Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _list_records__fetch_records(self, zone_id):
        """Returns all available records on a specific zone. """

        # Try to get the list of DNS records under a specific zone from
        # the provider API.
        # We cannot call list_records() with the zone_id, we need to provide
        # a zone object. We will get that by calling the get_zone() method.
            records = self.connection.get_zone(zone_id).list_records()
            log.info("List records returned %d results for %s.", len(records),
            return records
        except InvalidCredsError as exc:
            log.warning("Invalid creds on running list_recordss on %s: %s",
                        self.cloud, exc)
            raise CloudUnauthorizedError()
        except ssl.SSLError as exc:
            log.error("SSLError on running list_recordss on %s: %s",
                      self.cloud, exc)
            raise CloudUnavailableError(exc=exc)
        except ZoneDoesNotExistError as exc:
            log.warning("No zone found for %s in: %s ", zone_id, self.cloud)
            raise ZoneNotFoundError(exc=exc)
        except Exception as exc:
            log.exception("Error while running list_records on %s", self.cloud)
            raise CloudUnavailableError(exc=exc)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _create_record__for_zone(self, zone, **kwargs):
     This is the private method called to create a record under a specific
     zone. The underlying functionality is implement in the same way for
     all available providers so there shouldn't be any reason to override
         zone = self.connection.get_zone(zone.zone_id)
         record = zone.create_record(**kwargs)
         log.info("Type %s record created successfully for %s.",
                  record.type, self.cloud)
         return record
     except InvalidCredsError as exc:
         log.warning("Invalid creds on running create_record on %s: %s",
                     self.cloud, exc)
         raise CloudUnauthorizedError()
     except ssl.SSLError as exc:
         log.error("SSLError on running create_record on %s: %s",
                   self.cloud, exc)
         raise CloudUnavailableError(exc=exc)
     except ZoneDoesNotExistError as exc:
         log.warning("No zone found for %s in: %s ", zone.zone_id,
         raise ZoneNotFoundError(exc=exc)
     except Exception as exc:
         log.exception("Error while running create_record on %s",
         raise RecordCreationError(
             "Failed to create record, "
             "got error: %s" % exc, exc)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _delete_zone__for_cloud(self, zone_id):
     We use the zone id to retrieve and delete it for this cloud.
     except ZoneDoesNotExistError as exc:
         log.warning("No zone found for %s in: %s ", zone_id, self.cloud)
         raise ZoneNotFoundError(exc=exc)
     except Exception as exc:
         log.exception("Error while running delete_zone on %s", self.cloud)
         raise CloudUnavailableError("Failed to delete zone: %s " % exc)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _delete_record__from_id(self, zone_id, record_id):
     We use the zone and record ids to delete the specific record under the
     specified zone.
         self.connection.get_record(zone_id, record_id).delete()
     except ZoneDoesNotExistError as exc:
         log.warning("No zone found for %s in: %s ", zone_id, self.cloud)
         raise ZoneNotFoundError(exc=exc)
     except RecordDoesNotExistError as exc:
         log.warning("No record found for id: %s under zone %s", record_id,
         raise RecordNotFoundError(exc=exc)
     except Exception as exc:
         log.exception("Error while running delete_record on %s",
         raise CloudUnavailableError(exc=exc)