def pv1_calc(v,b,x,z,w = None): """pv1_calc(dgl) calculates pv1 from vz and b_x""" zlen = len(z) vz = n2_calc(v,z) #This is below the v-point vz = 0.5*(np.roll(vz,1,axis=1) + vz) #This is at the lower-left cell corner bx = mit.ddx(b,x) #This is on u-points bx = 0.5*(bx[:,:,0:zlen-1] + bx[:,:,1:zlen]) #This is below u-points bx = 0.5*(np.roll(bx,1,0) + bx) #This is at the lower-left cell corner w_exists = isinstance(w, np.ndarray) if not w_exists: pv1 = (-vz)*bx else: wy = mit.ddy(w,y) #This is below tracer points wy = mit.four_cell_average(wy) #This is at the lower-left cell corner pv1 = (wy-vz)*bx return pv1
def vbyz(dgl): """Calculate the effect on stratification of differential meridional buoyancy fluxes""" #First ensure that the correct vertical field is present fld_exists = mit.check_field(dgl,'pvz') if not fld_exists: dgl = mit.add_field(dgl,'pvz') zlen = len(dgl[0]['z']) dgl[0]['pvz'] = 0.5*(dgl[0]['z'][0:zlen-1] + dgl[0]['z'][1:zlen]) import eosmit #This routine checks if buoyancy is already loaded before running eos = 'jmd' dgl = eosmit.buoy_dgl(dgl,eos=eos) fld_exists = mit.check_field(dgl,'vbxz') if not fld_exists: dgl = mit.add_field(dgl,'vbyz') dgl[0]['vbyz'] = dgl[0]['v']*mit.ddy(dgl[0]['b'],dgl[0]['y']) return dgl
def pv2_calc(u,b,y,z,w = None): """pv2(dgl) calculates pv2 from uz and b_y""" zlen = len(z) uz = n2_calc(u,z) #This is below u-points uz = 0.5*(np.roll(uz,1,0) + uz) #This is at the lower-left cell corner by = mit.ddy(b,y) #This is at v-points by = 0.5*(by[:,:,0:zlen-1] + by[:,:,1:zlen]) #This is below v-points by = 0.5*(np.roll(by,1,1) + by) #This is at the lower-left cell corner w_exists = isinstance(w, np.ndarray) if not w_exists: pv2 = (uz)*by else: wx = mit.ddx(w,x) #This is below the lower-left hand corner pv2 = (uz-wx)*by return pv2
def rib_calc(b,f,x,y,z): """rib_calc(b,f,xy,,z) caclulate the balanced Richardson number fN^2 |/nabla b|^2/f""" zlen = len(z) n2 = n2p(b,z) #This is at the lower-left cell corner bx = mit.ddx(b,x) #This is on u-points bx = 0.5*(bx[:,:,0:zlen-1] + bx[:,:,1:zlen]) #This is below u-points bx = 0.5*(np.roll(bx,1,0) + bx) #This is at the lower-left cell corner by = mit.ddy(b,y) #This is at v-points by = 0.5*(by[:,:,0:zlen-1] + by[:,:,1:zlen]) #This is below v-points by = 0.5*(np.roll(by,1,1) + by) #This is at the lower-left cell corner #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #fig, ax = plt.subplots() #cm = ax.pcolormesh(n2[:,0,:]) #cbar = plt.colorbar(cm) grad_b_squared = bx**2 + by**2 rib = (f**2) * n2/grad_b_squared return rib