def model_mil(train_bags, train_labels, test_bags, test_labels): start_time = classifiers = {} classifiers['MissSVM'] = misvm.MissSVM(kernel='linear', C=1.0, max_iters=20) classifiers['sbMIL'] = misvm.sbMIL(kernel='linear', eta=0.1, C=1e2) classifiers['SIL'] = misvm.SIL(kernel='linear', C=1.0) # Train/Evaluate classifiers perf = {} for algorithm, classifier in classifiers.items():, train_labels) predictions = classifier.predict(test_bags) if algorithm == 'sbMIL' or algorithm == 'MissSVM': predictions = np.sign(predictions) + 1 [[TN, FP], [FN, TP]] = confusion_matrix(test_labels, predictions) FDR = TP / (TP + FN) FAR = FP / (TN + FP) perf[algorithm] = {'FDR': FDR, 'FAR': FAR} print '[%s]algorithm %s done...' % (time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time())), algorithm) print '[%s]%s done for %d seconds...' % (time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time())), sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, ( - start_time).seconds) return perf
def main(): # Load list of C4.5 Examples example_set = parse_c45('musk1') table = re.findall(r"<(.*)>", str(example_set)) output.write(str(example_set)) print(len(table)) print(table) # Get stats to normalize data raw_data = np.array(example_set.to_float()) data_mean = np.average(raw_data, axis=0) data_std = np.std(raw_data, axis=0) data_std[np.nonzero(data_std == 0.0)] = 1.0 def normalizer(ex): ex = np.array(ex) normed = ((ex - data_mean) / data_std) # The ...[:, 2:-1] removes first two columns and last column, # which are the bag/instance ids and class label, as part of the # normalization process return normed[2:-1] # Group examples into bags bagset = bag_set(example_set) # Convert bags to NumPy arrays bags = [np.array(b.to_float(normalizer)) for b in bagset] labels = np.array([b.label for b in bagset], dtype=float) # Convert 0/1 labels to -1/1 labels labels = 2 * labels - 1 # Spilt dataset arbitrarily to train/test sets train_bags = bags[10:] train_labels = labels[10:] test_bags = bags[:10] test_labels = labels[:10] # Construct classifiers classifiers = {} classifiers['MissSVM'] = misvm.MissSVM(kernel='linear', C=1.0, max_iters=20) classifiers['sbMIL'] = misvm.sbMIL(kernel='linear', eta=0.1, C=1e2) classifiers['SIL'] = misvm.SIL(kernel='linear', C=1.0) # Train/Evaluate classifiers accuracies = {} for algorithm, classifier in classifiers.items():, train_labels) predictions = classifier.predict(test_bags) accuracies[algorithm] = np.average(test_labels == np.sign(predictions)) for algorithm, accuracy in accuracies.items(): print('\n%s Accuracy: %.1f%%' % (algorithm, 100 * accuracy)) output.write('\n%s Accuracy: %.1f%%' % (algorithm, 100 * accuracy))
def train(self, dataset, labels): self.SVMs = [] index = 0 glob_start = time.time() for label in np.transpose(labels): start = time.time() classifier = misvm.SIL(kernel='linear', C=1.0) # classifier = misvm.MISVM(kernel='linear', C=1.0, max_iters=20) # classifier = misvm.miSVM(kernel='linear', C=1.0, max_iters=20), np.array(label)) self.SVMs.append(classifier) index += 1 print "Trained " + str(index) + " of " + str( len(np.transpose(labels))) + " in " + str( int(time.time()) - int(start)) + " sec" print "It took " + str( (int(time.time()) - int(glob_start)) / 60) + " minutes"
def misvm_classify(verbose, output, vectors, labels): # perform the actual misvm classification if verbose: print "Creating train and test bags and labels..." bags = [numpy.array(vectors[v], dtype=float) for v in vectors] # numpy-format matrix for use in misvm labels = numpy.array([labels[l] for l in labels], dtype=float) # numpy-format labels for use in misvm # Spilt dataset into train and test sets train_bags = [] train_labels = [] test_bags = [] test_labels = [] for i in range(len(labels)): if i % 2 == 0: train_bags.append(bags[i]) train_labels.append(labels[i]) else: test_bags.append(bags[i]) test_labels.append(labels[i]) if verbose: print "MISVM Classifying..." if output != 'NONE': sys.stdout = open(output, 'w') # establish classifiers classifiers = { 'sbMIL': misvm.sbMIL(kernel='rbf', eta=0.1, C=1.0), 'SIL': misvm.SIL(kernel='rbf', C=1.0), 'MISVM': misvm.MISVM(kernel='rbf', C=1.0, max_iters=100), } # Train/Evaluate classifiers accuracies = {} for algorithm, classifier in classifiers.items():, train_labels) predictions = classifier.predict(test_bags) accuracies[algorithm] = numpy.average( test_labels == numpy.sign(predictions)) for algorithm, accuracy in accuracies.items(): print '\n%s Accuracy: %.1f%%' % (algorithm, 100 * accuracy) if output != 'NONE': sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # reset stdout to normal
def main(): # Load list of C4.5 Examples example_set = parse_c45('musk1') # Group examples into bags bagset = bag_set(example_set) # Convert bags to NumPy arrays # (The ...[:, 2:-1] removes first two columns and last column, # which are the bag/instance ids and class label) bags = [np.array(b.to_float())[:, 2:-1] for b in bagset] labels = np.array([b.label for b in bagset], dtype=float) # Convert 0/1 labels to -1/1 labels labels = 2 * labels - 1 # Spilt dataset arbitrarily to train/test sets train_bags = bags[10:] train_labels = labels[10:] test_bags = bags[:10] test_labels = labels[:10] # Construct classifiers classifiers = {} classifiers['MissSVM'] = misvm.MissSVM(kernel='linear', C=1.0, max_iters=10) classifiers['sbMIL'] = misvm.sbMIL(kernel='linear', eta=0.1, C=1.0) classifiers['SIL'] = misvm.SIL(kernel='linear', C=1.0) # Train/Evaluate classifiers accuracies = {} for algorithm, classifier in classifiers.items():, train_labels) predictions = classifier.predict(test_bags) accuracies[algorithm] = np.average(test_labels == np.sign(predictions)) for algorithm, accuracy in accuracies.items(): print('\n%s Accuracy: %.1f%%' % (algorithm, 100 * accuracy))