        int -- if n == -1, also return the total time

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: _ = benchmark()
        Running benchmark 0
        Benchmark 0: Factor the following polynomial over
            the rational numbers: (x^97+19*x+1)*(x^103-19*x^97+14)*(x^100-1)
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 1
        Find the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve 5077A using mwrank
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 2
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Integer numbers: '3^1000001 * 19^100001
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 3
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Rational numbers: '(2/3)^100001 * (17/19)^100001
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 4
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^29+17*x-5)^200.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 5
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^19 - 18*x + 1)^50 one hundred times.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 6
        Compute the p-division polynomials of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997 for primes p < 40.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 7
        Compute the Mordell-Weil group of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 8


    if isinstance(n, list):
        t = cputime()
        v = [benchmark(m) for m in n]
        return v, cputime(t)

    if n != -1:
        print "Running benchmark %s"%n
            desc, t = eval("bench%s()"%n)
        except NameError:
            raise RuntimeError, "no benchmark %s"%n        
        print desc
        print "Time: %s seconds"%t        
        return (n, t, desc)

    t = cputime()
    m = 0
    v = []
    while True:
            m += 1
        except RuntimeError:
    return v, cputime(t)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def benchmark(n=-1):
    Run a well-chosen range of Sage commands and record the time it
    takes for each to run.

        n -- int (default: -1) the benchmark number; the default
             of -1 runs all the benchmarks.
        list -- summary of timings for each benchmark.
        int -- if n == -1, also return the total time

        sage: from sage.misc.benchmark import *
        sage: _ = benchmark()
        Running benchmark 0
        Benchmark 0: Factor the following polynomial over
            the rational numbers: (x^97+19*x+1)*(x^103-19*x^97+14)*(x^100-1)
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 1
        Find the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve 5077A using mwrank
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 2
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Integer numbers: '3^1000001 * 19^100001
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 3
        Some basic arithmetic with very large Rational numbers: '(2/3)^100001 * (17/19)^100001
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 4
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^29+17*x-5)^200.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 5
        Rational polynomial arithmetic using Sage. Compute (x^19 - 18*x + 1)^50 one hundred times.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 6
        Compute the p-division polynomials of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997 for primes p < 40.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 7
        Compute the Mordell-Weil group of y^2 = x^3 + 37*x - 997.
        Time: ... seconds
        Running benchmark 8


    if isinstance(n, list):
        t = cputime()
        v = [benchmark(m) for m in n]
        return v, cputime(t)

    if n != -1:
        print "Running benchmark %s" % n
            desc, t = eval("bench%s()" % n)
        except NameError:
            raise RuntimeError, "no benchmark %s" % n
        print desc
        print "Time: %s seconds" % t
        return (n, t, desc)

    t = cputime()
    m = 0
    v = []
    while True:
            m += 1
        except RuntimeError:
    return v, cputime(t)